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    15 November 2012, Volume 33 Issue 6
    Shencongwen Studies
    On the Gender Issue and the Ethics of Ethnic Minorities in the Novel The Border Town
    YANG Yu-Zhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  1-5. 
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    The basic point for thenovel The Border Town in reshaping the image of China is to emphasize the ethnic ethic,starting from the gender narration.The imbalanced natural gender issue,emptied and distorted social gender notion and the heroines love tragic which connected to the historical,cultural and national changes have resulted in the special social gender of the nation.The author put his own association of nation and self in the gender relations of this novel,implying the cultural logics of “internal Orientals”.
    On Shen Congwen’s Imagination of Border Region Military and ROC Gan Military Culture
    LUO Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  6-13. 
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    The impact of the Xiangxi geographical culture on Shen Congwen’s literary derives not only from the local natural conditions and folk customs,but also from the historical and cultural environment of the Republic of western Hunan.Shen Congwen’s creation of military works and the Xiangxi military culture are also closely linked.The three main characters of the ROC Xiangxi military culture (martial tradition,ranger tradition as well as the vagrant consciousness) are specifically exhibited in Shen Congwen’s works.Shen Congwen got his first acknowledged social identity (a soldier) by ROC Xiangxi military culture,then obtained a unique perspective on life,finally prompted his unique personal reflection on society and life.
    On Shen Congwen ’s Ethnographical Writing
    HE Xiao-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  14-22. 
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    Shen Congwen’s texts embody two aspects in literature and cultural writings:One was literal texts that expressed his cultural thinking,and the other was ethnographic text written with literary tools.Both of them pointed to the perception towards Xiangxi and its modern urban culture.Two types of text had distinctive ethnographic characteristics.The causes of characteristics of Shen Congwen’s ethnographical writing lied in a combination of internal and external sight in the life experiences which led to his cross-cultural relativism.This was also the inevitable result of Shen Congwen’s stylistic experiments for expressions.The combination between Shen Congwen’s literature creation with the characteristic of ethnographical writing and the characteristic of poetics was the important reason that Shen Congwen’s cultural thought,aesthetic thought,artistic thought and expression were so independent and special in modern Chinese.
    On the State Imagination of Shen CongWen’s Novel Creation from the Context of Concession Colonial Discourse of Shanghai
    REN Xiao-Bing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  23-27. 
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    Shen Congwen’s vivid personal experience of the national humiliation during the period of Shanghai concession makes him embark on identifying himself as a Miao ethnic identity by creating numerous folk novels when he was in Beijing.He rationally realized that he had “rediscovered” the “essential identity”.He restored his Miao descent which once clouded its history,held a positive attitude towards his identity and pushed his stance to the forefront of history.His works center on memories of Miao history,folklore,fairy tales,religious activities,folk songs of love and marriage,hunting,dragon boat races,venomous insects,vicious magic,Luo Dong and other folk customs.His works also contribute to restructuring ethnic cultures of Miao people being kind,virtuous,pure and honest,creating the cognition of collective memory for the whole nationality and fulfilling the acknowledgement of the imaginative construction of the great Chinese nation.
    The Theory and Practice of Shen Congwen’s Material Culture Research and the Triple Evidence Law
    ZHANG Xin, LI Jian-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  28-33. 
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    The triple evidence law which combines literature handed down from ancient times,unearthed literature and unearthed cultural relics has gained wide acknowledgement in the area of research on traditional culture.Shen Congwen is undoubtedly one of the advocators and practitioners of the triple evidence law since he turned from literature to cultural relics.He not only expounded the necessity of combining literature study and cultural relic study,but also became adept at scoring magnificent achievements in literature study and cultural relic study by using this method.He further illustrated the ways to do in-depth studies and cultivate talents.Shen Congwen’s glorious achievements in literature overshadow his excellence in material culture study.Future studies on him should restore his true identity and historical status as a historian.
    Ironies in the Novel Fengzi
    JIAO Shi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  34-42. 
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    In his novel Fengzi,Shen Congwen eradicated the foundation,cultural presupposition,material possibility and ultimate purpose for seclusion,making it possible to realize.Shen’s seclusion,characterized by irony,should be interpreted as seclusion of philosophical and mysterious sense.All his reflections totally changed after they were attached with irony.His ironic detachment was partial with respect to the through and serious detachment.In addition,this was a dual detachment:on the one hand,the author never lacked a civilian and political sense,yet it was not a kind of worship;on other hand,the tensile force of life and the relativization of knowledge had prevented him from turning into mysticism.Characters in Shen Congwen’s novels did not escape;they just lived in reality.Fundamentally,Shen had relativized an era characterized by extremism.
    On Aristotle’s Continence Concept
    ZHANG Chuan-You, ZHOU Hui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  43-48. 
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    Continence is an important conception in Aristotle’s ethics.Aristotle held that continence is a moderate disposition between the virtue and the vice,and it acts as a transition for man to reach the virtue.In Book Vll of the Nieomachean Ethics,Aristotle’s discussions of continence in response to Socrates “ akratic actions are impossible” view as the main line,mainly related to the relations between continence and knowledge,incontinence,temperance and practice.He solved the problem of continence and incontinence in analyzing knowledge,and emphasized the relations between continence on the one hand,and temperance and practical wisdom on the other.In this paper,I try to sort out the nature and definition of continence,and illustrates the continence is a good character that follow the right logos relying on reason,which could make us achieve the virtue of temperance by habit,and lead a happy life in a good polis.
    No Worries for Benevolent Person:On Confucian Issues from the Angle of Virtue Ethics
    LI Yi-Tian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  49-54. 
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    By referring to the basic framework of virtue ethics,we’ll reflect upon the notion of “no worries for benevolent person” and specify the image of morality behaviors and their inner heart.Based on the concerning literature review,through the progressive analysis on “not the worries for benevolent person”,“no worries for benevolent person” and “worries for benevolent person”,we believe that “no worries for benevolent person” is only possible when beyond the life and broad living meanings.By the same token,the benevolent people have to face the choice of lofty levels and real actions unavoidably.Study on “no worries for benevolent person” can not only solidify the features of some ethnics but also enrich the interpretive resources for Chinese tradition.
    On the ConfucianCourtesy,“Self” and Morality Perfection
    LIU Hui-Min, LIU Yu-Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  55-61. 
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    “Self” in Confucius is not only a follower but also an issuer of courtesy.According to Kant’s term in ethics,self in Confucius means to set the law for them.However,due to the fact that Kant denied the intuition of intellect,the concept of “set the law for themselves” can not be realized.While scholars on Confucius actualize this notion by their recognition of the fact that human’s heart is competent and potential in understanding.Thereby,respecting ourselves is a process of perfecting our morality in a dynamic and creative way.This also distinguished the self in Confucius from the self in liberty and Kant’s ethics.
    On the Characteristics and Development of Chinese and Western Philosophy of History
    DENG Hui, TAO Zhuo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  62-70. 
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    As the subjectwas gradually established since modern times,western philosophy of history has its specific meaning and significance.But this does not hinder us to study the ancient and modern philosophy of history,Chinese and foreign in history what has rich and profound historical philosophy.Compared with the western philosophy of history,the Chinese traditional thought is with rich and full-bodied characteristic.Through the historical investigation of Chinese and western philosophy of history,differences between Chinese and western cultural background,historical tradition,etc,have led to their completely different understanding of history and philosophy,and determined the different value of Chinese and western philosophy of history,thus embarking on different development road.
    Determination,Development,and Issues of theElectoral College System in US. Presidential Election
    LI Xiu-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  71-77. 
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    At the 1787 constitutional convention,the founding fathers of the United States designed the Electoral College system.However,this system had some inherent defects,leading to electoral crisis in 1800.The Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution came into existence to avoid the recurrence of the crisis.After more than 200 years,the Electoral College system has changed profoundly,and conflicts have appeared between stipulation of the constitution and the electoral reality.Though it is appealed to abolish this system,so far the Congress has not made a second revision of the system due to various factors.
    Management science
    A Study on the Organization Pattern Selection for Management of the Cars for Public Affairs——From the Perspective of Organizing Structural Theory
    XIE Lai-Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  78-86. 
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    Due to the differences of the characteristics and environment of tasks,the indeterminacy levels of transaction,the number of potential counterparties,the levels of asset specificity and the trading frequency of different kinds of the cars for public affairs are different.Based on these transaction factors of the cars for public affairs,management of the cars for public affairs should synthetically follow the principles of bureaucratic organization,network organization and market organization.Based on the different relationships among the investors,the managers and the users of the cars for public affairs,the management of investment for the cars for public affairs can adopt administrative pattern,social pattern and market pattern.The different combination of the three types of organization and the three patterns of investment management are the fundamental direction for reformation of the classification of management of the cars for public affairs.
    On Red Tape in the Public Administration Field:A Literature Review
    MA Liang, SUN Xiao-Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  87-95. 
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    Red tape refers to the rules,regulations,and procedures that are harmful to organizational performance.Asthe bureaucratic pathology,red tape is harmful to public organization and has been studied extensively in the Western Public Administration field.The construction,measurement,antecedents,and consequences of red tape are reviewed in the paper,in which we outline the future research avenues and agenda.
    On the Chinese Experience of Harmonious Co-Existence of Multi-religious Society
    SUN Hao-Ran
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  96-103. 
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    Religious harmony is an interdependent and sustainable structure based on equality,communication,complementary,understanding,collaboration of over two religions.Religious harmony can be classified as harmony of situation,resources,structure and actions.And its process model can be summarized as “meeting-gathering-permeating-complementing”.The realization of religious harmony asks for the support of policy for faith,the consistence of faith rationality,ethics,identity,background and structure and the complementary of faith functions,the similarity of faith thinking pattern and the sympathy of faith emotions.
    On the Development Mechanism of Western Rural Public Culture from Public Governance Angle
    WU Wen-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  104-109. 
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    Construction of rural public culture is complex system.For the sake of building a pluralistic,democratic,cooperative mode of public administration,it is necessary to strengthen the construction of endogenous mechanisms,improve and promote the building of exogenous mechanisms.Endogenous mechanism and exogenous mechanisms complement and promote each other,forming a long-term mechanism of western rural public cultural development.Thereby,it can solve he problem of China’s western rural public cultural effective inhibition and demand insufficient effectively.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    The Ecological Anthropology Thinking of Firesof Dong Nationality Village and Fire Protection
    LIAO Jun-Xiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  110-116. 
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    There are many conflicts,between the concept of modern fire service,fire fighting measures and Dong Villages cultural traditions.For instance,large settlements,pure huts,the fire hazards are amplified to cause the continued major Dongzhai fire.Fire protection key is to re-adapt and adjust the relationship between the Dong cultural and ecological changes to find a balance between the heritages of tradition and fire safety.
    Poetic Performance in Folk Law:Studies of Terms of Dong
    WANG Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  117-123. 
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    Terms of Dong, an ancient song, which is regarded as stipulations of the Dong people, is a combination of folklore and law. It not only conveys the whole society of Dong like an encyclopeadia but also stands for the inheriting and developing of Dong’s history like a living fossil. Besides, the culture, the law and the narrate method of Terms of Dong indicate that the Dong’s culture is ecological harmonious. The uniqueness and stableness of Dong are based on the unity of opposites, which include the spirit of art and the thoughts of stipulation. Therefore, Terms of Dong has its own compatibility in antagonistic aspects like art and law, emotion and rationality. In a few words, a new way that points out the developing direction of society and art is able to be found in Terms of Dong.
    Political science
    The Inspiration of Marx’s Theory of Spiritual Production on Constructing the Core Value of Socialism
    QI Yu-Shuai, XIA Dong-Min
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  124-127. 
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    Marx’s Theory of Spiritual Production is an organic part of his social development theory which is rather inspirational towards constructing the core value of socialism.Namely,the construction of core value of socialism should focus on the class of the ideology under the guiding principle of Marxism.We should pay attention to the research of social producing method,the rules of our own development and he relations between the unliterary and multilateral perception of value.We should also highlight our own culture and the inheritance of culture with a world-wide value to realize the unity between the world and nationality.
    The System Design for the Equal Education inJanpan and India
    ZHANG Wan-Ming, LIU Wen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  128-133. 
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    Education is with the public utility feature.The government should provide the educational services and undertake theresponsibility of educational equality.Japan has put forward three important educational reforms.And India promoted the compulsory education and implement specific policies in accordance with laws and regulations.In particular,they designed special educational system to provide more educational opportunities to guarantee the educational rights for the citizens for educational equality.The experiences from Japan and India are conducive to the development of Chinese education system.
    Ownership,Totality and Practice——A Philosophical Interpretation of the Marxist Concept of Ownership
    LIU Hai-Jiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  134-140. 
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    Marx’s application of the word “Eigentum” embodies two layers.Ownership means the major content with “totality” and “practice” as two basic features.Among them,ownership indicates that the owners regard the production materials as their own.And totality means that the individual owning of production materials are realized in specific social system.Practice suggests that the individual owning of production materials is a dynamic process of materials production.For private property,the content of ownership evolved into a comparative module between “ownership” and “property”.Ownership at national level symbolizes the universal rights bestowed to citizens and property has become abstract materials owned by individuals in the process of production.
    On the Value Presentation and Generative Mechanism of Tourism Creativity
    LI Qing-Lei, 吕Wen-Yi , WANG Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  141-147. 
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    Tourism is a creative-based industry,and creativity is the initiator of tourism economy,which is important to develop tourism product,cultural tourism park and cultural tourism industry.Analyzing tourism industry chain with smile curve,it is found that the additional value of tourism creativity is mainly embodied in the three steps of research,marketing,and production,relating to creative study,advertisement science,and psychology.Based on knowledge and experience,taking creative thinking as major method,and pre-conditioned by subjective motivation,tourism creativity is mainly manifested with the form of inspiration after the three stages of preparation,brewing,and clarification.
    Dual Incomplete Agent:An Analysis Framework for Risk Controlof Local Government Investment and Financing Platform——New Explanation for Financial Capital and Industrial Capital Separation
    WEN Chun-Hui, LV Zheng , DUAN Xiang-Ji
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  148-156. 
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    Local government financing platforms was the result of incomplete reform of our national tax system;its dual incomplete agentis the main reason for risk production and expansion.Dual incomplete agent of the central government,local government and investment and financing platform resulted in intrinsic motivation to debt expansion of local government investment and financing platform,thereby it covered the essence of debt risk expansion,and further increased the difficulty of risk control,especially in the case of economic stagnation and information asymmetry.So debt risk presented on the trend of extending;the best way to control the risk of local government investing and financing platform was to settle the dual incomplete agency problem from microcosmic and macro perspective to the central government,local government and investing and financing platform.
    On the Nature of Administrative Compensation Proceedings
    ZHAO Bao-Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  157-163. 
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    Thestate’s response to administrative infraction is power infringement.Dividing line between public and private law makes the limits of State authority and the rules governing their functioning serve as the core elements of social justice maintenance.In natural sense,administrative compensation litigation is that the victims through justice organ ask the State for compensation due to their administrative damages.It is the compensation litigation for the victims of public power damage.Actually based on the principles of our national compensation law,such as proof responsibility,and compensation interest’s disposition,we can clearly find out the distinctive features of criminal proceedings from administrative proceedings.Thereby the nature of administrative compensation proceedings should belong to the national civil responsibility.Only by this position can we perceive the shortcomings of the administrative indemnity and find out some solutions for improvement.
    On the Constitutional Protection of the Development Right of the Ethnic Autonomous Region
    LI Xiao-Ding
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  164-172. 
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    In the current China,the major problem facing the ethnic minority groups is the comparative poverty with regional feature.The social rights have limited effect in alleviating this problem in terms of the general help and security.Thereby,enshrinement of bridging the gap of ethnic minority regions into the constitution can boost the autonomous rights of these regions,making it transfer from defensive to organizing function.By doing so,the ethnic minority groups can develop standard cooperative political discussions centering on constitution and enhance the national identity of them through their recognition of constitution from abstract to specific one in the ultimate purpose to actualize the patriotism under constitution.
    On the Change of Women Images in MoYan’s Novels
    SHI Ying
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(6):  173-176. 
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    Generally,images of women inMoyan’s novels transfer from love to desire.Women in his early novels pursue pure love,which gives the readers a sense of beauty.Dai Fenglian is the representative of the women images in his midterm novels,in which the writer expresses his support for women’s total emancipation in the new age.However,the late novels are crowded with female’s physical description and sexual desire.Women have become the sexual aim in man’s eyes,which poses a kind of profanity to women.This is caused by the writer’s aim of catering to the reading market.
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