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    01 September 2021, Volume 42 Issue 5
    Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era
    Four Dimensions of the Formation of the Great Party-Building Spirit
    WANG Jinguo, LING Xiaoxiong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  1-13. 
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    The great party-building spirit is the spiritual source of the CPC,the foundation of the party-formation,the soul of the party-progress and the formation of strengthening the party. The great party-building spirit is a valuable spiritual treasure cultivated by the CPC in its long-term practice and persevered for a long time,a  spiritual code answering "why the CPC can lead China to national rejuvenation?",and a spiritual "red thread" of understanding major achievements and historical experience of the CPC's century-long struggle. The great party-building spirit is the theoretical and spiritual result of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete reality of China and with the excellent Chinese traditional culture,as well as the convergence and integration of the excellent Chinese traditional culture,revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture. The great party-building spirit is carried out in the CPC's long-term struggle,which has driven the revolution,construction and reform to make significant achievements and provided a deep,lasting  active spiritual power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The great party-building spirit is not only the basic point and origin of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists,but also a continuation and promotion of the fine traditions and spiritual lineage of the Chinese Communists. The great party-building spirit has played the strongest voice of development of the times-not forgetting the original intention and practicing the mission,and become the spiritual source and spiritual force of the unremitting struggle of the whole CPC and society by Internalizing it into the heart and externalized it in action. 
    The Value Orientation,Logical Approach and Practical Dimension of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era:An Investigation Centering on Politics
    YANG Junqi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  14-21. 
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    Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era adheres to the concept of people-centered new development,which contains the value intention of systematically promoting people's sense of achievement,well-being and security.Its logical approach is to innovatively integrate the people's position,the Chinese spirit and the world,showing a distinct theoretical pioneering,political orientation and people's value meaning.Its practical dimension is to attach importance to high-quality party building to lead high-quality development,to grasp the decision-making process in resolving social contradictions,and to promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity.To this end,it is necessary to systematically promote the self-revolution of the Communist Party of China in the new era,and promote governance resources to the grass-roots level from an overall and strategic perspective to further resolve social unbalanced and inadequate development contradictions.We should strengthen the theorys with Chinese characteristics and show the world the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,and closely linkChina's development with world progress and continue to promote a community with a shared future for mankind.
    Challenges and Countermeasures of Criminal Procedure in the Information Age
    BIAN Jianlin, CAO Can
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  23-30. 
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    With the development of the information age,big data,artificial intelligence and other high-tech means have been widely used in criminal procedure.While bringing convenience and efficiency to criminal procedure,it also causes challenges to the concepts and principles of criminal procedure,normative system and judicial practice.The influence on the principle of ideology is mainly reflected in the conflict with the principle of due process,the challenge to the judge's discretion and the influence on the principle of equality between prosecution and defense.The main problems existing in the standardization system are the lag of legislation,which causes the lack of legal norms and guidance in the application of information technology in criminal proceedings.Lack of top-level design,overall planning of judicial informatization construction,professional technology and specialized personnel to meet the needs of informatization in practical departments are the major problems existing in judicial practice.The main countermeasures are to scientifically define the status and role of information technology in criminal proceedings,to add and improve relevant legal systems in time,and to strengthen the supervision of the use of information technology and the protection of citizens' individual rights in criminal proceedings.Importance should be attached to the overall planning and coordination of judicial information construction,to the professional knowledge training of public security and judicial personnel,and to the training of professionals.
    Research on the Right to Self-Determination of Information in Criminal Justice
    LIU Mei, CHEN Huijun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  31-40. 
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    The right to self-determination of information is an independent personality right,which is different from the traditional privacy rights such as personal privacy and communication secrets.The Civil Code of China defines the independent right to personal information,and the Criminal Law stipulates the crime of infringing upon citizens' personal information.The duty of confidentiality and protection of personal information is stipulated in the field of criminal justice in our country.However,there still exists a lack of clear norms on the premise of interfering with the right to self-determination of information and the legal effect after illegal intervention,which not only carries the risk of infringing upon the rights of the accused,but also may lead to different opinions in judicial practice on the ability of evidence obtained by illegal intervention.If the police and judical organs interfere with the right to self-determination of information in the process of investigating crimes,they should follow the principles of legality,proportionality,last resort and security,adopt external examination and approval procedures,fulfill the obligation of notification,and promote the right holders to realize their right to inquire information.The investigation acts of illegal intervention should also be subject to procedural sanctions.
    "Criminal justice response in the information age"
    The Construction of Arrest-Prosecution Integration under the Intelligent Procuratorial Service
    WANG Hongyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  41-48. 
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    As the product of the development ofprocuratorial work in the new era,intelligent procuratorial service has the functional value to enhance judicial norms,promote judicial efficiency and so on.In the judicial practice of our country,there are mainly three difficulties in the mechanism of arrest-prosecution integration.First,the quality of approval and supervision has declined periodically;second,the scale of case handling is not unified and the standard is inconsistent;third,the evaluation system has not been updated in time.The in-depth integration of the intelligent procuratorial service and the integrated arrest-prosecution case handling mechanism,taking the procuratorial scientific and technological innovation as a breakthrough,can effectively improve the comprehensive quality of public procurators,innovate supervision methods,standardize procuratorial behavior,and so on,providing strong scientific support for the integrated arrest-prosecution case handling mechanism.
    Science and History:Two Main Lines in Constructing Historical Materialism
    WANG Qingtao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  49-59. 
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    Science and history communicate closely in all Marx's theories.When Marx generalizes the scientific conclusion in historical materialism,he always transforms it into a historical object to deal with.Just like that,when Marx constructs the historical concept of human society,he always transforms it into a scientific object to grasp.Science and history are the two main lines of Marx's structural historical materialism.However,the two are not compatible in the old metaphysics.The result of intellectual thinking is science,and the deterministic conclusion that science can get is eternal,outside time,and fundamentally rejects history in the real sense;and history,because it is unfolded in time,breaks the taboos of traditional metaphysics.Traditional metaphysics can only discover science,not history -history is human existence itself.Marx puts forward a new view of truth,which is no longer the truth in the sense of metaphysical abstract concept,but the development of concrete reality in history.So historical materialism has become the science of human history with the unity of science and history.
    Value Order and Its Methodology in Environmental Ethics
    YU Le
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  60-68. 
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    The opposition between anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism in the discourse of environmental ethics can be understood as a conflict of value,and their arguments can be understood as the methodological attempt of value philosophy.From the perspective of value philosophy,it is of great methodological significance to explore the value conflicts in environmental problems and the principles,methods and limitations of value ordering.Therefore,efforts should be made to clarify the value sequences of different positions and their basic conflict patterns,pointing out that rights are the constraints of value ordering,emphasizing that productive values need to betaken seriously,and the mode of thinking that opposes productive values with other values needs to be reflected.With the help of the bridge function of productive values,we can transcend the  thinking mode of binary opposition and practice the ideal realm of the coexistence of all good.
    On the Moral Discrimination of Disaster Relief
    TIAN Ye
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  69-75. 
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    Human attitude towards disasters has experienced a changing process of fear,rising up and fighting,and the combination of prevention and resistance.Disasters pose a threat to human life,therefore,in the face of disasters,people's moral attitude should take the preservation of life as the moral bottom line,actively implement self-rescue and other rescue,and face the disaster bravely.During the disastrous period,the normal moral relationship is destroyed,the original moral standards are out of order,and the moral conflict of disaster relief becomes more and more prominent,which puts forward a greater problem of moral choice for disaster relief.The moral consensus of disaster relief is to bear and fight disasters together.People should have the courage to assume the moral responsibility of disaster relief and carry forward the spirit of benevolence and mutual assistance.In disaster relief,we should follow the basic social morality of helping others,taking good care of public property and abiding by order,and guide the order of life in disaster areas to the right track as soon as possible.In the long-term practice of disaster relief,people have gradually formed the moral management mechanism,moral operation mechanism and moral evaluation mechanism of disaster relief,which provides the possibility for the moral practice of disaster relief and is the moral embodiment of human struggle against disasters.
    Environmental Regulation,Employment Reallocation and Social Welfare
    QIAO Bin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  76-86. 
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    The gradual strengthening of environmental regulation in China has led to the reallocation of employment between and within industries,and further affected social welfare.Based on the data of 37 industries in China from 2003 to 2017,it is found that the impact of environmental regulation on social welfare is an inverted U-shaped relationship that rises first and then decreases.34 industries have not crossed the inflection point at the present stage.Compared with polluting industries,employment reallocation in cleaning industries can significantly improve social welfare,and the results of the intermediary effect model show that the masking effect of employment reallocation in the whole industry and polluting industries on social welfare is negative.Therefore,in order to achieve the win-win goal of ecological optimization and social welfare improvement,it is necessary to identify the optimal environmental regulation intensity of various industries and increase the intensity of environmental regulation for those industries that have not passed the inflection point.the social welfare compensation of environmental regulation can also be reduced by improving the flexible matching between the demand side and the supply side of employment.
    Research and Development Investment,Innovation Network and the Catch-up Development of Strategic Emerging Industries
    CHEN Wenfeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  87-96. 
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    There is a non-linear relationship between research and development (R & D) investment and the catch-up development of strategic emerging industries,which is affected by the efficiency of innovation network.This is because,on the one hand,innovation is a nonlinear and linkage system engineering,and the improvement of innovation efficiency is not only the behavior of individual innovation efforts,but also the result of the joint action of various elements in the innovation ecosystem.On the other hand,the construction of innovation network can enhance the ability of innovative subjects to acquire,absorb and utilize resources,improve the level of optimal allocation of R & D investment resources,and effectively transform R & D investment resources into a power source to promote the development of strategic emerging industries.At present,the efficiency of innovation network in most parts of China is not high,and it has a single threshold effect on the development of strategic emerging industries driven by R & D investment.In the areas with low efficiency of innovation network,increasing R & D investmentcan not effectively promote the development of strategic emerging industries,showing high investment and low efficiency.In the areas with high innovation network efficiency,increasing R & D investment can be efficiently transformed into technological achievements and economic benefits,showing high investment and high efficiency.Therefore,the path of technological innovation in strategic emerging industries should be transformed from input-oriented to efficiency-oriented.The efficiency of innovation network should be improved from the aspects of effective incentive mechanism,upgrading innovation carrier and platform,building collaborative innovation system,cultivating science and technology intermediary service organizations and so on.
    Management science
    Exploration on the Sustainable Management of Cultivated Land Resources with Rural Community as the Main Body
    GUO Zhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  97-104. 
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    Due to the property right characteristics of cultivated land resources and the influence of local knowledge base,compared with external regulatory subjects,rural community management of cultivated land resources is more likely to promote the sustainable development of local cultivated land resources system.However,therealization of rural community action in sustainable management of cultivated land resources  needs the cooperation of multiple conditions,and not all rural communities can reach collective actions conducive to the system of cultivated land resources.Only when the rural community has the guidance of the community elite,a high level of interpersonal trust or social capital,sufficient decision-making autonomy to establish,supervise and implement rules,and integrate the dual goals of cultivated land resources protection and community development,and only when it has the ability to accurately punish the speculative behavior of some users of cultivated land resources,can the rural community-based sustainable management of cultivated land resources  be realized.
    Evolution and Examination:The Historical Logic and Realistic Enlightenment of the Evolution of Labor Relations in New China
    LI Hanqi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  105-112. 
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    Since the founding of New China,every change and development of the economic system has a profound impact on labor relations,which also presents certain historical laws.The change of the mode of production and economic basis is always the decisive factor in the evolution of labor relations,and the role of laborers is always the decisive force in the evolution of labor relations.Labor relations from confrontation to mutually beneficial symbiosis is the basic trend of the development of labor relations,and the diversification of the main demands of labor relations is the inevitable result of the development of social division of labor in the evolution of labor relations.The realistic enlightenment brought to us by the historical practice of the evolution of labor relations in New China is that we should speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development,improve the value creation ability of workers to stimulate the main role of workers,improve the protection mechanism of workers' rights and interests,properly handle the relationship between labor and capital,and give full play to the role of trade unions in safeguarding workers' rights and interests.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    The Community of the Chinese Nation:The Appearance of Discourse,the True Meaning of Concept and the Ethical Connotation
    ZHU Bibo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  113-123. 
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    The appearance of the concept of "the community of Chinese nation" is a theoretical consciousness under the dual impact of globalization and Chinese social transformation.It is not only a targeted treatment for the structural tension of the Chinese nation and increasingly complex ethnic affairs,but also a discourse creation to save liberalism and multiculturalism.The discourse expression of the community of Chinese nation is not a simple transformation of "the Chinese nation" or "the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation",but has self-enriching theoretical aspects and ethical implications.This concept has many implications,such as the common historical memory of the Chinese nation,the common goal demand,the symbiotic group mentality,the shared citizenship,the common civilization recognition and so on.With the attributive structure formed by the combination of "the Chinese nation" and the "community",this concept highlights the ethical reference of the construction of the Chinese nation,that is,public welfare politics takes precedence over rights politics,republicanism over multiculturalism,and greater self-loyalty over ego concern.
    Literary Image,Landscape Narrative and Cultural Reshaping:An Investigation on the Mutual Construction Between Shen Congwen' The Border Town and the Border Town in Xiangxi
    LIU Anquan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  124-131. 
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    Landscape is a narrative system born and evolved by the interaction betweenphysical environment and cultural meaning.The Border Town in Xiangxi (western Hunan) is associated with Shen Congwen's literary works The Border Town through narrative strategies such as naming,landscaping and interpretation,realizing the overlap of the historical background of the landscape,literary illusion and tourism reality,and highlighting regional characteristics in a special way of awakening memory.In this way,the culture is inherited,meaning expressed,and value reconstructed.The culture of the Border Town has been reshaped in the process of isomorphism of landscape,such as landscape production,related memory,aesthetic experience and landscape identity.The landscape connotation of the Border Town in Xiangxi has been redefined and explained through history,literature and realistic livelihood,so as to realize the transformation from a national traditional town to a famous tourist town with modern characteristics.
    Innovation and Treason of Domestic Appropriation in the Assimilation of Civilization:The Foreign Spread and Variation of Panchatantra
    CAO Shunqing, HU Zhaoying
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  132-138. 
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    A collection of Indian fables,Panchatantra,takes an important position in the history of Indian literature with its outstanding thought and artistic characteristics.With Arabic translations of Kalilah Wa Dimnah and Arabian Nights as well as Hinduism and Buddhism as its carriers,Panchatantra has been spread to many countries in Asia and Europe,only less than The New Testament and The Old Testament of Christianity in terms of number.In the cultural exchanges between the East and the East,and between the East and the West,Panchatantra has produced a significant influence and contributed to the development of world literature.Due to differences in social customs,national characters,religious belief and translators' styles as well as factors such as time span,cultural filtering and cultural misreading,Panchatantra has formed the variation of "creative treason" in various countries,even in the cultural rules and literary discourse.The book has undergone a deep change,that is,the domestic appropriation.The phenomenon of variation occurs throughout the exchange of civilizations.Fundamentally,it is necessary to advance to the intersection of heterogeneous civilizations through the comparison of heterogeneous civilizations,to look at the collision and integration of various civilizations from an open,pluralistic,and inclusive perspective,and to explore the essential laws among them.
    The Study on Human Consciousness Revealed in the Historic Writing of Shen Congwen and William Carlos Williams
    LI Hui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  139-145. 
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    Shen Congwen and Williams are two contemporary local writers with great local consciousness in China and America. They have always adhered to the creative idea of making a life for human beings, and have deeply understood and deeply reflected on history. Its ideological theme has roughly experienced the process of extending from "individuality" to "collectivity" and then upgrading to "class", and its cultural vision has also expanded from the native land to the whole mankind and from the past to the future. They are actively concerned about human nature and deeply concerned about the overall destiny of mankind, and their artistic thoughts are far beyond the times they live in, and will last forever in the long river of time.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    Intelligent interconnection and data memory:A discussion about the Cause of a Kind of   Technological Fetishism
    HUANG Zaizhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  146-153. 
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    Based on the capitalist production relations,Commodity fetishism,currency fetishism and capital fetishism have made us pay more attention to the objects or details in the markets,such as the goods and currency,rather than focus on the whole relationship and organizations of social material production,to find out which contributes to our economic.Nowadays there is a new one called technological fetishism,which occurs in the digital economy society and relative circumstances with the development of our technologies in Internet of things/IoT.Due to the influence of technological fetishism,we are used to regard it is just a illegal event to violate our privacy by collecting our personal data in the IoT from smart devices for commercial purposes from the companies.However,it is true that the capital use specific technical equipment and services to integrate into our smart life,is transforming our online activity in a digital form and collecting the data online.The companies can gain the increasing profits of their own by generating the "surplus data" that can be analyzed to promote the capitalization strategy in using digital technology.The epistemology like instrumental rationality and positivism make this kind of technology fetishism as a common sence in our daily life,while people's life style have become more symbolic wih the development of Intelligent interconnection technology .Therefore we have to face the problems caused by technological fetishism above,to discuss the deeper relationship in production of digital economy in the perspective of Marxism and historical materialism.We also need to be vigilant and prevent the challenge and contradiction given by the disorderly expansion of the capital in digital industry.
    On the Value Implication,Core Demand and Practical Direction of the Thought of Scientific and Technological Innovation in the New Era
    GUO Zijun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 42(5):  154-160. 
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    The thought of scientific and technological innovation in the new era revealed that it can not only improve the social living standards of the Chinese people and solve livelihood problems,but also help China to find new development opportunities in the current complex international situation.It can also play an important role in promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The main goal is to achieve independent innovation in multiple fields,to change to a leading position in some fields through the asymmetric catch-up strategy and the key training of talents,and to build a national security pattern in combination with international scientific research cooperation on the basis of independent innovation.We should give full play to the advantages of the socialist system in terms of system and mechanism,strive to optimize the environment for the growth of talents,enhance the overall efficiency of the national innovation system,promote the effective docking of the innovation chain and the industrial chain in the market,carry forward and cultivate excellent entrepreneurial spirit,and improve people's living standards and well-being in promoting scientific and technological innovation.In terms of diplomacy,we should incorporate international scientific and technological cooperation into our country's overall diplomacy,open up and innovate to enhance China's voice in scientific and technological competition,and strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation with the promotion of "Belt and Road Initiative".
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