Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 52-62.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2024.03.006

• Special Topic on "Reform of Homestead System" • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Mechanism and Path of the Reform of Homestead to Promote County Urbanization—A Case Study of Haiyan County,Zhejiang Province

LIU Fawei,TAN Xiaoyang   

  1. (School of Finance and Public Administration,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233030,Anhui China)
  • Online:2024-05-01 Published:2024-06-07

Abstract: Promoting county urbanization is an objective choice to comply with the trend of nearby transfer of local farmers and the return of migrant workers,which helps to grant permanent urban residency to people who move to cities from rural areas,pursue a new,people-centered urbanization and provide support for the integrated urban-rural development.The key to county urbanization is to break the space barriers and realize the transfer of "people,land and money" between urban and rural areas.On the one hand,the reform of homestead helps to realize the property value of farmers' homestead and provide financial support to break through the threshold of urban residency;on the other hand,it helps to promote the spatial replacement of rural stock construction land,promote the reallocation of land and population in the county space,optimize the urbanization spatial structure with the county seat as the center and the small town as the node,and promote the development of county urbanization.We should make full use of the county industry to undertake development and urban expansion land demand,improve the property value manifestation mechanism of farmers' homestead,enhance the work in granting permanent urban residency to people who move to cities from rural areas,and make better policy to link the paid withdrawal of homestead and the increase or decrease of urban and rural construction land.We should give full play to the policy agglomeration effect,establish and strengthen the relationship between population and land elements between urban and rural hinterland,and provide essential guarantee for county urbanization.In conclusion,it is a path for the reform of homestead to promote county urbanization.

Key words: homestead, reform of homestead, county level urbanization, farmer, citizenization

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