Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

• Tusi culture research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

On the Three Signs of the Ending of Tusi System

LI Liangpin   

  1. (Social,Economic and Cultural Research Center of Wujiang Drainage Area,Changjiang Normal University,Fuling Chongqing 408100,China)
  • Online:2016-09-01 Published:2016-09-18

Abstract: In the academic circles,opinions still differ as to whenTusi system came to an end and what its sign was.This paper holds that the unprecedented change of political system after the Revolution of 1911 marked the fundamental ending of the Tusi system,that the thorough rescission of Tusi obligation by the Government of the Republic of China was the main sign of the ending of the Tusi system,and the total loss of previous Tusi privilege was the important sign of the ending of it.

Key words: Tusi system, ending, sign

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