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    15 September 2009, Volume 30 Issue 5
    Background,Target,Vision and Method:on the Ethic Research of Epidemic Diseases
    TANG Dai-Xing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  1-6. 
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    The ethics of epidemic diseases,namely,a subject dealing with contemporary existential crisis,evolves from the ethical reflection upon the ultimate human issues that cause frequent epidemic diseases.The ethics of epidemic diseases should help mankind to resume a rational ecological lifestyle;thus,it might be a bridge leading to a harmonious future world between man and nature.This new ethics should provide an ethical propose for the prevention and treatment of the epidemic diseases and for the following reconstruction.Therefore,to construct the ethics of epidemic disease,we must examine its surviving background,ethical target,cognition vision,and research approaches first.
    Life Belief and Moral Belief
    WEI Chang-Ling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  7-11. 
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    Life belief is based on and represented by life philosophy,whose core is the outlook of life value.Moral belief is the recognition of moral target,and the process of recognition is to understand and think about life value.The establishment of life belief,the formation of life philosophy,the understanding of life value and the formation of moral belief are all within a unified process,and life belief is coherent with moral belief.
    On the Restoration of Postmodern Morality——Commentary on Zygmunt Bauman’s Ethics
    ZHOU Fa-Cai, GUO Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  12-15. 
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    Ethic and morality are important issues for Bauman.Modernity is the product of morality and ethic,and modern society is faced with moral crisis.In a postmodern era,ethic calls for moral impulsion,and ethic crisis has provided chance and challenge for the recovery of morality.Enlightened by Levinas’s ethics,Bauman proposes his own ethics,trying to deconstruct its institution from the interior of modern ethics.However,he is puzzled by “the unconditional responsibility to others”,and he has to look for new substitution mechanism to produce the moral intention.
    A Comparison between Kant and Mou Zongsan on Moral Priority
    CHEN Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  16-20. 
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    To solve the unity problem in rational utilization,Kant puts practical rationality in a prior position according to logic,while Mou Zongsan regards that morality is prior to knowledge according to traditional Chinese source.Comparing the two,we may find that moral priority is the precondition for Kant and Mou Zongsan to propose moral metaphysics respectively,and it will certainly lead to moral idealism to be tested by practice.
    Liberation of Eros and Liberation of Sensibility——A Comparison of the Theory on Human Liberation by Marcuse and Marx
    LIU Xing-Zhang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  21-27. 
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    The two theories on human liberation by Marcuse and Marx are greatly different due to their philosophical stands,the former basing his theory on metaphysics and the latter on ontology.Marcuse,interpreting Marx’s theory from the happy principle of psychological point,regards that his Eros theory has deepened Marx’s theory on liberation movement.However,his theory is nothing but a degradation of Marx’s theory.
    The Philosophical Interpretation of Marx’s Concept of Community
    LIU Hai-Jiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  28-32. 
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    Viewing the several concepts of community by Marx,we may find that community is the unity of particularity and universality and that of individual and society formed by certain intermediary.The intermediary,which unites individual and society,determines that community is a kind of intolerant social organization denying individual freedom,inevitably leading to self-denial in the course of production.
    “Three Inner Unities”:the Collective Representation of the Integrated Research on Marxism
    XIAO Ying-Sheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  33-36. 
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    The integrated research on Marxism includes strict logic structure,rich ideology and complete system of discipline classification.The integrated research collectively represents three inner unities:the unity of three basic levels in terms of logic frame,the unity of three components in terms of basic content,and the unity of six secondary disciplines in terms of curriculum development.
    Marx’s Leap Theory :the Unity of the Outlook of World History and the Outlook of Historical Materialism
    SUN Yao-Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  37-42. 
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    The leap theory  in Marx’s later years is not  a multi-lineal theory,instead,it refers to the dialectical unity of the outlook of world history and the outlook of historical materialism.The later is included in the former and the former is based on the later.The sequential thought of social development should be understood from the perspectives of time spirit,human history,and world history.Marx’s leap theory can also be used to explain the historical inevitability of the success of Chinese revolution.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    On the Knowledge of Farm Manure of the Tujia People from the Perspective of Cognitive Anthropology——A Case Study in Wufeng Autonomous County of Hubei Province
    BAI Gui-Xi, LI Ji-Wen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  43-48. 
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    Cognitive anthropology,as a subject to study the formation and application of human knowledge,mainly focuses on knowledge,especially the traditional knowledge.Taking a case study in Honglie Village of Wufeng Autonomous County in Hubei Province as an example,this paper investigates the knowledge of farm manure of the Tujia People from the perspective of cognitive anthropology in a detailed way,holding that Tujia People have a special knowledge of farm manure in classification and cognitive utilization,which is significant in comprehending and reflecting the modernity of traditional knowledge.Of course,the rationality of the knowledge of modern fertilizer should also be taken into consideration when we examine the modernity of Tujia People’s knowledge of farm manure.Only by combining the traditional knowledge with the modern one can it better serve the society.
    An Exploration of Hunting Custom of the Waxiang People in Xiangxi
    LIU Xing-Lu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  49-53. 
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    Hunting,as a living folk collective activity of the Waxing People (a clan mainly living in Yuanshui River basin),displays its unique structure and function in material production,spiritual life and organizational system.Although folk hunting is disappearing gradually nowadays,as a cultural heritage,it is still revealing in constructing our harmonious society.
    Political science
    The Change and Enlightenment of the Core Value Orientation of Government Responsibility
    TANG Zhi-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  54-59. 
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    A responsible government is the product of modern democratic politics,and its responsibility comes from the entrustment between civics and government,including political,economic,legal,moral and social responsibilities.For a hundred years,the core value orientation of Western governments has undergone a change from “order and efficiency” to “equity and justice” and to “service and competition”.Leaning from this experience and based on the fundamental economic system in our country as well as the goal of a responsible and service government,publicity should be the core value orientation of our government’s responsibility.
    An Analysis of Rural Contractual Insurance of Joint Defense for Public Security from the Perspective of Neoinstitutional Economics
    HU Jian-Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  60-64. 
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    Characterized by public product,the security in rural areas is significant for the whole society and the nation.The contractual insurance of joint defense for public security not only adds new content to rural social provision,but also provides a new way for social security.Combining personnel,reward,responsibility,and compensation together,it is a new measure of public security which is suitable for market economy,and is also the heritage and development of the comprehensive management of public security in the new era.
    On the Political Functions of the Public Sphere
    LIU Zi-Xue, DAI Chang-Qiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  65-68. 
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    The development of public sphere is a historical process.The basic function of modern public sphere is its political function,that is,its signal function and its legislative function.The practical significance of public sphere is that it endows the modern political order with legitimacy.
    A Comparison of Global Value Chains’ Promotion Effect on the Technical Progress of the Embedded-enterprises
    GONG San-Le
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  69-74. 
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    Global value chain can promote technical progress of the embedded- enterprises.By comparing the technical development game among the embedded-enterprises,we can see that the force and promotion effect of the producer-driven GVC and buyer-driven GVC are different.The former is more obvious while the latter is not very prominent.The difference comes from the intrinsic characteristics of these two kinds of GVC.
    Reflections on the Influence of CAFTA on the Border Trade of Guangxi and the Countermeasures
    ZHU Yu-Bing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  75-78. 
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    Based on the status and features of the border trade of Guangxi,this paper analyzes the influence of CAFTA on the border trade there and puts forward suggestions to further develop the border trade with Vietnam.It is proposed that macroscopic readjustment and control should be strengthened by the government while the quality of exported products improved microcosmically.
    Research on Bank Loan Loss Provision and Its New Trends
    PENG Xiao-Yan, ZHONG Xue-Qi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  79-82. 
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    Loss from loan is the direct source for the bank loss,and bank loan loss provision is a common way to deal with the risk.Presently,some new measures are adopted internationally to prepare for bank loan loss,such as the introduction of the concept of risk management,proposition of expected loss model,sequential cycle,and dynamic preparation for loan loss.Understanding these new trends will help us to better deal with bank loan loss provision and keep pace with international practice.
    A Theoretical Research on the Dependent Economic Model of Logistics Industry Cluster
    YANG Zi-Hui, LING Yan-Ping, LI Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  83-87. 
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    The theory of logistics industry cluster is being used in regional economy more and more frequently.As an industry economy,logistics becomes more and more dependent on industry cluster.However,in the process of logistics industry cluster,a series of factors have seriously hindered the development of logistics industry cluster.Through investigation in logistics industry cluster market,this paper introduces a dependent economic model of logistics industry cluster which can guide the government and the investors as well.
    Problems and Countermeasures on the Training of Rural Labor Forces in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture
    HUANG Hua-Ying, LIU Chun-Yang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  88-91. 
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    Due to geographical and historical factors,the training of rural labor forces in Xiangxi Prefecture is faced with such problems as late start,small scale,unreasonable base distribution,low quality,and lack of training resources.To solve these problems,measures should be taken in the aspects of management system,teaching staff,training quality,financial input,and so on.
    On the Formation of Vulnerable Groups in China
    LI Yuan-Long
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  92-98. 
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    The formation of vulnerable groups in our country may be due to the following reasons:the congenital vulnerable physiological condition,vulnerable career choices,vulnerable ethnic groups and geographical distribution,and acquired behaviors.
    On the Subject Refusing to Execute Judicial Judgment
    YANG Jia-Ming, GAO Chang-Fu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  99-105. 
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    According to Article 313 of present Criminal Law,the subject that refuses to execute judicial judgment should be a special subject.This paper holds that it is a unit that refuses to execute the judicial judgment,not the person other than involved in the case or the fake obligor.
    Tropes of Constitution:the Changing Citizenhood and Its Ways of Expression
    LIU Xiao-Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  106-111. 
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    A citizen is one that freely and equally participates in public life,one that rules and is ruled at the same time.In ancient Greece,a citizen is a political man,and constitution is directly related with the citizens.In modern Western countries,a man of nature becomes a man of law and organizes political life under the law,and right becomes the link between citizens and constitution.However,in China,which had a humiliated history once and now is heading for modernization,the concept of “the subject to the ruler” should give place to the concept of “citizen” in the constitutional construction,emphasizing responsibility and morality.During this complex and unique process,the changing citizenhood and the ways of expression would reflect the special characteristics of Chinese constitution.
    On the Neutralization Characteristic of the Criminal Law in the Western Zhou Dynasty
    ZHANG Ji
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  112-114. 
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    Rulers in the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046 B.C.-771 B.C.) treated criminal law and penalty mildly,thinking that appropriate criminal law is the auspicious one instead of cruel slaughter.Criminal legislation and justice were obviously neutral at that time.
    An Interpretation to Cultural Communication Aesthetics in Poetry Translation
    WANG Fang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  115-118. 
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    Translation,in essence,is trans-cultural information communication,and poetry translation is the trans-cultural communication of affective and aesthetic information.Aesthetic differences between Chinese and western cultures certainly hinder the same aesthetic experiences of the two peoples,and further,influence the communicative effects of translation and introduction.Thus,cultural communication aesthetics plays a noticeable guiding role in aesthetic poetry translation.
    Context Analysis in Chinese-English Translation
    XIANG Qiao-Yun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  119-122. 
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    With the frequent trans-cultural communication,there has been increasing demand for Chinese-English translation.However,due to lack of knowledge on context,many students cannot translate the deep meaning implied in it.Therefore,it is essential that students lean to analyze context and practice more in translation.
    A Review on the Structure of“上+N/NP” in Modern Chinese
    NIE Chun-Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  123-125. 
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    “上+N/NP” is a verb structure,whose major syntactic function is to serve as  predicate or as the central word of predicate.However,it can be served as subject,object,attributive,adverbial and complement under certain conditions.The semantic source of the verb “上” (pronounced as “shang”) originates from its positional meaning,i.e.from the lower to the upper.By means of cognitive metaphor and extended generalization,“N/NP” has multiple semantic types.This structure is in accordance with the economic pragmatic principle and meets the cognitive demand as well.
    Equity in Higher Education from the Perspective of Social Gender
    LIU Hui-Qun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  126-130. 
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    There are clear gender differences in higher education from the perspective of gender.Females in our country have gained more protection in education rights and education opportunities;however,there are still some inequities,especially in the process of education and its outcome.The gender-division awareness has made an impact on subject choice and resulted in biases against some subjects.Gender stereotypes and conflicts between family roles and social roles have negative effects on equity of educational outcome.
    On the Cooperation of Higher Education in Running Chinese-foreign Schools
    CUI Qing-Ling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  131-134. 
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    This paper traces the history and analyzes the present situation of the cooperation of higher education in running Chinese-foreign schools,pointing out the direction and strategy to solve the problems in the course of cooperation.
    An Exploration into the Chance of Vocational Education and Training for the Labor Forces of the Right Age in Wuling Mountain Area
    WANG Li-Hua, 欧He-Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  135-140. 
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    This paper analyzes the chance of vocational education and training for the labor forces of the right age in Wuling Mountain area from the aspects of enrollment,condition and capability,training result of rural labor forces and the poverty that the farmers are faced with.It is revealed that due to regional poverty,no enough attention is given to vocational education and training and this has lowered down education and training expectation and caused low efficiency.Countermeasures are suggested to change this situation and reinforce vocational education and training in the area.
    The Opening of Administrative Affairs and the Protection of Teachers’ Private Information
    LIU Wen-Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  141-145. 
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    The opening of university administrative affairs will inevitably involve teachers’ private information and the unrestrained opening will do harm to teachers’ private right.The conflict between them essentially is the conflicts between public benefit and individual benefit,public right and private right,and the right to know the truth and the right to protect privacy.To coordinate the two,principles should be followed to make public benefit prior,respect personality,weigh value and minimize infraction.And to eliminate the conflicts,we should set concrete rules,be cautious to release the information,release the information to a proper extent,and provide relief right.
    On the Construction of Guard Police after the Victory of Anti-Japanese War——A Case Study in Hankou
    SUN Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  146-149. 
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    The major duty for guard police is to ensure the safety of the units or organizations they guard and to guarantee their regular work.The Kuomintang government had always paid attention to rectifying police.After the victory of anti- Japanese war,the government had especially rectified guard police in its source,organization,funds,and skills,aiming to deepen the control of it.
    Cultural Studies
    On the Construction Strategy of Media Cultivation in Mainland China
    ZHANG Hong-Shu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  150-154. 
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    The current situation in Mainland China should be taken into consideration when we strive for media cultivation,including social and cultural circumstances and media ecology.A practical strategy in cultivating media is to take the nation as subject,college students as object of implement,carrying media cultivation in their curriculum.The concept of media cultivation is “beyond protectionism”,aiming at cultivating active audience in a way of participating and learning.
    On the Necessity and Feasibility to Rebuild Compound Agriculture in Xiangxi——Also on the Preservation and Succession of Nonmaterial Culture in Xiangxi
    LIU Xia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  155-158. 
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    For quite a long time,the economic plan and poverty relief program in Xiangxi was more of a copy of the agricultural practice in the developed areas of our country,leading to damage to local traditional compound culture and social and economic development.This paper,combing field survey with historical records,holds that a sustainable development could be achieved in the area by rebuilding compound agriculture and giving proper proportion to economic development,ecological protection,and cultural succession.
    On the Emperor Costume in the Qing Dynasty and Its Artistic Status
    WANG Wen-Quan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  159-162. 
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    Costume is not only a carrier of ritual action in Chinese realm,but also an important presentation of ritual system according to traditional concept.Emperor costume in the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911) is the most complicated in Chinese costume history.This paper,based on historical records,illustrates the forms of emperor costume and the formation of its system in the Qing Dynasty,holding that it not only reflects the economic development of that time,but also represents a new kind of art.
    The Status of Piano Teaching as a Basic Course and the Countermeasures——A Case Study in Jishou University
    TANG Yin-Ling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  163-165. 
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    This paper analyzes the status of piano teaching from the aspects of students,textbook and content,regarding that improvement could be made by enhancing teachers’ quality and changing teaching method.
    Information and Archives
    On the Pattern of Academic Information Exchange
    GUO Hai-Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  166-168. 
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    Scientific research calls for an open pattern of academic exchange,which includes such mechanisms as the open metadata mechanism based on 0AI (Open archive Initiative),the permanently preserved and utilized mechanism based on DOI (Digital Object Identifier),and the open storage mechanisms based on search engine and Web service.Its realization patterns include the pattern of knowledge community,the pattern of institutional reposition,and the pattern of open storage.
    An Investigation of Readers’ Need for Public Libraries in the Less-developed Areas——A Case Study in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture
    WANG Rong, ZHAO Qi-Zhao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  169-172. 
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    Taking public libraries in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture as subjects and by field survey and telephone inquiry,the authors get to know how these public libraries are used.Based on the comprehensive analysis,problems are pointed out in constructing regional libraries and countermeasures suggested.
    People-orientation:the Basic Concept of Library Service
    XU Yin-Ying
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2009, 30(5):  173-176. 
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    Human nature of civilization determines that library service is the harmony between human beings and nature,and between human beings.All the library service should follow the concept of people-orientation.To guarantee the realization of this concept,comprehensive quality of the library staff should be enhanced,regularity strengthened and enthusiasm inspired.
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