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    15 March 2012, Volume 33 Issue 2
    Absolute Liberty and Terror——Hegel’s Rational Criticism to French Revolution
    LI Fu-Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  1-5. 
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    It’s more reliable and appropriate to interpret Hegel’s philosophy and political philosophy from the perspective of French Revolution.Hegel’s whole  philosophy can be regarded as a philosophical reflection to the French Revolution,and absolute liberty and terror is a typical comment of Hegel’s rational critical series to French Revolution.In Hegel’s political philosophy,the social and political practice of French Revolution is a dialectical adventure of liberty,which leads to violence and terror.To get out of the dilemma of liberty,it is needed to experience a realistic ethics state regulation.
    Puzzle of Relativism in On Certainty
    CHEN Chang-Shen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  6-11. 
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    Some passages in On Certainty seem to reveal a relativism tendency,which is not in accordance with Wittgenstein’s anti-relativism style.Whatever attitude Wittgenstein had toward relativism is essential to his puzzle of relativism.Based on the analysis on such theories as the axis position of Moorian proposition,the certainty of belief system and way of act in Wittgenstein’s philosophy,the answer to the puzzle of relativism becomes clear gradually.
    The Principle of Context in Donnellan’s Theory of Description
    ZHU Yao-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  12-16. 
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    For Russell,description is different from proper name in that it does not refer directly to an object.Stawson does not think that the difference between descriptions and proper names is as bigger as Russell thought.At the same time,Strawson has overlooked the attributive use of description in the process of concentrating his attention to the referential use of description.The biggest difference between Donnellan and Russell or Strawson is that the former maintains to judge the functions of description according to the context in which they are put in use.Furthermore,both Russell and Strawson hold that if the object denoted by a description does not exist,the sentence including the description would be meaningless.For Donnellan,such a kind of view may be appropriate to the attributive use of description,but as far as the referential use of description is concerned,it is completely wrong.When a speaker regards a description as the means to refer the given object,he can make his listener to understand what object he is referring,even when the description does not describe the object rightly.In one word,Donnellan has carried out the principle of context more consistently than Strawson.
    On the Rediscovery of Radical Choice and Moral Theory——Zhai Zhenming’s Phenomenological Reply to Apel’s Paradox
    HE Jian-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  17-22. 
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    German philosopher Apel put forward a paradox.From a language game of presupposed transcendental communication community,Apel created a rational communicative argumentation.Taking the same background of the transcendental communication community,Prof.Zhai Zhenming,by employing Husserl’s phenomenological theory of transcendental structure,and from the radical choice of all the members in the communicative community,found that human beings,with humanitude,posses phenomenological subjective value.More importantly,Prof.Zhai revealed the value dimension in Husserl’s phenomenology.It is based on this value rational shown in radical choice that Prof.Zhai gave a phenomenological reply to Apel’s paradox.
    Research on the Contrast of Language Views between Western Analytical Aesthetics and Traditional Chinese Aesthetics
    FU Xiao-Fan, LAN Hao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  23-27. 
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    Taking language analysis method in analytical philosophy,western analytical aesthetics tries to solve aesthetic problems in a language way,and art is defined as the core problem in analytical aesthetics.Traditional Chinese aesthetics puts high value on witty remarks and emphasizes on mental experience beyond language.According to Feng Youlan,the contrast between western analytical aesthetics and traditional Chinese aesthetics lies in the way of aesthetic thinking,the former being positive and the latter being negative,and each has unique features.
    The Paradox of Aesthetic Generalization Theory and Some Practical Issues in the Research of Literary Aesthetic Theory
    ZHOU Qiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  28-32. 
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    Currently aesthetic generalization theory is a hot issue in literature science.On the one hand,the original relations between literary aestheticism and the aesthetic of daily life have been discussed,and the latter is incorporated into the literature and art scope.On the other hand,scholars hold that there is a demand to transform the study of literature science into the cultural study,for it has its difficulties in coping with the aesthetic of daily life.However,such theoretical logic has obvious contradiction and exposes some prominent problems in the study of literary theory currently,such as the uncertainty of aesthetic connotation and the prevalence of aesthetic essentialism,which should be reviewed and taken into consideration seriously.
    From Translation to Local Construction——The Prevalence of Reception Aesthetics in Mainland
    WANG Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  33-40. 
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    The communication of reception aesthetics in China has undergone a process   from translation and introduction to local construction connecting with traditional poetic recourse.However,in Chinese intellectual circles,more attention is given to critical practice and previous academic achievement,and less is given to theoretical research and revision,lacking the essential and positive description of inter-subjectivity.The absorption of the inter-subjectivity will promote the transformation of inter-subjectivity in modern Chinese aesthetics.
    Practice and Influence of the Ancient Imperial Examination System in the Minority-concentrated Regions
    PENG Wu-Lin, SU Yong-Heng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  41-47. 
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    The practice of the ancient imperial examination system in the minority-concentrated regions is an important part in its history,which has greatly promoted local education,culture,social economy,and national amalgamation.It is also significant in recognizing and developing a multi-national country.
    On Irregularity,Publication,and Enrollment in Imperial Examination at the Provincial Level Described in Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties
    WANG Yu-Chao, LIU Ming-Kun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  48-52. 
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    Many writers of novels of Ming and Qing dynasties were familiar with the process of imperial examination.As the examinees,they vividly described the irregularity,publication,and enrollment of the examination at the provincial level in their novels,which makes up the lack in historical documents.
    On the Management of Guizhou by Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty
    YAN Jian-Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  53-56. 
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    The Han Dynasty (206B.C.-220A.D) is the first historical period in which Han nationality unified and promoted with other nationalities in Guizhou.Nanyi road was built and postal kiosks constructed along the main lines of communication,which had strengthened the contact between the central court and Guizhou,and changed the situation of traffic block in Guizhou plateau to a certain extent.The officials and wealthy people of the Han Dynasty developed Guizhou and had garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain.They not only consolidated the social foundation of the rule by the Han dynasty in Guizhou,but also brought their advanced production tools and labor technology from the central plains of China,which promoted the development and progress of social economy in Guizhou.Along the Nanyi road,the cultural relics such as the unearthed copper cart and horse,bath basin whose circumference is five feet,iron tools,seals of the central plain type,etc indicated that the migrated Han Nationality had settled down and multiplied in Guizhou plateau.
    A Comparative Study on “Qijia” Thought between the Silk Book Huangdi Book from Mawangdui Han Tombs and Hanfeizi——Also on the Creation Time of Huangdi Book
    LI Pei-Zhi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  57-62. 
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    Both Huangdi Book and Hanfeizi advocate the centralization of monarchy power,and“Qijia” thought is the organic composition of their theory on controlling the power.This paper compares “Qijia” thought in these two books from four aspects:the relationships between the Emperor and his father,his wife,his uncles,and his mother.It is found that “Qijia” thought in Huangdi Book is simple and obscure while rich and clear in Hanfeizi;the former emphasizes both the morality and the power,and the latter only emphasizes power.This also shows that the creation time of Huangdi Book is earlier than Hanfeizi.
    On Bai Juyi’s Bashu Poems and the Change of Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasties
    SHEN Dong-Cheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  63-69. 
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    Bai Juyi’s Bashu (old name for Sichuan Province) poems had a gradual change,which was closely related to his experience of officialdom.Before he was relegated to Jiangzhou,Bai Juyi’s poems were positive and full of ambition.However,when he was in Jiangzhou,he abandoned himself to sadness and the expectation of re-promotion.During his experience in Zhongzhou,his poetic style changed,more focusing on reflections on life,fate,and officialdom.Bai Juyi’s Bashu poems marked the change in his poetic style,which made a far-reaching influence on the poems in the Tang and Song Dynasties.
    On the Generation,Character,and Change of “Huati” in the Pre-Qin Period
    XIA De-Kao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  70-77. 
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    “Zhuguan” (officials in charge of rite) documents in the pre-Qin period are mainly aimed at gods,and sometimes they are also for the civil.“Hua” is a ritual-style of speech of goodwill.“Huati”,early as a ritual style for admonition,belongs to “Zhuguan” documents.With the rise of historiographers and actors as well,their documents have made “Huati” to change from a holly style into a civilian one.This process is seen in two aspects:one is the succession of “Huati” by “Yuti” (type of writing),and the other is the change of “Huati” to “Huaben” novels (novels of folk and public novels).The change from speech of goodwill to story is the reflection of the change of “Huati” to “Huaben” novel.
    Insane Narrative:Specimen of Historical Consciousness of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century
    HU Jun-Fei, LI You
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  78-82. 
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    As a remarkable scene in Chinese novels in the 20th century,insane narrative had a tortuous trip from emergence,evolution,dreariness to prosperity.Because of complicated cultural images and special experience characteristics in narrative voice,insane narrative in Chinese literature in the 20th century has conveyed special historical consciousness which is different from that of other literatures at the same time.From this perspective,insane narrative is the specimen of historical consciousness in Chinese literature in the 20th century.Insane narrative challenged the lofty of historical consciousness before the 1990s;and it reconstructed the value of historical discourse under the background of historical nihilism at the turn of the new century.
    Development of the Literature Form of Illusory Dream and the Change of Literati’s Contemplation on Life and Fate
    TENG Yun, HE Gen-Min
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  83-86. 
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    Illusory dream of honor and prosperity (coming from Chinese idiom),as an eternity in Chinese dream culture,reflected literati’s contemplation on life and fate.Taking the form of dream,literati in different historical periods revealed their life demand and contemplation on life and fate.They denied Confucius idea of scholarly honor or official rank with Taoism concept of quietness and passivity,showing the change of their contemplation on life and fate.The subject of illusory dream of honor and prosperity in literature has become an important means for the literati to express their thoughts and feelings.
    Cause and Effect Feedback and Simulation of the Objectives of China’s Monetary Policy——From the Perspective of System Dynamics
    LIU Chao, ZHANG Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  87-96. 
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    The objectives of monetary policy in our country are interactive and co-regulative to influence economic development.Economic development is dynamic,open,highly nonlinear,highly order,multiple variable,multiple feedback,and complex in time-varying,following the rule of cause and effect.This paper,based on system dynamics,tries to construct models,flow diagrams,and equations for economic development.With the computer simulation to determine and control relevant parameters,interactions of the objectives of the monetary policy are revealed to provide reference for the decision-making in macro-economy.
    Research on the Board Controlling of Ultimate Shareholders and the Accounting Transparency
    ZHU Ya-Qin, YAO Hai-Xin, SONG Yue-Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  97-103. 
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    This paper attempts to research on accounting transparency determinant based on the viewpoint of ultimate controlling.With excellent and unqualified listed company of Shenzhen Stock Exchange A-share from 2006-2008 as the sample,it analyzes the influence of ultimate shareholders’ proportion in the board and their excess controlling on accounting transparency.The research shows that there is a negative relationship between the ultimate shareholders’ proportion in the board and the accounting transparency,though it not obvious statistically;there is an obvious negative relationship between the ultimate shareholders’ excess controlling of the board and accounting transparency;and accounting transparency of state-owned listed company is higher than that of non-state-owned listed company.
    Enlightenment of Doha Round Collectivization Negotiation
    XIAO Yan, ZHANG Han-Lin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  104-107. 
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    In Doha Round,a negotiation mode appeared with the negotiation groups acting as the carrier.On the one hand,this mode,based on communication and coordination within the members groups,reduced negotiation cost and promoted democracy of negotiation system in the multilateral trade;on the other hand,the appearance of groups also made it difficult to coordinate interest and reach agreement.Doha Round negotiation needs more time to be completed.
    Management science
    Villager-oriented Outlook:Innovative Conception of Social Management at the Village Level——A Case Study in Province
    XIAO Xiang-Xiong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  108-112. 
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    Proper conception of social management is the foundation to ensure its efficiency and continuity.This paper,by observing and interviewing,analyzes the conception of social management at the village level in Hunan Province,and puts forward a villager-oriented conception which is in agreement with social characteristics so as to guide social management in practice at the village level.
    Professional Cooperative Operation and the New Rural Construction——A Case Study in Guigang,Guangxi
    XIAO Fu-Qun, ZHONG Rui-Tian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  113-117. 
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    In order to understand whether professional cooperation could promote new rural construction or not,an investigation was made in the countryside of Guigang,Guangxi.It is found that professional cooperative operation is playing a critical role in the new rural construction.It has promoted the growth of production in countryside,improved the standard of peasants’ life,cultivated new farmers and bred the democratic management.
    Comparison and Choice of Individual Fund-raising for New Rural Co-operative Medical System in the Western Regions
    LI Qiong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  118-121. 
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    An effective and rapid way of individual fund-raising is essential to solve the problems in the new rural co-operative medical system in the western regions.In spite of the diverse way of fund-raising,the major way in the western regions is still confined to doorstep collecting.As the new rural co-operative medical system has entered a higher stage,a principle should be based on humanity,diversity,high-efficiency and convenience in the practice of individual fund-raising in the western regions.
    A Research on the Liability of Administrative Inaction and Performance in Government’s Public Warning
    XU Xin-Gui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  122-128. 
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     If administrative inaction causes damage to citizens’ legitimate rights and interests,administrative organs with the responsibilities of public warning must undertake the legal liability.The liability apportionment of administrative inaction should follow the proportionate liability principle.The imputation principle of administrative tort behavior in government’s public warning is transgression criterion of liability.Whether the information is correct or wrong,administrative organs have no legal liability when their actions of public warning collection and dissemination comply with the procedural requirements and substantive requirements of law.
    Conflict and Coordination between Environment Regulation and Indirect Expropriation of Host Country from the Perspective of International Investment
    SHI Jian-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  129-134. 
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    The environmental protection measures taken by the host country,which lead to the expropriation effects on the foreign investors,have been alleged as indirect expropriation with compensations.This gives rise to severe conflicts between the regulation power of the host countries and the private property rights.This essay holds that the reasonable and bona-fide regulation on environment cannot be held as expropriator.Suggestions on coordinating their conflicts,inspired by WTO and some regional agreements,are put forward.
    Intellectual Property Protection in China in the Post-WTO Era:Achievements,Deficiency and Countermeasures
    GAO Lan-Ying, SONG Zhi-Guo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  135-139. 
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    After being a member of WTO for almost ten years,China has gained great achievements in the field of legislation and enforcement of IP protection,although it still has some deficiency compared to TRIPS.In order to solve these problems effectively,we must recognize the situation of China and affirm the necessity of IP protection.Firstly,the legal system of IP in China should be perfected scientifically to fill the gaps with TRIPS.Secondly,IP enforcement measures should be improved to ensure compliance and give effects to IP laws.Thirdly,IP judicial protection framework should be constructed to obtain more remarkable achievements.
    Critique of Traditional Chinese Legal System under the Rule of Virtue
    SI Han-Wu, JIA Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  140-142. 
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     Traditional Chinese way of rule is based on virtue assumed by moral man.Due to lack of rationality in the structure of legal system,this mode is power-orientated and ignores civic right,causing damage to legal system.
    Political science
    On Liang Qichao’Idea of National Spirit
    ZHU Ren-Xian, LI Jun-Ke
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  143-147. 
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     Liang Qichao endows the nation with some intrinsic spirit,which seems to make it alive.The so-called national spirit has three outward manifestation,which are law,sovereignty and culture.They are of great importance within Liang Qichao’whole political theory,and are also the natural results the of view of the nation as an organism.Liang Qichao aims to solve two problems:unification and independence,which,from a historical perspective,is of great value.
    On the Particularity of Ideological Work of the Minority Preparatory Students and the Countermeasures
    QIN Chang-Hong, SU Rui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  148-151. 
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     To better understand the life and psychological features of preparatory students,an investigation was made in several colleges of preparatory education.Based on the findings,countermeasures are put forward to provide reference for the management.
    On Modern Youth’s Recognition to Dominant Value System and the Internalization
    ZHANG Li-Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  152-154. 
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    It is held that modern youth,as the carrier of modernization,have a positive value system.However,critics also exist in their recognition.The author analyzes the reasons for this crisis,including the radical change in international and domestic situations,the youth’s multiple ideological trends,the deficiency of education,and the negative influence of the Internet.Based on this,a series of suggestions on optimization are put forward to internalize the youth’s dominant value system.
    Cultural Studies
    A Literature Review on the Strategy of Cultural Development since the 16th CPC National Congress
    LI Xiang, YANG Yi-Qin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  155-160. 
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     This paper gives a brief review on the strategies of cultural development since the 16th CPC National Congress,maintaining that these strategies are presentations of cultural consciousness in modern China.Reviewing these strategies is significant in cultural innovation and making a cultural power.
    On the Ideological Factors and Their Enlightenment in Mao Zedong’s Thought of Cultural Construction
    HU Jian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  161-164. 
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    Ideological factors in Mao Zedong’s thought of cultural construction both existed during the period of new democracy and the period of socialist construction.They were the reflections of the battle between Kuomintang Party and Communist Party and the battle of Chinese people against imperialism in the ideological field,and also were necessary to reinforce socialist power.It is enlightened that in socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics,attentions should be paid to ideological factors;however,they should not be exaggerated.Socialist core value system should be guided to construct modern Chinese culture.
    Analysis on the Current Direction of Chinese ACG Culture
    CHEN Wen-Min
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  165-168. 
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    Cultural creation industry opens up a new era for AGG (animation,comic,and game).Compared with ACG in developed countries,Chinese ACG is confronting with cultural difficulties,such as the lack of children-orientation,deficiency of game spirit,scarcity of cartoon stars,and loss of original style.The future of Chinese AGG culture output and soft power construction should follow a direction that emphasizes rectifying youth subculture,making a balance between original creation and the use of reference.
    The Aspect Markers of “Gonɡde N(羾得N)”and “Zai N(在N)”  in Xiangtan Dialect
    GONG Na
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  169-172. 
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    There are two aspect markers,which are “gonɡde N(羾得N)”and “zai N(在N)”in Xiangtan dialect.“Gonɡ(羾)” and “zai(在)”can be used as verbs and prepositions.The former which highlights the dynamic context,can only access the object of location and does not take time object.The latter is opposite.Both “ɡonɡde N(羾得N)” and “zai N(在N)”are quasi-aspect markers.The former can only be located in the syntactic configuration before the verb structure,meaning the progressive in semantic,and is used for casual occasions in pragmatic function with low level of grammaticalization;the latter can be located before or after the verb,meaning the progressive and continuous with less limited pragmatic function and slightly higher degree of grammaticalization.
    On the Two Bases of the Truth of Translation
    ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Yan-Yu, YI Lai-Bin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(2):  173-176. 
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    The principle of translation is one of the hot topics in the field of translation studies.It is thought that the principle of translation is the principle of truth of translation,which lies not in the functional equivalence but in the cognition of cultures,and that the real cognition of cultures must rely on scientific methods.From this,it can be said that linguistics is the basis of the truth of translation and cognition of cultures is its guideline.
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