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    15 November 2014, Volume 35 Issue 6
    On the Law of Morality of Universalism in Kantism
    PAN Zhong-Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  1-7. 
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    The premise and basic view of Kant’s moral philosophy is that the law of morality should possess both absolute necessity and universal validity.Due to the necessity and universality,the ethic factor of happiness theory is excluded and the fact is proved that the concept of freedom is rational.However,it has long been argued whether this law does exist and whether it is practically significant.Research shows that since Kant has premised the realm of freedom of the will and purpose,he would have premised the universal necessity of the law of morality;and the consciousness of the law of morality of universal necessity in turn has proved the existence of freedom.Kant’s law of morality,as the moral evaluation and criterion for the standard of behavior,emphasizes the priority of rationality and keeps experience open as well,leaving enough space for the creation of moral practice and the development of philosophy itself.
    Motivation of Transcendental Phenomenology and Its Philosophic Concept
    LI Yun-Fei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  8-14. 
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    Skepticism constitutes the important motivation for Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology research.With phenomenological reduction carried out,phenomenology fundamentally surmounts natural attitude,regressing to transcendental subjectivity and exploring the origins of all objectivity in it.With this,Husserl had overcome skeptical subjectivism by phenomenological transcendental subjectivism,and simultaneously ended the prolonged struggle between transcendentalism and objectivism in the development of entire modern philosophy.Finally,by further carrying out eidetic reduction in transcendental consciousness domain,transcendental phenomenology establishes itself as a universal eidetic science of transcendental consciousness
    Discussion on Yan Fu’s Reflection on Traditional Culture in His Late Years
    LI Yong-Chun, LUO Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  15-20. 
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    Affected by the changing situation at home and abroad,Yan Fu reflected Chinese traditional culture deeply and comprehensively in his late years.He advocated that the new machine of Western culture should be used to explore Chinese traditional culture,giving The Four Books new life and making Confucian Classics “the richest mineral deposits” rejuvenated.By combining science with the essence of Chinese traditional culture,the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius would be of modern significance.Yan Fu’s reflection on Chinese traditional culture is in accordance with the law of cultural release and the logical development of individual ideology,thus it is improper to label him as a feudal apologist in his late years.
    Aesthetic Appeal of Authentic Existence of Confucian Aesthetics
    LI Tian-Dao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  21-26. 
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    Confucian aesthetics attaches much importance to human existence,and regards authentic existence here and now as the greatest aesthetic appeal and realm.According to Confucian aesthetics,the realm of benevolence is an authentic state of existence.Cherishing life and esteeming authentic existence,Confucian aesthetics emphasizes developing individual’s life consciousness.The process of reaching the realm of aesthetic benevolence actually is one to reveal authentic existence.
    On the Aesthetic Connotations of Realm Proposed by Hua Yanzong School
    TANG Ling-Yun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  27-33. 
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    Realm is a significant aesthetic concept proposed byHua Yanzong School in the Tang Dynasty.Based on it,Hua Yanzong School gradually formed its systematic theory on aesthetic realm.This paper mainly discusses the three aesthetic connotations of realm:(1) the interchangeability between the true and the conventional.The true may be turned into the false,and vice versa;(2) the integrated harmony without obstacles.Realms are harmoniously integrated without obstacles;(3) endlessness and boundlessness.Realms are boundless and endless in time and space.
    Political science
    History of the Concept of Consent and Its Modern Dilemma
    LV Yao-Huai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  34-39. 
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    John Locke made a clear distinction between express consent and implied consent,and emphasized the importance of individual consent which is different from collective consent.Especially by analyzing and illustrating implied consent,he gradually brought out the theory of consent in the modern sense.Undoubtedly,the theory of consent had played an important role in history in subverting the theory of divine rights of kings and acknowledging the idea of popular sovereignty.Today,though faced with dilemma due to its weakness,the theory of consent still has its value.In modern China,it is significant that the government and government behaviors should win the consent of people in political reform and constructing legal political order.
    Discussion on Setting up Index of Learning-oriented Party Organization
    XIAO Jun-Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  40-45. 
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    Index of learning-oriented Party organization is important to estimate its work,and is closely related to the quality and orientation of the work.This index should first reflect the general requirement,inner features,core elements,and construction rules of the learning-oriented Party organization.Based on the principles of system,simplicity,operability,and comparability,three levels,different standards and corresponding weighted values should introduced into the index,evaluating the efficiency in the forms of assessment and self-assessment,normalizing the construction of learning-oriented Party organization.
    Research on Social Governance
    Modernization of LocalGovernance under the Closed Policy and System:From the Perspective of Local Governance of Public Events
    YANG Zhi-Jun, JIN Yong-Zhu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  46-54. 
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    Modernization of local governance is essential in promoting the modernization of national governance,and it is a win-win process both for local government andsocial empowerment.The closed system of local government has its advantage in mobilizing resources to accomplish large undertakings;however,it also has to face two situations:one is that the policy agenda setting under the closed system is determined by the appeal of public events and the degree of their influence,as well as local government’s resources and space;the other is that the local governance of public events is characterized by inactivating system and dependent response.The essence of local governance of is a process of authorization and marketization of local public power,during which public resources or public interests are collocated fairly and justly.To modernize local governance,it is essential that powers be separated institutionally,and the closed system be turned into an open one.A new type of normal governance should be built considering top design,running rules,and participation tendency.
    Evolution ofGrassroots Social Governance and Participant Subjects in Modern China
    YANG Dong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  55-62. 
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    Driven by various social forces,grassroots social governance model in modernChina has undergone drastic changes since the late Qing dynasty,causing the shift of grassroots power subjects in different social systems.Generally speaking,the evolution model of social governance has undergone from local authorities to the mass people of workers and peasants,senators,and people’s deputies.Meanwhile,the shift of power subjects involved also showed a historical image of a drastically changing China in grassroots society.When re-examining the evolution of social governance and the shift of grassroots power,we may have more to reflect.
    On the Property Ownership of Native Genetic Resources
    NING Qing-Tong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  63-70. 
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    Our country is rich in bio-genetic resources.However,the protection for native genetic resources is far from satisfaction.Genetic resources possess specific properties different from biological resources,therefore we should first make clear their property ownership,which is significant to give play to their financial value,to protect the owner’s legislate rights and interests and the state’s sovereignty of native genetic resources,to standardize the development and utilization,and to perfect the protective system.Principle of territory and principle of subordinate carrier should be followed in determining the ownership of native genetic resources;in China,the subject of ownership of native genetic resources is the country and collective organizations.
    On the State Obligation to Legally Protect and Realize Peasants’ Sports Right
    WU Wen-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  71-77. 
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    Under the urban-rural dualism,the peasants’ sports right is faced with such dilemmas as lack of sports consciousness,restriction of economic capacity,limited time,shortage of sports fields and instruments,and insufficient professional guidance.Viewing from the legal perspective,it is because that the concept of nationwide fitness has not become the guiding ideology of sports legislation on the one hand;on the other hand,the sports law is essentially the law of sports management,giving no state obligation to protect peasants’ sports right.To change this situation,the state sports orientation should be turned to people’s livelihood sports,and at the meantime,management patterns should be reformed so as to develop a service idea.Since it is the state obligation to protect and realize peasants’ sports right,the state should carry it out according to the three levels of respecting,protecting,and realizing the peasants’ sports right.
    Management science
    Distribution of Land Compensation among Farmers:Order and Rule of Law
    HUANG Dong-Dong, WANG Zi-Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  78-83. 
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    The local practice of land compensation does not fully follow the policy of central government that“land compensation should be used for landless farmers”.The execution of national policy is affected by political,economic,and social issues.The rural distribution order,approved by the villagers,shares another set of logic of the folk norms,presenting the features of “locality” and “rule uncertainty” though it is not completely disordered.The main reason for this is that the “majority tyranny” is likely to deprive the legitimate rights and interests of minority groups.Respecting the positive significance of the civil order,we should take structure differentiation method and apply law to produce negative effects.
    On Constructing a Service-oriented Model of Police
    HU Jian-Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  84-88. 
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    Police functions may be divided into the two types ofservice and law reinforcement.The diversification of society determines that the main body of supplies of police should also be diversified.For the police,the core function of law reinforcement is irreplaceable,while what can be replaced is the margin function to provide protective work,which should be provided by market.This requires that the government should loosen the restriction to companies of security service and technical prevention and marketlize service-oriented police affairs,so that the need of different consumer groups could be met.
    Identity Anxiety and Its Circulation:“Trueness” and the Literature Narration in Recent 30 Years
    CHEN Shu-Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  89-95. 
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    “Trueness” narration plays an important role in the history of modern and contemporary Chinese literature.While the epistemology of “trueness” is getting weaker and weaker,its axiology is getting more and more important in the present context of literary theory.Though deeply involved in the production of identity in recent 30 years,“trueness” narration has not constructed “trueness” which is strongly identified.The “trueness” narration of literature should be pointed to ideology against power structure and power relationships,and in this sense,its identity anxiety and circulation will never come to a stop.
    Between Fantasy and Reality:Female Subject in the Context of Modernity
    FU Mei-Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  96-101. 
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    For a long time,feminism has not got rid of the controversy between essentialism and anti-essentialism,and the construction of female subject has not been given enough attention.By examining the awareness and transition of female consciousness in the context of modernity,its positive role in constructing and developing female subject is affirmed;by examining the paradoxical expression of female experience in symbolic order and separation of female subject,the necessity of constructing female subject is affirmed;and by revealing the complexity of female subject in feminism discourse practice,such as women’s writing,the importance of female subject is emphasized.In the context of modernity,if women want to gain positive identity,they have to gain the qualification to become subject at first,then they may enter the representation system around Phallocentrism,and after that they can construct female subject in the interaction with other men.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    Interpretation ofGuidance for Guarding the Miao People
    LI Han-Lin, LIU Chong, ZHANG Zhen-Xing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  102-107. 
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    Guidance for Guarding Miao People,written by Yan Ruyi during the dynasties of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing,is a local chronics about the development of the Miao People in Xiangxi,including the folk tradition and customs of the Miao People and the strategies to manage them.The chronics is divided into 8 books,containing 22 volumes and 14 categories.Though a giant project,it covers three subjects:the author’s field investigation and feelings,and the cultural features and distribution of the Miao People;the history of the Miao People in Hunan and Guizhou,and the strategies to manage them;and the purpose of the chronics,that is,to serve as a guidance to guard the Miao People.
    On the EthnicOrigin of Peng Family in Xiangxi from the Copper Pillar Inscriptions of Xizhou
    ZHANG Jing-Long
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2014, 35(6):  108-113. 
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    For a long time,there has always been controversy about the ethnic origin ofPeng Family in Xiangxi.Currently,there exist two counter views in the academic circles.One is that the Peng Family in Xiangxi,many of whom were the minority hereditary headmen,came from Jiangxi Province (Hereinafter referred to as “the Jiangxi View”);another is that they were not the Hans from Jiangxi but the natives (Hereinafter referred to as “the Native View”).The author consulted a large amount of historical data,local chronicles,Pengs’ genealogy,and especially Record of the Xizhou Copper Pillar written by Li Honggao,an official and scholar of Chu in the later Jin Dynasty (Hereinafter referred to as “Record of the Copper Pillar”) and the introduction of the official title of Peng Shichou behind “Record of the Copper Pillar”,finding that the two should support both “the Native View” and “the Jiangxi View” respectively.Based on this,the author thinks that we can not arbitrarily deny any kind of point of view.The conclusion as to the ethnic origin of Peng Family in Xiangxi can not be simply made in favor of either “the Native View” or “the Jiangxi View”.There may be a deeper historical mystery in it.
    Punishment and Insult in Education Field:A Comparative Perspective
    CHEN Zhuo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  114-120. 
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    Punishments and insult exist in education field,the former being necessary and the latter unacceptable.The differences between punishment and insult lie in that,in terms of purpose,the former is to prevent improper behaviors from happening again;in terms of property of value,the former is “significant pain” instead of “useful pain”;in terms of implementation process,the former is a rational process whose content and way are lawful,showing respect and care;and in terms of mechanism,the former is a due procedure and is institutionalized.
    Features of International Localization of US Higher Education andTheir Enlightenment to China
    ZHOU Hui, LUO Jian-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(6):  121-128. 
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    Internationalization is a general feature of higher education.Higher education in US is originated from Europe,and its international localization is characterized by a long-term conversion process of import and export,government domination,high level of commercialization,and internationalization of teachers,English being the main means of international localization and US higher institutionscontrolling the upstream of knowledge-based capital.We can elicit the following inspirations from the experiences in US that we should strengthen the strategy of international localization of higher education,differentiate education for international students,teach in foreign languages,increase the proportion of high-level international faculty,and enhance competitiveness of international students while they seek jobs domestically.
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