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    15 September 2014, Volume 35 Issue 5
    Political science
    Outline for the Confucian Political Philosophy
    QI Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  1-13. 
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    Due to the unique geographical conditions and the unique way of emergence of country,China has formed a unique model of civilization development characterized by political philosophy since the Zhou Dynasty.This civilization model,stressing rule of virtue,though has its historical rationality,is full of many paradoxes which have brought far-reaching,and even negative impacts to ancient Chinese history.
    WhatIs Political Philosophy?
    GONG Qun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  14-19. 
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    Aristotle,the representative of the ancient political philosophy,not only stresses that citizens are the actors of city-state political,but also emphasizes virtues as the center of good community,which is the ideological resource of contemporary communitarianism.Liberal political philosophy shifts from emphasizing  the priority of the good to that of the right.Justice turns from the interests of a community as its heart to human rights or fundamental rights as its content.The difference between contemporary communitarianism and liberalism lies in what their theoretical point is,e.g.whether they appeal to the good of community or the rights.However,the issues of civil rights raised by Arendt,and the problems of global poverty have constituted the challenges to the right as the center of liberalism.
    Research on Social Governance
    The Evolution Mechanism and Social Cooperative Governance of Network Public Events
    TAN Jiu-Sheng, REN Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  20-27. 
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    Network public events have fourstages of hiding-sprouting,starting-spreading,deepening-changing,and fading-ending,during which the target,theme,public opinion,and subject behavior are different.To deal with network public events using social cooperative governance mechanism,first of all,it is necessary to establish a concept that the social cooperative governance is a self-organizing process.Secondly,it is important to provide such conditions as cooperative consciousness,cooperative target,institutional framework and laws and regulations for social cooperative governance.Finally,it is necessary to build such mechanisms as interest coordination,information cooperation,early-warning public opinion,synergy opportunity distinction and linkage treatment to realizes cooperative governance.
    Mao Zedong’s Thought of Social Constructions in Early PRC and Its Enlightenment
    HE Shao-Hui, HUANG Hai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  28-33. 
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    During the process of leading socialist construction ofChina,Mao Zedong had formed a series of thought of social construction.The basic frame of it included focusing on people’s livelihood constructions to build a social security system,focusing on contraction resolution to maintain social harmony and stability,focusing on grassroots governance to reinforce and innovate social governance.Mao Zedong’s thought of social construction was an important achievement of Marxism in China,and it was also an important continuation of Marxist development view and the theoretical origin of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.Mao Zedong’s thought of social construction has enlightened us that in social construction and governance,it is essential to attach great importance to people’s livelihood construction,to maintain the basic benefits of most people,to emphasize social contradiction resolution,to maintain social harmony and stability,to adhere to the Mass line,to emphasize the major role of the masses in social constructions,to enhance grassroots governance and launch social constructions in places that are closest to the mass.
    Right Behavior and Moral Dilemma:Hursthouse’s View on Behavioral Theory of Virtue Ethics
    LI Yi-Tian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  34-40. 
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    As one of the main contemporary normative ethics,virtue ethics pay the same attention to right action as rule ethics and provide its corresponding action theories and arguments.According to Rosalind Hursthouse,one of the representative scholars of Neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics,right actions are what virtuous agents will do characteristically in moral situations; and virtuous agents are those who are of inner characters necessary to the realization of well-beings or flourishing.The guide of right actions provided by virtue ethics is based on those inner characters of virtuous agents and embodied as some sort of “v-rules”,which refuses the codified decision procedure.With moral dilemmas,virtue ethics make the distinctions between action guidance and action assessment,and between resolvable dilemmas and irresolvable dilemmas.Therefore,virtue ethics reveal four types of moral dilemmas which virtuous agents might face with and tell us their different action and psychological status in actual moral situations.
    On Aristotelian Ethical Justification for Virtue
    ZHAO Yong-Gang, HUANG Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  41-45. 
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    In the framework of teleology,Aristotle justified the necessity of virtue by “Function Argument” on the basis of the nature of human being and its characteristic life.Contemporary Aristotelian ethics,following the route of “Function Argument”,justified the necessity of virtue for human well-being by studying human being’s characteristic mode of existence.Compared with modern moral philosophy,the justification of Aristotelian ethics has theoretical and practical significance in a way;nevertheless it also faces problems caused by operation mechanism of modern society.This justification,although has rationality for human being as a class,is less persuasive for human being as individual.
    Management science
    The Differences and the Mutual Learning Directions between Ancient Chinese Management Philosophies and Western Modern Management Theories
    TANG Jian-Rong, LI Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  46-53. 
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    The differences,strengths and weaknesses between ancient Chinese management philosophies and Western modern management theories are mainly reflected in basic values of management,basic mode of thinking,management subject and objects,main goals of management,power base,basic management mode and characteristics of management innovation,etc.The main directions for both sides to draw lessons from each other are:China should draw lessons from the west in protecting the interests of entities and paying attention to fair competition and incentive,pursuing standardized behaviors of scientific management,emphasizing the economic benefits and efficiency,emphasizing democracy and “rule by law”,encouraging innovation and protecting innovation achievements,as well as beneficial results in western leadership theories and the field of business administration.On the other hand,western should draw lessons from China in the reasonable essence of management thoughts of people-oriented view,overall view,system view and contingency view,“the golden mean”,“self-discipline and stabilizing others”,“harmony is most precious”,“the realm of Great Harmony”,people-centered theory,“rule by Tao”,“rule by virtue” and “rule by wisdom”,as well as beneficial results in China’s management thoughts of ethical management,state management and military management,etc.
    Study on Grades and Spatial Structure of China Red-tourism Industry
    WEN Lian-Yang, XU Chun-Xiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  54-60. 
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    Gradient index is an important index to reflect the regional development.It exists the imbalance of regional development,unreasonable product structure,loose tourism-line organization of red tourism industry,these problems restrict the further optimization of red-tourism industry structure.Gradient index model can calculate the level of red-tourism industry.By constructing central position of red-tourism centers,forming spanned classic red-lines and planning red-tourism industrical extensive areas can resolve red-tourism industrical structure and organization.The government plays a key role in the development of red-tourism industry.
    Political science
    Party Purity and the Construction of Social Identity of Mainstream Ideology
    GUAN Hai-Kuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  61-68. 
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    Purity is vital to the survival and development of our Party,through which the mass people get to know the charm and practical power of Marxism ideology.Purity of our Party can reinforce and strengthen the guiding position of Marxism ideology,thus it is a key dimension to construct social identity of mainstream ideology and it is important to maintain the inner unity of the two.Presently,the loss and declination of our Party’s purity has weakened the mass people’s faith in the party,bringing great challenge to the construction of social identity of mainstream ideology.It is the essential requirement and an inevitable choice to probe into the mechanism and the way to maintain the purity of our Party in constructing social identity of mainstream ideology.
    New Generation Peasant-Workers Party Members’ Identity of PE Curriculum Aesthetics:Based on the Perspective of Social Mobilization
    HUANG Li-Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  69-74. 
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    Current new generation peasant-workers party members’ identity of PE curriculum aesthetics often shows a kind of indifference,confusion,and even the attitude deviation.In addition to those factors such as the institutional impact of transformation,luck of social systems,self limitations,a constraint factor cannot be ignored which is weakening of basic party organization’ social mobilization capacity,thus make it difficult to construct “consensus”.Outstanding performance in lacking of effective heuristic ideological mobilization given subject consciousness and guide,lacking of effective organization and mobilization strengthen the cohesion and centripetal force continuously,lacking of effective emotional mobilization excited reality inner desire and urgent demand.This requires the analysis based on the perspective of social mobilization,from the promotion ability of social mobilization of grass-roots party organizations,reconstruction the identity path of new generation peasant-workers party members’ identity of PE curriculum aesthetics.
    Civil Organizations and the Perfection of Intangible Cultural Heritage Law
    GONG Wei, TAN Ping, LUO Wan-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  75-80. 
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    Civil organizations are playing larger roles in the protection of intangible cultural heritage,making up the deficiency of government’s protection work.After the Intangible Cultural Heritage Law came into effect,the intangible cultural heritage in our country might be facing the second-round damage,so greater attention should be paid to the civil organizations to perfect the Intangible Cultural Heritage Law from such aspects of enlarging rights,clarifying responsibilities,and providing aids.
    On the Natures of Water Right Assignment in Our Country:Based on the Analysis of Water Right Assignment Practice
    ZHU Zhen-Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  81-85. 
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    The practice of water right assignment in our country can be summarized as the three models of regional water right assignment,industry water right assignment,and peasant household water right assignment,each of which cannot be simply said to be a certain right assignment.The three models of water right assignment indicate that water right assignment,in essence,has the complex natures of function,right,and power.The legal construction of water right assignment should be based on these complex natures,and suited to local conditions.Also,it is important to adhere to the public attribute of water resources at the same time,avoiding being captured by capital in the name of the dealing.
    Study on Western Litterateurs’ Extraterritorial Biographies in China
    LI Hong-Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  86-93. 
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    It is a unique cultural phenomenon in the study fields of Chinese biography and literature that Western litterateurs have written certain extraterritorial biographies in China.Such biographies,written in a time of the eastward transmission of Western sciences and of the integration between eastern and western cultures,have undergone four stages of development.These biographies are marked with the conflictions and integrations between Chinese and Western concepts of literature,which has fostered the historical process of modernization transformation of Chinese biographies and Chinese literature.It is enlightened that suitable policies of cultural exchanges with foreign countries,and free cultural atmosphere are very important to cultural and literature exchanges between China and Western countries.
    Destruction and Establishment of Zhou Ji’s Ci Theory
    XIE Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  94-100. 
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    Asa key figure of Changzhou Ci School,Zhou Ji made comment of Bai Shi in his Jiecunzhai Lunci Zazhu and first positively put forward the significant idea of “attachment and implication”.He established his theory through destruction,criticizing the creation practice of Jiang Kui and Zhang Yan.He put forward the aesthetic ideal of reconciling attachment and implication to richness on the basis of Zhang Huiyan’s Ci theory.With both epochal background and theoretical significance,his arguments have important influence on the final establishment of Changzhou Ci School.
    Shencongwen Studies
    Modernity,Anti-Modernity,and the Monetary Image in Shen Congwen’s The Bordering Town
    CHEN Xue, LIU Tai-Ran
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  101-106. 
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    Money,stories about money,and business activities related to money are intentionally and repeatedly described in Shen Congwen’s The Bordering Town,which shows Shen’s reflection on modernity from money perspective and makes money the core theme of the novel.Shen realized that capital had damaged the poetic relevance between man and man,man and nature,and man and land,leading to the spatial homogenization of man,nature,and the charming world.Purposefully restoring money from an abstract material of equivalent exchange to a symbolic gift,and describing the heterogeneous space brought by capital,Shen Congwen showed his criticism to modernity based on capital.
    On Shen Congwen’s Liberal Discourse and Humanistic Spirit
    HU Mei-Xian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  107-112. 
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    As a non-party liberalist,Shen Congwen’s literary creation and life experience are closely related to modern Chinese literalism.His unique writing style,separated from the mainstream of New Literature Movement and revolutionary literature,may be regarded as a folk writing in a sense.Shen’s life,from his beginning of writing to the end of it,is a true epitome of a modern Chinese liberal writer.In his narration of ordinary country life,Shen’s works present his inner reflection on the way of life which had not been changed for hundreds of years.He sang for the solemnity and beauty of life,and worried about the ignorance and stillness behind it.Should we save modern rationality with traditional culture or correct the country ignorance with modern civilization? Shen could not solve this problem,and it is also what we need to clarify in reconstructing morality of Chinese nation.
    Imagination and Reproduction of Ethnic Culture:Cultural Appeal in the Two Ethnic Films of A Bride from Huayao Shangri La and Looking for Liu Sanjie the Singing Fairy
    SHI Xiu-Yong, ZHANG Hui-Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  113-118. 
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    A Bride from Huayao Shangri La and Looking for Liu Sanjie the Singing Fairy,the two recent films concerning ethnic people,have attracted great attention in the film circle.The two films,due to their distinct cultural representation and characteristics of times,have provided the possibility to critically reflect the relationship between ethnic culture and film.In detail,the films have strategically made the audience imagine the ethnic life with their visual consumption,and with the connecting of various cultural memories,the audience have realized the excavating,finding and reproducing of traditional ethnic culture.The tentative construction of regional ethnic aesthetics has strengthened cultural ascription of the ethnic people,and provided a new thought to deal with the crisis of ethnic cultural identity.
    A Study on the Inheritance and of Protection Xiangxi Folk Music from the Perspective of Folklore:Illustration through Folk Songs of Miao People in Xiangxi
    YUE Zhi-Le
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  119-122. 
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    The folk songs of Miao people in La’ershan,Xiangxi is one of the indispensable art forms for those living on tablelands.The study on the protection and inheritance of folk music from the perspective of folklore is the modernity transformation of comprehensive art mode and understanding paradigm of combining Miao people’s traditional music with musical anthropology of related disciplines and research fields.The author thinks that the “living protection” principle for traditional music is to put folk music in specific culture of protection and inheritance,and to integrate multi-cultures of plural nationalities by making use of the characteristics of regional differences.The paper presents a study of the local Miao people’s folk songs to help us understand the living characteristics of the protection and inheritance of traditional art form of music culture better,and to provide us with effective measures.
    The Long-unnoticed Artist Wu Dayu and the Fate of the New Painting School
    HUANG Wen-Zhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(5):  123-128. 
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    Wu Dayu,known as the “representative of China color”,and the “banner of Hangzhou Art College”,is said to be an pioneer in Chinese painting for his perseverance to the New Painting School and great achievements in the 1920s.Regretfully,he is long unnoticed,which is called as “Wu Dayu Phenomenon” by the famous painter Wu Guanzhong.His ups and downs in artistic creation reflect the difficult development of oil painting in China.His fate partly is due to his own personality;more importantly,it is the outer objective factors that have decided his fate.
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