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    01 January 2017, Volume 38 Issue 1
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    Political Attribute and Political Concept of Frontier
    SUN Baoquan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  2-7. 
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    Frontier is essentially a kind of political geographical space.In addition,it also has such attributes as geography,culture,economy and so on.In different state forms with different prominent attributes,the concept of border view will adjust accordingly.In the era of nation-state,influenced by sovereignty,geopolitics and international system,the political concept of begins to rise.With the advance of globalization,the nation-state has undergone a significant transformation,and the western countries has updated the border theory.In China,however,the traditional cultural frontier concept is still exists,making it difficult to mix in the national context and globalization.Faced with this situation,China should establish a dual territorial structure composed of sovereign territory and super sovereign territory,and on the basis,construct the frontier category of multi- circles,forming its own border discourse system.
    Cultural Identity from the Perspective of Frontier Governance
    ZHANG Zengyong,HE Songlan,ZENG Yunxiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  8-15. 
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    In China's border areas there live many ethnic minorities.And almost every minority has created its ethnic culture,forming its ethnic culture identity.At the same time,the minorities and the Han have jointly created the Chinese culture,and have formed and maintained the identity of the Chinese culture.The relationship between the two kinds of cultural identity will directly affect the governance effect of the frontier,the stability of the country's political situation,and the development speed of the whole country.To strengthen cultural integration,we should integrate ethnic culture into the Chinese culture,increase identity of Chinese culture,making it attract and guide the ethnic culture.Also through carrying out economic policies benefiting people and introducing Chinese culture and fine ethnic culture to the world,the ethnic minority people's identity of Chinese culture can be improved,thus the efficiency of frontier governance can be enhanced,and governance cost saved,which is in favor of political stability,unity and the integral development of the country.
    Cultural Identity of the Rule of Law in the Minority Nationalities in the Border Areas:the Presentation of Problems and the Ways of the Formation——A Case Study in Yunnan Province
    LV Zhaohui,LI Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  16-22. 
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    Cultural identity of the rule of law refers to people's respect,recognition,acceptance and internalization to the rule of law.The legal culture identity of the minority nationalities in the border areas is an important content in building socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics,which is of great significance to the strengthening of the national identity of the minority nationalities.However,the complex social environment in Yunnan minority areas,the traditional cultural inertia,the squeezed cultural space,and the drive of realistic interest,all have prevented cultural identity of the rule of law,bringing such problems as lack of legislation provision,lagged economic development,weak sense of the rule of law,and ineffective legal construction.Therefore,it is urgent that we perfect the legal system of frontier governance and publicize it,ensure judicial justice and strict enforcement of law,and make a full play of legal culture.In this way,we may promote cultural identity of the rule of law in the frontiers of ethnic minorities.
    In the overseas
    Delphic Oracles:Ambiguity,Institutions,and Multiple Streams
    Nikolaos Zahariadis;YANG Zhijun,OUYANG Wenzhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  23-30. 
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    Multiple streams theory is used widely in western public policy analysis as a tool,which lacks consideration of institutional factor has been an unquestioned fact.It is necessary to blend institutional factor into multiple streams framework.Institution enable or constrain policy-making through initiating values,ambiguity causes diversification of institution,and double influence of ambiguity’s degree and content of policy implementation shapes the way of policy change.Meanwhile,policy entrepreneur’s action strategy plays an important role in policy implementation.Institution and actor’s strategy affect attention of decision maker as well as alternative adoption and policy outputs due to personal characteristics and manipulation strategies.Institution variable doesn’t change internal logic of multiple streams theory,but the effect of institutional factor to the theory is a research direction of public policy in the future.
    Does Fiscal Decentralization Improve Provision Efficiency of Local Public Goods?
    CHANG Zhongze
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  31-39. 
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    By using SPSS software packet,this paper adopts linear regression analysis method to make positive analysis on public goods influence factor of Beijing Municipality.We find:(1)There is not significant correlativity between fiscal decentralization and provision efficiency of local public goods prior to 1994,on the contrary,there is significant negative correlation between fiscal decentralization and provision efficiency of local public goods after 1995;(2) There is significant negative correlation between GDP and provision efficiency of local public goods prior to 1994,on the contrary,There is significant positive correlation between GDP and provision efficiency of local public goods after1995;(3) There is not significant correlation between population size and provision efficiency of local public goods prior to 1994,on the contrary,There is significant negative correlation between population size and provision efficiency of local public goods after1995.
    Dual Property Rights,Quality of Financial Risk and Debt Contract
    QIAN Aimin,FU Dong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  40-49. 
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    The quality of financial risk is the comprehensive information of the enterprise debt paying ability,calculated by the three progressive hierarchies of“liquid asset -operating cash flow -free cash flow”.The quality of financial risk can guide the banks to identify enterprise risk effectively,and has a positive correlation with bank loans.The state-owned property right of enterprises weakens the financial risk quality's effect on debt contract.The state-owned property right of banks partly replaces the financial risk quality’s effect on debt contract,but along with the advancement of bank demutualization,its replacement function declines.The incremental weakening effect of the financial risk quality on debt contract,deriving from the dual state-owned property rights,was not verified.
    Empirical Studies on Factors Influencing the Exit of Industrial-financial Integration:Based on Non-financial Listed Companies
    WANG Xiuli,ZHANG Longtian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  50-55. 
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    This paper investigates the non-financial company which is carrying on financial-industrial integration during the period of 2007-2014.On the basis of collecting related information of these sample companies,the paper surveys the characteristics the theses companies,conducts researches on factors influencing the exit of industrial-financial Integration.The main conclusion of this paper are presented as follows:high leverage ratio and synergy expense ratio,low earnings per share and the years of integration tend to exit the industrial-financial Integration steatrgy.
    Political science
    Treat the Anti-corruption Function of Property Declaration System in a Scientific Way
    MO Hongxian,HUANG Peng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  56-63. 
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    Property declaration system is a moral law to govern the conflicts of interest,which indirectly realizes the corruption-prevention function by preventing conflicts of interest.As a basic and supplementary indirect measure to prevent corruption,it cannot prevent corruption single-handedly.Only with other anti-corruption measures to form a comprehensive regulatory system can it achieve the goal to fight against corruption and build a clean government.Due to its own mechanical defects,its anti-corrupt function should not be exaggerated,otherwise it may cause a series of negative impact on the fight against corruption and the continuous reform.Thus,a scientific attitude to treat the anti-corruption function of property declaration system should be adopted.
    Analysis on the Structural Changes of Social Consultation System——Based on the Analysis Paradigm of Historical Institutionalism
    HUANG Daxi,ZHAO Jing,ZHANG Meng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  64-69. 
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    The choice of social consultation system is dominated by macro institutional environment,whose political variables,including new ideas,political legitimacy,and ideology not only constitute a sequence structure with the system itself,but also with other systems as well.Embedded in social consultation system arrangement,this sequence structure forms a mutually-effected and mutually-restricted situation between its actors and other relative behavioral agents,hindering or promoting the practice of social consultation system.It is essential that the Party’s leading role should be fully played so that socialist consultative democracy can be innovated developed widely.
    Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum
    On the Access of Britain Commons to the Legal System and Its Enlightenment
    CAI Shouqiu,PAN Fengxiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  70-79. 
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    The commons are originated from ancient Roman law,and they are specialized in Britain.British law of commons clearly defines the commons,legally making it clear for the public access to commons.The public access is not only a legal right,but also a customary right,a right for the public to use commonly.The access of British commons to legal system has some enlightenment in our country.In constructing law of commons in our country,we should break through the regulation of traditional civil law,adhering to connotation and value orientation in accordance to our realistic needs and legal culture so as to avoid tragedies of commons and protect public use of commons.
    Multilevel Analysis of Public Environmental Behavior intention——Based on 2013 CSS dataset
    WANG Xiaonan,LIU Lin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  80-90. 
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    The survey of environmental behavior intention has been an indispensable item in international environmental investigation.The adjusted role of the environmental behavior intention to environmental behaviors has been proved by the empirical research of environmental sociology.Regretfully,the study of environmental behavior intention in China is still not sufficient,with the study of behavior intention as an affecting factor of the environment behavior.This study is based on the CSS data of China in 2013,from 110 county-level cities of 9181 residents in our country,from the micro level and macro level as well.The research results show that at the individual level,marital status,place of residence,the party members' identity,self-evaluation of economic status,education,access to information,the environmental risk awareness,political participation have the positive effects on environmental behavior intention.At the macro level,economic development has a significant role in promoting residents' environmental behavior intention,industrial wastewater emissions,industrial solid waste emissions and economic development index interaction effect on residents' environmental behavior will have a certain influences.Water pollution variables under the adjusted effect of economic development have the reverse effects to the behavior intention.
    The Legal Mechanism of Multiple Protection of Biodiversity in Minority Areas
    WEI Xiaoxin LI Qijia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  91-99. 
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    The single or decentralized mechanism of biodiversity protection in minority areas can not meet the requirement of protection.In order to construct the multiple mechanism,we must attach importance to the traditional knowledge,the representative of which is customary law,religion and so on ,especially the traditional ecological knowledge,or local knowledge which is called by sociology .The specific contents are as following.The first and foremost,it is the aspect of the national law,we must enact the law system with the basic law of biodiversity conservation,strengthening the local legislation in minority areas at the same time;Secondly,it is the aspect of strengthening the connection between national law,customary law and religion,which includes the strengthen of the connection between national law and customary law,such as the village committee organization law,the confirmation of the national law to the effect of customary law,if the things that can not be resolved by customary law and religion,relying on the national law;Last but not least,the civil protection mechanism and the religious protection mechanism need to play a role continuing,not relying solely on state protection mechanism.Only in this way,can the multiple mechanism be established,including the state protection system with the representative of national park,the religious protection system with the representative of natural sanctuary and the civil protection system with the main norm of customary law in secular and so on.
    Management science
    Research on the Integrating Risk and Management of Chinese Seed Industry
    HOU Junqi,HUANG Meixia,SHI Chunxiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  100-106. 
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    Entrepreneurs have been troubled by the integrating risk in seed industry,both at operation level and psychological level.Different source of merge and integration causes different forming procedure and different mechanism of risk in theseed industry.The risk of seed industry merge,which comes from whole industrial chain,total factor and all participators,is divided into four parts,including sales risk,value-chain reconstruction risk,resource loss risk and risk of insufficient capacity.There will be high risk on carrying on seed industry merge strategy when any kind of risks get some level.The manager should keep high sensitive to the thing,activity or environment which could amplify risk.Risk diagnosis and identification,risk interaction control,internal control,value recognition control,rule control and optimization of strategy are the significant measures to respond to the risk of seed industry merge.
    Research on the Maturity Evaluation of Public Goods Supply Management Based on Process Area
    HE Jixin,LI Yuanle
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  107-116. 
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    Public goods supply management capability maturity evaluation is the key tothe effective implementation of the quality management of public goods and the improvement of the performance level of public goods supply.Aiming at the lack of maturity evaluation in public goods supply management system,this paper,based on process perspective,designs the maturity evaluation system of public goods supply management.It applies the capability maturity model to the evaluation of public goods supply management,establishes the evaluation framework of supply management maturity,divides the management capability maturity level,extracts and selects the key process areas of management in different grades.An index system is set up to achieve the goal of the key process,and the corresponding evaluation program is designed,combined with an instance of public goods supply management evaluation experiment.According to the supply management capability maturity level,we found the management defects of all levels,and provide a path for the optimization of public goods supply management.
    Research on Social Governance
    Paradox of Public Participation and Space-right Game——Paying Attention to Right-Interest Logic Hidden behind “NIMBY” Events
    HOU Guanghui,CHEN Tong,WANG Ying,YAO Tianzeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  117-123. 
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    Nowadays,series of environmental activist group events labeled by “NIMBY”(Not In My Back Yard)have attracted wide-spread social attention.Protesters “captured” the governmental policies,and thus induced the phenomenon of “Public Participation Paradox” (PPP).This has caused complicated dilemmas,such as loss of multiple interests,suspected governmental credibility,unfinished reconstruction of democratic process,and the loss of valuable developing opportunities for local government as well.Under the circumstances of multi-rights structure,rising civic consciousness,and public trust crisis,the forces of relevant public interests,local government,market,and the general public fight for the space rights loaded with economic rights,environmental rights and politic rights,which has attributed to the Paradox in China.In order to solve this paradox,the government should pay emphasis on the rights and benefit mechanism behind the NIMBY events.It is the internal requirement to establish an “Adaptive Administration System”(AAS) to respond to the governance capacity construction of the country,respect the original spacial right-benefit structure,guarantee the multiple rights ,prevent and dissolve the NIMNY crisis.
    The Failure and Correction of Social Participation in Emergency Management of Public Security Crises
    ZHOU Fangjian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  124-130. 
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    Effective participation of social forces is a key issue in the emergency management of public security crises.There still exist different types of low efficient,non-effect and negative effect participation failure when different social subjects such as non-governmental organization,profit organization,media and the public participate in the emergency management of public security crises.The cause of it is mainly the long-term and excessive government space-occupying,limited participation subjects collaboration,poor communication network and indeterminacy of incentive and restraint emergency system.Correcting the failure of social participation,we may begin from the mechanism construction which including strengthening the linkage and cooperation,enhancing the information sharing,improving the education and training and perfecting the incentive and restraint system.
    Stigmatized Feeling in Digital Association:the Embodied-Cognition Communication Theory of Network Tourette
    CHEN Wenmin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  131-136. 
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    Network tourette is a minor,yet extreme network dialect in network communication.To adapt itself to the communication in a new scene,it has its own variation and revising intention,which is characterized by publicity,dynamicity,and visuality.With a humiliation intention of male discourse and through an associationmechanism,network tourette creates a dimensionality reduction to the other side of communication,and exerts a stigmatized feeling.Some network tourettes,with anti-language and anti-society intention and deep power relation behind it,damage the traditional conversational principle and the rationality of public communication,increase social alienation,and weaken political identity.Therefore,it is important to give importance to the research of tourette-circumvention,so that we can guide the marginal culture and govern network properly.
    The Institutional Contingency and Potential Problems of Rural Single-children Families——Based on Single-children Families Residing in Two Sides in Northern Jiangsu Province
    WANG Xin,MA Liuhui,WU Jiaji
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(1):  137-144. 
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    Sing-children family residing in two sides is a contingent form to adapt to the living needs for the single-child family in daily practice,and the nuclear family consisting of two single-children appears phantasm of double lineage institution.In fact,the phantasm hides a lot of problems.On the one hand,the boundary of successive identity cuts the single-child couple into two individual economic subject,and the binding of the son’s surname with inheritance tears the integrality of the nuclear family.On the other hand,because of interest,emotions and reality,the single-child couple has to moves between two parent-families,which makes their parents in a disadvantageous situation.Family supporting approximates formalized filial duty of grand funeral.In a word,the practice of single child residing in two sides changes the traditional lineage inheritance,leading to lots of potential problems.It is still unknown whether or not this change will lead to double lineage institution.
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