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    15 January 2012, Volume 33 Issue 1
    Ecological anthropology
    Plant and Culture:Another Interpretation of Human History
    YANG Ting-Shuo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  1-7. 
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    Malinowski holds that the function of culture is to meet the need of human society.To maintain human society,sufficient food is necessary,which mainly comes from plant.This means that human society,once it is formed,has a close relationship with plant.Historical science,with the evolution of human society as its study subject,would not be able to interpret the power and mechanism of social evolution if it ignores the balance between plant and culture. Unfortunately,historical texts kept so far mainly focus on human activities,especially those of elite class.No culture,nor plant,has been given due weight,making it difficult to interpret historical texts accurately.If we stick to the principle of Annales School that social evolution is uneven,and that the plant,which is closely connected with specific society and culture,is lengthily continual,we may succeed unexpectedly in the research of historical science,because we can draw certain historical and cultural information of plant,direct or indirect,from historical texts,and regain the power and mechanism of social evolution.
    On the Concept of Eco-protection under the Background of Globalization
    LUO Kang-Long, ZOU Hua-Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  8-12. 
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     The existent concepts of eco-protection all start from concrete culture.Eco-safety is a cultural concept,and different nations under different culture have diverse understandings to the concept of ecology.The present study of eco-anthropology should also start from concrete nation,exploring and sorting out its traditional eco-knowledge,reinforcing their confidence,promoting their regional eco-knowledge and eco-skill,fully playing the value of eco-knowledge,and effectively utilizing and protecting regional eco-environment.
    Original Culture of Ethnic Groups
    FU An-Hui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  13-18. 
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    In the world,the original cultures of ethnic groups came into being first,and then some of them developed into shared culture in the region and even in the whole world.The original culture of ethnic groups cultivated the shared culture of the world.The concept of original culture refers to the cultural phenomenon that the original culture can maintain its substantive characteristics and basic state after historical evolution of years,which keeps its stability with its original significance and state.Original culture is accepted by the world for its independent system.Originality is the most outstanding characteristic of original culture of ethnic groups,and the research for the originality provides help for the protection of diversity of culture and local knowledge.The theoretical construction for the original culture of ethnic groups is of vital significance for the heritage of traditional culture and the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.
    From Exogenous Development to Endogenous Development:A Reflection of Traditional Culture Reconstruction——A Case Study of Budai People’s Tianqin Culture in Jinlong Village
    QIN Hong-Zeng, SONG Xiu-Bo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  19-23. 
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    The reconstruction of traditional culture is inevitable in the context of globalization.Tianqin,a special instrument used by Budai people living in China ̄Vietnam boarder area,changed from folk ritual implement to folk musical instrument and eventually went onto world stage,which proved the way of Budai people’s culture reconstruction is very successful.When reflecting the whole process,we think the mode of“from exogenous to endogenous development”is the successful way to reconstruct Tianqin culture.
    Local Medicinal Cognition and Ito Classification Feature——Anthropological Investigation Based on SuZhu Village inthe West of Hunan Province
    LIANG Zheng-Hai, BAI Gui-Xi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  24-28. 
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    Local drug cognitive is not only the practical experience and cognitive system of characterization,characteristics,function and utility of medicinal plants and animals created by ethnic groups in the ecological space which they live in,but also an abstract expression of the concrete object and its performance.Its extension includes drug ecological cognition,naming rules and classification system,etc.Drug ecological cognition,based on the practice,shows the characteristics of the specific science;Drug naming comes from a kind of production practice and the need of daily life,and there are rules;Drug property division has both the universality of traditional folk classification structure,and the particularity of the region,and classification system of taste as the standard is not only the rich connotation of folk taxonomy,and development of classification science of the folk.
    The Existing Activation of The Metaphor of Historical Setting——the Church of Vietnam Lao Cai to Red Dao’s Life
    MA Yan-Kun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  29-33. 
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    The historical setting is objective reality,but it can create deep value by the stiff of the“anti ̄historical ̄events”.People can activate the historical setting because of its property for the sake of memorizing.With the historical event goes farer and farer,it will be prominent by the way of reverse direction.Under the situation of the market economy,through Red Dao’s way out to dig out the metaphor of historical setting as the reference point,it is easy to find West Power to dominate Red Dao when it’s content disappears but just leaves the form,for Red Dao which means to adopt and produce the social effect,thereby yield the social space method of ideology dealing with appearing social problem.
    Life Politics:the Formation Rule of Social Orders in Borderland Areas——Selfness View for Social Construction at Borderland Society across Yunan and Vietnam 
    GU Jia-Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  34-37. 
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    As a multi-dimensional concept,order has different meanings and connotations from different perspectives.State order has been established on the basis of state will of multi-ethnic unity,while different nationalities at borderland areas keep their social orders by their customs respectively.State order always conflicts with those of borderland nationalities.Life politics rule shall be followed during the formation of borderland social order.During the overall system design and construction of borderland areas,the state shall attach more importance to the public opinions of borderland nationalities,and take into account of behavior logics of the nationalities.During the policy-making process,the consulting with borderland residents will cultivate their consciousness of a state’s citizen and bring them into the construction of the state’s borderland order.
    Shencongwen Studies
    Ironies in the Novel Fengzi
    JIAO Shi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  38-45. 
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    In his novel  Fengzi,Shen Congwen eradicated the foundation,cultural presupposition,material possibility and ultimate purpose for seclusion,making it possible to realize.Shen’s seclusion,characterized by irony,should be interpreted as seclusion of philosophical and mysterious sense.All his reflections totally changed after they were attached with irony.His ironic detachment was partial with respect to the through and serious detachment.In addition,this was a dual detachment:on the one hand,the author never lacked a civilian and political sense,yet it was not a kind of worship;on other hand,the tensile force of life and the relativization of knowledge had prevented him from turning into mysticism.Characters in Shen Congwen’s novels did not escape;they just lived in reality.Fundamentally,Shen had relativized an era characterized by extremism.
    On Shen Congwen’s Anthropological Creation in His Early Days of Creation
    HE Xiao-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  46-50. 
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    Shen Congwen applied aesthetic methods to describe the theme of the western area of hunan in Shen Congwen’s early days of creation.As a result,Shen Congwen had preserved a cultural space which differenced from modern culture.Shen congwen had regarded western culture of Hunan as a mirror to rethink modern civilization,so anthropological poetics became a basic feature of the literature works of Shen Congwen,and his literature works also posed a kind of distinct primitivism.Shen Congwen regarded the western culture of Hunan as resource to realize national rejuvenation,creating a utopia world,which is why Shen Congwen’s thought of artistic aesthetics could stand out in modern literature.But his anthropological poetics met with inevitable defeat because of his lack of historical reason.We can adopt the cultural anthropological theories and methods to study Shen Congwen’s concrete anthropological literary works.Only by utilizing the anthropological theories and methods can we possess a macroscopic and whole horizon in the domain of Shen Congwen’s literary research,which is the only way out of this predicament.
    Interpretations to “Qing-jing” Thought of Taoist Aesthetics
    LI Tian-Dao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  51-55. 
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    From the perspective of life aesthetics,“Qing” refers to a kind of aesthetic composing domain and its constituting model.Take Zhuangzi,one of the greatest ancient Chinese philosophers,as an example,he advocated discarding all desires and worries from one’s mind,his aesthetic psychology,method and appeal were theoretically based on “Qing”.As an important constituent in Taoist Aesthetics,the aesthetic consciousness of “Qing” had great influence on the life idea and aesthetic appeal of ancient Chinese scholars.   
    Aesthetic Education Replacing Religion”:Dual Aims of AestheticFaith Value Constructed by Cai Yuanpei
    PAN Li-Yong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  56-60. 
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    Cai Yuan-pei came up with the theory of “Aesthetic Education Replacing Religion” in order to carry out a faith reconstruction project in the modern Chinese cultural context where the Li-Yue system of Confucianism had collapsed and also be lack of religious spirit.The specific characteristic of aesthetic spirit in the aesthetic education and the social-political environment of modern China determined the dual value nature in the faith construction logic of theory of ‘Aesthetic Education Replacing Religion’,which embodied in the following two groups paradox:secularity and transcendence,individuality and sociality.The paradoxical dual nature of faith value reflected the intellectuals’ mental state caused by cultural modernity in the course of faith reconstruction.
    Modern Value Dilemma in the Mainstream Values Identification
    LIU Huai-Guang, LIU Ya-Qi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  61-64. 
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    China has not only been experiencing the changes of its life style,but also been in the great disorder and conflict of reconstructing and identifying its Mainstream Values in its Transition Period.The value systems of Chinese traditional culture,collectivism value popularized in the planned economy era and western values introduced in the market economy period have all lost their meanings and fallen into pieces awkwardly under the impact of the discourse power in the new era.Value conflicts between the traditional and the modern,the foreign and the native,and those lie in the social internal structures are becoming more fierce and complex at the age of pluralistic values.The transformation of the cultural communication patterns has made the propaganda and identification of the Mainstream Values even harder.These are the reasons why we are in the modern value dilemma of the Mainstream Values Identification.Creative transformation of the traditional root values,the foundation of an openly inclusive value systems and a mutually dialogic value communication patterns will be the possible ways of forming a healthy mainstream ̄value ̄identification atmosphere which will be best for the development of the society.
    Others of Science:On the Etymology and the Essence of Humanism Sciences
    LI Ya-Xu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  65-68. 
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    Scholars like to discuss the logic of humanism sciences through the analysis of the difference between humanism sciences and natural sciences.It helps to untie the humanism sciences from natural sciences,but it is also to reverse the relation thereof.Maybe we can study humanism sciences through its deep structure,so that we can uncover the ontology and the essence of humanism sciences:“Pi”,history and surpass quality.Jullien says this is wisdom:others of science.
    On the Dual Directions and Modern Prospect of Classical Poetics Hermeneutics
    LI Yong-Yin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  69-74. 
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    generally speaking,dual directions of poetics hermeneutics refer to “to be artistic or to formalize” and “functional theory or existential theory”,namely,“poetry and thought” and “the art of poetry”.The modern transformation of Chinese poetics hermeneutics is a response to the appeal of the present time and history,which entails reevaluating the tradition of Chinese poetics hermeneutics.Starting from and based on the rationality of Chinese classical poetics hermeneutics,we will be able to establish a brand ̄new values of the life of Chinese modern poetics,new principles and sense of value for poetics hermeneutics.
    Theories and Reflections of the Chinese Literary Anthropology from the Perspective of Its Historical Starting Point
    DAI Yun-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  75-78. 
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    Chinese scholars have reached an agreement on the historical starting point of Chinese literary anthropology and its modern academic tradition,with literary myth,relevance between Cambridge myth ceremony school and Frye’s archetypal theory,as well as methodology.It covered diversity research of Chinese literary anthropology in the 20th century,and also engendered some kind of one-track cognition in introducing the literary anthropology research in Taiwan region.It contained “What is literary anthropology” in the probing into the historical starting point of Chinese literary anthropology.Only if the connotation of the literary anthropology to be adequately interpreted,its object,territory and scope will be defined at the maximum degree.The historical starting point of Chinese literary anthropology can be logically autonomous,be discussed in theory and speech.We must pay attention to the historical context in which Chinese literary anthropology develops.
    The Competition of “Interest”——Discuss on the remodeling and crisis of poet’s aesthetic interest in “17 years”
    WU Hong-Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  79-83. 
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    During the growing of “17 years poetry”,the remodeling of poet’s aesthetic interest is not only the effective means of intellectual’s self ̄innovation and newcomers’ reconstruction,but also the important strategy which promotes the generation of new aesthetic style of contemporary poetry.The protagonist of contemporary poets effect a radical cure intellectuals “aesthetic paranoid” and “aesthetic inertia”,through the interest segmentation and the reproduction of the legal interest,which make contemporary poets aesthetic interest authorization.The aesthetic interest authorized not only leads to imbalance and variation of aesthetic interest,but also causes legitimacy crisis of peasants and soldiers’ aesthetic interest.
    On Local Culture of Western Hunan and Development of  Modern Hunan Literature
    LIU Zhong-Xu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  84-87. 
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    Xiang-Chu culture is the origin of Hunan culture with long history,especially western Hunan has a long and brilliant ancient Xiang-Chu culture.Xiang-Chu culture in western Hunan has much influence on the development of modern Hunan literature,and has significant influence on the formation of Hunan writers as well.
    The Revolutionary Narration by Luxun:the Tensile Force of Revolution and Revenge
    WAN Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  88-91. 
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    The sense of revenge is a key part for the unique presence of Luxun and existential experience.It is also a proof of existence as a human being instead of a slave when confronting unfair predicament in our life.What’s more,it is one of the ways adopted by Luxun to create new spirit and personality.Lu Xun has opened the revolutionary narration of modern Chinese literature,revenge being included.On the one hand,in revolutionary narration,Luxun wrote about failures of revolutions caused by a combination of motives,which originated from revolution and personal vengeance etc.On the other hand,Luxun elaborated on the fall of revolutionary concept due to the pain of sacrifice,sense of vengeance and nihility.Luxun vacillated between natural narration and moral narration.The morale predicament and paradox presented in Luxun’s revolutionary narration is the mixture of force from the upcoming revolutionary literature.The topic “the predicament of the situation is the kindness of morality” mentioned by Luxun in revolutionary narration has been authorized by incorporating it as a part of the revolutionary literature by literary organizations of younger generation. 
    Political science
    Reflection and Criticism on the Multiculturalism in Tai Wan under Multiethnic Field
    FU Cui-Lian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  92-96. 
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    Tai wan is a migrant society which consists with a multiple ethics since the ancient time.The influence of the global context and the special local situation pushed it to be a multiethnic society? But the multiculturalism in Taiwan is highly ideological,which has damaged the real tolerance,democracy,thus making the version of “multiculturalism” in Taiwan alienated and deformed.It is not conducive to the form and the real tolerant and diverse social and cultural patterns in Taiwan.In Taiwan,the social context of cultural diversity should embrace equality,respect,learning,and face different cultures and mutual understanding;cultural identity of ethnic minorities must be in their own cultural traditions and mainstream culture to strike a balance for a choice point;Through diverse communication,the people of Taiwan build empathy for new immigrants and promote international cultural exchange and integration.Facing the social context of cultural diversity of Taiwan,we should understand different culture mutually with equality and respect.Cultural identity of ethnic minorities must make a choice between their own cultural traditions and mainstream culture;or to strike a balance.The people of Taiwan build empathy for new immigrants and promote international cultural exchanges and integration through diverse communication.
    On Modern Democracy from the Perspective of Consumer Sovereignty
    XIE Jiang-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  97-100. 
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    The modern democracy,based on consumers’ sovereignty,is a political stretch of the consumers’ sovereignty in market.Consumer democracy has its limitations:first,consumers often make some short-sighted choices due to their limited rationality.Second,consumers’ sovereignty democracy can hardly avoid the accusation from “the democracy of the rich”.Consumers’ democracy is regarded as a false democracy of bourgeois,but the process changed into producers’ sovereignty is not successful.Though with its limitations,consumer’s democracy coincides with the basic meaning of democracy most.
    Analysis and Countermeasures:Reflections on the Leading of Diversified Social Thoughts by Socialism Core Value System
    CUI Zhi-Sheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  101-104. 
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     In the face of active thoughts,concepts conflicts,and culture convergence,the dominant status of socialism core value system shall be established in contemporary China,which can consolidate the ideological and moral foundation of social harmony.In order to guide the way of various social thoughts,we shall push forward the construction of socialism core value system,promote the guidance capacity thereof.We shall carry out the “guidance” principle into different aspects of cultural construction,and strengthen the personnel training who shall have a good commanding of the guidance skills.
    Lewis’s Dual Economic Structure Theory and China’s Reality
    XU Jing-Yong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  105-108. 
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    Lewis’s Dual Economic Structure Theory was based on the market economy with free competition.The market economy in present China is not perfect,which can only be called government-engineered market economy.Lewis’s dual economic structure theory was therefore distorted as the urban-rural dual economic structure.This fostered the peasant workers market,development of labor intensive industry and export-oriented development model.The demographic dividend period with plenty of peasant workers supply is going to its end,and the Lewis Turning Point is coming.The “anti-driving mechanism”of China’s social and economic development model has been strengthened.The export-oriented development model based on peasant workers market has come to its end.
    Some Rules on Commodity Value
    WANG Hai-Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  109-113. 
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    The marginal utility of average commodity degreases with the increase of this commodity,so does its exchange value,for the entity of the exchange value is the value in use,in other words,the marginal utility of commodity.The more the commodities are,the more people need and desire for,and so the unsatisfied needs and desires become fewer and less important,finally leading to the least important needs and desires caused by average increase,least marginal utility,least value in use,least entity of exchange value,and least exchange value of average commodity.
    A Study of the Academic Values of Rational Choice Theory——from the Perspective of Feminist Economics
    CUI Shao-Zhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  114-118. 
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    The application of Rational Choice Theory (RCT) in economics,according to some economists,has proved to be “a great success”,leading to clear and rigorous insights unattainable from less precise methods.Behind the idea of “success” lies some specific biased system of academic values.This system of values emphasizes parsimony over richness and rigor over reality,reflecting serious mescaline’s biases.Economics,to be a real science,should balance between these values.
    Analysis on the Formation and Operation Framework of Management of Co-existence in Industrial Cluster
    CHEN Fei-Long
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  119-123. 
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    After the industrial cluster has exceeded certain range and its managerial concept returned to eco-field,the coexistence in industrial cluster system has expanded from “among industries in manufacturing” to “manufacturing and manufacturing”,“manufacturing and producing service” and different entities among manufacturing,producing service,professional market,chamber of commerce and governmental agencies.Thereby,the management of coexistence in the industrial cluster has also extended from the singe field to a multi-field covering different areas.
    New Thinking on Constitutional Status of Right to Strike——Legal Basis for Regulations and Handle Group Dispute (Strike)
    CHEN Nai-Xin, LOU Jian-Bing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  124-128. 
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    Although there are many people who uphold to enhance the legislation of the right to strike,but the strike itself and the right to strike are not completely understood by the masses.That is why there is no progress on the legislation of the right to strike.By the development of market economy,hostility between capital and labor,group dispute are happening from time to time.There is a strong need to push the steps of legislation of the right to strike forward.Therefore,we need a more scientific analysis on the constitutional status of right to strike.The essence of the right to strike is the right to suspend the work by worker himself,it is the way he achieves rights and interests of labor force,and counterbalances abuse of right from employer.Under the status of constitution,right to strike will be helpful to establish the win-win relationship among labor,capital and government,which is beneficial to develop the manpower resources,and realize a real scientific development.
    On Property Theory and Construction of Social Management Mode under the Rule of Law——In Light of Natural Law
    LIU Chang-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  129-132. 
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    In the logic of life,liberty and property,property theory justifies legitimacy of property in labor and constructs a society from intrinsic human nature to external social scene.In the property theory,metaphysical natural law of property achieves a humane form of care,and operational positive law establishes a historical form of property rights.The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has formed preliminarily this year.Based on the theory “the sole destination of law is to protect the right of people”,contract person dissolves the risks in the transition social and constructs a harmonious society in the two dimensions of the fear of inner psychological practice and external social compliance,which can be helpful for artificial concept to contract the construction of society ruled by law,leading and strengthening the social management by the rule of law.
    Research on “Bao-gao” System in Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of Social History
    WU Xin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  133-136. 
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    “Bao-gao” system was a kind of litigation system in ancient China.It was not only a kind of legal system,but also a kind of social relation between the litigants and their agents,which was based on legal litigation.From the historical point of view,“Bao-gao” was the contents of legal practice,interpersonal relations,social changes and social structures,and was one of the key problems under the discussion of rural order in Qing dynasty in social history.
    Cultural Studies
    Reconsidering the Position of Culture——An Overview of the Predicament of Neoliberalism and Cultural Studies
    ZOU Zan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  137-141. 
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    The criticism from the scholars over cultural studies actually points at a nuclear topic concerning the position of culture in society.All the ideas about the position of culture are confronted with the challenges caused by the contextual transformations.Therefore,we should bring in the reflection system of neoliberalist politics and economy,and reevaluate the position of culture in a new global historical context.In some sense,appadurai’s grassroots globalization provides a new possibility to construct an organic culture;In other sense,returning to British cultural studies especially the pro-period of Birmingham school,and discovering the structural positions of culture,politics and economy,will surely offer us ideal reflections to reevaluate the position of culture in the present context.
    Oustanding Signifier and Covered Signified——The Representation Crisis under the Linguistic Turn
    JIANG Xiao-Juan, YANG Xiang-Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  142-145. 
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    The Linguistic Turn not only has important influence on western philosophy and linguistics research,but also has strong impact on western literature.The consequence of modernity of the Linguistic Turn was Outstanding Signifier and covered Signified.Under the influence of The Linguistic Turn,the language is constantly strengthened and become our prison.And all kinds of questions to the representations function of language have triggered the current language representation crisis to appear.
    The Practice of New Media and The Dissemination Orientation of Marxism
    WANG Xue-Jian, LIU Qiang-
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  146-149. 
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    The choice and spread of Marxism in China,is a process of reception,development and innovation of Marxism in China,a dialectical negative process of absorbing new nutrition and new ideas constantly,and discarding old things and old ideas,and also a process of giving Marxism practice characteristics,national characteristics and era characteristics.With the development of new media technology and the expansion of information space,the energy of new media is pervading every aspect of our life fields increasingly.It has impacted and will impact more profoundly the social ideology,political structure,economic model and even the people’s living and production way.At the same time,it provides new stage and channel for the dissemination and development of Marxism in China.Under the new media technology,the showing of communication function,optimization of communication mechanism,and the innovation of communication model all endue Marxism communication which practice by new media with new orientation selection.The spread of Marxism,in contemporary China through getting from the advanced results of new media technology and structuring communication model by the modern times new media technology,will in future promote the communication and popularization of Marxism in China.
    Theory and Practice on the Construction of Celebrity Thematic Database——A Case of Study of Shen Congwen Thematic Database
    ZHANG Yun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  150-152. 
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    Celebrity database is a kind of thematic database that collects,sorts out,researches,and utilizes the materials of celebrity with public influence,and achieves multi-channel searches as well as the display of celebrity’s literature profoundly by the reorganization,integration,and process hierarchically of celebrity resources.Resources,data,technology,network and funds are needed for the construction of celebrity database.Its organizational structure should give priority for the people concerned,and make full use of multimedia technology to integrate the pictures,words,sounds and video,and the detailed structure can be formed by index database,essay database,video database,picture database and original manuscript database.
    Study of the Future Development Trend of the Subject of Physical Education and Training in China
    BAI Jin-Xiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  153-156. 
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    Physical education and training course (PE) at present is faced with problems such as too saturated,uneven development level and lack of features.The focus of PE in its future development is to serve the competitive sports among universities,which shall change gradually from the current sports teachers’ culture to provide scientific and technological support for competitive sports.For the perfection of disciplinary system,PE should develop the recreational sports and national traditional sports inside,and continue to absorb concept and essence from other social,natural subjects.At the same time,the discipline of PE shall maintain its relative independence.
    The Formation,Features and Enlightenments of  University Teacher Development System in UK
    HU Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  157-160. 
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    Teachers are the most precious intellectual resources of universities as the key to the existence and development of universities.After the formation stage in elite higher education period and the formation development stage in mass higher education period,university teacher development system(UTDS) in UK has displayed the following characteristics:the idea that it is important to construct UTDS in order to improve higher education quality is reflected;special institutions of UTDS have been established;scientific research management is strengthened to promote UTDS construction;enough financial guarantee for UTDS and perfect supervision & evaluation of UTDS are provided.It is of great reference significance to the construction and practice of UTDS with Chinese characteristics that we study the successful experience of that in UK.
    OnNational Defense Education in Colleges and Universities from Subject Classification
    YIN Jian-Qiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  161-163. 
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    Subject Classification can decide the belongs of national defense education in colleges and universities,and the development models as well. National defense education in colleges and universities is a vital part of moral education,which belongs to the field of pedagogy. National defense education department in colleges and universities is administered by government departments,which to some degree constrains the spread and development of national defense education in colleges and universities,as well as its quality and level. So it is essential to define the nature and classification of national defense education department in colleges and universities.
    A New Understanding of “Zhishi”(one of the six categories of Chinese characters)
    TANG Sheng-Zhou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  164-167. 
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    The concept of “zhishi ”(指事,one of the six categories of Chinese characters) was defined as “shierkeshi,chaerjianyi”(视而可识,察而见意),referring to distinguish and know the meaning by observing the Chinese characters.Here,“shi” (识)has been understood as “to know”,causing semantic repetition and divergence.In fact,“shi” (识) should be interpreted as “distinguish”;“shierkeshi”(视而可识) refers that we can distinguish a set of related characters from their forms,and“chaerjianyi”(察而见意) refers that we can know the meanings by observing the Chinese characters carefully.If we can understand these,both the scope and the classification of the self-explanatory characters will be more definite.
    Classification of “Sikle hua”in Guzhang County in Western Hunan
    ZOU Xiao-Ling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  168-172. 
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    There is a Chinese dialect in Guzhang county in western Hunan,which is not widespread and its classification is unidentified.From the comparison of phonological features between “Sike hua” and Chenxi and Xupu branch of Hunan dialect,“Sike hua”has the typical features of Hunan dialect,which shall be categorized into Chen-xu branch.
    On Intertextuality of Discourse Modes
    WANG Fu-Lan, LIU Shi-Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2012, 33(1):  173-175. 
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    Discourse mode indicates the meaning of language,analyzing and distinguishing language unit and semantic unit of the same language form lay emphasis on logic-semantic relation between local structure and superstructure.The discussion of Intertextuality of discourse modes is a means to help realize language cognition and intercultural communication as well as to broaden perspective of discourse analysis and translation.
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