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    01 July 2016, Volume 37 Issue 4
    The Building Path of Inclusive Business Model in the Contiguous Poverty-stricken Areas——A Multiple Case Study in Wuling Mountainous Areas
    TIAN YU,LU Fenfen,YU Zhengdong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  1-8. 
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    Facing the characteristics of differentiated market environment in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas,the enterprises may take different patterns to build inclusive business model.In the government market resulted from the government procurement,enterprises can construct an inclusive business model mainly through promoting the development of industry cluster,since the government procurement can greatly promote the industry cluster in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas.In the consumer market,the enterprises may build their inclusive business model chiefly by means of redefining the product and the market.In facing the outside market,the enterprises may establish the inclusive business model by reconstructing the value chain and promoting the development of industry cluster.Furthermore,when the enterprises reconstruct the value chain,they can redefine the two ways of purchase or the production.

    Determination and Dynamic Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Rural Residents’ Tourism Demand:Based on the MTV Model and the State Space Model
    YANG Lixun,LI Ruijie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  9-15. 
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    The improvement of rural residents’ tourism demand is an important way to expand domestic demand and stimulate economic growth.As a focus of scholars’ research,the previous study of rural residents’ tourism demand was restricted by strong subjective variable selection and static analysis of influencing factors.In this paper,multivariate time series variance component (MTV) model is used to identify the significant factors that influence the rural residents’ tourism demand——per capita net income of rural households,tourism prices,and the number of natural or cultural heritage of the world.Then a state space model of time varying parameters is established,studying the influence of the per capita net income of rural residents,tourism prices,and the number of the world natural or cultural heritage on the rural tourism demand at various time points.The results show that the positive effect of income and tourism price on tourism demand is gradually decreasing,and the positive effect of tourism resources on tourism demand is gradually increasing.

    Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum
    Basic Thinking on the Overall Mobilization to Implement Environmental Education for All
    TANG Daixing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  16-24. 
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    In constructing ecological civilization and developing green innovation,environmental education for all should be implemented so that the mass power could be motivated.It should be aimed to rebuild global habitat and reconstruct state capacity.Bearing the task of cultivating social environmental cognitive competence and environmental action capability,a divided and cooperative environmental education network of “government-community-family-school” should be established,focusing on school environmental education which targets at developing the students’ environmental quality,environmental sense,integrated environmental capability and responsibility.In primary schools,the subject of “Environment and Life” should be given so that the students can acquire the basic environmental capacity;in middle schools,“Low Carbon and the Habitat” should be taught to develop the students’ habitat spirit;and in universities,“Environmentology” should be provided so that the students can develop their ability to protect the environment and become the social elite to guarantee the country’s future development.

    Research on the Legal Force of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Result
    RUAN Lijuan,WU Tianyi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  25-29. 
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    Environmental impact assessment is an important manifestation of the precautionary principle in environmental law,and the result of EIA determines whether EIA actually plays a role in preventing environmental pollution and ecological damage.There are two main system designs,e.g.the entity veto effect and “purely procedural” binding effect.EIA result in our country has an entity veto effect,which determines whether the project development should be approved.However,the entity veto effect is often under question due to lack of actual effect in practice.Considering this,it is not acceptable to neglect the legal tradition of giving importance to entity and ignoring procedure in order to pursue rapid economic growth,nor is it wise to simply pursue pure procedure.

    Research on Social Governance
    Governance of Mass Disturbance of the New Generation of Migrant Workers from the Perspective of Crisis Management
    RAN Guangxian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  30-37. 
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    The mass disturbance of the new generation of migrant workers has aroused social resentment,damaged government credibility,and corroded rule of law.Problems such as local government’s lack of sense of crisis management,imperfect management system,blocked communication channel of popular will,and unawareness of public opinions,have occurred in dealing with it.To prevent mass disturbance of this type,it is necessary to strengthen the sense of crisis management,change the concept of management,enlarge the migrant workers’ right,and provide more adaptable urban environment for them,so that the factors destroying social harmony and stability could be eliminated.

    The Occurrence  Mechanism and Logic of the Resentment-based Mass Disturbances
    HU Shilin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  38-44. 
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    The occurrence of resentment-based mass disturbances is influenced by many factors,the existent resentment emotion of temporary crowd being the premise,a specific dispute being the fuse,rumor or leading words and actions being the driving forces.Fuse could trigger resentment emotion because of its cohesion and symbolic interpretation of temporary crowd.Rumor attached to fuse and leading or following words and actions influenced by cryptonym and conformity could further impel resentment emotion to be released by non-rational collective action.To govern resentment-based mass disturbances,it is essential to strengthen social equity sense of people and establish safety valve mechanism,to solve small disputes efficiently,to reduce destructive mobilizing factors and to solve the problem that “law will not punish the mass”.

    Psychological Research of Group Resentment in Online Public Opinion Crisis in the Borderland Ethnic Minority Areas
    LIU Jianhua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  45-51. 
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    Group resentment in the borderland ethnic minority areas is caused by the imbalance ofinterest structure,right structure,power structure,and information structure in the process of social transformation,which is presented in the feelings of being deprived,discriminated,unfairness,and anxiety.Online public opinion crisis,mainly in the form of group resentment expression,and mass disturbances,are the major inducing factors.Psychology of group resentment in the online public opinion crisis is somewhat characterized by anti-society and aggressiveness.Governments at all level in the borderland ethnic areas should pay great importance to the group resentment,smoothing mechanism of interest expression,rationally responding interest appeals from underclass.Safeguarding social equality and justice is the fundamental value orientation to maintain social stability and development in the borderland ethnic minority areas.

    The Two Steps and Three Ways of Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenological Reduction
    ZHU Yaoping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  52-59. 
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    The meaningful breakthrough of what Logical investigations brought lies in its discovery of subjectivistic aspect of world phenomenon.However,when Husserl tried to elucidate the correlation between world and subjectivity,he encountered the following problem:while human subjectivity is a part of world,how could it play the role as the condition of the world at the same time? This is what is called the paradox of Human Subjectivity.As Husserl realized shortly,the antithesis is caused by the confusion between the empirical consciousness and the transcendental consciousness,which could be clarified by the method of the transcendental phenomenological reduction.For Husserl,there are three different paths to the transcendental reduction:(1) the Cartesian way,(2) phenomenological psychology,(3) ontology.The transcendental reduction consists of the following two steps:firstly,the reduction of the world and the objects to the phenomenon given by consciousness;secondly,the reduction of the empirical consciousness to the transcendental consciousness.Compared with the other two ways,the Cartesian way failed to make a distinction between the above two steps,with the result of the distortion and underestimation of the sense of the transcendental reduction,which can be used to explain why Husserl had tried his best to blaze the other two ways.

    On the Guiding Principle of Moral Identity
    LIU Rengui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  60-64. 
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    Moral identity refers to the identical or unifying process and state between human beings and morality,and it is human beings’ spontaneous acceptance of moral value,moral concept,and moral norm,with its humanlogical foundation lying in life’s identification,realistic foundation in social needs,and psychogenesis mechanism in sympathetic sensation.With various types,moral identity is a harmoniously running organic system of such elements as the internal world,self,morality,and external world,driven by spiritual mechanism,social mechanism,and mental mechanism.In the modern society with multiple values,diverse cultures,and prominent differences,the appeal of subject value is often not identical with the need of social moral value,causing crisis of moral identity.However,it in this process of overcoming crisis that human morality has made progress.

    The Exoneration Theory of Justifiable Defense under the Perspective of Four Elements
    CHEN Wei,ZHENG Zifei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  65-71. 
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    The interpretation of justifiable defense is deemed as major theoretical defect of traditional crime constitution system by some re-constructionists of China’s crime constitution system,and also considered as the solid position to criticize the traditional crime constitution system.In the research of mechanism for exoneration of justifiable defense,the existing subjective theory,substantial theory and justifiable cause theory are either too one-sided or lack scientific logic.Analyzing the essence of justifiable defense under the perspective of the crime constitution system of four elements,it is found that the justifiable defense does not conform to any aspect of crime constitution.In the theoretical framework of four elements,it is unnecessary to resolve the exoneration predicament of justifiable defense outside the crime constitution.

    Legal Supervision of Community Corrections in China:Exploration and Reflection
    LI Lanlin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  72-79. 
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    According to relevant rules of the law and the development of community correction,legal supervision of the procuratorial organs on a sentence out of prison needs a new transformation.The practice in Weiyang District of Xi’an City shows that the standardization construction of community correction cannot be separated from the legal supervision of the procuratorial organs,and the procuratorial organs should set up a collaborative supervision concept,taking in social forces to participate in the supervision,establishing a legal supervision system corresponding to the development of community correction.

    Risk Society and the Transformation of Damage Relieving Mechanism
    YE Yanxi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  80-85. 
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    Different from the traditional ones,modern risks are technical,systematic,and calculable.Restricted by its dualistic construction,the age-old tort law can no longer take the responsibility of relieving victims by itself,so it has to cooperate with liability insurance,first-party insurance,social security and other socialized relieving mechanisms.Under this background,the legislative conception of the Tortious Liability Law of China seems backward more or less,for it did not take into account the needs of cooperation with other socialized relieving mechanisms.To integrate the tort law and other socialized relieving mechanisms and to construct a modern comprehensive relieving system in accordance with the national conditions are the direction of relieving mechanism transition in the future.

    Cultural Studies
    Exhibits:Knowledge Production and Gender Representation in the Field of Museum
    FU Meirong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  86-91. 
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    Museum is a cultural institution to produceknowledge as well as a cultural field to shape subject.However,knowledge production and subject shaping are restricted by Phallus Centrism.The meaning production of the exhibits is a process of knowledge production of Phallus Centrism.Examination of exhibits,meaning units,schematized aspects,and represented objects may promote the connection between museum research and gender research in the field of aesthetics of literature and art.By revealing Phallus Centrism hidden behind exhibition signs,affirming the cultural value and significance of women-subjected museums,and reconstructing public cultural space as well,enlightenment may be found in the research of the localization of gender research in China.

    Ordeal Ordering:the Motivation Mechanism and Evolution of Constraint Force
    MAYongheng,WAN Zhaobin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  92-98. 
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    As an importantpart of cultural tradition,ordeal has a great ordering power in Miao villages,which maintains structural stability,community order and justice in a non-centralized society.However,the constraint force and proto-genetic ordering drive effect of ordeal ordering power has inevitably declined in the modern social transformation,a doomed result when the validity and dignity of ordeal and punishment meet with modern knowledge.

    Political science
    Adjustment of Public Power Boundary in the Modernization of  State Governance
    ZHANG Liguo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  99-104. 
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    The boundary of public power is the scope or limits within which the public power works.Essentially,it represents a dialectic relationship between power and right.The core issue of the modernization of state governance is the adjustment and reconstruction of public power,market,and social boundary,and the scientific public power boundary is the inevitable requirement of the modernization of state governance system and governance capacity.Generally speaking,the boundary of public power in our country is becoming clear,but there still exist the problems of the overlapping internal boundary and non-standardized external boundary,which seriously restrict the improvement of public power efficiency.The boundary of public power is influenced by many factors,such as political system,social development,cultural tradition,and so on.To set reasonable for public power,it is necessary to orientate government function,cultivate social forces,regulate procedural justice,and perfect institution.

    On the Ethical Spirit of Ideological and Political Education
    QUAN Linchun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  105-110. 
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    Ethical spirit of ideological and political education is of theoretical,academic,and practical significance.It is a spiritually social practical activity,referring that certain classes,political parties,and social groups with certain ideas,political views,and ethical norms exert a purposeful,planned and organized influence on its members.In the process of it,they always follow certain ethical and moral standards,shaping and cultivating people according to certain moral principles,regarding ethics as a means of survival,to promote the perfection of human nature and human value and pursue the good.The metaphysical ethical inquiry into ideological and political education reflects the ethical observation of it.Attention should be paid to the ethical existence of people,respect to people,and care to people.The ethical spirit of ideological and political education can be realized in the activities of the “people”,in the practice of “life”,and in “justice”.

    On LI Hanjun’s Contribution to the Early Popularization of Marxism and Its Enlightenment
    YU Zhijian,ZHONG Sheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  111-116. 
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    Li Hanjun is one of the most important Marxism theorists and founders of the Party,and also an outstanding editor in the Party’s  early history,contributing greatly to the early popularization of Marxism.He spared no efforts in the innovation of Weekly Review,holding no prejudices against people of different believes,actively preparing to found the Party.He tried hard to translate,proofread and publish books on Marxism,and introduced scientific outlook of the world to the mass.He sponsored The World of Labor and propagated revolutionary ideas to the working class in a popular and plain way.He took charge of the editorial offices of New Youth,making Marxism known to the young people.His effective practice reveals the unity of the spirit of the Party and the spirit of the people,which has had a profound influence on the media work of the Party.

    Shencongwen Studies
    Modern Literature Field and SHEN Congwen’s View on Classic Works
    FENG Yangcao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  117-122. 
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    By means of inheriting or arguing,Shen Congwen,in the concrete and complex literature field,has formed a series of distinct views on classic works.Using characters as the elementary medium,he takes novel as a classic type of literature,deepens lyric in novels,emphasizes the control of characters and the unity of body and spirit,and gives consideration to both the elitism and popularization,persisting originality durability of the former.

    Destiny of SHEN Congwen’s Local Novels——Reflections on the World-wide Acceptance of Local Literature
    WANG Bihui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(4):  123-128. 
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    Local literature is an important part of modern Chinese literature,Shen Congwen’s local novels being typical of it.Though Shen experienced ups and downs in literary creation due to ideology,his works are highly recognized and widely spread in the Western countries,arousing domestic re-interpretation.To gain world-wide acceptance,Chinese local literature should keep its national confidence and maintain tolerance and rationality,trying to manifest its national character and global significance.Though restricted by its innate limitations in oversea dissemination,Chinese local literature should attach adequate importance to its national character,which is not only the objective aesthetic needs,but is also benefit to the dissemination of traditional Chinese culture.With the deepening of cultural exchange and the diversification of the ways of dissemination,national difference may well manifest the value of local literature.

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