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    01 November 2016, Volume 37 Issue 6
    In the overseas
    Global Justice and Health:The Basis of the Global Health Duty
    Written by Jonathan Wolff,Translated by YI Xiaoming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  1-11. 
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    The famous interview
    On Comparative Literature and Trans-cultural Study——An Interview with Professor YUE Daiyun
    YUE Daiyun,ZOU Zan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  12-16. 
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    Analysis on the Development of China’s Agricultural Factor Market
    XU Jingyong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  17-23. 
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    The development of China’s agricultural factor market is necessary for the establishment and further improvement of the socialist market economy.The adjustment and optimization of rural industrial structure and agricultural production structure depends on the optimization of an agricultural factor market.Adjustment of factor market is the precondition of the optimization of industrial structure.A well-developed agricultural factor market is also beneficial to the improvement of agricultural factor utilization and productivity,further development of rural economy,the increase of rural income,as well as reducing rural-urban inequality.The main cause of rural-urban inequality lies in the lag of development of agricultural factor market.It is also the result of catching-up development strategy,initial capital accumulation as well as the dual track rural-urban economy.Through the dual track rural-urban economy,agricultural prices are set lower than market prices.The resulting price scissor between industrial and agricultural prices is the main channel through which the initial capital was accumulated.Thus,the development of agricultural factor market is at the heart of issues such as dealing with the relationship between government and the market,the reform of rural-urban dual track economy,as well as the healthy development of market exchange system between urban and rural factor markets under rural-urban integration.
    The Mechanism and Realization of Value Creation under the Multilateral Cooperation between Logistics Companies and Supply Chain Members:Based on the Perspective of Inter-organizational Learning Effect
    LUO Wenping,DAI Jianping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  24-30. 
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    The supply chain which is composed of logistics companies and the upper and lower firms is essentially a learning system which integrates knowledge acquisition,knowledge sharing and utilization,knowledge transfer being a nonlinear process in the supply chain.In the multilateral cooperation between logistics companies and supply chain members,the absorptive capacity of the whole supply chain has a direct impact on learning among supply chain members,and it realizes knowledge sharing and knowledge innovation through learning among the supply chain members,which has obvious value-added effect in supply chain value.The multilateral cooperation among supply chain members of logistic companies needs to start from the perspective knowledge sharing and innovation,focusing on solving customers’ problems,establishing and perfecting the internal knowledge system and learning mechanism of the supply chain so as to realize value creation.
    Management science
    Puzzlement and Solutions to the Separation of Enterprise from Administration——from the Perspective of State Ownership
    XU Yawen,TU Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  31-35. 
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    Separation of enterprise from administration is a major mode in the reform of state-ownedenterprises,which is rational in the levels of state function,business fairness,and state image.However,both history and reality have shown that separation of enterprise from administration is nothing but the scholars’ dream.The dilemma of separation of enterprise from administration lies in that,enterprise and administration,both as the important value of state existence,are incompatible,that is,separation of enterprise from administration will never come true due to the public character of state power.A new thinking should be taken into consideration,which defines state ownership as a power of public commercial affairs restricted by public law.Following this,we might solve the dilemma of separation of enterprise from administration.
    Research on the Connotation,Generation Effect and Countermeasures of the Governance of Public Goods Value Chain Supply
    HE Jixin,CHEN Zhenzhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  36-45. 
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    In the organizational governance of technology embedded with information,platform and network,the supply of public goods is a new innovative system and a new practice form,a wholly coordinated and integrated one showing value chain’s multi-domains,multi-links,and multi-subjects.The value chain of public goods is to meet the demand of public goods and increase supply value.Based on full life circle of value chain and the extensive resources integration,an innovative mode of suitable public goods supply is established,in which vertical links and inter-connected multi-subjects participate.Compared with the traditional mode of public goods supply governance,the governance of public goods value chain supply has unique attributes in generating background,demand response,subject relationship,supply performance,supply method and subject supply capacity,and is characterized by the orientation of public consumption demand,multidimensional stack flow,technological means of network platform organization,molding of the goal of supply value,and organic collaboration.The generation effect of this new mode is manifested in the following aspects:holistic governance and collaborative mechanism in innovation and development of public goods supply side,value chain supply ecosphere and differential advantages created by shared values,matching of supply and demand of public goods,and seamless convergence,etc.The governance of value chain of public goods may maintain long by means of cooperating interest,jointing subjects,managing demand,overall stipulating,and so on.
    Research on Social Governance
    Knowledge Mapping of State Governance——Based on CSSCI Bibliometrics Analysis (2001—2015)
    RAN Lian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  46-57. 
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    Effective state governance,modernization of state governance system and governance capacity are important to comprehensively deepen reform and realize Chinese dream.Domestic research on state governance mainly focuses on four parts,i.e.the concept and connotation of state governance,modernization of state governance,experience of state governance at home and abroad,and state audit under the framework of state governance.However,systematic research is still insufficient in such aspects as research methods,research perspectives,experience of state governance with Chinese characteristics,and discourse system.Based on the discipline system,academic system and discourse system of political science with Chinese characteristics,the future research of state governance will follow a direction of the systematic study of the theory,the depth of research of practice and the integration of research methods.
    From Market Governance to Self-governance:Retrospect and Prospect of Common-pool Resources Governance Theories
    BAO Wenhan,ZHANG Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  58-66. 
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    Due to their exclusiveness and non-competitiveness,common-pool resources are often faced with the threat of “the tragedy of commons”.To solve this problem effectively,market governance emphasizes privatization and clearly- defined property rights,thus avoiding the “free rider” problem.Government regulations are focused on the nationalization to solve the market failure.Breaking through the “market-government” dichotomy,self-governance depends on the appropriators’ autonomous action and institution construction to prevent excessive exploitation and utilization of common-pool resources.Under the general trend of global governance,applying self-governance theory to the new field,such as the high seas,polar and other international common-pool resource governance,can be seen as the latest research agenda in the future.
    Analysis on the Applicability of Holistic Governance in State Governance:a Literature Review
    HAN Ruibo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  67-73. 
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    Holistic governance emphasizes the integrated use of the mechanism of coordination and integration among government departments and between government organizations,and nongovernmental organizations in order to realize the cooperation of governance bodies and provide seamless service to the public.Based on the literature review from the researches at home and abroad,the mechanism of holistic governance can be summarized as two types,namely,the collaborative and trusting one and the responsible and supervisory one.In terms of the effectiveness of holistic governance,it provides a holistic thinking for the optimization of governance path,a holistic framework for the governance performance evaluation,and a holistic tool for the governance of risk aversion.It is essential that we learn and use holistic governance paradigm to promote the transformation of state governance in the aspects of governance body,mechanism and pattern and so on.
    Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum
    Re-discussion on Procuratorate Organ’s Plaintiff Qualification in Environmental Public Interest Litigation——From the Perspective of the Appeal Rights Analysis
    KE Jian,WU Junya
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  74-80. 
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    Whether the procuratorial organ is qualified as a proper plaintiff to file environmental public interest litigation has long been a controversial focus in the circle of environmental law.Due to its special legal position and unique supervisory power,the procuratorial organ often exerts dual effects in environmental public interest litigation.Viewing either from the power proper or from juridical status,procuratorial organ’s involvement in environmental public interest litigation is a manifestation of backed force,whose qualification as a subject of litigation comes from public power instead of litigious right in the general sense,therefore it is groundless to grant procuratorial organ the qualification as a plaintiff subject.As environmental litigious right is a kind of procedural right attached to environmental rights and interests,it is necessary to strictly restrict the plaintiff subject of environmental public interest litigation,clearly define procuratorial organ’s role and position so as to fully make use of the public power.
    Altruism,Social Preferences and Environment Collaboration Governance
    LI Sheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  81-88. 
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    Tragedy of the Commons theory,prisoner’s dilemma theory and collective action theory reveals the paradox of individual rationality and collective irrational in environment governance,and provided three environment collaboration governance modes:centralized management,market spontaneous governance and community self-governance.But considered egoism as the unique nature of human does not meet the complex and rich nature of human,the universal existence of altruistic behavior provides a possible to environment collaboration governance.Constructing an environmental altruistic collaboration governance mechanism,needs to clarify the idea of “punishing evil and promoting good” in the construction of the system,based on the ethical responsibility of “others”,by establishing the restraining mechanism for the self-interest and the incentive mechanism to the altruist;and establishing a fair cooperation surplus and cost-sharing mechanism to promote altruistic collaboration.
    On Moral Governance
    ZOU Haigui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  89-95. 
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    Moral governance,with its broad and narrow sense,is a cross- disciplinary concept covering philosophy,political science,public administration,etc.Possessing such essential attributes as class,contemporaneity,and hierarchy,it aims at resolving social moral problems,building social ethics,and maintaining social orders,and finally achieving human freedom.The modernization of moral governance includes the modernization of its system and its capacity.The modernization of moral governance system includes the modernization of its content system,technical support system,and system of evaluation and supervision.The major marks for the modernization of moral governance capacity include multi-subject of governance,institutionalization and democracy of governance pattern,coordination of governance mechanism,and interaction between moral governance and legal governance.Moral governance has a limitation.
    On the Revival and Development of Freedom of Conscience by the Philosophy of the Mind
    LI Hao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  96-101. 
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    Chinese freedom is no more than a moment have whatever is desired freedom of conscience.Freedom of conscience has more ethical values and be lack of awareness of political liberty.In the middle of Ming Dynasty,the rise ofYangming philosophy of mind is the reaction against Cheng and Zhu’s Neo-Confucianism,revived the conscience free thought.Later,Li Zhi discussed the relationship between private interests and public morality,he will be let the political affairs free from Confucian ethics’s criticism,paied attention to the unity and stability of political order;on the other hand,he criticized the simple standard of conscience,accept the individual rational desire and the various faith,his thought inherited and developed the Yangming’s freedom of conscience,then the philosophy of mind had the ideological factors of modern freedom.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    Four Dimensions to Understand the Subject Connotation of Public Anthropology
    CHEN Xinggui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  102-108. 
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    It is hoped that the knowledge and achievements of public anthropology should be publicized,that the ethnography should be written with profound thoughts yet expressed in a popular way so that it may become a cross-discipline and even public reading material with the help of mass media.Public anthropology is one that thinks for the public,thus it should possess a strong sense of public concern,serving the public,appealing and defending for public interest.Taking public field as a normalized new research subject,public anthropology will no longer limit its field investigation to traditional small societies or villages;instead,it can be any public field in modern society.Public anthropologists should not only put forward suggestions,rather they should turn their identity from a trouble-solver to a decision-maker,and from a participant to an administrator.Researchers of public anthropology should become part of public intellectuals.With strong social and moral responsibilities,they should not only spread knowledge of anthropology and cultural diversity,but also make full use of their professional knowledge to guide values in the new era,showing their great concern to human destiny.
    Warnings on the Agitation of Separation from the Han in Ethnic Cultural Research and Propaganda
    LU Xiaoping,ZHONG Hangfei,GUO Jingyuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  109-114. 
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    Agitation that separates ethnic minority groups from the Han in recent ethnic cultural research and propaganda has done great damage to our national unity and strengthened the existing dual structure in national relation,leading to populism and ultranationalism,which is likely to be utilized by separatist forces and anti-China forces to split China.In the course of ethnic cultural research and propaganda,attention should be paid to the generality instead of difference,to national unity instead of hostility,protecting cultural heritage from the perspective of public cultural services.At the same time,a multi-dimensional discourse system should be established so that we can have greater discourse power in ethnic issue and make Chinese unity known to the world.
    On the Spirit of Modern Security Law——from the Perspective of Economics of Law
    ZENG Rongxin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  115-122. 
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    Modern security law shall not only comply with its traditional spirit of safety and efficiency,but also keep pace with the times by accepting the spirit of balance of interests and openness.Safety spirit,as the origin of security system’s formation,is the foundation and core of it.Efficiency spirit is the key factor to ensure security system’s effective function and its important role in financing.The spirit of balance of interests comes from the request of equity and socialization of law,and the spirit of openness meets the needs of being modern and international.These four spirits share one profound basis of law and economic,and constitute the guiding light to the reform of the international security system and the perfection of the current security system in our country.
    Legal Analysis on the Underground Passage Right of the Oil and Gas Pipelines
    SUN Yu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(6):  123-128. 
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    “The underground passage right of the oil and gas pipelines” refers to the right that the pipeline company holds to build and retain oil and gas pipelines in underground space of others.Based on the analysis of China’s existing legislation and the jurisprudence,the article thinks that the nature of this right should be underground construction land use right.If the pipelines are laid under the collective land,under the current law,the state will first expropriate the collective land and then sell it to the pipeline company.The article thinks if the collective can transfer underground space to the pipeline company directly that will be more conducive to the interests of the collective.In order to coordinate land use conflicts with other land rights holders,pipeline companies can take advantage of rules of adjacent relations and servitudes to deal with land use conflicts.
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