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    01 November 2017, Volume 38 Issue 6
    Political Philosophy Research
    Theoretical Reflections beyond Nation-State
    GONG Qun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  1-7. 
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    Habermas believes that the modern European nation-state is formed with the development of modern civil society.The protection of citizens' rights is the cornerstone of modern nation-state.The modern nation is based on the naturalist nation,but its essence lies in the freedom of citizens.However,nation-state contains the citizen's freedom and national freedom in the concept of nation-state,that is,universalism of modern citizens and national specialism.The development of modern economic society and political society has transcended the concept of sovereignty of nation-states,and the EU has been established and developed in this context.Habermas believes that not only EU,but also the world's civil society,should develop from civic universalism,which has more far-reaching human value goals.
    On the Moral Mission of the Government
    PENG Dingguang,XIAO Yong,ZHONG Lihua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  8-14. 
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    The moral mission of the government is not “the Mission for Moral”,but “the Mission of Moral”,which is an important mission or value goal that the government chooses voluntarily and implements on a particular moral basis.Its main content includes safeguarding civil rights and protecting national security.Although it is based on the moral that is of the pursuit of the interests of all subjects in a particular country,it is determined by the public nature of the government.
    Protection of Minority Rights and Its Limit from the Perspective of Political Philosophy
    ZHANG Dengqiao,WEI Mengyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  15-20. 
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    The relationship between "minority" rights and "majority" rights is an important issue that political philosophy needs to solve.The question of the protection of minority rights is the real dilemma of the "majority principle" advocated by modern democratic politics.The protection of minority rights can not only prevent the occurrence of the majority of tyranny,correct the "majority principle",improve and perfect the democratic system,but is also conducive to the establishment of a truly fair and just society to achieve comprehensive and free development.However,necessary limit should be set for the protection of minority rights.It mainly includes two aspects,one is the minimum,that is,to protect the most basic rights of a few people - life safety and human dignity;the other is the maximum that does not damage the majority right,following the universal norms of ethics and laws and regulations.
    Research on Social Governance
    Subjects Reconstructed:Analysis on the Governance Approach of the New Three Issues Related to Agriculture,Farmers and the Countryside
    XIANG Jiquan,ZHOU Changyou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  21-29. 
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    In the process of urbanization,the constant outflow of rural population has led to hollow countryside,marginalized agriculture,and aging farmers.Some pessimistic scholars predict that the countryside would disappear,agriculture decline and famers vanish,while some optimistic ones hold that the urbanization would bring opportunities to solve problems related to agriculture,farmers and the countryside,thinking that the new rural construction would be sped up,agriculture would be transformed and upgraded,and famers of new type would emerge in the future under such background.The author agrees that the urbanization has provided historical opportunities to solve the problems related to agriculture,farmers and the countryside.However,it has also brought great challenges.The key to successful governance lies in that the subjects of rural residents,agricultural production and farmers' pension should be reconstructed.
    Approach Innovation of Big Data Embedded in Rural Governance
    TAN Jiusheng,REN Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  30-37. 
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    The application of big data technology is beneficial to rural governance.With it,the single supervision will turn to multiple governing,empirical decision-making to data decision-making,passive disposition to active forecast,and fine management to precision services.However,when big data are embedded in rural governance,there still exist hindering factors in the procedure and source.In order to promote the modernization of rural governance,it is necessary to innovate the approach of big data embedded in rural governance,including building the big data system of multiple governance and building the security system of big data embedded in rural governance.
    Element Composition and Logical Realization of Resource Allocation in Mobilized Governance——Based on the Governance in Wuhan in Creating “National Civilized City”
    WEN Hong,HAO Yuqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  38-46. 
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    Mobilized governance is a common,yet particular form in China's public governance.Due to the great contradictions between strong government's governance needs and the scarcity of total social resources,how to allocate the resources has become a key problem in mobilized governance.Based on the governance in Wuhan increating “National Civilized City”,with the help of single case and grounded theory,we have concluded the elements composition and logic realization of resource allocation in mobilized governance.There are four aspects in element composition of resource allocation in mobilized governance:ideological mobilization,incentive construction,carrier format and organizational coordination.The realization is related to power division of multi-subjects,resource allocation and material consumption,covering government's resource integration,social absorption,with corresponding power frame and system safeguard.
    Political science
    A Human Community of Shared Destiny:Confidence,Wisdom,and Responsibility to Surmount Thucydides Trap
    HUANG Hai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  47-52. 
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    Thucydides Trap is frequently seen in human history when wars break out between some emerging big powers and the existing big powers in pursuit of bigger power.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly mentioned this trap,pointing out that China will definitely not fall into the Thucydides Trap.In his speech in United Nations General Assembly,Xi proposed to build a human community of shared destiny.In fact,Thucydides Trap is only a historical phenomenon instead of a historical rule.A human community of shared destiny is not only a concentrated illustration of China's view on international order,but also a good prescription for the great rejuvenation and peaceful rise of Chinese nation,showing China's confidence,wisdom,and responsibility to surmount the Thucydides Trap.
    On the Post-modernity Characteristics of the Western Police Reform
    HU Jiangang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  53-60. 
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    The post-modernity of the western police reform is characterized by pluralism,openness,deconstructionism,socialization,etc.The concept of community policing is recovered with the development of post-modern society,and its advantage is to activate the collective responsibility to protect the community,enhance the neighborhood interaction and eliminate the gap between police and the community.Meanwhile,the core concept of new public management also affects the patterns of police reform.Government organizations pursue miniaturization and flexibility,strengthening the integration of power and responsibility at grass-roots levels by decentralizing decision-making power and financial power;social market methods are introduced into law enforcement agencies so as to improve police efficiency;margin functions of the police are gradually divested and shared by social or others organizations.All these mean that the police power,previously monopolized by the government,begins to be shared by the society.
    Administrative Justice in the View of Judicial Reform:Problems,Reasons and Approaches
    JIANG Bixin,LI Yu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  61-66. 
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    One of the most important goals of judicial reform in our country is to provide system guarantee of fairness and justice for the whole society through deepening the reform of judicial system,administrative justice being an important part of it.However,administrative injustice happens sometimes in practice due to various reasons.Under the new round of judicial reform,opportunity has occurred to realize administrative justice,the success of which is the highlight of judicial reform and the manifestation of judicial function.From the perspective of judicial reform to achieve administrative justice,we can follow the following approaches:expanding the limited definition of administrative injustice,and establishing an administrative discretionary judicial system,a proactive judicial review system,and an independent trial mode involving administrative injustice.
    Typology of the Legal Ideology of the Western Zhou Dynasty
    ZHANG Ji
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  67-75. 
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    The legalideology of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046 B.C—771 B.C) is systematically constructed focusing on the four aspects of “the mandate of heaven”,“kingship”,“people-orientation”,and “rules”.The authority,equality and transferability of the ideology of mandate of heaven makes it prominent.The ideology of the kingship is weakened by its agency,restriction,supervision and regionalism.By emphasizing diligent kingship and its concern about people's safety,wealth,health and stability,people-oriented ideology demonstrates the legitimacy of people's pursuit of happiness.The ideology of rule,as an important tool of social governance,shows the diversity and justice and the implementation.The four aspects constitute the legal ideology of the Western Zhou Dynasty,which contains the logic,rationality and justice of the legal spirit of the early period of our country,laying foundation for the development of Chinese traditional culture.
    Interpretation of Marx's Individual Ownership from the Perspective of Philosophy of Law—Focusing on “Duhring Problem”
    LIU Haijiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  76-83. 
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    When Duhring criticized Marx's individual ownership mentioned in the first volume of The Capital,he put forward the question why individual ownership was social ownership,which was called “Duhring problem”.The answer to this question was contained in Marx's early philosophy of law.In the process of criticizing Hegel's philosophy of law and national economics,Marx regarded society as the social nature of the individual activities on the one hand,and individual as social existence on the other hand,so the individual and the society were of dialectical relationship based on practice.When analyzing the nature of property,Marx pointed out that the labor product was a perceptual social link,thus the ownership had three connotations of practice,totality and possession.Private ownership,as a product of ownership under specific historical conditions,inevitably led to the control of social relations by the owner of the means of production,and to the exploitation of man by man.The purpose of social ownership was to ensure the individual's possession,the use of the means of production and the labor products,and to provide real protection for the overall development of the individual.It embodied more essential content and historical significance to call social ownership as individual ownership.
    Interpreting the Hegelian Method of Capital with Grundrisse——Rosdolsky's Interpretation of the Method of Capital
    DONG Jianming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  84-90. 
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    Rosdolsky thinks that many Marx's critics,even some Marxists,do not understand Marx's method and its relation to Hegel,thereby misunderstanding Marx with an economic method.Grundrisse constitutes the bridge between Hegel and Capital,so we should rely on Grundrisse in order to reveal the method of Capital.The core method of Capital is shown in two aspects,one is the abstract rise,i.e.from the abstract concepts to concrete concepts,and the other is the unity of the dialectical movement of concrete concepts and the realistic movement of the capitalist society,which characterizes the unity of logic and history.This method,closely related to Hegel and essentially different from economics,defines the core theoretical nature of Capital.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    The Types and Characteristics of Patron God Worship of Bai Nationality in Hunan Province——Comparison with Bai Nationality in Yunnan Province
    LU Qun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  91-96. 
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    The Bai Nationality in Hunan Province have inherited the tradition of Bai Nationality in Yunnan Province in their patron god worship,which is characterized by primitive religious belief.On the other hand,patron god worship of Bai Nationality in Hunan Province has distinctive history and regional culture features.Military migration,special history experience and mixed residence environment have caused differences in types and characteristics of patron god worship between Bai Nationality in the two provinces.
    Cultural Reconstruction of State,Society,and Yunnan Ethnic and Folk Religions in the Ming Dynasty
    YANG Jindong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  97-102. 
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    Ethnic and folk religion and its cultural ecology are embedded in the relationship field of the state and society.There are faith forms based on the ethnic and folk social inheritance and evolution,and the ones formed by the nationalization of the five major religions.The cultural and religious reconstruction of the Yunnan ethnic groups in the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644) is influenced by state power and social context,forming an interactive and dynamic state-society-folk process.There are two clues to understand this,one is the folk tendency of the official religion and the other is the official tendency of the folk religions,which reflects the relationship between Yunnan local society and the state power.
    Analysis on the Evolutionary Game of Poor Households' Competitive and Coordinative Behaviors in Poverty Alleviation Targeting
    WU Xiongzhou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  103-112. 
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    The process of povertyalleviation targeting is a game process in which the poor households compete and coordinate with each other continuously.The result of behavior evolution depends on the contrast relationship between the coordinative benefit and cost of the two types of poor households.Only when the coordinative benefit exceeds cost should the game turn to coordinative behaviors.The coordinative benefit and cost,with each share coefficient,are the key factors influencing the evolution of poor households' behaviors.Fiscal subsidies may change the poor households' strategy,and there is a best subsidy point at which all poor households choose coordinative behaviors.Proper measures should be taken so that the game should evolve in a coordinative way.
    Commodity Differentiation and Economies of Scalein the Age of Big Data
    LI Man
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  113-121. 
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    Digitization is a powerful driver of datamation,and digital revolution has bred data revolution.With the coming of big data age,data mining aiming at personalized demand,customization aiming at commodity differentiation,and personalized delivery and services aiming at the needs of commodity differentiation have been growing fast.Manufacturing enterprises have begun to get rid of the dilemma of “economies of scale” and “differentiated demand”,and employed the method of large-scale customization and flexible production.Differentiation strategy,instead of cost leader strategy,has become the primary choice of enterprises.
    Tusi culture research
    Multi-dimensional Field Investigation into Tusi Heritage
    LI Liangpin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  122-128. 
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    Field investigation into theexistent Tusi heritage,by means of historical anthropology,can cultivate talents of various types,promote economic development of places of the origin,and protect the world cultural heritage.The investigations may focus on the dimensions of people,affairs,product,environment,culture,history,and value,exploring such issues as the cultural essence of Tusi heritage,ways of effective management and rational development,cultural balance,and ethnic habitat.
    Tuguan Administrative System in the Wuling Mountainous Areas in the Yuan Dynasty
    LUO Zhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  129-135. 
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    Tuguan administrative system,established in the Wuling Mountainous Areas in the Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368),was a special administrative model combining ethnic people and their regions.The establishment of Anfusi (a kind of administrative unit) was a symbolic administrative control;the local barbarian chiefs implemented substantive autonomy;the social organizations in Xizhou (covering some counties in today's Xiangxi regions) had integrally continued.All these had formed the basic frameworks of the administrative system in the Wuling Mountainous Areas in the Yuan Dynasty.This model emphasized administration units at the grass-roots level,yet ignored the administration of the people in those uncivilized areas,so the barbarians had never been legally registered.To prevent the rebels of the barbarians,Anfusi,militarily and politically integrated,had to be kept long,and this led to the failure of the establishment of regular administrative system in the Wuling Mountainous Areas.
    On the Dushizhu
    YIN Ning
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(6):  136-143. 
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    First appearing in the historical materials in the Northern Song Dynasty (960—1127),Dushizhu was a title for the barbarian chiefs along the Youshui basin.Scholars have argued about the setting time,origin,and functions of the position due to the limited historical records.Organizing relevant historical materials and folk literature,considering historical background and the system then,we may judge that Dushizhu was a product of local Tujia rivalries in their development and unity in Xizhou (covering some counties in today's Xiangxi regions) in the late Tang Dynasty (618—907).It was admitted by the central government in the Northern Song Dynasty,and its functions were regulated to have dual attributes:one was as the leader of the alliance to represent the benefit of the Tujia forces along the Youshui basin,the other was as the agent of the central government to maintain local order,supervise official inheritance,and govern tribute to the central government.The setting of the position reflected the guiding ideology of the Northern Song Dynasty to govern local people by local officials in the governance of southwestern ethnic people,which played a positive role in local fine management and stabilizing local order.
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