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    01 September 2020, Volume 41 Issue 5
    The Paradigm of Technocracy Campaign-style Governance Driven by Expert Systems:A Translational Sociological Interpretation for F City's Establishment of a Drug Control Demonstration City
    HE Xuesong,LI Jiawei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  1-12. 
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    A new trend is emerging in the governance innovation of local governments.Under the political consideration of "striving for stability",specific goals are achieved by combining technocracy with campaign-style governance.Based on the theory of translational sociology put forward by Latour,this paper studies the translation action of expert systems in the process of "creating a demonstration city for drug control" in F city.It is found that translation action gives expert systems the identity of the actor,and the actor network weaved from it could realize the flow of governance resources and promote governance effectiveness,thereby forming the paradigm of technocracy campaign-style governance."Creating a drug control demonstration city" as a typical form of the paradigm of technocracy campaign-style governance is an internal transformation and external adaptation under the construction of translation actions.This new paradigm of embedding technocracy into campaign-style governance is not a simple superposition of elements,but is constructed by the action of expert systems,which integrates technology and politics in a structural way to make it match the current goal of social governance.The rationality of reality and the effectiveness of governance are the fundamental reasons for adopting this model.
    The Value Implication and Practice Direction of Labor Education in the New Era -Reflections Based on Marx's Body Thought
    HAN Sheng,ZHAO Xue
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  13-20. 
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    Labor education bears the historical mission of cultivating peoplein the new era,and the accurate grasping of the value implication of labor education is the key to the construction of socialist labor education system with Chinese characteristics.Labor education in the new era must be traced back to the logical starting point of Marx's body thought and deeply understand the value orientation of "educating people by labor".Labor education pays attention to physical and mental health,natural life,social relations and human destiny,so it develops the concepts of life,health,ecological civilization,public communication and world history.On this basis,facing the development of labor education in the new era,we need to cultivate "complete people" and multi-dimensional values in the labor practice of "unity of body and mind",and promote the free and all-round development of human beings in "multiple fields".
    The Three Dimensionsin Comprehensively Deepening Reform to Meet the Needs of People for a Better Life
    LIU Zhengmiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  21-26. 
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    Solving the contradiction between the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development is an essential requirement for building and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as a fundamental task for comprehensively deepening reform.From the perspective of value, the starting point for comprehensively deepening reform is to meet the people's ever-growing needs for a better life;from the subject point of view,we must rely on the people to eliminate the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development in the course of comprehensively deepening reform;from the perspective of the method dimension,to deepen reform comprehensively, we must gather the wisdom and strength of the people to meet their ever-growing needs for a better life.The comprehensive deepening reform in the new era is a complex and profound social change as well as a long-term and arduous systematic project. We must take the people as the center, creatively adhere to and implement the mass line, unswervingly regard the people's yearning for a better life as the starting point and goal of comprehensively deepening reform,and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the broadest masses of the people in the reform.We should consolidate consensus, strength, wisdom and people's will, solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development, and push forward the comprehensive deepening reform.
    The Social Risk and Legal System Arrangement of Intelligent Pension
    ZHU Hailong,TANG Chenming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  27-36. 
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    Intelligent pension,based on the new technology of big data and artificial intelligence,with its innovation in pension mode,pension products and services,has improved pension efficiency and quality.However,as the transformation and application of new technology in the field of people's livelihood,intelligent pension still has ethical,legal,market and technical risks caused by the contradictions between the new technological factors and the traditional legal regulation system and social operation system.We should construct the regulation system of intelligent pension guided by law,and combine it with the corresponding vertical risk prevention and control mechanism,intelligence and diversified legal thinking,so as to ensure the smooth reform of the mode of intelligent pension,further promote governance quality and efficiency in the field of people's livelihood.
    Logical Framework of Social Organizations' Participation in Elderly Care:Institutional Environment,Subject Type and Practice Method
    LIU Chunxiang,JIANG Yaohui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  37-47. 
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    Social organizations' participation in elderly care is the only way to promote the diversified development of elderly care,and also the key to advance the modernization of China's system and capacity for governance.Based on the participatory governance,the logical framework of social organizations' participation in elderly care can be constructed from institutional environment,subject type and practice method.From the perspective of institutional environment,the participation of social organizations in elderly care is characterized by the opening and encouraging of macro-institutional environment,the loosing of micro-institutional environment,and fuzzy constraints in implementation environment.It is necessary to further optimize the institutional environment and better stimulate the vitality of social organizations.From the perspective of subject type,the main types of social organizations participating in elderly care can be divided into the supplying social organizations and the supporting social organizations,which emphasize professional service advantages and diversified resource support.From the perspective of practice method,social organizations mainly participate in elderly care by undertaking community-home elderly care,operating elderly care institutions,launching voluntary elderly care,organizing mutual-aid elderly care,and participating in policies,mobilizing resources and self-regulation.
    The Innovative Path of the Reuse of Stock Industrial Land under the Background of New-type Urbanization
    TAN Yongzhong,HE Ju,LI Nan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  48-55. 
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    For a long time,because of the low expansion cost of the new land and the high redevelopment cost of the stock land,the reuse of stock industrial land in China is faced with many obstacles.Under the background of new-type urbanization,China's central and local governments have begun to shift land use from the expansion of urban incremental space to the reconstruction of urban stock space.As an important part and breakthrough of the new-type urbanization,the reuse of stock industrial land is closely related to the saving and intensive use of land,the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure,the improvement of spatial governance ability and so on.The reuse of stock industrial land shows the characteristics of active upgrading from passive renewal,diversified objectives,multi-stakeholder participation and cooperation,with local practice ahead of the central policy.Although the stock industrial land reuse policies in Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenzhen and other cities are different,they all emphasize the concept of government guidance,classified disposal,multi-party cooperation and benefit sharing.The scientific formulation of redevelopment plans,pluralistic cooperation and income sharing,the establishment of industrial land redevelopment management institutions,the innovation of economic incentive models and policies,and the establishment of a rigid and flexible exit mechanism,will be the innovation direction of the reuse of stock industrial land in the future.
    The Representation,Driving Mechanism and Governance of Functional Loss of Cultivated Land
    GUO Zhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  56-63. 
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    Cultivated land resource managers design a series of system to constraint and guide the behavior of cultivated land resource occupants,but driven by interests and competition,the problem of functional loss of cultivated land that threatens the safety of cultivated land resources occurs frequently.In addition to the cultivated land non-agricultural-transformation that has received much attention,in recent years,the hidden functional loss of cultivated land such as pseudo-ecological,non-grain growing,over-utilization of high-quality cultivated land and marginalization of cultivated land has an inadmissible impact on the quantity,quality and ecology of cultivated land.Facing the severe situation of functional loss of cultivated land,it is necessary to improve the management tools of cultivated land protection,such as by strengthening the constraints on the cultivated land resource occupants,establishing a performance payment mechanism for cultivated land protection,promoting at high levels and sharing the management information of cultivated land resources,exerting the comprehensive benefits of cultivated land,and nudging sustainable intensive agricultural development to improve the performance of cultivated land protection,thereby effectively guaranteeing cultivated land resource security.
    The Spatial-temporal Influence of Highway Transportation Development on the Efficiency of Tourism Development:Taking Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration as an Example
    WANG Zhaofeng,WANG Ziying
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  64-71. 
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    The improvement of transportation is an important prerequisite for the efficient development of tourism industry.Taking eight prefecture-level cities of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration as the research object,using relevant statistical data from 2007 to 2017,with the help of DEA-Malmquist model,natural breakpoint method and limited dependent variable model,discusses the spatial-temporal interaction between highway transportation development and tourism development efficiency and its influence mechanism,which is significant to reveal the tourism spatial structure within the urban agglomeration in an all-round way,to promote the coordinated development of tourism economy and to accelerate the high-quality development of regional economy.The results show that there is a certain interactive relationship between urban agglomeration highway transportation development and tourism development efficiency,and there are significant regional differences in this kind of interactive relationship.It is found that the improvement of highway transportation in Changsha,Xiangtan,Yiyang and Loudi cities plays a positive role in promoting the efficient development of the tourism industry,while the degree of coordination between highway transportation construction and efficiency in other cities is not high.The highway transportation of urban agglomeration,the number of employees in the tertiary industry and the level of economic development have a significant positive impact on the efficiency of tourism development,while the degree of opening up to the outside world,and the industrial structure have a restraining effect on the efficiency.In the future,the relevant departments of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration should strengthen the construction of highway transportation infrastructure and speed up the integration of transportation and tourism industry,so as to promote the coordinated and healthy development of regional economy.
    The Mechanism of Agricultural Mechanization Service on Family Farm:A Theoretical Analysis Framework
    HUANG Dayong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  72-79. 
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    In recent years,family farms,which are mainly characterized by scale and intensification,have developed rapidly,and the socialized service system of agricultural machinery mainly serving family farms and farmers' agricultural machinery operations has been basically formed.Agricultural mechanization service has significantly reduced production costs,improved production efficiency,increased economic benefits,and achieved an increase in family farm scale returns.Through the introduction of macro policies to cultivate and develop agricultural mechanization social service organizations,the state has directly or indirectly promoted the development of family farms.With the reasonable price mechanism of medium supply and demand market,agricultural mechanization social service can adjust the coordinated development of family farm and agricultural mechanization social service organization to realize the maximization of common interests.Agricultural mechanization service has a direct impact on production and operation cost,yield,profit and other basic factors,and has a microcosmic transmission effect on family farms.Only by formulating systematic macro-support policies,reforming the structure of market supply and demand,attaching importance to the transmission and feedback of factors,guiding the optimization of the structure of agricultural machinery and equipment industry,strengthening the support of subsidies for agricultural science and technology innovation,and strengthening the construction of agricultural machinery service team,can the maximum matching degree of supply and demand of socialized agricultural machinery service be achieved,and mutual promotion and win-win results be achieved.
    The Recent Development of Labor Clauses in Regional Trade Agreements and Its Enlightenment
    LI Qin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  80-87. 
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    The trend of incorporating labor clauses into regional trade agreements has become more and more obvious,which is shown in the increasing number of regional trade agreements related to labor clauses,the diverse structure of contracted countries,the richer content of labor terms,and the gradual emergence of differentiation.The "compulsory" model and the "friendly" model are the main models for the development of labor clauses in regional trade agreements,each with their own characteristics.Under the "compulsory" model,the general dispute settlement mechanism including mandatory sanctions is applied to labor clause disputes,which has been put into practice;under the "friendly" model,the parties cooperate in the field of labor in a variety of ways,in which the general dispute settlement mechanism is not applied to labor clause disputes,but "friendly" solution such as government consultation and review is adopted instead.With a small number in China,regional trade agreements incorporated into labor terms are still in the primary stage ofdevelopment.In practice,we should change our concept to include more labor clauses in future regional trade agreements,formulating richer provisions,emphasizing differentiation and cooperation,guarding against the developed countries in excessively linking labor clauses to trade,and preventing the use of trade sanctions to solve labor problems.
    My Way is Consistent:Confucius' Way of Enlightenment and Its Contemporary Significance
    LIU Tiefang,SUN Yiyuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  88-96. 
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    Confucius' way of enlightenment shows an adult implication of Chinese classical education.Starting from the fundamental problem of careful reflection on individual survival situation,Confucius arouses individual life to move towards higher things,thus affirming the value of self life.Confucius carries out his ideal of "returning the world to benevolence" with practical actions,that is,to shape a better life order in human society.As the core of Confucius' thought,"benevolence" opens its basic vision of enlightening the hearts of the people,arousing the individual soul towards the other in the relationship between people.As the center of Confucius' educational practice,"inspiration" aims to guide individuals to improve from reality to possibility from their own survival experience.The teaching interaction between Confucius and his disciples leads the individual to extend from his own life situation to human history and civilization step by step,so that the "way of enlightenment" can be passed on.Today,when we rethink the way of Confucius' enlightenment,we intend to activate the deep consciousness of the current educational practice and arouse people to constantly think about the possibility of better education like Confucius.
    The Shaping,Evaluation and Optimization of the Training Pattern of "Four-In-One Certificates" for Clinical Professional Masters
    TAO Lijian,LIU Anyuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  97-105. 
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    It is a two-track institutional arrangement to bring the standardized resident training into the program for postgraduate students and at the same time require the newly recruited clinical professional masters to participate in the standardized resident training.This pattern,with four certificates in one,(Certificate of Medical Practitioner Qualification,Certificate of Standardized Training for Resident Doctors,Postgraduate Diploma,and Certificate of Master's Degree) has formed the driving force and path for the training of clinical professional masters.The sense of acquisition of the teachers and students has been enhanced after this reform,but it is also generally believed that some problems,such as the shortage of learning time,the weakening of scientific research ability,the ambiguity of professional direction (sub-professional direction) and so on,still exist.In order to ensure the cultivation of both clinical practice ability and clinical scientific research ability,it is suggested that scientific research should be combined with clinical practice,making structural adjustments in the aspects of training plan,department rotational training and scientific research time allocation,actively promoting the coordination of medicine and education,improving the ways to guide postgraduate students.By doing this,we can achieve the balance of multiple objectives and collaborative optimization in clinical professional master training.
    Theory of literature and art
    The Niche of Network Literature and Its Expansion
    OUYANG Youquan,YAN Ligang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  106-114. 
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    Niche is an important index to measure the social function and status of literature.The niche of literature in a certain period,whether measured as a whole or in terms of a specific writer's works,indicates its social influence.The scientific nature of niche evaluation has been verified in traditional literature.Measuring the niche of network literature,it is found that the value of works,the fame of writers,the state of criticism,the state of reading and the media are not satisfactory.On the one hand,this is caused by traditional prejudice or reading inertia.On the other hand,it is caused by the low quality and large quantity of network literature.The typed routine writing of network literature leads to less masterwork,so the literary niche is not high.Therefore,the network literature should carry on the high-quality IP development,make more industry chain interaction of multi-cultural products such as film and television,games,produce more extensive influence,and enhance the niche in the cultural expansion.At the same time,network literature should enhance the subjective accomplishment of writers,improve the artistic quality of works,respect the active intervention of criticism,enhance the niche in literature itself,and make network literature grow from barbarism to a broad road.
    Traumatic Memory and Image Construction:the Historical Writing Dimension of the Movies on the Theme of "Nanjing Massacre"
    WANG Xia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  115-122. 
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    The movies on the theme of the Nanjing Massacre,which are different from the movies of other themes,bear more historical responsibility.It is necessary that we carry out the aesthetic construction of art on the premise of admitting the authenticity of historical events,and take into account both historical truth and artistic truth.The movies on this theme should pay attention to the representation and transmission of individual life experience in history,write people’s history and memory with tenderness,touch and infect the present life experience with the life experience of the past.Also,movies of this theme should aim at striking a balance between aesthetic standards and moral standards,avoiding consumption suffering and violence,complying with basic moral and value judgment,carrying forward national consciousness,enhancing national identity,and constructing unforgettable national cultural memory.
    TV Politics:the Constructive Approach of Public News and Its Consultative Effect:Taking Nanning TV Station's Promise to the People as an Example
    WAN Yi,CHEN Wenmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  123-132. 
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    Good politics and good governance are the conceptual consensus of the modernization of national governance.Driven by public journalism,media participation in politics has become an important representative platform for "good public governance",among which television politics is the most typical,ceremonial,situational and participatory.Nanning TV Station's "Promise to the People" is a typical representative of TV political programs.TV politics conforms to the transformation of the social function of the media:it is born out of traditional objective news and inherent in public news,and embodies many characteristics of constructive news,from the function of supervision by public opinion to the function of promoting democracy and then to the function of construction,being inclusive and transcendental.In the distracted era of smart media,TV politics,in the form of long video programs,is currently facing the difficulties and challenges of audience departure,platform transition and program fusion.In the future development,TV politics should learn from the network politics and integrate with it,making adjustments in the constructive nature of news,moving towards a broader social level,and expanding the space for opinion expression.And in the dialogue and consultation of public life,it should promote public participation and broaden the breadth of democracy,so as to fully realize its function as a representative platform for "public good governance",a channel for interaction between the government and the people,and a way for government consultation.
    The Influence of Media Flow on Users' Social Identity—Based on the Effect of Network Context
    YANG Changzheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  133-142. 
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    In order to explore the influence mechanism of media flow on users' social identity in the network context,a theoretical model is constructed,in whichsemantic flow,representation flow and situational flow are taken as the independent variables,social identity as the dependent variables,and self-concept and intergroup recognition as the intermediary variables.Through questionnaire survey,relevant data are obtained and then processed and analyzed with structural equation model.It is found that semantic flow,representation flow and situational flow in the network context have a significant negative impact on users' social identity through the mediation of self-concept and intergroup recognition respectively;that semantic flow has the greatest effect on users' social identity,followed by imagery flow,and situational immersion is the least;and that there are significant demographic differences in the effects of semantic flow,imagery flow and situational flow on users' social identity.According to the conclusion of this study,the types of media flow can be identified and classified,so as to achieve differential supervision,guidance and governance in cyberspace.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    The Predicament and Way out of the Application of Authenticity Defense in the Cases of News Infringement of Reputation Right
    WANG Baoqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(5):  143-152. 
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    In the cases of news report infringing upon the right of reputation,authenticity defense is the most commonly used and powerful defense in the media.However,its application is related to the choice of system and the balance of interests in many aspects.In the judicial practice of our country,there are mainly three kinds of predicament.First,the standard of "truth" is different,and the difference between news truth and legal truth often leads to the conflict of evidence identification;second,the logic of the distribution of the burden of proof about "truth "is confused;and third,the fault identification standard of reasonable misbelief is unclear.In comparison with the legislative and judicial experience in relevant western countries,the "truth standard" of authenticity defense in China should be appropriately relaxed and the burden of proof should be reasonably distributed,while the duty of care for the reasonable misbelief should be clarified.
    From Transcendental Logic to Symbolic Form:Cassirer's Epistemological Turn
    SU Chang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(5):  153-160. 
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    Cassirer's early epistemological thought is confined to the theoretical framework of Kantian philosophy and neo-Kantianism,taking "scientific facts" as the starting point and the final point of cognitive criticism.Through the reconstruction and sublation of Kant's construction technique of "critique of reason",Cassirer's epistemology has undergone the evolution from the epistemology of "genetic" to the epistemology of "symbol".He regarded myth,language and science as different forms of symbol created by human activities,and proposed that all conceptual understanding must be based on the mythological world at the most primitive level,which is highlighted in natural language and ended in theoretical science.Thus,Cassirer not only extended the field of epistemology to the fields of humanities,but more importantly promoted the level of cognitive reflection and found a new foundation and starting point for it.This is a revision of his early epistemological thought,and it is also the most essential difference between Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms and traditional Kant and Neo-Kantianism.The turn of Cassirer's epistemology is a major breakthrough in philosophical epistemology after Kant.Cassirer integrates natural science and humanities with "symbol",grasps rationality and explores human nature from the view of human culture as a whole.The high tolerance and openness of Cassirer's philosophy has opened up a broader way for modern Western philosophy to get out of the theoretical dilemma.
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