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    01 March 2017, Volume 38 Issue 2
    Special topics on
    The Reconstruction of the Ecological Values by Ecological Marxism
    WANG Yuchen,WU Yanni
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  13-19. 
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    Westernthought of “dark green”,which thinks the anthropocentrism values as the root of the contemporary ecological crisis,emphasizes that the values of ecological centrism,mainly based on the value of nature and the right of nature,can be established to solve the ecological crisis after breaking anthropocentrism values.Western thought of “light green”,pleading the values of anthropocentrism,necessarily modifies the values of modern strong anthropocentrism,and finally forms the values of modern anthropocentrism mainly based on enlightened anthropocentrism and weak anthropocentrism.The organic Marxism of western “red and green”thought criticizes the modern value system is essentially the anthropocentrism that disregards the value and the interests of non-human being,which inevitably causes the distorted relationship between human and nature and the ecological crisis.Therefore,an organic education of community values should be carried out after admitting the intrinsic value of natural beings.Criticizing the ecological values advocated by “dark green” and “light green” ideas,ecological Marxism has reconstructed the values of anthropocentrism and the values of ecological centrism.It has the essential difference from thoughts of “dark green” and “light green” that the values of anthropocentrism and the values of ecological centrism they have reconstructed are always associated with the capitalist system and its way of production.
    Does Marx Ignore the Law of Entropy?——The Debate between Ecological Economics and Ecological Marxism
    CAI Huajie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  20-25. 
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    The ecological economists represented by Alier and the ecological Marxists represented by Foster and Burkett have launched a debate on the relationship between Marx and entropy.In view of the important role of entropy law in ecological economics,Alier criticized Marx's indifference to the law of entropy and accused it of ignoring the restriction of natural conditions on human economic and social life.In this regard,Foster and Burkett fought against this criticism,discussing the application of thermodynamics to the formation of labor value and the creation of surplus value in Marx’s analysis and illustrating the multiple significance of Marxism to ecological economics.Foster and Burkett’s anti-criticism is based on the historical materialism,which does not regard ecological environment problems as energy reduction.It further illustrates Marx's thought of “metabolism-thermodynamics” and consolidates the theoretical support for the possibility of the Marxist ecology.
    On Reiner Grundmann’s Theory of Ecological Marxism
    LIU Ying
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  26-31. 
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    By criticizing Western green thought,Reiner Grundmann proposed to return to anthropocentrism,defended and reinterpreted Marx’s concepts of control of nature and productivity.This paper illustrates Grundmann’s theory of ecological Marxism in a detailed way,providing certain solutions to the problems of global ecology.
    The Metaphysical Dimension of Criticism and Self-criticism
    WANG Xiangqing,XIE Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  32-36. 
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    Criticism and self-criticism is not only atheory of moral cultivation,but also a philosophical methodology which contains profound philosophical implication,covering the duality of opinion,the limitation of epistemology,bringing subjective initiative into play,and the cultivation of ideal personality.
    A Gentleman is Like Water:the Ideological Foundation of Dongpo West Lake
    YANG Xingyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  37-42. 
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    Newly named,Dongpo West Lake is proposed to highlight the cultural spirit generated by Su Shi and the West Lake.Among the works of Su Shi,The Book of Changes by the Sus laid the ideological foundation of Dongpo West Lake.This book offers a poetic analysis of Kan (a divinatory symbol) in The Book of Changes,and presents the water nature of “Composing the Shape According to Thing”.Its poetic characteristic is especially reflected in the Heart of Water proposed by Su Shi.The intricate style may break the simple principle of thinking,but it opens up the possible realm of poetic philosophy.
    Distribution,Rectification and Recognition of Environmental Justice and Their Intrinsic Logics
    YU Le
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  43-49. 
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    There are three basic issues in environmental justice:justice of distribution,rectification and recognition.Justice of distribution,as the procedural justice,distributes the environmental good and bad of in the form of market economy and public decision-making.Justice of rectification is to rectify the unfair distribution of the environmental bad and the possible risks and damages,including the basic rights protection,compensation for risks and damages,and the punishment to those who are responsible.The moral values of justice of recognition are dignity and respect,which is also the recognition of basic rights and value.Besides the rectification of unfair risks and damage,it is still necessary to affirm and appreciate some people’s effort and sacrifice,which will realize the function of rectification and even salvation of justice.
    Four Precondition for the Development of Moral Education During the Transformation Period
    TANG Daixing,MU Shuang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  50-57. 
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    Moral education is based on human and social need,which appears during the period of social transformation due to the lack of individual morality and the crisis of social morality.The social motivation for this is a development model onlyemphasizing economic increase,driven by poverty and forcing human and society to pursue material desire.This worsening tendency is calling for a fundamental change.Rebuilding humanity,social spirit and habitat morality not only makes moral education possible,but it is also the precondition to do so.Therefore,modern ethics should provide vital habitat resources and wise and practical way of life for moral education.
    Joint Crime of Omission
    [Germany]Volker Haas/author,WANG Dezheng/translator
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  58-64. 
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    As for how to distinguish from perpetrator and accomplice in joint crime,we can pose a judgment standard as follows:if a responsible act has fulfilled rational component,and the conductor of omission has a necessary identity of conductor of perpetrator and subjective elements of component,this act would be treated as perpetrator and penalized.In contrast,if a responsibleact has only fulfilled the component of abettor or accessory,we can only treat the act as accomplice.Concretely,if a guarantor of guard type has a responsibility to protect the third person from danger and harm,and he can prevent the conductor of direct perpetrator to implement conduct,he has a criminal responsibility of the conductor of direct perpetrator.If the conduct of third person is abettor or accessory,the omission of guarantor is accomplice;if a guarantor of protection type who is responsible for a legal interest has obligation to prevent someone others to implement a crime,his conduct is direct perpetrator.If the conduct of the third person is abettor or accessory,the omission of guarantor is accomplice.
    Response of Criminal Law to the Crime of Copyright Infringement of Network Cloud Service Providers——Application of the Theory of Substantive Interpretation of Criminal Law
    LI Yongsheng,YUAN Hanxing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  65-71. 
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    Crime of copyright infringement of network cloud service providers is characterized by novel subject of crime,unique style of offence and complicated circumstances of crime.No consensus has been reached in the circles of criminal law as to whether the network service providers should bear the criminal liability or whether the neutral network has contributed to the crime,which leads to a theoretical dilemma in affirming the crime.In China,the legal norm of criminal law mostly came into being before the birth network cloud technology,so new problems have appeared in affirming the crime of network copyright infringement.Since the criminal law on the crime of copyright infringement has not been updated,the self-adaptive function of the judicial system should be fully played.Based on the theory of substantive interpretation of criminal law and in accordance with the principle of legality,constitutive elements of the crime of copyright infringement,such as copied distribution,the purpose of profit-seeking,and subjective crime,etc.,should be interpreted extensively.
    Research on
    On China’s Targeted Poverty Alleviation Governance System
    LENG Zhiming,RU Nan,DING Jianjun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  72-77. 
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    The existing construction of China’s targeted poverty alleviation governance system mainly consists of realization goal,implementation path,fundamental requirement and security system.Due to the asymmetric information,the practice of targeted poverty alleviation is faced with such dilemmas as the moral hazard between governments at all levels and the targeted recipients of poverty alleviation,the supply dislocation between the public and recipients,and the fragmented poverty alleviation caused by the discordant multi-agents.So the construction of targeted poverty alleviation governance system should be based on Internet+ technology and make full use of professional service from the third party,resources integration,and bilateral market support,trying to lower the degree of information asymmetry.
    Effectiveness Evaluation and Optimization Path of Poverty Alleviation Policy from the Perspective of Farmers’ Perception
    JIANG Hui,LIU Zhaoyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  78-84. 
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    Scientific and objective evaluation of the effectiveness of poverty alleviation policy is the basic work for targeted poverty alleviation.Based on a case study in Jiusi village,Laifeng County of Hubei Province,this paper evaluates the effectiveness of poverty alleviation policy from the farmers’ perception,including the improvement in livelihood capital,practical capability,economic vulnerability,economic inclusion,geographic capital,social exclusion and other aspects.It is found that the overall effectiveness of poverty alleviation policies is significant,which has played a positive role in improving rural development ability and opportunity.However,there are some limitations in enhancing the effect of individual development and the change of geographical capital.Some suggestions are made to optimize the poverty alleviation policy,such as strengthening policy guidance ability about endogenous development capacity in poor areas,improving the policies of poor individual livelihood capital,expanding supports for infrastructure construction and facilities,further stimulating institutional advantages,and so on.
    Empirical Research on the Measurement of Circulation Efficiency of Tea and the Developing Trend in Wuling Mountainous Areas
    LI Dingzhen,WANG Xingxin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  85-90. 
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    Tea industry is a characteristic industry in the Wuling Mountainous Areas,and also a key industry in the local practice of targeted poverty alleviation.By applying factor analysis,this paper measures the circulation efficiency of tea from 2005 to 2015 in five tea production bases in Wuling Mountainous Areas.A general rising trend of circulation efficiency is found,showing three stages of low efficiency,orderly circulation,and steady growth.Based on the development trend in different stages and analyzing the obstacles,this paper puts forward some suggestions to enhance circulation efficiency and realize poverty alleviation through tea industry,which include accelerating collaborative development,improving the circulation structural system,promoting the strategy of brand,and so on.
    The Construction of Cost Accounting System of Ecological Compensation Standard——Research Perspective Based on Environmental Accounting
    ZHOU Xinjun,QIU Kai,LUO Yang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  91-96. 
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    Establishing the reasonable ecological compensation standard is the key to the construction of the ecological compensation mechanism,and the ecological compensation standard cost accounting is the core content of the ecological compensation mechanism.The standard of ecological compensation cost into environmental accounting information system,which is involved in the ecological environment of the environmental cost and business issues identified,accounting,is the key to build the ecological compensation standard cost accounting system,ecological compensation standard cost accounting system construction must be based on sustainable development,environmental justice and marginal opportunity cost the theory as the foundation,following the comprehensive,the importance and principle of operation of environmental accounting.In addition,in the cost accounting of the ecological compensation standard,it is necessary to consider the influence of different accounting methods on the cost.
    Research on the Management Mechanism of Network Public Opinion inInstitutions of Higher Learning from the Perspective of Dissipative Structure Theory
    LI Hongxiong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  97-101. 
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    Internet public opinion in institutions of higher learning during the information technology era is characterized by highsusceptibility and frequency.Lack of timely monitoring,analysis and scientific response to it will make the situation worse.This paper,starting from the relationship between the dissipative structure theory and the internet public opinion,analyzes the evolution path of the dissipative structure of internet public opinion in institutions of higher learning,and puts suggestions on the management mechanism for it,namely,the constructions of guarantee mechanism of resources,of the motivation response mechanism,and of the route guidance mechanism so as to provide beneficial reference paradigm to deal with the internet public opinion under the new economy norm.
    On College Students’ Cultural Value Identification from the Perspective of Network Language
    XIE Qun,XU Jianjun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  102-108. 
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    College students’ cultural value identification mainly refers to their identification of excellent traditional culture and the socialist core values.Network language,as a language variety based on the development of information technology,is a surface feature of the current network culture,reflecting the dilemma of college students’ cultural value identification,which is shown in their cognition,sensibility and behavior.Establishing cultural identity,acquiring knowledge,cultivating a sense of culture,and improving behavior capacity are important to build individual identification path.Path of social identification should be based on family education,school education and social education.Besides,creating network language suitable for college students’ cultural identification,and strengthening ideological education in colleges and universities are also effective to promote college students’ cultural identification.
    Internationalization of Higher Education in Guangdong Province:Promotion Strategy
    LUO Jianping,ZHOU Hui,HU Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  109-118. 
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    Under the influence of economic globalization and the integration of science and technology,the internationalization of higher education has evolved from “international education” model in the 1990s to “comprehensive internationalization” model.Through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of the internationalization of Guangdong’s ordinary institutions of higher learning,the author think that the trend of higher education internationalization has been recognized by most universities in Guangdong Province,but there is still a gap with the comprehensive internationalization,there are some circumstances of problems,such as insufficient funds for internationalization,significant differences in the internationalization of teachers,the proportion of foreign degree-student to be improved,significant differences on internationalization of courses,low level of internationalization of scientific research,the introduction of internationally renowned university to Guangdong is still struggling,idle agreements wastes resources.It is suggested that the overall level of internationalization of Guangdong higher education should be promoted through the development of studying abroad,upgrading the level of foreign-related education,strengthening high-end leadership,popularizing excellent Chinese culture,practicing the “comprehensive international” concept and actively participating in the “One belt one road” strategy based on drawing lessons from internationalization strategy of higher education in domestic colleges and universities.
    Language and Literature Studies
    A Discussion on the Evolution of the Poetic Style of “Bai Ti” in the Northern Song Dynasty:An Investigation Focusing on Zhang Lei’s Imitation of Bai Juyi’s Style
    XUE Jin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  119-124. 
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    The “Bai style”,represented by Bai Juyi,originally refers to the poetic style of “nature” and “simplicity”.Its evolution in the Northern Song Dynasty (960—1127) is closely related to the psychology of the times,the consciousness of the subject and the strength of personality.Zhang Lei,with the spirit of Confucianism and Buddhism,reconstructed the poetic style of “Bai style”,based on the thought of Taoism.Its leisure connotationwas transformed from the failure of pursuing “external kings” in the party struggle into the mental compensation of “internal saints”.After Zhang Lei’s imitation of “ Bai style”,the Song people began to learn it,putting the vision of Confucian world into the “leisure” category of the “Bai style”.In the Song Dynasty when party conflicts frequently occurred,Zhang’s imitation of “Bai style” has provided a habitat of mind,besides Tao Yuanming,for the literati who still had no remorse even though they were banished from the court.
    An Analysison the Focus of Cleft Sentences in Mandarin Chinese
    BAI Lan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  125-130. 
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    The cleft sentence is represented to emphasize component.The Mandarin Chinese cleft sentence falls into three main forms which are SHI…DE,Subject…SHI…DE…and Subject…SHI…DE.SHI and DE are consisted in cleft sentence where SHI is focus marker and DE is considered as a tense marker.Focus in cleft sentences could be divided into two categories,which are in-situ focus and ex-situ focus.Ex-situ focus could be classified into two types:inner focus with no topicality feature and outer focus which has its topicality feature.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    An Exploration into the Culture of Marriage Perception Mixed with Divinity and Secularity——A Case Study of “Jiehua” Custom in the Five Villages of Eryuan County
    LI Ruoqing,YANG Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  131-136. 
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    Having unique content and customary worship rituals and activities,patron god belief presents distinctive ethnic features in the Bai people inhabited places.It is constructed in social life and reflects the connotation of it of the Bai people.The custom of “Jiehua” (custom of marriage) in the five villages of Eryuan County typically reflects the distinctive regional culture of marriage perception of patron god belief,showing the difference of patron god belief between the five villages and other villages,and the diversity of patron god belief and differentiation of villages as well.This custom,in a way of rituals and activities,shows the five villages’ belief and practice in thrift,kindness,filial piety,presenting a culture of marriage perception mixed with divinity and secularity.With its adaption to time context,the custom of “Jiehua” has illustrated the change of regional marriage culture and its realistic value as well.
    The Inheritance and Protection of Waxiang Culture in the Light of Cultural Ecology
    DENG Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(2):  137-144. 
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    Waxiang culture refers to the culture along Yuanshui River,and it is a kind of primitive and regional culture in Xiangxi.With the change of time and social development,some of the customs of Waxiang people,such as those of livelihood,house-building and marriage,are endangered.It is important to establish Waxiang cultural ecological protection zones and improve local people's cultural self-confidence so Waxiang culture could be preserved.To achieve these goals,first of all,Waxiang cultural ecological protection zones should be of authenticity and integrity and be approached in a scientific way to a protective system of originality.Secondly,Waxiang culture should be integrated with tourism to achieve economic benefit by means of exploring the essence of Waxiang culture and enhancing the cultural quality of Waxiang people.Thirdly,a market-oriented mechanism led by the government and run by the society is expected to be established so as to benefit some groups and protect the original culture.Finally,it is necessary to make innovation in the protection mode of Waxiang culture,i.e.the Waxiang culture workshop and community.
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