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    01 September 2016, Volume 37 Issue 5
    Tusi culture research
    Re-understanding the Ending of Tusi System
    YANG Tingshuo,PENG Bing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  1-11. 
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    Tusi system is an administrative system popular in China’s southwestern regions during the Yuan,Ming,and Qing Dynasties,whose birth and ending are all rooted in noble autocracy,therefore its ending should mean the ending of autocracy.However,due to various reasons,opinions differ on the ending of it in the previous research.Since Tusi system has existed for more than six hundred years and effectively ruled nearly two million square kilometers in China’s southwestern regions,it should have its validity and legitimacy.Understanding this,the ending of Tusi system should be an unavoidable research topic.It is clear that with the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911,Tusi system has come to an end.The follow-up influence should not be a factor influencing the determination of the ending of Tusi system,as this is a historical problem that all systems have.
    On the Three Signs of the Ending of Tusi System
    LI Liangpin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  12-18. 
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    In the academic circles,opinions still differ as to whenTusi system came to an end and what its sign was.This paper holds that the unprecedented change of political system after the Revolution of 1911 marked the fundamental ending of the Tusi system,that the thorough rescission of Tusi obligation by the Government of the Republic of China was the main sign of the ending of the Tusi system,and the total loss of previous Tusi privilege was the important sign of the ending of it.
    Historical Memory and Lineage Construction:A Case Study Based on the Descendants of Tusi Tian’s Family in Xiangxi
    SHANG Qing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  19-26. 
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    As carriers transferring historical memory,oral tales,text,body,ritual and inscriptions may not fully present the objective historical facts.However,through choosing,rebuilding and explaining the “past” by means of them,people can rationalize the current social reality.Tianjiadong,a village in Guzhang County of Xiangxi,was under the jurisdiction of Xuanwei Tusi of Yongshun before the period of bureaucratization of native officers.Descendants of Tusi of the village,the Tian’s family,have continued the lineage’s history and strengthened the identity of lineage members through rewriting ancestor legend,compiling genealogy tree,setting up tombstones,and ritual performances as well since the reform and opening-up.In fact,lineage construction based on historical memory not only reflects power pursuing between different agents,but also provides a perspective to interpret the recovery of tradition in modern society.
    Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum
    Evolution and Coping Strategy:A New Survey at the Principle of International Environmental Cooperation under the Context of Climate Governance——Focus on the Inspect of Paris Agreement
    CAI Shouqiu,ZHANG Wensong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  27-36. 
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    Climate cooperative governance,evolved from the international environmental cooperation in the Post Paris Era,has shifted from cooperative subjects to diversification.Converting the objective criterion to carbon emission in cooperative basis and adopting a “bottom-up” cooperation model,it has given more importance to differentiation between bigger carbon emission countries and the smaller ones in the interest standpoints.China should be cautious in dealing with this evolution and the leadership of climate cooperation governance in the Post Paris Era.While providing legal support for the domestic climate governance,China should moderately adopt an “up-bottom” model and widen the channel of non-state climate governance.It should also reasonably operate “South-South” Climate Cooperation Fund and bear its responsibility in international climate governance,fully understanding its position.
    On the Ecologicalization of Non-litigation Resolution Mechanism of Environmental Disputes
    PENG Lijuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  37-43. 
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    The complex environmental disputes caused by environmental conflicts of multiple interests call for non-litigation resolution.It means that the traditional non-litigation resolution mechanism of environmental disputes is faced with ecologicalization,requiring that the complex ecological rules and ecological interests be taken into consideration.The spirit of rule of law,such as legal governance,negotiation of interest parties,and relevant subject participation,should be intrinsically embodied in the non-litigation resolution mechanism,which is confronted with such challenges as the complexness of itself,difficulties in legal resolution,failure of administrative measures,and immaturity of the non-litigation resolution mechanism.To improve the mechanism,it is important to innovate the legal concept of the public,perfect relevant legislation system,strengthen the guidance and monitor of relevant departments,establish monitoring and evaluation system of the pollution damage to the environment,and perfecting all kinds of non-litigation solution,etc.
    Measurement on Civil Servants’ Ecological Civilization Accomplishment
    FANG Ran
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  44-51. 
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    Improving civil servants’ ecological civilization accomplishment is important in ecological progress.Scientific measurement of it will provide the basis for both theory and practice.Based on domestic and foreign literature and field interviews,this paper gives a framework of the measurement on civil servants’ ecological civilization accomplishment.The measurement principles are comprehensive,long-term potential,and widespread.The framework contains the three dimensions of knowledge,consciousness,and behaviors of the civil servants’ecological civilization accomplishment,and each dimension is subdivided into general quality and professional quality.The author conducted a questionnaire survey from 421 civil servants in Beijing in 2015,which is of good reliability and validity.The final index system contains 34 items,covering common sense,policy knowledge,ecological values,relationship between ecology and economic development,living style,public behavior,and saving on work.
    Tourism Science
    Analysis on the Temporal-spatial Variation of the Coupling between the Tourism Industry Growth and the New Urbanization in Xiangxi Area
    TANG Xinping,LIU Bin,MA Xuefeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  52-60. 
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    Constructing the coupling index system on the tourism industry growth and new urbanization,using relevant statistical data in Xiangxi area from 1998 to 2014,and combined with the coupling coordination degree model,this paper analyzes temporal-spatial variation and formation mechanism of coupling coordination degree in Xiangxi area.Studies show that from 1998 to 2014,the coupling coordination level between tourism industry growth and new urbanization presented a rising trend in Xiangxi area,and the low coupling degree was the important factor to hamper the growth of the regional coupling coordination degree.Due to the influence of resource endowment,transportation conditions,system and industrial policies and other factors,the coupling coordination degree in Xiangxi area presented a better situation in the north than in the south.The gap in tourism industry growth is the main contributing factor for spatial variation of coupling coordination degree within the region.
    Management science
    Effectiveness Study of City as Institutional Arrangement
    HANG Lin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  61-66. 
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    “City” and “trade” are contradictory unity,whose functions are different and even opposite,mutually blended.Historically,“city” comes earlier than “trade”,and because of “trade”,“city” possesses the advantage of scale.Only when institutional efficiency is focused on can the origin of a city be reasonably explained and thus be reasonably planned.The largest function of a modern city is to create an institution of incentive compatibility.Based on this,the purpose of city management is to create higher efficiency and greater productivity instead of abusing rights.In building a well-off society in an all-around way,we have finished the first two steps of the three,and those who have become rich first have used up their motivation.The second-level motivation should come from the innovation incentive of the middle class,and doubtlessly,cities will provide the most important platform for them to realize the strategic transfer.
    The Alienation of Communication in Glossen zu James Mill:Dialectical Investigation of the Social Property of Private Property
    LIU Haijiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  67-71. 
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    The alienation of communication which Marx presented in Glossen zu James has important transitional effect between the alienation of labor in the first draft of the Manuscript in 1844 and the concept of society in The Third Draft.Marx pointed out the oppositional relationship between the social property and private property in the alienation of labor.By analyzing the relationship between money and species activity,Marx regarded commodity exchange as alienated realization form of social property in the relationship of private property,and labor product was real social link that contacted individual into the whole.This theory lays the foundation for Marx to propose the concept of society,and discover the realistic foundation of communism in the movement of private property.
    On Engels’s Legal Thought in His Later Years and Its Contemporary Value:By Comparing Folklore and Civil Law
    ZHANG Liqiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  72-76. 
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    In his later years,Engels conducted an in-depth study on Marxist legal theory,and made considerable achievements which are still of contemporary value.In his The Origin of the Family,Private Property and the State,he illustrated the difference and connection between folklore and civil law,maintaining that folklore refers to the manners and customs of the people,and civil law is the generic term of legal norms which adjust the property relationship and personal relationship of the equal parties.Folklore is developed through experience after generations,and it is the origin of civil law.Movement of basic contradictions in a given society is the motivation of the replacement of folklore by civil law.Besides,the generation of civil law is also due to national and cultural conflicts,in which folklore fails to control or adjust social conflicts.Today,Engels’s legal thought in his later years is still an important methodology to study civil law,and this unique perspective may reveal the connection and difference between folklore and civil law.
    Political science
    Border Security Governance from the Associated Perspectives of Security-Development
    ZHANG Fuxin,ZHANG Yun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  77-82. 
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    The basic aim in our country’s border security governance is to guarantee the social stability of frontier regions and safeguard national security.Security policy and development policy are interrelated and interdependent.While security policy sacrificing development is unreal,development policy sacrificing security is fragile.In order to realize frontier safety governance,it is necessary to adopt a strategy of the harmonious coexistence and multiple interactions.
    Dichotomy of Politics and Administration:Goodnow’s Comprehension and Enlightenment
    HAN Sheng,GAO Jian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  83-88. 
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    Dichotomy of politics and administration has always been the focus of argument in public administration in the past one hundred years.Frank Johnson Goodnow points out the due functional boundary between them,and emphasizes coordination of the two for the effective implementation of the state will.From the logic of his thought,it can be found that the macroscopic concept of organic state contains the above theme.To realize the will of sovereign,the government needs to abandon the absolute separation of authorities to promote the systematical correspondence of the function of politics and administration in practice.The theory of politics-administration dichotomy actually contains the quality of coordination,which is still significant in the social and economic governance today.
    Management science
    On the Accounting Model of Mineral Exploitation Eco-compensation Based on Multidimensional Nested Options:A Case Study of “Manganese Triangle”
    PENG Xiuli
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  89-94. 
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    The process of mineral exploration is a dynamic one in which various options are deferred,expanded,contracted,abandoned,and conversed,interacting each other.In the process of mineral exploration,an accounting model of eco-compensation,based on multidimensional nested options,could be established if various choices (temporarily closed,permanently closed and re-started) are embedded in its cash flow.In an empirical study of “Manganese Triangle”,it is found that embedded cost method ROV better reflects the value of investment than DCF method under uncertain mineral development projects;in the DCF method,the value of resources is not properly reflected in the cash flow of various options so the amount of ecological compensation is far less than the normal amount payable.Therefore,it is significant to establish a multidimensional nested option model and scientifically calculate the ecological compensation amount,trying to avoid “pollution first and management second”.
    On the Deliberative Governance of Urban NIMBY Conflicts:A Case Study of Jiuhua Trash Incinerator Event in Xiangtan
    LIU Chao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  95-100. 
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    With the development of the socialist deliberative democracy theory,the deliberative governance mode of NIMBY may provide a solution to current NIMBY dilemma.In a case study of Jiuhua Trash Incinerator Event in Xiangtan,we explored the basic experience and existing problems in the practice of NIMBY governance.The research shows that the basic experience in the governance of Jiuhua event including ensuring information disclosure,adopting various negotiation methods,Playing the guiding role of social elite,and playing the function of the social organization,etc.And we also explored the main problems in the process of this event governance which include the lack of public knowledge background,the lack of awareness and ability to negotiate of the government and the public,and the role of non-governmental organizations should be strengthened and so on.On the basis of this,countermeasures for further optimization of the deliberative governance of NIMBY are put forward,such as improving the citizen’s scientific literacy,strengthening the sense of consultation and negotiation ability,improving the system of consultation and paying more attention to the role of NGO,and so on.
    Tourism Science
    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Tourists’ Environmental Attitude on Their Environmental Behaviors——A Case Study in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot of Zhangjiajie,the World Natural Heritage Site
    HUANG Wei,MENG Fei,XU Yueming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  101-108. 
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    An empirical study in Wulingyuan scenic spot,the world natural heritage site,shows that tourists’ environmental attitude has apparent impact on their environmental behaviors.The tourists’ environmental knowledge has a positive impact on their environmental behaviors.The more environmental knowledge they have,the more positive their environmental behaviors are.The tourists’ environmental trust also has a positive impact.The considerate safety facilities inside the scenic spots and the matching safety measures can increase the tourists’ sense of safety in the travel destination,and improve their environmental behaviors.On the other hand,the tourists’ environmental expectation to travel destination has a negative impact on their environmental behaviors.For this,misleading promotion should not be carried out to increase the tourists’ expectation,otherwise it may lead to negative environmental behaviors from the tourists venting their resentment.No apparent relevance is found between tourists’ environmental ethics and their environmental behaviors,so the constraints on tourists’ environmental behaviors are applicable to people with different ethics.
    Research on the Evaluation Dimension Design and Verification of Zhangjiajie Tourism City——Based on Structural Equation Model Analysis of 285 Valid Questionnaires
    YUAN Zhengxin,YUAN Jianzi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  109-115. 
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    Zhangjiajie is a tourist city.With the evaluation model and statistic approach to observe the relationship between the variables,fitting analysis were conducted on the city’s construction,social development,tourist industry,and economic development.The research result showed that each index was within the scope of application,and the fitting effect of the model was satisfactory.The research result may be used to evaluate the tourist city,guide its future construction and realize the city’s sustainable development in city construction,society and economy.
    The Governance Dilemma of the Stranger Community and the Solution
    HE Shaohui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  116-121. 
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    The formation ofa stranger community is closely connected with the individualization of social relations,the housing system reform and the large-scale urbanization.Compared with the acquaintance community,governance of the stranger community has fallen into a dilemma,such as the transfer of the focus of social governance,the reconstruction of social trust,and the participation of community building.To get out of the governance dilemma in the stranger community,it is important to re-understand the community,to pay attention to get back the acquaintances,and to properly build the interest and emotional community.
    The Theory of Postemotionalism:Stjepan G.Metrovic and His Social Critique
    SHEN Hongfen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(5):  122-128. 
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    Postemotionalism is a new concept of sociological theories of emotions introduced by Stjepan G.Me trovic in the 1990s.Compared with the traditional sincere spontaneous emotion,postemotion,in his interpretation,is a quasi-emotion which is intellectualized,mechanical and mass-produced.Metrovic’s postemotionalism destructs the dualism of emotion and ration,the class-based analysis of emotion theories,and the traditional faith in truth,action and social responsibility,and revises the well-accepted concepts of modernism and postmodernism.
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