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    01 May 2017, Volume 38 Issue 3
    Special articles
    Review and Prospect of the Classification and Research on Stele Inscriptions
    MAO Yuanming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  1-8. 
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    Stele inscriptions,as an important part of the unearthed literature,have unique function and important research value.Reliable,with extensive content and examinable time and space,stele inscriptions are very abundant in China,offering firsthand information for the multidisciplinary research.Although considerable achievements have been made in the classification and research of stele inscriptions,the materials are primitive and scattered,lacking comprehensive collection,classification,systematic and scientific research and theoretic support.Faced with these problems,we should pay more efforts to strengthen the discipline construction and deepen the classification and research of stele inscriptions.
    On the Philosophy of Morality of and Happiness in Chinese Ethical Culture from theConfucius-Yan Hui Happiness View
    ZHANG Pengsong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  9-15. 
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    Moral trait and behavior should be matched with happiness to form favorable social order and harmonious heart,which is the practical aim and ethical belief for every ethical culture seeking for self moral perfection.For the western tradition of ethical culture which desires for self freedom and equality,or the Chinese tradition of ethical culture which attaches importance to the unity of nature and man,each has its interrelated universal ethical appeal and unique ethical path to realize the unity of morality and happiness.Different from the Taoist philosophy of happiness,which pursues original simplicity,the Confucian view of happiness in the pre-Qin period (period before the founding of the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC) contains the concept of benevolence,which is an important part of the philosophy of moral happiness in the pre-Qin ethical culture.Confucius-YanHui happiness view,through years of evolution,not only constructs the core value of Chinese cultural tradition,but also provides ethical enlightenment for the construction of modern Chinese ethical culture.
    Mao Zedong and Modernity:ATheoretical Review Based on Literature
    ZHANG Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  16-25. 
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    Whether Mao Zedong’s theories and practice contain modernity factors and whether he is a modernist is an important issue in the history of modern Chinese politics and thought.Four modes of interpretation are found in present study.The first is the affirmative mode which admits that he is a modernist;the second is the special modernity mode which transcends western modernity value;the third the expanding modes which is based on the theoretic resources and symbolic sensation of the new left wing;and the fourth is the post interpretation mode which starts from post-modernity and post-structuralism.The four modes of interpretation are more of general descriptions,and need to be deepened theoretically.The relationship between Mao Zedong and modernity is not a proposition of one-way linear theory;rather it is a complex one,which should be interpreted from the dual perspectives combining Marxist criticism on capitalism modernity with the special historical context of the issues of modern Chinese modernity.
    The Theoretic Logic of Space Production in Continuous Destitute Areas and the Urban-Rural Integration
    WANG Zhizhang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  26-36. 
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    The continuous destitute areas,as a specific regional space,is characterized by severe poverty and should be the main battlefield in poverty alleviation.The essence of poverty alleviation in theseareas is an organized and urban-rural integrated space production,which should not only be driven by national policies,but also start from the perceived space,the conceived space,and the lived space.The perceived space is complicated and different;the conceived space is the necessary process of urban-rural space production and reproduction;and the lived space is specific embodiment of the urban and rural citizens to share the development.The space production and urban-rural integration should be should be tightly coupled in such aspects as space control,inside-outside joint,public service,industrial distribution,social security,policy support,and non-direct factors.In the process of poverty alleviation and development,it is essential to break the urban-rural boundaries,effectively allocate resources and construct an internally balanced,coordinated relationship of sustainable development,realizing the goal of targeted poverty alleviation and urban-rural sharing of development.
    On the Regulation of Economic Law to the Disordered Regional Economic Development
    TIAN Kaiyou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  37-42. 
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    Regional economic cooperation and coordination has become a feature of social and economic development in our country.However,regional restrictive competition,insufficient supply of public goods,and inadequate macroeconomic control has caused disordered regional economic development.There is an inner agreement between the economic law and regulation and the disordered regional economic development.In the future,the ways in which economic law regulates the disordered regional economic development should cover such aspects as improving the antimonopoly law to eliminate the regional protectionism,improving the macro-control regulation to overcome the inadequate macroeconomic control in regional economic development,and improving the state investment management regulation to promote effective supply of regional public goods,and so on.
    An Empirical Study on the Relationship among Economic Growth,Openness and Income Inequality
    WANG Peixuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  43-50. 
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    The income inequality of China is not only caused by economic growth,but also by some factors of economic opening.The income gap might have been narrowed because the imports of semi manufactured goods have increased domestic employment opportunities,and the imports of foreign high-quality cheap goods have broken certain domestic industry monopoly.However,China’s import structure is not reasonable,because it depends too much on the importation of energy and high technology products.Exports will expand the income gap,because China’s processing trade exports are basically embedded in the low-end of the global value chain,so the higher the export volume,the lower the price and the income of workers.Foreign investment has obvious geographical and industry selectivity,so it will expand the income gap between regions and industries.Therefore,in order to reduce the income inequality,we should maintain the “new normal” economic growth in the medium speed on the one hand,and on the other hand take a new path of openness.The first is to improve the structure of imports;the second is to develop the domestic consumer market through the supply side reform,and the third is to reduce the dependence on foreign capital appropriately to deal with the trade-protectionism policy of developed countries such as Britain’s secession from the European Union and America’s secession from TPP.
    Management science
    Space of Knowledge Flow and High-Speed Railway
    LIN Xiaoyan,LUO Shen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  51-58. 
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    Space of knowledge flow is the material organization that quickly obtains knowledge by means of ICT and high-speed traffic,and achieves effective coordination of regional development.High-speed railway (HSR) is the medium to achieve knowledge flow,and the difference between information communication technology is to realize human’s flow.As a government public policy,HSR not only promotes face-to-face communication of knowledge flow,but also affects human capital flow,promoting industrial agglomeration and diffusion,attracting investment,exploring station to influence the inter-regional knowledge flow structure,and changing the knowledge strength between regions.Based on this,reasonable policies should be proposed to improve the knowledge flow caused by HSR.
    Strategy Choice in Intergovernmental Relations:Based on Game Model
    JIANG Wenfeng,SONG Luping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  59-65. 
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    This paper,using static and dynamic game models,describes county- levelgovernment’s strategy choice in intergovernmental relations and discusses the paths to promote government’s collective interests.Conclusions are drawn that,firstly,governments’ cooperation is conductive to collective efficiency,no matter how their governance capability differs.Secondly,during the limited term of office,the individual government with similar governance capability will adopt competitive strategy to achieve the goal of maximum interests,provided that no outside interference is involved.Interference from the superior government will impel individual government to take cooperative intergovernmental relations.Finally,under the circumstances of unlimited term of office,if government at different levels can increase trust with each other or if or if it has the potential of promotion,they may continuously adopt cooperative strategies at the earlier stages so as to gain better interests.It is noticeable that individual government will choose competitive strategy at the final stage.
    Study on the three rural problems
    Some Issues on Promoting Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reform
    XU Jingyong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  66-71. 
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    The prime target for promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform is to increase the peasants’ income and ensure effective supply.Focus should be put on improving the quality of agricultural supply by means of institutional reform and innovation.To realize the goal,moderate agricultural scale management should be enlarged so that the labor productivity could be raised;multilevel industry amalgamation should be developed so that the peasants could enjoy the bonus brought by the three times of industry amalgamation;green agriculture should be cultivated so that agricultural sustainable development and food safety could be guaranteed.Besides,investment in human capital of rural population should be improved to train the new type of modern peasants;urbanization should be accelerated to make room for agricultural modernization;and the channel of peasants’ income from property should be widened to shorten the income gap between the rural and the urban.
    Change of Rural Land System in Contemporary China:History and Reality
    QI Heng,WU Ling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  72-77. 
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    Land is the basis for the survival of farmers,and the rural land problem is one of the most difficult,common,and complex economic and social problems in China.The land system is the source of all the problems of lands.Agricultural land system in contemporary China has experienced three stages in history,from land reform to cooperatives and people’s communes and family contract system,the internal power and external forces being the factors influencing the changes of the system.The current rural land system in China is faced with such problems of fuzzy definition of property rights,serious fragmentation in management,imperfect land expropriation and compensation system,and irregular land circulation.To make reform and innovation in land system,it is important to make clear of the subject of land property right,improve scale operation of land,perfect land expropriation and compensation system,and regulate land circulation.
    Seminar on
    Recreating the Role and Function of Neighborhood Committee:Research on Community Governance Capability and Value Orientation
    CHEN Weidong,MA Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  78-84. 
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    As a legal grass-roots self-governing unit,the neighborhood committee was always playing a negative and passive role,almost marginalized and weakened.Using the analysis model of community network governance,we think that Chinese urban community governance structure has gone through three modes.In the empowerment mode,the neighborhood committee is the core,platform and medium,playing a positive role in community governance and promoting benign interaction between the state and society.
    On the Generative Mechanism of Cooperative Governance of Urban Community from the Perspective of the Interaction of Institution-Life
    SUN Qi’ang,QIAN Zhiyuan,SUN Xuyou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  85-91. 
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    Government at the grassroots level often finds it difficult to adopt proper governance mechanism to deal with the trivial things that trouble urban community.From subject governance relying on institution,spontaneous governance to collaborative governance between the owners and the government,the owners autonomy of safeguarding right has been developing and releasing,forming the endogenous power of urban community governance.In the interactive process of up-down molding and down-up constructing,the field of community has formed a collaborative mechanism.The innovation of community governance should not be only at the institutional level,rather it should be implanted in the community field and in the practice of life’s subject so as to cultivate and guide their autonomy.Collaborative governance should be realized in the interaction between institution and life.
    Collapse Differentiation and Module Response:Reflections on Fragmentation of Urban Community——A Change of the Perspective of Community Governance
    CHEN Guangyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  92-97. 
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    Community governance is a hot issue in the academic circles today.It is interesting that similar study objects often lead to opposite conclusions.The author of this paper holds that the sharp contrast of the conclusions may be due to two natural differentiations in the urban communities.On the one hand,the convergent human instinct in the high heterogeneous urban community will collapse into different clumps;on the other hand,the declining emotion will produce a normal phenomenon of interest differentiation.Therefore,urban community is not a concept of unity and homogeneity,and it is natural to cause difference in types and research conclusions,making it necessary to subdivide modules in research.
    Eco Forum
    An Empirical Research on the Low Carbon Capability Measurement of Manufacturing Enterprises
    LI Suicheng,YANG Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  98-102. 
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    Taking manufacturing enterprises as research object,through literature analysis and in-depth interviews,we preliminary determine that the low carbon capability of a manufacturing enterprise is a multiple dimensional construct composed of technical capability,manufacturing capability and low carbon change capability.Relevant measurement items are extracted.Based on sample data of Chinese manufacturing enterprises and with the help of Amos18.0 software,the empirical study shows that the three dimensions of low carbon capability are of high internal consistency,and the measurement scale has a good reliability and validity.
    On Governments’ Cooperation in Controlling Water Pollution
    CAO Yiqing,WENG Jingyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  103-108. 
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    To solve the contradictions between the whole drainage basin and the regional basin in controlling water pollution,trans-regional cooperation has increased in the polluted basin,making comprehensive reclamation of river basin a tendency.Unfortunately,the river pollution has been worsening.Little is found in the laws and regulations concerning governments’ cooperation in controlling pollution,and the operation standard is still to be perfected.Due to the unclear legal nature,the governments’ agreements of cooperation in controlling pollution often have limited binding force.When a dispute of water pollution happens,the lack of legal solution often leads it to a deadlock.On the basis of the perfected laws on the cooperation in controlling pollution,we should give full play to the comprehensive governance and coordination function of the river basin governance organizations.It is important to make clear of the legal nature of the agreements in controlling pollution and perfect the operation provisions,liability provisions,and responsibility provisions of the agreements,so that their legal binding forces could be increased.Meanwhile,multiple channels to solve the disputes should be widened so that the governments’ efficiency in controlling water pollution could be improved.
    Progress and Introspection of the Science of Environmental Law Since the Implementation of the New Environmental Protection Law
    MEI Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  109-117. 
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    The science of environmental law in China has made noticeable progress since the implementation of the new Environment Protection Law.Scholars have focused on the urgent issues in the environmental legal construction,such as the legal evaluation,environmental governance,environmental judicature,environmental rights,environmental obligation,and so on.They have also paid attention to the introspection of discipline methodology,showing theoretic consciousness and academic contribution of the research community of the science of environmental law.The jurisprudential circles have involved themselves in social development,making it a good start to implement the new Environmental Protection Law.
    The Future Prospects of the Globalization of Chinese Literature——A Talk with the German Sinologist Wolfgang Kubin
    ZHU Anbo/Ask,GU Bin(Wolfgang Kubin)/Answer
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  118-124. 
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    Wolfgang Kubin (1945—),a sinology professor of Bonn University,is a famous sinologist as well as a poet,writer,and translator.He has done enormous researches on classical Chinese literature,modern and contemporary Chinese literature,and the history of classical Chinese thought.Besides,he has insights into translation studies.In this talk,Wolfgang Kubin describes the relationship between Chinese literature and World literature and the differences among Chinese and western languages and mentions some issues on translation.Meanwhile,he comments on the gains and losses of “going global” of Chinese literature and offer us some suggestions on the basis of his experience and observation of cultural exchange.He argues that “going global” is not only concerned with translation,but also closely related to the selection of works,printing,publication and marketing.
    Feng Xuefeng’s Revolutionary Realism Theories and the Sinicization of Marxist Literary Theory
    HUANG Nianran,CHEN Zhaoyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  125-132. 
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    Feng Xuefeng is an active pioneer of sinicization of Marxist literary theory and criticism.He has made great contribution to creating a theoretic systemof revolutionary realism combining political inclination and literary creation.The basic concept of the theoretic system is that realistic literary creation should give consideration to the practical demand of China’s democratic revolution,and the theoretical foundation is the relation between literature and art and the reality.And the source of the creation comes from the dialectical unification and transformation of the Power of the Mass and the Power of Subjectivity.The system of the theories is related to the sinicization of many important theories including psychological mechanism of creation and the creating principles of typical images with the aim of popularizing literature and art.Its theoretical effect has been examined in criticizing some inappropriate comments on Lu Xun.In this sense,it has been playing an important role in the process of sinicization of Marxist literary theories.It can not be denied that there are some imperfections in the system yet they offer a basis of introspection for further exploration of sinicization of Marxist literary theories.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    Tuwang Worship,Family Construction and State Identity:An Investigation of Sheba Festival in Tianjiadong Village of Xiangxi
    LI Lingxia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  133-138. 
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    Tuwang (live Tusi,the leader of Tujia ethnic group) worship and ritual were popular in Xiangxi and its surrounding areas during the Tusi times.After gaituguiliu (bureaucratization of native officers) in the Qing Dynasty (1636—1912),the descendants of Tusi in Tiangjiadong Village established family linage with characters and reconstructed ancestor memory that beseemed their identities.Tuwang was endowed to several important gods.The transition of Tuwang worship and ritual reflects the unique historical development of the Tusi-ruled areas in Xiangxi directly permeated by state power,showing a fact that the folk society has actively controlled local culture and power to change cultural legitimacy and ideology.
    Cultural Interpretation of Tujia Brocade from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology
    LIN Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2017, 38(3):  139-144. 
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    With its beautiful colors and characteristic designs,Tujia brocade is put into use in every aspect of Tujia ethnic group,showing unique cultural ecology.Represented in the forms of visual graphs and characters,showing life entities,life scenes and mythical imagination,Tujia brocade functions to protect from the cold,pass affections,and symbolize beauty and religious belief,characterized by the abstraction,ethnic feature,and stable cultural heritage.The folk customs blended in the design pass the historical development and belief of Tujia ethnic group and their gorgeous aesthetic consciousness.With its rich cultural connotations,Tujia brocade is an important cultural carrier of Tujia ethnic group.
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