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    15 March 2013, Volume 34 Issue 2
    Hermeneutic Methodology of Fung Yu-Lan’s History of Chinese Philosophy
    WANG Xiang-Qing, HUANG Yu-Lan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  1-6. 
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    In Mr. Fung Yu-Lan’s books on the history of Chinese philosophy,he not only inherited but also developed and renovated Confucian classical hermeneutic thoughts and methods. It was the inheritance and development to Confucius’s “a transmitter and not a maker,believing in and loving the ancients” that brought about Fung Yu-Lan’s transformation of hermeneutic thoughts and methods from “according to speaking” to “go on speaking”. It was the inheritance and development to Mencius’s historical hermeneutic method of “know about somebody and study his background” and psychological hermeneutic method of “speculate the thoughts of others according your own ideas” that brought about Fung Yu-Lan’s method of “interpretation to ancient thoughts” with “put yourself in the other” understanding and philosophical historian opinion.
    The Philosophical Definition of the Way of Existence
    YANG Zhen-Wen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  7-12. 
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    “Foundation”,“significance” and their unity are three angles of understanding the meaning of existence.We can define the way of existence by these angles.The way of existence is the way in which people exist on special “foundation” and realize the “meaning” of life and the value of existence in special historical period and background.The essence of the existence way is the solution of the contradiction between individual and nature,individual and society,individual and others,individual and individual self.The main ways of existence for human society are authorized existence,materialized existence and existence by ability.Each way has its feature and appearance.
    Critique of Social Management in View of the Distributive Justice
    MAO Le-Tang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  13-18. 
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    China’s current emphasis on the social management and innovation is based on the reality of the intensification of social problems.Among the diversified reasons of social problems,the unfair distribution of benefits and the resulting imbalance of interests is an important one.Therefore,we must consciously hold the view of distributive justice,practice its value principle and achieve the interests of fairness in order to strengthen and innovate the social management,thus forming a dynamic,harmonious and stable social relationships.
    On Value Choice and Interest Drive in Environmental Issue
    YU Le
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  19-23. 
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    Faced with application dilemma,environment ethic is hard to realize its discourse influence and value proposition.In the process of the occurrence and its management of environmental crisis,there exist complex value choices and interest conflicts among many stakeholders.Understanding the relationship between them and their dynamic games is the subjective foundation and the way to solve these problems.It is enlightened that we should carefully treat environmental radicalism and ecological Utopianism,and take proper public measures to prevent environmental crisis.
    Political science
    The Propagation Path of European and American Core Values and Its Enlightenment to China
    CHEN Yan-Bin, NIU Shao-Na
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  24-29. 
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    The efficient promotion of European and American core values mainly results from the ruling Party’ encouragement,non-governmental organizations’ boost,religious education,mass media release,the infiltration of the national education and legislative protection.It therefore enlightens us that we,in order to promote the socialist core values,should give full play to the Party’s advocating force,aggrandize dominant force of governmental culture,support the non-governmental organizations,regulate the mass media,integrate them into the national education,put the socialist core values into the Constitution,and perfect relevant policies and regulations.
    Rethinking on the Developmental Order in the Village-level Democracy
    LU Zheng-Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  30-34. 
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    A prominent phenomenon in the village-level democratic development is that the rich rule the village.The author thinks that the protection of the political rights of villagers belongs to electoral democracy,and protection of the villagers' economic and social rights is the task of the rule of law and democracy from the rights of villagers.This paper analyses the limitations of electoral democracy and the advantage of the rule of law democracy,puts forward the development of village-level democratic order.The paper states that it is the first rule of law and election democracy,as well as the important development strategy for the village-level democratic act.
    On the Social Transition of the Identity in the Private Law——And on the Realization of Identity Interest of Farmers
    ZHANG Li, ZHENG Zhi-Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  35-45. 
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    Identity in the private laws refers to the status of the object with the private adjustment significance in the social relations.Identity,in the process of the development of private law,gradually evolves from criteria to judge the hierarchy to a tool for justice.The identity in the modern private law should be consistent with that of the social contract.The identity objects are with diversified and open features in modern times.Individuals,communities,groups and social strata could protect their own interests based on their identity.Identity,in this way,embraces a full-fledged development.China is a traditional agricultural state and in the process of urbanization.So,the farmers are the special social class we should pay attention to,especially for the protection of their identity interests.
    Testamentary Succession and Its Value Paradoxes——Rational Position of freedom of Testament in Our Country’s Inheritance Law
    LI Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  46-52. 
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    Testamentary succession contains four major value paradoxes:paradox of freedom of testament and fairness,paradox of freedom of testament and efficiency,paradox of freedom of testament and order,and paradox of fairness of testament and efficiency.It has become a rational choice for the modern world to balance the value of testamentary succession and get free from such paradoxes.To comply with this trend,inheritance law in our country should be re-positioned,taking the reality of our country into consideration.Freedom of testament should be limited to a certain degree to construct a mechanism which is balanced in freedom,fairness,efficiency,and order.
    Management science
    On the Scientific Innovation System and the Perfection of Public Policies for Chinese IPR
    FENG Xiao-Qing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  53-57. 
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    Scientific innovation system and IPR public polices are closely correlated to the development and perfection of technological innovation system and the enhancement of the technological abilities.In order to promote the technological innovation and adapt to the development of technological innovation,we need to perfect its system;in particular we should set up the scientific and technological management system which can inspire the passion for business development.Moreover,we need to set up and improve the public policy for IPR.
    On the Coordinated Development of Commodity Production and Eco-Production from the Perspective of Eco-efficiency and Eco-benefit
    LI Ji-Guang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  58-63. 
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    Overall social production is the unity for commodity production and eco-production.The rate of social production should also be the unity for the production speed and eco-efficiency.The rate of economic development should be based on the three factors,namely eco-cost rate,eco-wealth rate decided by the eco-production and eco-efficiency rate.The purpose and standard of production coordination is the maximization of social benefits.So we need to define the concepts of eco-production,eco-efficiency and eco-benefits scientifically.We should focus on the balanced conditions of the economic sustainable development,the restricting conditions for the imbalanced economic development,favorable factors for civilized eco-development and the balanced factors for the optimized speed of commodity production.
    On Chinese Historiography Thought of Scientific Humanism in the 1920—1940s
    ZHU Fa-Jian, LI Ting-Ting
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  64-69. 
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    Affected by scientism ideological trend,Chinese historiography in Twentieth Century embarked on a “scientific” travel.However,since 1920s,as the Xueheng School’s promoting Bobbitt’s humanism,and Thought and Times wild spreading new-humanism,the Chinese history research world tried to correct the Scientifics’ deviation under the common influence of Chinese-and-Western humanism thought trend.It gradually changed from giving consideration to science and humanity to scientific humanism,taking into account both thought and textual criticism,recommending the interaction of subject and object,advocating both intellectual pursuit and value significance,and formed a new study style.Therefore,Chinese historiography started on the new road connecting science and humanity.
    Development and Experiences of the Thoughts on Dividing Domestic People since 1949
    DUAN Lian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  70-76. 
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    Dividing the thoughts of domestic people is the CPC’s important political theory,which includes the main task,main content and realization path.The thoughts are based on class analysis and enemies or friends analysis to clear which force can be relied on or united and which force can be isolated or against among all the classes,strata and groups.Since 1949,the thoughts have gone through various historical periods,made great achievements,and gained serious error.Historical experience shows that basic Marxism principles’ combined with China’s reality is the premise of theory and practice.And the scientific usage of class analysis and enemies or friends analysis are the key factors.How to mobilize all positive factors is the most important test.
    On the Optimization Path of the Mechanism of Transmission of Public Policy
    LIU Xue-Ming, SHEN Zhi-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  77-83. 
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    Mechanism of transmission is the interaction among transmission subject,media,and audience to pass,exchange,and share political information.Hardware-repairing and software-optimization are both needed to optimize the mechanism of transmission of public policy.On the one hand,political information should act as a service,and media should be properly integrated,and rational audience cultivated;on the other hand,the interactive mode of policy transmission should be re-started to construct a government-media-audience relationship,with attention paid to the effect of policy transmission.
    Legitimate Transformation and New Mission for Modern China’s Media
    YANG Hai-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  84-89. 
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    Legitimacy refers to the citizens’ identity with the governance of a certain state.Before the Reform and Open Policy,modern China took the Communist Ideology as the base for its legitimacy,when the media’s fundamental mission was to beautify socialism and defame capitalism.After that,the government took political performance as the base of its legitimacy,and the market economy has induced people’s desire of being rich and aroused an awareness of rights among them.Media then should shoulder a new historic mission to satisfy the citizens’ right to know,to supervise and to express.Although the legitimacy based on political performance has made a ground for the citizens’ awareness of right and offered a historic drive for the media to transform,it depends excessively on economical performance and fails to meet the citizens’ demand of political attendance,hence becomes a crucial element to prevent the media from taking on its news mission.This paper holds that Chinese government needs to make a second transformation for its legitimacy,setting up its authority based on jurisprudence,rules,procedures and system.Only by doing this can Chinese media realize their new mission authentically and meet the demand of new age.
    Representation/Anti-representation:the Occurrence of Criticism of Feminism
    FU Mei-Rong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  90-95. 
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     In the post-modern context,the relationship between symbols and realities is greatly questioned.The feminists are increasingly realizing that women are in the world of wrong representations.In “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”,women embarked on a long and difficult road against representations.In “A Room of One’s Own”,we found the possible self-representation of women.At the same time,women are entangled in the myth of representation and anti-representation.In “The Second Sex” and “Sexual Politics”,women’s pursuit of political and cultural self-representation has been clearly stated.In view of the criticism of feminism,representation and anti-representation can be the starting point for logics.
    Author Theory in View of Intersubjectivity Literary
    LIU Lian-Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  96-100. 
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    The Western modern author theory criticizes the notion of author as to be subjective and denies the authority of author above his works.However,this theory doesn’t get itself out of this notion entirely yet.In fact,the reason that author loses his authority to explain his own works is not the text games or reader’s carnival,but fluid subjectivity,the intersubjectivity which is melted in the process of creation.Author transcends himself by self-talk from existence for reality to existence for idealism.And this transcending leaves its trace in the works;so the works are a process of this self-talk.The works attract readers into this talk too,and the readers can also transcend themselves through the talk.
    An Overview on Cultural Geography and Research of Chinese Literature
    WANG Juan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  101-105. 
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    Literature research from the perspective of cultural geography is to unfold the wholeness of literature by borrowing the form of geographical space.Chinese literature has undergone a process from a relatively static and closed regional research to a dynamic research of cultural geography,with “space” being the key words of cultural geography.Re-explaining and understanding the inner meaning of literature from the perspective of literature space is significant to transcend present literature research and construct a new literature paradigm with the coexistence of time and space.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    The Ecological Significance of Migaha Sacrifice Tradition of Yi Ethnic
    HUANG Long-Guang, YU Bo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  106-110. 
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    As a large traditional festival sacrifice of Yi people in middle and southern Yunnan,Migaha is of much ecological significance.Through a series of rigid and sacred rituals,Annual Migaha’s sacrifice tradition constantly strengthens ecological concept of co-existence of human beings and the nature,rouses ethnic historical memories and passes on their cultural psychology.Migaha folk art performance for thanking god and entertaining people promotes sustainable inheritance and transmission of ethnic culture,and reinforces ethnic cultural self-confidence.Sumptuous feast interactions drive multi-directional social communications within villages and with external communities.It also integrates every cultural subject within villages,constructs pleasant ecological relations of folk society and maintains a harmonious and close regional society.
    On the Integrity of Folk Art in China——A Case Study of  Festive Lantern in Xiushan of WuLing Mountainous Region
    CUI Hong-Fei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  111-116. 
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    As core concept of the heritage,integrity of folk art would be the standard measurement of the value and the rule of heritage protection.Integrity is not equal with entirety,and could not reveal all contents and forms entity,but instead just presents partial features of entirety.Also,it is not entity,but just a constructed active trend for describing objective facts,which could reflect mutability of incorporeal cultural heritage.Therefore,integrity can only embody the structural features of entirety.The construction of entirety of folk art exists in the research and demonstration of integrity.
    On the Basic Thought of Stability Risk Assessment for Universities and the Development of Index System
    WANG Chuang-Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  117-123. 
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    At present,the universities mainly face five stability risks—political factors,contingencies,problems related to right,issues related to security and special groups.Thereby,we should develop the risk assessment system in these five aspects and effectively identify various kinds of uncertainties in universities.And in this way can we curb the stability risks from the root,prevent and alleviate the conflicts.Thus we can transfer the thought for maintaining the stability in universities from handling aftermath to preventing beforehand.
    On the Happiness Value Education of College Students
    LI Jia-Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(2):  124-128. 
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    The effective measurements of the education of happiness value among college students should be put in a timely manner so as to make college students satisfy the needs of a harmonious society and guide them to establish their world view and philosophy of life based on the socialist core value.This will better reflect the connotation of a harmonious society.
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