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    01 March 2018, Volume 39 Issue 2
    Special articles
    Deconstruction of Inter-subjectivity Aesthetic Thought tothe Grace Culture
    YANG Chunshi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  1-7. 
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    The core of Chinese culture,represented by Confucianism,is a concept of grace,which defines interpersonal relationship through the concept of grace-gratitude.Filial piety of family ethics and loyalty of social and political ethics areamong grace concept.On the one hand,it constructs a kind of human society,which slows down the violence,but also shows a power relationship in which the benefactor is dominant to the beneficiary and the beneficiary is dependent upon the benefactor.Chinese aesthetics has the idea of inter-subjectivity,advocating the identity between the subject and the world,including man and nature,and man and man.Therefore,Chinese aesthetics deconstructs the culture of grace by inter-subjectivity.This is embodied in the deconstruction of social relations by natural aesthetics,the deconstruction of ethical concepts by aesthetic awareness,the deconstruction of the relations of power by aesthetic sympathy and so on,which proves the aesthetic transcendence and freedom.
    Computational Social Sciences and the Reconstruction of Academic Discourse System in the Age of Big Data
    LUO Jiaojiang,ZHANG Dongchi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  8-16. 
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    Concept of Data from the Perspective of Computational Social Sciences
    LUO Jun,LI Fengxiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  17-25. 
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    The advent of a data-intensive era marked by big data has providedabundant research materials and new data processing technologies for the empirical research in social sciences,and the computational social sciences have won a major opportunity for development.However,the current confusion and generalization of the concept of big data have led to many cognitive deviations in the data-intensive knowledge discovery and the theories and methods of social sciences.This paper clarifies the definition of big data from the perspective of social sciences by analyzing the nature and characteristics of big data,a new generation of information technology system represented by IoT,non-relational database,cloud computing and artificial intelligence which are closely related to big data,and the relationship between the two.On this basis,according to the status of real data and the level of data processing technology,it illustrates the advantages and limitations of the current data-driven knowledge discovery,the knowledge discovery of bi-direction-driven theoretical data,and the difficulties and breakthrough directions in computational social sciences research.
    Internet Social Science Experiment:A New Approach to Behaviorand Social Studies in the Digital Age
    HAO Long
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  26-34. 
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    Internet social science experiment is a new type of stochastic control experiment method that arises with the digitization of daily life.Taking the Internet space thatnaturally occurs as its field,it scientifically explores and examines the causal mechanism hidden in the online behavior and the Internet phenomena.As a new development of the field experiment method in the digital age,Internet social science experiment follows the basic requirements of the field experiment method such as "theory first","natural occurrence","random grouping","high control" and "external intervention" on the one hand;on the other hand,it also shows some unique characteristics due to the changes of the research object and the experimental environment,including a large-scale,stable and diverse pool of subjects,a large number of sample data breaking through time and space constraints,automation of the experimental process,real-time record of experimental data and view of attention beyond the microscopic individual level.Although this method still has some defects,the existing applications have proved that there is undoubtedly great potential for the development in social science research.
    Research on Social Governance:
    The Indifference and Governance of Academic Misconduct in Institutions of Higher Learning
    YAO Jiali
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  35-41. 
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    Academic misconduct is not only a violation of academic norms and breaches of academic integrity by an individual for academic fame and fortune.From the perspective of indifference,academic misconduct is more of an academic anomie at the group level.It is an external appearance of social and cultural genes such as modernity,traditional culture and human nature in the academic field of higher education.To eradicate academic misconduct,colleges and universities should,in addition to improving and perfecting the academic evaluation system,abandon the superficial administration,eliminate the indifference of academic misconduct,awaken the social conscience of academic scholars and activate the academic subject's academic interest.
    Ecological Logic of Academic Governance in Institutions of Higher Learning:Institutional Guarantee and Environmental Construction
    WANG Muhua,SONG Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  42-48. 
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    System and the academic environment are the important factors that affect the academic and ecological health of colleges and universities.Perfecting the modern university system and building a good academic environment are the important foundations of academic innovation as well as the logical starting point of academic governance in colleges and universities.The constitution of an institution of higher learning is the institutional guarantee of the autonomous schooling status of colleges and universities,and is the inevitable choice to break the system dilemma and the obstacles hindering the practice.On this basis,we should respect the dominant status of teachers as academic creators,establish a scientific and effective academic evaluation system and academic management system,and coordinate the internal logical connections between academic creation,academic evaluation,academic publishing and academic application to form a benign interaction cycle and establish an academic community so that it can operate effectively.Based on the institutional and spiritual environment,we should encourage and stimulate academic innovation and promote the integration of industry,education and research.
    On Academic Misconduct in Institutions of Higher Learning and Its Governance
    CHEN Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  49-56. 
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    As a kind of academic speculation,academic misconduct is a product of power degeneration and alienation in academic activities and also a tension caused by the dislocation of cultural goals and social systems.In this field and space,academic culture has lost its inherent intrinsic value and ethos,and academic rationality can no longer provide sufficient ethical standards of academic responsibility for the academic field as a whole.According to Max Weber's theory of behavioral rationalization theory,academic misconduct is classified according to the standard of "academic research-academic evaluation-academic management",which is conducive to clarifying the academic responsibility of the academicians.Reviewing the governance of academic misconduct in the academic field,there are shortcomings in terms of invalidation of technical means,failure of system implementation and weakness of moral restraint,which fail to ignite the ethical responsibility of the academicians.Based on this,it is necessary to change the train of thought so as to eradicate the chronic illness in institutions of higher learning,taking role-liability-accountability as its axis,cultivating academic people to form a conventional academic ethics contractual spirit which is endogenous to the nature of academics.
    Ecological Environmental Protection Forum:
    The Generation and Solution of NIMBY Conflicts from the Perspective of Environmental Justice
    LIU Hailong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  57-63. 
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    As a kind of social event of environment,NIMBY is directly related to environment rights and interests.Only from the perspective of environmental justice can we get a deep understanding of the causes of NIMBY conflicts,and only when the environmental rights and interests of residents are treated fairly can the scientific management of NIMBY conflicts be realized.The unclear definition of civil environmental rights,the unbalanced distribution of environmental interests and the use of environmental elements are all likely to lead to the occurrence of NIMBY conflicts.In order to prevent the occurrence of NIMBY conflicts,the principle of environmental justice must be applied to the governance.First of all,through a clear realization of civil environmental rights,environmental recognition justice can be achieved and the environment can be used according to law.Secondly,the environmental distributive justice can be realized through the balanced distribution of environmental benefits,and the negative externalities of NIMBY facilities can be eliminated.Finally,through scientific decision-making model,environmental procedural justice can be approached and the occurrence of disputes of environmental rights and interests can be reduced.
    "Absent" or "Present"? Environmental NGOs in NIMBY Conflicts in China——Observation on the Events of the Opposition to the Construction of Garbage Incineration Plants
    TAN Shuang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  64-72. 
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    Whether the environmental NGOs were absent or present in the NIMBY conflicts in China is a controversial issue both in theory and practice.Through continuous observation on and analysis of the actions of five garbage-related NGOs in the events of the opposition to the construction of garbage incineration plants,we may regard that their strategies were both absent and present.On the one hand,different from the western radical environmental NGOs in NIMBY conflicts,they were actually absent in the direct organizing and promoting work in the NIMBY conflicts in a sense,failing to become the leaders and promoters in protecting civil environmental rights;on the other hand,many Chinese environmental NGOs were present if we take the whole environmental governance chains of NIMBY conflicts into consideration.Born in struggle and separated from it,they have succeeded in feeding the governance of NIMBY conflicts following direct and indirect ways after the three stages of "acquiring-expanding-performing".The findings provide useful enlightenment for China's NIMBY risk response,environmental dilemma and the cultivation of social organizations.
    Ethnological and anthropological studies: the topic of
    Cultural Differences and Cross - cultural Management Strategies of Agriculture Going Global
    YU Yongda,HAN Zhenguo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  73-80. 
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    Under the"Belt and Road Initiative",agriculture "going global" has become an inevitable choice for promoting agricultural development and ensuring food security in China.However,cultural differences affect the choice of varieties and technologies in agricultural "going global",as well as the management of labor relations,the handling of land issues,the response to risks and the resolution of international public opinion pressures.To this end,China's agricultural enterprises need cross-cultural management.Firstly,cultural differences should be correctly identified.Secondly,cross-cultural management personnel should be recruited to carry out intercultural training and talent localization.Thirdly,a new team culture should be formed through intercultural communication and cultural integration.Finally,the enterprises' other strategies should be collaborative with cross-cultural management.The government can also escort cross-cultural management of agriculture "going global" in various ways,mainly by improving the information service system,establishing risk assessment agencies and insurance systems,fostering trade associations,and conducting cultural cooperation.
    Observation of Business Organization's Strategy and Behavior from the Perspective of Business Anthropology——Academic Thinking Based on Internet Era
    HUANG Binyun,FAN Wei,LI Min
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  81-88. 
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    As a new discipline that applies the theory and method of anthropology to the study of practical problems of business management,business anthropology can provide a unique perspective and model of thinking for existing research.Using the thinking of business anthropology to explore the internal motivation and logic of the business organization's strategy and behavior model under the Internet era from the evolving mode of "biological evolution",it points out that human commercial civilization has produced three new variables through "self-evolution",i.e.,new species,new entrance and new soil.The new species is a product of the combination of capital and entrepreneurship.Based on the "personality" business strategy,it will lead to a new generation of business entrance,while the primary soil for commerce has been shifted from industry and cities in traditional industrial age to data and calculations.It is precisely under the influence of these three new variables that the tactics of modern business organizations are constantly changing and developing.
    Unjust and Back to Society :the Qualitative Change of Social Risk in Spatial Urbanization
    ZHANG Guangli,ZHAO Yunting
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  89-95. 
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    The time transfer of social risk is an important perspective to understand the current social injustice and "social embrittlement".It is a dynamic process that the stage social risk treated coldly accumulates and changes into social structural risk.Economic championships,institutional reform and cater,the defense of moral values and the low degree of social rationality are the powers of the qualitative change of social risk in space urbanization.Risk assessment,risk definition,and disregard for protest behavior are the specific mechanisms for the qualitative change of social risk.Social risk qualitative change is the main development cost since reform and opening up,and its direct consequence is the emergence of social structural risk,and the further cause is the unfair social risk distribution,which makes society into development and error-correction dilemma.Retrieving society,changing the path of economic championship development,building a "strong state-strong society" development model and making market serve the development of people and social improvement is the way out of the error-correction dilemma.
    On the Legal Values and Basic Structure of the General Rules of Commercial Law
    MA Zhiguo,TIAN Tairong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  96-103. 
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    The special needs of commercial subjects for commercial legislations,which include practical supremacy,legal certainty,legal innovation and progressiveness,and the relative stability of the law practicality,are the internal basis of the independence of commercial law,and the particularity of commercial relations as opposed to civil relations is the external manifestation of the independence of commercial law.After facing the core issue of the independence of commercial law,we must return to the commercial legislation model itself.Since the civil code model and the commercial code model cannot solve the current problem of commercial legislation,the general rules of commercial law is the only way to solve the problem.On the basis of comparative analysis of the legal system and the basic structure of the commercial codes in major countries,it is suggested that the general rules of our commercial law should adopt the legislation of the eclecticism.The general framework of the General Rules should include general provisions,merchants,registration of businesses,business codes and business assignments,business books,managers,business assistants,commercial agents,and the general provisions of business activities and so on.
    "Can Marx Enter a Confucius Temple?"——Reflections on a Debate in 1925 and Also on the Integration of Marxism and Confucianism
    YIN Guoming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  104-108. 
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    In China's social and cultural changes in the 20th century,Marxism's entry into China is a key event that has caused long-term controversy and gaming in the cultural ideological field.It is in this process that Guo Moruo publishedMarx's Entrance to the Confucius Temple in 1925,which set off a wave in the fields of literature,and even cultural criticism.As a cultural phenomenon worthy of attention,it not only reflected an important interface between the ideological and cultural circles at the time,but also showed the deep-rooted contradictions and integration of Marxism and Confucianism.
    The Name That Can Be Named Is Not the Constant Name——Qianzhongshu's Theory of Reference
    LIU Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  109-115. 
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    In his writings,Qian Zhongshu emphasized the relationship betweenname and object,an important topic of both Chinese and Western philosophy of language,thus formed his theory of reference.Qian's opinions wereobviously influencedby the debates onname and object during the pre-Qinperiod (before 221BC) and the western theory of reference.Qian does not think that "word" equals to "name," for a wordhas its sense,while a name shouldrepresent certainnominatum,as the referent of a name is different from its meaning.From the diachronic perspective,Qianclaimed "(The name)that can be named is not a constant name," thinking that the name of an objectis not constant,for it will change with its outsides,and that the referent of a name is not constant either,for it will change with time.For Qian,the analysis of the relationship between nameand objectis an important starting point toelucidate issues of literaryfiction,andalso a valuable method frequently used in his literary criticism.Qian believed that the literary language is not false but fictional,not real but honest,without referent but with sense,and that's why we cannot accuse literature ofproblems of truth or reality.In the analysis of literary phenomena,we should clarify the real meaning of a name,in case that we confuse name and object because of imprudence.
    Research on precision poverty alleviation
    Dilemma and Transcendence:The Political Analysis of Poverty Reduction
    ZHENG Jifeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  116-123. 
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    Poverty alleviation and development is the important content of national governance.It’s has a wealth of political implications,show the basic process of the ruling party and government administration.The characteristics of China's poverty alleviation and development are mobilized governance,project system,pressure-type.With achievie great achievement,the risk of China's poverty alleviation and development are disordering and invalidation.With basic idea of modern state construction and party construction,constructing the poverty of polycentric governance structure,to set up the modern system of poverty alleviation and development,to the legalization,institutionalization,democratization and standardization is a fundamental poverty alleviation and development.
    Subjectivity Lack and Rebuilding of Impoverished Population of Reservoir Re-settlers
    SUN Liangshun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  124-130. 
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    Under the current top-down poverty alleviation in reservoir resettlement,the key to achieving good results lies in the participation of the poor immigrants themselves.However,due to passive migration,the lack of specific aim to the impoverished reservoir resettlement in the implementation process of the post-support projects,passive marginalization in the implementation process of rural povertyalleviation projects,the impoverished reservoir resettlement cannot play the subjectivity role in the practice of poverty alleviation.Shaping the subjectivity of impoverished reservoir resettlement is the fundamental solution to poverty alleviation for the impoverished reservoir resettlement.Therefore,based on the principle of "reasonable empowerment,internal and external combination,upper and lower linkage,tackling the problem,and treating both symptoms and root cause",the paper puts forward five strategies strategy for reconstructing the subjectivity of impoverished reservoir resettlement:(1)Respect and protect the right of participation of impoverished reservoir migration.(2) Regulate the interaction between government departments and reservoir resettlement community.(3) Effectively make an inventory of the various types of livelihood capital of impoverished immigrant families.(4) Improve the performance evaluation of post-support projects.(5) Change the development thinking of the impoverished reservoir resettlement.
    Management science
    Withdrawal Willingness,Compensation Demands and Behavioral Strategies in Land Expropriation:A Literature Review of Indigenous Studies from the Perspective of the Land-Lost People
    ZHANG Jian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  131-138. 
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    The high-speed economic development and social transition in China has caused the rapid raise of land-lost people as a focus group.Being an important carrier of land expropriation reform and grassroots society governance,this group has received great attention concerning their withdrawal willingness,compensation demands and behavioral strategies,and series of influential results of empirical studies under local context have been achieved.Focusing on the issue of withdrawal willingness,researchers have put forward the hypothesis of individual characteristics,family structure,spatial location,development expectation,status anchoring,and policy cognition.On the issue of compensation demands,besides the key point of the amount of compensation,scholars have expressed the demands of assignment scheme,procedural justice,and survival guarantee for the land-lost people.On the issue of behavioral strategies,two methods of game model and case analysis are applied.Although some studies have shown the trend of integration of the above three dimensions,the isolation of the three groups still exists.It should be the further direction to bring about the logical connection among the land-lost people's type knowledge,demand theory and action theory,revealing the intrinsic mechanism and establishing a set of integrated framework.
    Measurement of the Risk of Insufficient Capacity of the Construction Project Manager Based on Individual-Environment Fit
    LI Jingjing,ZHANG Feilian,LIU Jianjun,WANG Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(2):  139-144. 
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    Based on the fit theory,a risk quality house is built through adopting the unfit degree to measure the risk of insufficient capacity of the construction project manager in the individual capacity and the capacity of the construction environment requirement.A comprehensive evaluation model of the capacity of construction project manager,index system of construction environment evaluation,and standardized composite scale value of binary semantic conversion is established.The capacity of the construction environment requirement is determined by the support degree of the capacity attribute to the unfriendly project environment.Three levels of the unfit degree are analyzed,including the individual-job unfit,the individual-organization unfit and the individual-vocation unfit.The risk of insufficient capacity is measured according to the barrel theory,a track construction project being the example of the verification of measurement.
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