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    01 November 2020, Volume 41 Issue 6
    Four Problems in the Theoretical Research and Construction Practice of Ecological Civilization in China
    WANG Yuchen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  1-9. 
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    Four problems must be solved to deepen the theoretical research and construction practice of ecological civilization in our country.Firstly,to transform natural resources regarded as natural wealth and ecological wealth into economic wealth and social wealth,we must bring natural resources into the production process as a means of production,set up production goal that meets the basic living needs of the people,establish development pattern and mode of existence consistent with natural resources,and formulate a systematic and complete ecological compensation system.Secondly,as the construction of ecological civilization and ecological governance is a systematic project,we should establish a systematic and holistic way of thinking and methodology,and organically combine the establishment of concept of ecological civilization development,the mode of ecological civilization development and an ethic-law combination socialist concept of ecological governance.Thirdly,as the practice of the construction of ecological civilization is not enough to publicize the concept of ecological civilization,the key and core is how to realize scientific and technological innovation and ecologicalization of science and technology.Fourthly,if we break away from the study of environmental rights and put one-sided emphasis on "livelihood-oriented" environmental theory,we can neither accurately understand the complete connotation and value of the theory,nor can we really practice it.Therefore,strengthening the research and interpretation of environmental rights is the key for us to understand and practice "livelihood-oriented" environmental theory.
    The Historical Role of Sinicization of Marxism in the Process of National Rejuvenation
    LI Fuqing, ZHANG Kai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  10-17. 
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    The Sinicization of Marxism is a complex process that integrates theoretical innovation,practical innovation and institutional innovation,and it plays an important role in the process of national rejuvenation.It is specifically manifested in realizing the transmission of the mission of national rejuvenation,stipulating the way to accomplish the mission of national rejuvenation,and establishing the action guide for accomplishing the mission of national rejuvenation in the new era.With the historical leap of the Sinicization of Marxism,the Communist Party of China has promoted the great leap of the Chinese nation from "standing up","getting rich" to "becoming strong",and has fundamentally stipulated the way to accomplish the historical mission of national rejuvenation.It is an overall system including forging leadership,opening up the right path,developing scientific theory and constructing an effective system.In the new era,Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,as a new expression of the historical mission of Sinicization of Marxism,provides value guidance,thinking guidance and practical direction for accomplishing the mission of national rejuvenation,thus it is an action guide to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
    A Realistic Examination of the Carrier of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
    LI Hui, WANG Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  18-24. 
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    Activity carrier is one of the main carriers of ideological and political education,and the research onit is the need to strengthen ideological and political education in colleges and universities.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,the carrier of ideological and political education in colleges and universities has successively shown some disadvantages,such as oneness,pan-politics,blindness,fragmentation and so on.At present,we are facing the challenges of the infiltration of ideological struggle on the activity carrier,the demand of multiple values for the activity carrier,the requirements of the modern way of life for the activity carrier,and the digestion of the modern carrier to the traditional carrier.To promote the carrier of ideological and political education in colleges and universities,we should adhere to the "Five Persistence",guided by Marxist thought,premised by scientific educational purpose,adopting correct educational methods,following "Three Laws",taking innovation and development as the driving force.
    Several Aspects on the Promoting Modernization of China's Rural Education in the New Era (Conversation)
    YU Fayou, REN Shenghong, LIN Zhihui, MA Huanling, LI Chunling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  25-37. 
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    Taking modernization as the value guide,striving to do a good job of high-quality,balanced and characteristic rural education in the new era has become the mission of the times to comprehensively promote the modernization of rural education and deeply implement the strategy of rural revitalization of the CPC Central Committee.Stepping into the "post-poverty alleviation era",the modernization of rural education should take the local,comprehensive and inclusive values as the logical starting point,and adhere to the practical logic of watching the local culture,building a life community and shaping the governance ecosystem.Making great efforts to create a team of high-quality rural teachers who can be attracted,stay,do a good job and develop rapidly is the key to the high-quality development of rural education.In order to realize the modernization of rural education,we should coordinate the modern layout of rural education governance,combining the construction of rural teachers with the integrated development of urban and rural education.By means of cultivating the local feelings of rural teachers,inheriting local culture and so on,we may achieve a harmonious coexistence of rural schools and rural society,so as to solve the dilemma of "separation,alienation and suspension" in the development of rural schools.Establishing the governance goal of local training,strengthening the governance content of practical training and deepening the governance mode of cooperative training are conducive to the modernization of rural teachers' governance.
    Special Topic of "Environmental Right"
    A System Study on Environmental Rights from the Perspective of Environmental Nuclear Rights and Environmental Bundle Rights
    ZHANG Zhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  39-47. 
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    The incorporation of ecological civilization into the Constitution and the promulgation of the Civil Code have raised people's expectations of environmental rights.However,in practice,we should avoid the excessive generalization of environmental rights in argumentation,fully understand the irreplaceable and unique value of environmental rights,identify rights related to the environment but not unique to environmental rights,and clarify the nuclear connotation of environmental rights.From the norms and social functions of environmental rights,we may conclude that environmental rights should be taken seriously again,and the process of its constitutionalizing should be accelerated.
    How Individuals Right of Clean Air Become Possible:Comment on the Constitutional Expression of Environmental Rights
    WANG Xiaogang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  48-55. 
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    Both Neil McCormick and Joseph Raz advocated that clean air could not become the object of individual rights.In contrast,DeniseRéaume,Jeremy Waldron and Andrei Marmor held opposite ideas.First of all,we should distinguish between "enjoyment" and "generation" of public goods.Secondly,we should distinguish between the public goods enjoyed independently by the individual and that shared by the collective.The non-exclusivity of enjoyment and the collectivity of enjoyment are two different characteristics.The non-exclusiveness of public goods does not prevent some public goods from becoming the object of individual rights.Whether the individual can enjoy some kind of public goods independently is the key to determine whether it can become the object of individual rights.As clean air and other public goods have individual independent enjoyment,individual citizens may theoretically have the right to clean air and other public goods.We can prove the existence of individual environmental rights through the interest theory of rights.Therefore,there should be no theoretical problem to include environmental rights in The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens,in Chapter II of the Constitution.
    On the Subject of Environmental Right:Review and Revision of the Mainstream Theory
    YANG Zhaoxia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  56-68. 
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    Environmental right is a new type of right whose core content is to enjoy a good environment,and the subject of it mainly is the contemporary natural person.However,in order to prevent contemporary people from conspiring to abuse environmental resources and cause intergenerational environmental pollution and destruction,future generations should also be given limited subject qualifications.A unit is not the subject of environmental rights.Although the production and business activities of some units do need a good environment as an external condition,the unit itself does not have the internal demand to enjoy a good environment;moreover,good environmental conditions can also be protected and realized through other institutional tools such as production and management rights and natural resources rights,so there is no need to give units environmental rights.A state is not the subject of the environmental right,but the obligation subject of the basic environmental right in the constitution.However,at the level of international law,the state not only enjoys the sovereignty over its own environmental resources,but also can become the trustee of its citizens' environmental rights to safeguard the environmental rights and interests of its citizens through national sovereignty and environmental rights trust.Human beings can,but not necessarily become the subject of environmental rights.A natural body cannot and does not need to be entitled to the qualification of the subject of environmental right.
    Special Topic of "Tusi Culture"
    "Seeing the Wood for the Trees":The "fragmentation" Tendency of Tusi Researches
    QU Zhoulian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  69-76. 
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    In recent years,the "fragmentation" tendency inTusi research has attracted attention from the academic circles.The clarification of the connotation of "fragmentation" is helpful to understand of the essence of it."Fragmentation" is mainly manifested in the lack of "continuity","coherence" and "integrity" in the existing Tusi research,which should arouse vigilance from the academic circles.As long as the researchers are based on the "overall history",pay attention to the relevance between research contents,and attach importance to the cross-integration of multi-disciplines based on historiography,they can avoid "fragmentation" in the research.
    New Textual Research onTusi Governance and Lineage in Nanwei Prefecture
    LUO Zhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  77-84. 
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    Nanwei Prefecture is a Tusi prefecture belonging to the Xuanwei Division of Yongshun in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1636-1932) dynasties,and it is an important part of Laosicheng,the World Cultural Heritage site.During the periods of field investigations for the application for World Cultural Heritage,certain cultural relics and historical materials,including the monument of the administrative office of Zhizhou Prefecture in the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726),the tombstone of Tusi governor Peng Yingqi,and Tusi genealogies in Nanwei and Zhizhou Prefectures,were newly discovered.It is found that the governance site of Nanwei Prefecture is not first established in today's Nanwei Village,but in Zhizhou Prefecture,and then back and forth between the two prefectures;and the Tusi lineage of Nanwei Prefecture should be 14 generations and 18 terms.The new conclusion makes some supplement and correction to the previous Tusi research on Nanwei Prefecture.
    Rural Community Capital Activation under the Background of Rural Revitalization
    ZHENG Bohong, YANG Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  85-93. 
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    Rural community capital is the value that people accumulate for a long time in the process of rural production and life,and can be used continuously to promote rural development.The essence of rural revitalization in the new era lies in adhering to the concept of capital-orientation and realizing the all-round activation of rural community capital."Man" is the basis and subject of capital activation in rural communities.The purpose of rural community capital activation is to achieve sustained capital appreciation and promote the endogenous power of rural community capital system,so as to promote the all-round revitalization of rural areas and the full coordinated development of urban and rural areas.Unblocking the channels of capital flow in urban and rural areas,giving full play to the function of capital guidance and emphasizing people's contentment is the key to capital activation in rural communities.The basic methods of activation include embedded integration and spillover output.In practice,we should conduct in-depth investigation and research,pay attention to capital function and capital identification,find out capital weak points,stimulate capital activity,break through mechanism barrier,and realize capital convection and so on.
    The Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors of the Leading Enterprises in China's Agricultural Industrialization
    JIANG Hui, LIU Zhaoyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  94-101. 
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    The spatial distribution and agglomeration degree of the leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization are important indicators of a country's process of agricultural modernization.This paper,by using nuclear density and local hot spot analysis method,explores the spatial distribution of the leading agricultural enterprises in China,and analyzes the factors affecting the spatial agglomeration of agricultural leading enterprises with the help of multiple linear regression.It is found that the leading enterprises of China's agricultural industry are mainly distributed in the developed cities in eastern China and they form the hot spots in the eastern regions,and tend to spread around these cities and form regional agglomeration,while the western regions are relatively cold spots.The main factors affecting the development of agricultural leading enterprises include the total power of agricultural machinery,highway and railway mileages,and judicial civilization and marketization indexes.The increase of crop sown area and the fixed asset investment in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery are negatively related to the growth of leading enterprises in China's agricultural industrialization.The research results show the spatial distribution and the changing rules of China's leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization,and reveal the reasons for the regional differential development from the level of national policies,providing development direction and suggestions for perfecting the agricultural industrial policy system and promoting the process and spatial distribution of China's agricultural industrialization.
    The Theoretical Logic and Institutional Path of the Legal Regulation of Industrial Policy Restricting Competition
    LI Ping, LIU Guiqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  102-111. 
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    Excessive government intervention,elimination and restriction of market competition exist in the traditional industrial policy of our country.In view of these problems,while promoting the transformation of industrial policy to functional policy,we should pay attention to the regulatory role of law.The nature of power intervention of industrial policy,the inherent defects of policy itself and the "aggressiveness" of policy means,which restrict competition,can be prevented only under legal regulation.On the whole,the legal regulation path of industrial policy restricting competition mainly includes three aspects:industrial policy legislation,government "self-control" promoted by fair competition review system,and external supervision of administrative monopoly law enforcement.These three institutional paths have some deficiencies in law,which need to be improved by targeted measures.
    The Theoretical Logic and Realistic Path of the Innovation of the Implementation Mechanism of Tourism Law
    TANG Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  112-119. 
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    Subsidiary legislation,administrative law enforcement and judicial application are the traditional forms of the implementation mechanism of tourism law.Today,when tourism reform islargely encouraged and new business types continue to present,it is necessary to innovate the traditional implementation mechanism of tourism law aimed at ensuring the basic order of tourism,and it is an objective necessity for the implementation of tourism law to carry out the function of promoting tourism development on the basis of meeting the basic functions.In the new era,the implementation mechanism of tourism law should meet the needs of political,economic and social development,following the principles of benefit,incentive,and regulation.It is necessary to integrate the incentive promotion mechanism of standards and policies,strengthen relevant subjects to cooperate and improve the consultation and cooperation mechanism,and improve the implementation and evaluation mechanism through process reengineering.

    Research on the Profit Model of the Integrated Development of the Traditional Media and Emerging Media
    XIAO Zanjun, LIU Meijun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  120-128. 
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    Profit model is a bottleneck in the integrated development of traditional media and emerging media.Due to the embezzled advertisement,replaced content,diverted audience,and covered profit platform,the profit model of traditional media has been completely subverted by the emerging media,and the effect of the existing integration practice is not so significant.To promote the integrated development of traditional media and emerging media,we need to rely on the emerging media platform to reconstruct an effective profit model for specialized content.This task is divided into two levels:one is how to rely on the emerging media platform,which is mainly related to the basic direction of profit model construction;the other is how to effectively fight for income,mainly related to the specific countermeasures of profit model construction.
    The Formation Mechanism,Guiding Principle and Path of Public Opinion in Major Emergencies
    YU Huayue
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  129-136. 
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    The formation of public opinion in major emergencies is a complex process,which should be guided by the core theory of Marxist journalistic view and Xi Jinping's important thought of news and public opinion.Its formation mechanism should be accurately understood and the innovative way of thinking should be adopted so as to solve the difficult problems such as the unknown situation,common people's concern,pluralistic thinking,insufficient concentration and so on.By adhering to the leadership of the Party,strengthening cultural self-confidence,assuming the responsibility of a great power,giving full play to the effectiveness of the dissemination of public opinion,and guiding public opinion in major emergencies to the mainstream ideology,we may do a better job in guiding public opinion efficiently.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    From Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping:The Inheritance and Development of the Request and Report System
    CHEN Jinlong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  137-144. 
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    The request and report system has been a fine tradition and important discipline since the founding of the Party,whose historical evolution includes four stages:preliminary exploration,establishment and consolidation,reconstruction and strengthening,and breakthrough and innovation,with the purpose of duty and mission to maintain the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership.Since the 18th CPC National Congress,Xi Jinping has inherited Mao Zedong's basic theory and method of establishing the request and report system based on the situation of the Party in the new era.Xi Jinping has further absorbed the views put forward by Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao that strengthening the Party's leadership is the fundamental purpose of implementing the request and report system,and that giving full play to the main role of the leading cadres is an important guarantee for the implementation of the request and report system.Xi Jinping has correctly found the important starting point for strengthening the overall leadership of the Party in the new era,and put forward an effective working mechanism for implementing democratic centralism,creatively proposing the guiding value of "taking the people as the center" and persisting in taking the Party Constitution as the foundation.Transforming the request and report system into an inner-Party regulation,Xi Jinping has provided theoretical guidance for the development and innovation of the request and report system in the new era.
    The Ethical Dilemma of Consumerism and Its Transcendence
    WANG Shujuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  145-151. 
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    Consumption ethics refers to the moral concepts and norms produced by people on the issues of consumption level,consumption mode and consumption environment,as well as the value judgment and moral evaluation of social consumption behavior,containing three dimensions of the relationship between man and nature,man and man,and man and himself.As a kind of consumption value,consumerism leads most people to pursue decent consumption,crave uncontrolled material enjoyment and recreation,and regard these as the purpose and value of life.As a result,it leads to triple ethical dilemmas between man and nature,man and society,man and himself.To transcend consumerism,first,we should establish the concept of life community and reconstruct the harmony between man and nature;second,we should give full play to institutional advantages and transcend capital logic;and third,we should discard consumption alienation and build a healthy consumption mode.
    Measurement of Livelihood Response of Ecological Migrant Farmers in NatureReserves:Based on the Survey Data of Ecological Migration in Xiaoxi National Nature Reserve
    LI Xiaobing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(6):  152-160. 
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    Livelihood is an important issue in the urbanization of ecological immigrants in nature reserves,and the livelihood response of immigrants should not be ignored to understand and solve this problem.Based on the "four-dimension and three-intensity" livelihood response analysis framework and measurement method,this paper measures the livelihood response of migrant farmers in nature reserves ofWuling Mountainous area,taking the survey data of 261 migrant farmers in Xiaoxi National Nature Reserve as the sample.It is found that the immigrant livelihood capital response is uneven and the immigrants' ability to obtain capital is weak,the immigrant households' livelihood style response is the best,but there are great differences among the immigrant households.The response of livelihood output of immigrant households is more obvious,especially the action response of livelihood output is the strongest,the spatial response of livelihood of immigrant households is relatively weak,but the difference between immigrant households is relatively small.The results show that the livelihood response of migrant farmers in nature reserves in Wuling Mountainous area is generally good,but the livelihood response intensity of migrant farmers decreases successively in their perception,willingness,and action,and the livelihood spatial response and material capital response of migrant farmers still have much room for improvement.In addition,the dimension and intensity of migrants' livelihood response strengthen or restrain the mechanism of increasing migrants' livelihood income,which in turn affects the sustainable development of immigrants.In order to enhance the response intensity,form the ability of sustainable livelihood,and realize the sustainable development of immigrants,we should properly respond to various impacts of the external environment,respect and stimulate the active choices of the main body of livelihood,and form a positive cycle of the immigrants' livelihood response and income increase mechanism.
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