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    01 September 2017, Volume 38 Issue 5
    Special topics on “social organizations and social governance”
    The Order Dimension and Policy Choice of Charity and Charity Organizations
    MAO Shoulong,LI Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  1-7. 
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    People are living in the order dimensions,and the value of human life,especially the value of labor,is related to different dimensions order.So is public charity.It has the dimension of the primary order and the dimension of the extended order,and also has different value in different dimensions.In this paper we discuss the fate of Trump Family Charity Foundation and analyze the conflicts of different order dimensions involved in charity and charity organizations.To promote charity and charity organizations,it is necessary to solve these conflicts,and handle all aspects of the relationship in different order dimensions.
    Expertise-embedded Administration:Study on an Innovative Model of Social Governance
    TAO Chuanjin,LIU Chengcheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  8-14. 
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    This paper is an empirical study on the effect of collaborative governance,under which the administrative advantage of governments and the expertise strength of social organizations can be combined together to form a new governance system.In this system,the two main bodies are not simply added or formed,but present an organic model and structure,whose governance effect is better than that of the single role of each entity.This study shows that even if the social organizations are not capable by themselves,this model of governance can still prevail and lay a foundation for pure social operation.
    An Analysis on the Optimized Path of Social Organization to Undertake Government Transfer Function
    PAN Xiuhua,SUN Yayuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  15-21. 
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    Guiding social organizations to undertake government transfer function is not only the coreto modernize social governance system and governance ability,but is also the inevitable requirement of the reform of administrative system,which regards decentralization as the core content.Less involved in undertaking government transfer function,the current social organizations are still at the initial stage in their development,which mainly take directional commission as their way of participation.In spite of the fact that social organizations have played a considerable role in promoting self-development,driving the transformation of government functions,saving administrative cost and guaranteeing the quality of public service when they undertake government transfer function,some problems are still found,such as lack of human resources,insufficient expenditure,poor management,and improper governmental mechanism and misunderstanding of decentralization.Thus,it is still an urgent task to promote social organizations to strengthen capacity building,renew government ideas,and create innovative mechanisms.
    An Interview on the Basic Tendency and Content of Cultural Gene Theory with Prof. Wu Qiulin
    YANG Chunyan,WU Qiulin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  22-28. 
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    This interview focuses on the basic tendency and content of the study of cultural gene theory.Prof.Wu Qiulin,the interviewee,holds that biological gene study can only finish a half task of the complete study of human beings (biological man),and the other half task (study on cultural man) should be depended on the study of cultural gene.There are series of related important concepts in the study of cultural gene,such as cultural genetic code,self-consciousness,cultural soup,cultural origin,cultural fulcrum,cultural node,cultural derivative points,faith block,physical man,cultural man,and so on.
    Special topics on
    How Is It Possible to Transmit Cultural Representation?——Ethnographical Investigation in a Village of Dai Nationality
    ZHAO Xudong,ZHU Honghui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  29-37. 
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    Anthropology studies man and culture.Culture is transmitted in a humanistic world composed of man and culture.Man is an important link and carrier in the process of cultural transmission which is the main way of cultural representation,and man’s mental presentation,as well as the meaning it indicates,changes constantly,bringing about the change of public representation externalized from mental representation.These changes and constants in the process of cultural transmission can be governed by cultural representation,so it is possible to comprehend the transmission and changes from the perspective of cultural representation in a realistic social context in which network communication technology and new media are highly developed.
    Determinism of Mythical Concept and the Theory of Cultural Gene
    YE Shuxian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  38-42. 
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    Determinism of mythical concept is a part of the theoretical structure of literary anthropology in China,in which the context is how todefinite and recognize cultural gene.In other words,it comprehends and analyzes a special cultural group or a civilized country with its own theory.The characteristic of Chinese civilization is reacquainted from the perspective of the great tradition of jade culture,which contributes to further mastering cultural gene physically and the mentally.The interaction of belief of pre-historic people with divine materials has driven the civilization internally.
    Special topics on “personality and Business Administration”
    The Influence of Proactive Personality on Employee's Followership:the Mediating Role of Psychological Capital and the Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership
    XIONG Zhengde,ZHANG Yanyan,YAO Zhu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  43-50. 
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    Employees' followership is affected by both their own personality trait and their supervisors' leadership.Proactive personality positively affects psychological capital,which in turn influences followership.It is also proved that transformational leadership has a significant positive effect on employee's followership and a moderating effect on the relationship between employee's psychological capital and followership.Employees with higher level of proactive personality and psychological capital show stronger initiative,higher sensitivity,better execution,greater interpersonal skills and influence power.Leaders who take transformational leadership can better convince their followers,especially followers with high level of psychological capital,to identify with and support them.
    The Mechanism of How the Humanistic Atmosphere of Family Business Influences the Effects of Abusive Supervision——An Exploratory Research Based on the Multi-Case Study
    LI Pengbo,SUN Yuqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  51-65. 
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    Based on the case study method,we select 3 family firms which show significant abusive supervision in the company as our research objects.Through the mining and analyzing process to the humanistic atmosphere of these three companies,we try to figure out the internal mechanism of its moderating effect on the relationship between abusive supervision and employees' reactions which may deepen our understanding of the mechanism of how organizational atmosphere,as a situational factor,influences the effects of abusive supervision.Within the process of data collection,encoding and analyzing,we summarized the logical relationship among these variables including abusive supervision,humanistic atmosphere of family business,emotional,perceptual and attitudinal reaction of employees.We accordingly put forward 6 propositions of the influencing mechanism framework of humanistic atmosphere.It is found that the freedom of mind and body,humanistic care and solidarity in family business create a humanistic atmosphere,that this kind of atmosphere could weaken the positive effect of abusive supervision on employees' work alienation and also weaken the negative effect of abusive supervision on employees' job engagement,and that the internal mechanism of the influence of humanistic atmosphere has on the effect of abusive supervision lies in employees' empathy for leaders' abusive behavior and identification for organization this kind of atmosphere brought about,which may weaken the destructive effects of abusive supervision on employees' psychological perception and work attitude.
    On the Aesthetic Function of Chinese Aesthetics
    YANG Chunshi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  66-71. 
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    Chinese aesthetics has multiple definitions on its aesthetic function because it does not completely distinguish beauty and kindness.These definitions not only include the aesthetic function itself,but also include ethic function.Besides,different aesthetic ideologies also differ among different aesthetic schools,which leads to different definitions on aesthetic function.
    The Real Existential Consciousness of Chinese Aesthetics and Its Spirit of Freedom
    LI Tiandao,TANG Junhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  72-77. 
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    Chinese aesthetics holds that “man” should return to his original purity,keep his natural survival state,transcend worldly desires,clarify his real conscience,and combine his nature with material things so as to reach a real existential field.What is reflected in aesthetic appreciation is “xujing”,a quiet mind,with which man observes things and acquires the nature of things and reaches the realm of complete sincerity.According to Chinese aesthetics,man,heaven and earth are mutuallyintegrated,and the real existence presents a spirit of freedom conforming to nature.
    The Infringement of Personal Information and Its Prevention under the Background of Big Data——From the Perspective of Flowing Space
    PI Yong,WANG Suzhi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  78-85. 
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    Under the background of big data,the infringement of personal information in the flowing space has changed in types criminal offences,offenders and victims.These changes have internal relation with the flowing space.With the help of the theories of crime space,crime field,and crime situation,it is necessary to deepen the analysis of the crime elements.Effective measures should be taken to prevent the infringement of personal information,including perfecting the legal system,strengthening sense of personal information security,and establishing social defending system.
    Brand Building of Sea Granary:Legal Protection for Geographical Indications of Marine Organisms in China
    ZENG Xiaoyun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  86-94. 
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    In the process of developing marine economy and constructing a marine power,China should take it as a food security strategy in a broad sense to develop marine biological industry,expanding food resources and guaranteeing national food security through building sea granary.Based on Geographical Indications Protection Law,supplemented by the marine basic law,we should expressly stipulate the right of geographical indications and protect marine biological geography signs in a all-round way so as to protect marine organism and build the brand of sea granary.The future Geographical Indications Protection Law should be characterized by sea granary.Starting from registration system in building the brand of sea granary,we should mainly solve such problems as declaration preparation,competent departments,preliminary examination,audit,and approval.Utilization system,as the core in building the brand,should focus on the utilization agreement and restriction of geographical indications;and the relief system,as the guarantee,should build a comprehensive responsibility investigation system and introduce a litigation system.
    Management science
    Reflections on and the Reconstruction of the System of Expert Argumentation and Evaluation for Administrative Decisions
    HU Xiaohua,LONG Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  95-102. 
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    The system of expert argumentation and evaluation for administrative decisions is to improve the science of government decisions,avoid the randomness of the decisions and promote the interactivity between the government and the public.However,in the process of applying the system,there exists the problem of the expert failures,namely,the misplacement of the expert roles,the rational limitation of the expert views and the exceeding participation of the expert.The causes for these problems are the inappropriate establishment and structure of the expert group,the lack of proper procedures in the expert argumentation and evaluation as well as the inadequate stipulation of the expert right and obligation.The system of expert argumentation and evaluation for administrative decisions should be restructured and improved by maintaining the independence of the expert consultancy and argumentation,guaranteeing the unity of the rights and obligations of the expert and ensuring the effectiveness of the expert argumentation and evaluation.
    The Evolution and Trend of the Model of Public Administration Decision Based on Big Data
    CAI Jianqiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  103-109. 
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    The model of public administration decision consists of six core elements of information or data.The traditional model of public administration decision is a kind of progressive model.With the introduction of big data,all the elements within the traditional progressive model of public administrative decision have undergone significant changes:the policy makers have become more apparent and professional;the small amount of structured data have turned into big,complex and unstructured data;the tools and technology supporting public decision-making have become more advanced;and the reception and feedback of the content of the decision have become more speedy.The relationship between the model of public administration decision based on big data and the former model is an evolution rather than an alternative.The model of public administration decision based on big data in the future will have the following trends:the specialization and diversification of the decision subject,the flattening of organizational structure,the quantification and prediction of environment,the sensitivity and signification of decision-making,and the outstanding forward-looking of public administration objectives.
    Cultural Studies
    Practice of Visual Expression of Mass Culture and Social Mentality in Contemporary China
    LI Jian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  110-116. 
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    As one of the dominant cultural forms of contemporary China,mass culture depends on visual image symbols to a great degree.The process of cultural production and consumption in the practice of visual expression has not only indicated this,but also clearly reflected the overall mental attitude and social mentality in contemporary China,deeply revealing the series of conflicting structures of limited free will,limited introspection standpoint and limited rule consciousness,and the cultural force of mass culture in the aspects of visual justice,visual ethics,and visual literacy.By virtue of this process,the tendency of consumerism and cynicism and the question of social transformation in contemporary China can also be reflected critically and constructively.
    Analysis of Social Memory from the Perspective of Political Philosophy
    LI Wuzhuang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  117-124. 
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    The production and reproduction of social memory can be divided into four aspects:evocation,reconstruction,solidification and inscription.Time and space is one of the basic attributes of social memory,which is along with the transformation and disappearance of social memory.To some extent,the order of time and space depends on the existence of different social memory.The memory contains two cores:(1) Social memory is a kind of discourse,which is a static kernel of social memory;(2) Social memory is a process of power game,which is a dynamic kernel of social memory.In the context of political philosophy,the essence of social memory is to battle of the different subjects of power through the control of discourse in the whole field of political society,and it not only promotes the development of the society from the concept to the fact itself,but also is an important way of social change.
    Special topics on “sacrifice and belief”
    Features of Shidian Rite and the Change of Its Spiritual Connotation——On the Evolution of AncientShidian Rite to New Rite
    WANG Zhingqing,CHEN Wenmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  125-131. 
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    Shidian Rite (an ancient rite in memory of ancestors,teachers,and saints originally) can be back-dated very early.It is held in a non-fixed time in memory of ancestors.There are two worships in Shidian Rite in the Zhou Dynasty (1,046 BC—256 BC):the worship of ancestors and kings held in temple,and the worship of ancient saints and teachers held in school.Shidian Rite held in school reflects the rational tendency and the cultural and educational significance that attach importance to experience and wisdom,embodying the ritual evolution from sorcery to history in Chinese culture.Starting in Han Dynasty (202 BC—220) and experiencing the three dynasties of Han,Wei (220—265),and Jin (265—420),the group worship in memory of ancient saints and teachers has evolved into one to memorize Confucius specially,alone with the rise of Confucius and Confucianism in state ideology.This new rite in memory of Confucius is combined with sacrifice rite and sermon.During the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420—589),the Sui Dynasty (581—618),and the Tang Dynasty (618—907),it turns into a grand academic and cultural gathering in which academic issues are freely debated and state etiquette culture is presented,showing the connotations to respect saints and teachers,inherit tradition,and advocate the study of Confucian classics.Today when we inherit and develop excellent ritual culture,we should properly deal with the relationship between ritual demonstration and spiritual inheritance,fully playing the role of Shidian Rite in strengthening cultural identity and cohesion.
    Legend of and Faith on Baiditian God
    TIAN Ni,SU Shilai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  132-137. 
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    There are many different legends of Three Gods (collectively known as Baiditian God),the most influential gods in Xiangxi areas.Collating these legends,we may find that with the local social changes,the core of the legends has turned from the early deterrent to loyalty and obedience,and to “mother of the Three Gods” in the late Qing Dynasty (1636—1912).Meanwhile,the functions of the gods have also changed correspondingly,from the early divine judgment to the middle education and the late blessing.In the process of the change of faith,different groups have participated in the construction of gods.As an important folk faith,Three Gods is typical of a relationship between man and god.
    Philology research
    Application of Four Collation Methods in the Sorting of Inscriptions of the Tang Dynasty
    LONG Shiping,QIU Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(5):  138-144. 
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    Most inscriptionsof the Tang Dynasty (618—907) retained today are eroded and difficult to read.In the process of sorting inscriptions,the rubbings and annotations of the former generations can be used to distinguish and compare.The four collation methods advocated by Chen Yuan,namely,comparison with different versions,cross-reference of the book,usage of other books or materials,and inference and deduction,are equally effective to sort inscriptions of the Tang Dynasty.These methods are conducive to further restoration of the original appearance of the inscriptions,and are more accurate and effective to reveal the real content and detailed internal forms,systems and so on.The four collocation methods have their advantages and disadvantages,and it is advisable to use them synthetically to restore the original forms of inscriptions of the Tang Dynasty.
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