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    01 July 2021, Volume 42 Issue 4
    Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
    One Hundred Years of the Practice of Inner-Party Supervision:Historical Evolution and Action Tendency:From the Perspective of National Governance
    LI Jingping, CAO Yang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  1-10. 
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    Self-conscious and powerful self-revolution is the "secret key" for the Communist Party of China to be in power for a long time,and inner-Party supervision has provided a reliable way for this.Looking atthe inner-Party supervision from the perspective of the Party's hundred-year history of struggle,its evolution is full of the original mission and footprints of the Party in saving the country,building the country and governing the country.After a hundred years,inner-Party supervision has gradually achieved systematic and strategic development,contributing to standardizing and guiding the use of "public power" by leading cadres.In the future,inner-Party supervision should adhere to the performance goal of inner-Party governance to lead the country's governance,enlightened by historical experience and based on realistic demands.There is an urgent need to continuously improve the efficiency of supervision in accordance with the direction of "full coverage","rule of law","coordination" and "technicalization",and to provide support and guarantee for the modernization of national governance by deeply promoting the strategy of administering the Party in a strict and all-round way.
    The Development and Basic Experience of the Institutional Leadership of the Communist Party of China:An Analysis from the Perspective of Inclusive Organization
    DING Huixia, LI Renjie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  11-19. 
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    Institutional leadership is the ability of an organization to integrate its strategic objectives and core values into the organizational system,and let the system guide and standardize the behavior of the organization and its members.The Communist Party of China (CPC) integrates the people-centered values and the great vision of national prosperity and national rejuvenation into the basic system of Party and national governance,reflecting strong institutional leadership.As a typical compatible organization,the CPC has formed inclusive interests with the broad masses of the people at the beginning of its establishment.At all stages of the formation,maintenance and consolidation of common interests,the CPC always represents the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people and unswervingly protects the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people through the important institutional changes of the Party and the state,promoting the continuous improvement of the welfare level of the people.The core values of taking the people as the center,the united front under the leadership of the Party,democratic centralism and alwaysrepresenting the development requirements of advanced productive forces are the basic experience of the institutional leadership development of the Communist Party of China.
    Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era
    The Multi-Dimensional Implication and Contemporary Value of Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on Community
    FANG Hongjian, WANG Xue
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  20-27. 
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    Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on community is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.It has a profound meaning and contains multi-dimensional implications:regional dimension,including intra-national community,bilateral community between countries,intra-regional community and all-human community;field dimension,including life community,interest community and virtual field network community in the physical field;domain dimension,including the construction strategies in the five fields of politics,economy,culture,security and ecology.These dimensions have formed a series of systematic and holistic ideas about community.Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on community contribute Chinese wisdom to solving the predicament of human development,creating a good ecology for the construction of a modern socialist power and injecting a strong driving force into the development of Marxism in the 21st century.
    Logical Starting Point,Realistic Fundamental Point and Ideological Source:A Three-Dimensional Reflection on the Concept of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
    HUANG Chuanqiu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  28-34. 
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    As the latest theoretical achievement of the Sinicization of Marxism,theconcept of a community with a shared future for mankind is a forward-looking plan for the future development of the world on the basis of positive reflection on the current situation of human existence.Generally speaking,the subjective consciousness of human being as "quasi-existence" and the Marxist "quasi-thought" are the logical basic point of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind,the evolution and universal development of modern "human communication" is the realistic fundamental point of the concept of it,and the idea of "harmony" in Chinese traditional culture is the ideological source of it.The logical starting point,realistic fundamental point and ideological source together constitute the source of the idea of a community with a shared future for mankind,and its systematic and in-depth interpretation and reflection is an important link for us to study,understand and practice.
    Special Topic of "Chinese Discourse Construction"
    On the Constructionof Chinese Discourse of the Great Dream
    ZHANG Yantao, YANG An
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  35-41. 
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    The discourse of great dream is an epoch-making discourse innovation and reconstruction in the field of Chinese ideology.As a new discourse expression and cultural picture of the country,and being an important part of the Chinese discourse system and an important factor to enhance China's international discourse power,it bears the historical mission of clarifying to the world the peaceful rise of China and the rise of civilization,and displaying the real,three-dimensional and comprehensive "image of China".To construct the discourse of great dream,we must take Marxism as a cognitive tool to consolidate the theoretical support of the discourse construction,draw the living water of the discourse construction from the most magnificent and unique great practice experienced in contemporary China,adhere to the original,national,mass and fighting principles of the discourse construction,and use Chinese discourse to clarify the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The construction of the Chinese discourse of the great dream is of great significance to improve the discourse expression of the Chinese road,inspire the people to jointly promote the realization of the great dream,reshape the new pattern of world peace and development,realize equal dialogue with the West and promote the rise of Chinese discourse.
    The Triple Dimensions of the Narrative of "One country,Two Systems"
    CAI Wenju
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  42-49. 
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    The narrative of "one country,two systems" fully shows its historical process of evolution,and is an important field of theoretical research.In this narrative,the reunification of the motherland,a high degree of autonomy and common development are its basic dimensions.The principled position of realizing and safeguarding national reunification is the core of the narrative of "one country,two systems",and the institutional structure of the innovation of national management mode is the focus of it with a high degree of autonomy.The direction of national rejuvenation is the key to the narrative of the common development of "one country,two systems".Exploring the narrative and multiple dimensions and structure of "one country,two systems" is a good inspiration for understanding the theoretical innovation and practical development of "one country,two systems" in the new era.
    A Study on the Construction of the Discourse System of Party Building with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
    ZHENG Jifeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  50-61. 
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    Theconstruction of Party-building discourse is a long-term process which needs to keep pace with the times to improve its attractiveness,appeal,expression and communication.In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,due to the important position of the Communist Party of China in national and social construction,it is of great significance to construct the discourse system of Party building with Chinese characteristics.Rich theoretical nourishment,sufficient practical exploration and clear needs of the times have provided theoretical support,historical experience and realistic basis for the construction of the discourse system of Party building with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The construction of the discourse system of Party building with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a systematic project and long-term work,so we must strengthen the stand,renew the content,innovate the expression,promote the spread,and optimize the evaluation of the discourse,solving the problems of "whom to speak for","what to speak",and "how to speak",paying attention to discourse effect and evaluation.
    On People's Livelihood of Improving Type
    GAO Herong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  62-68. 
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    According to the dimensions of supporting foundation,responsibility burden,security level and people's demand,people's livelihood security can be divided into four types:bottom-supporting type,basic type,improving type and affluent type.Improving people's livelihood is not only the product of economic and social development to a certain stage,but also the objective requirement of the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity.It refers to a type of system that promotes the continuous improvement of people's lives and the level of social development through the arrangement of all kinds of livelihood projects and the optimization of people's livelihood treatments.It is a livelihood model with more livelihood projects,more content,and higher level of governance,and meeting people's need and making them satisfied.It is a type of people's livelihood in which the total consumption expenditure on daily life and services continues to increase in order to improve their living standards.It is a type of model that constantly meets the needs of people,especially at a higher level,and it is also more conducive to the formation of a stable social structure and a long-term stability of the country,so it has the characteristics of comprehensiveness,perfection,incentive and development.This requires us to optimize the design of types of people's livelihood and the structure of investment in people's livelihood,make up for the shortcomings of improving people's livelihood,create a good social order,and solidly promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.
    The Derivative Logic,Practical Framework and Path Orientation of the Government-Led Mutual Care for the Aged in Rural Areas#br# #br#
    HE Hui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  69-79. 
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    As a new mode of social pension,mutual assistance for the aged in rural areas has aroused widespread concern in the society,and the government has played a major role in promoting this process.At present,there is a lack of in-depth and systematic analysis on the causes and practical framework ofthe government-led mutual support for the aged in rural areas.The derivation of government-led mutual assistance for the aged presents its own logical path.Taking the typical case of X County as an example,it is shown as a practical framework of multi-dimensional goal orientation,multi-subject participation and multi-level structure in practice.In order to effectively deal with the predicament of providing for the aged in rural areas caused by multiple factors such as the change of population structure,the decline of family function and the transformation of social economy,we should scientifically define the position and role of the government,build a policy system of mutual assistance for the aged oriented to the needs of the elderly,increase the innovation of the supply mechanism,and enrich the content and method of services of government-led mutual assistance for the aged in rural areas.
    Intermarriage and Cultural Adaptation of Ethnic Minorities:Based on an Empirical Study of the Mongolians in Tonghai,Yunnan
    ZHANG Yujiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  80-88. 
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    Based onan empirical study of the Mongolians in Tonghai,Yunnan province,it is found that cultural adaptation is a sufficient,yet unnecessary condition for inter-ethnic intermarriage.For inter-ethnic intermarriage,cultural adaptation in the political field is an important core of it,ethnic psychological blending is the deep root of it,cultural adaptation in geographical and social fields is the objective condition of it,and inter-ethnic intermarriage does not necessarily lead to the elimination of ethnic minority traditional culture.In the case of the gradual increase of inter-ethnic intermarriage,the Mongolians in Tonghai still have a strong desire to inherit their own culture.This shows that the practical path of cultural adaptation of ethnic minorities is complex and multi-faceted,and inter-ethnic intermarriage is a way to achieve deep-seated ethnic cultural exchanges and psychological integration.The construction of the pluralistic pattern of the Chinese nation still needs the support of ethnic minorities' cultural adaptation in more fields.
    Social governance
    The Logical Analysis of the Development of Digital Governance
    FAN Bo, WANG Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  89-96. 
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    Informationization is the core force to promote the government to change the way of governance.The informationization of government affairs in China has experienced the development of e-government,digital government,data governance and digital governance.At present,digital governance is the core mode for our government to promote social governance.Based on the development context and basic connotation of digital governance,the current digital governance mainly covers three core tasks and development logic,namely,"Internet + government affairs","big datagovernance" and "big data decision-making".Combined with the practice of "one network communication office" and "one network unified management" in Shanghai,"Internet + government affairs" can be divided into two aspects:"Internet + government affairs service" and "Internet + urban governance".Among these core tasks,"Internet + government affairs" emphasizes service orientation,pluralistic cooperation,data processing and platform sharing,"big data decision-making" pays attention to the scientific value and decision-making basis of the integrated data,and the link between the two is "big data governance",respectively driving different big data governance models.Although there are still many problems in big data governance in China,digitization has been widely used in various fields such as urban governance and public services.In the future,digital governance will gradually transform to "smart governance".
    Research on the Innovation of Regional Characteristic Museum Governance from the Perspective of Place Making
    LI Zhirong, LI Hongjia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  97-104. 
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    The core of place making is to build the relationship between people,land,and property,and realize regional revitalization by integrating public resources.The innovation of regional museums in the new era should clarify the current situation of local development from the key elements of local creation,namely,people,place,and industry.Innovation of regional museums should be combined with the background of the times,from local empowerment,cultural reconstruction,and industrial revitalization to analyze the governance of museums.The innovation model based on development trends such as locality,culture,and industrial characteristics should be comprehensively taken into consideration.By reshaping the governance system of regional characteristic museums,enriching the knowledge production of regional characteristic museums,and linking the upgrading of regional characteristic museums,we can promote the spread of local culture and the development of characteristic economy.
    The Mode Shift and Local Construction of the Group Support of Cooperative Education Between the East and the West
    XIE Zhiju
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  105-115. 
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    Group educational assistance under the background of East-West cooperation means that the eastern region of counterpart cooperation selects teaching and training guidance teams according to the educational assistance needs ofthe underdeveloped counties,and implements management input,demonstration guidance and training guidance for an underdeveloped county or a weak school,carrying out the mode of "rebuildable" and "implantable" assistance.This mode abandons the traditional single way of assistance,and realizes the mode shift from singleness to cooperation in assistance concept,from monism to whole staff in assistance subject,from education to management in assistance content,from single intelligence to both intelligence and determination in assistance goal,and from external assistance to internal strengthening in assistance result.It also constructs the operation logic of Chinese educational assistance from four aspects:"good organizations plus good Party members","good mechanism plus good teams","good teachers plus good students" and "good resources plus good platforms".With the further development of the cooperation between the East and the West,in order to promote educational governance and realize the modernization of the educational governance system,we should optimize the existing support mode from the aspects of assistance team,object,cycle and effect on the one hand;on the other hand,we should stand at a higher level and pay attention to the cooperative governance of group educational support between the East and the West.
    The Thoughts and Practice of Holistic Education from Cross-Cultural Perspective
    HU Xiaoyi, ZHANG Xin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  116-122. 
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    This paper sums up the theory and origin of holistic education from a cross-cultural perspective addressed by scholars from around the globe,and generalizes the spirituality,theoretical basis and concept of holistic education.The aim of holistic education is to cultivate talents in an all-round way.Holistic education is a shared educational philosophy upheld by researchers both in China and in the west.The philosophical thoughts of holistic education emphasize the integral development of individuals.The famous linguist and educator,Li Xiaoju,integrates humanism and oriental philosophical wisdom in practice.She interprets holistic education from cross-cultural perspective,and puts it into effect from three aspects:dialectical philosophy of education,well-round students,and holistic language education.A wide range of educational philosophical orientation proposed by Li Xiaoju enrich the theory of holistic education and boost the development of language teaching.It has been a pioneering and successful exploration in the history of education in the history of the language education in China.
    Economics and Management
    The Motivation and Realization Path of Resource Reorganization of New Enterprises in Underdeveloped Areas:from the Perspective of Dynamic Capability
    OUYANG Sheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  123-132. 
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    Six start-ups in underdeveloped areas are selected as the research object,and the rooted theoretical analysis method is adopted to explore the motivation and realization path of resource network reorganization of start-ups.The function mechanism of dynamic capability in the process of enterprise resource reorganization is analyzed from the three dimensions of perception,integration and utilization,and reconstruction.It is found that the initial resources established in the early stage of entrepreneurship cannot cope with the dynamic market environment,and enterprises are faced with entrepreneurial bottlenecks.The dynamic capability of the enterprise perceives this threat,and integrates and optimizes the initial resources by means of organizational fission,policy response,resource construction and expansion,and finally realizes the reorganization of the resource structure and the transformation of the resource path,forming secondary resources to enable enterprises to gain sustainable competitive advantage.The research helps to enrich the theory of resource constraints and dynamic capabilities,and provides some reference and inspiration for start-up enterprises on how to cultivate and use dynamic capabilities to solve the problem of resource constraints.
    The Influence of Board Secretary's Shareholding on the Transparency of Accounting Information:An Empirical Study Based on Shanghai and Shenzhen A-Share Listed Companies
    YANG Xianglin, WANG Yonghai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  133-144. 
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    Based on the sample of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2017,this paper studies the influence of board secretary's shareholding on the transparency of accounting information of listed companies,and further discusses the influence differences under different nature of ownership and theconcurrent appointment of board secretary.It is found that,compared with the listed companies in which the board secretary does not hold shares,the accounting information held by the board secretary is more transparent.This role mainly exists in non-state-owned enterprises,yet is not significant in state-owned enterprises.When the board secretary holds other senior positions,the shareholding of the board secretary plays a more significant role in improving the transparency of accounting information in listed companies.The above conclusion is still true after controlling the endogenesis.The research conclusion not only expands the relevant research on the shareholding incentive effect of the board secretary,but also has a certain reference value and practical significance for listed companies to improve the transparency of accounting information.
    The Construction of Moral Subject in Management Ethics
    SU Chan, LI Peichao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  145-150. 
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    The logical center of management ethics lies in the formation and construction of moral subject.Moral subject is the hub of moral internalization and externalization in management activities,and the embodiment of the essence of "goodness".There are three ways to construct moral subject in management ethics.Firstly,the formation of moral cognition,that is,the study,recognition and understanding of moral connotation and rules,a self-perception and understanding of moral good and evil,and the understanding and application of moral goals,responsibilities and obligations.Secondly,moral emotional construction,that is,the subject's emotional intuition and experience of the management situation,and the emotional imagination and understanding of the management role.Thirdly,the realization of moral goal,that is,the realization of management goal.Its significance lies in reconstructing the moral and spiritual origin of managers,strengthening the adaptive function to the moral situation of management,and realizing the moral role in the process of management.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    The Role of Cumulative Ecological Resources in Positive Mental Health Education:An Empirical Study on the Training Mechanism of Intentional Self-Regulation of Adolescents
    ZHONG Ni, NI Xinting
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(4):  151-160. 
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    Through a survey of 1,154 students from the first year of junior high school to the third year of senior high school,this paper explores the relationship among the accumulation of ecological resources,teenagers' sense of self-efficacy and intentional self-regulation.Specifically,the amount of ecological resources owned by adolescents positively predicts the level of intentional self-regulation,while adolescents' self-efficacy mediates the relationship between the quantity of ecological resources and intentional self-regulation.This shows that the accumulation of ecological resources can not only have a positive impact on teenagers' intentional self-regulation directly,but also have an indirect effect on intentional self-regulation through self-efficacy.Therefore,in the process of promoting positive mental health education,it is necessary to highlight the autonomy of teenagers in their own development and the joint role of multiple ecological resources.
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