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    01 May 2024, Volume 45 Issue 3
    Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era
    The Scientific Connotation,Basic Principles and Future Direction of Promoting Common Prosperity for All through Innovative Development
    YAN Lianfu, DU Ruoqi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  1-12. 
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    Adhering to innovative development is the fundamental way to solve the difficult problems of development,enhance the vitality of development and cultivate the advantages of development,which provides the key support for realizing the common prosperity for all.Promoting common prosperity for all through innovative development involves theoretical,practical,scientific,technological,institutional and cultural innovation,which is a complex social system engineering and should be understood from four aspects:the scope of coverage,the field of realization,the path of realization and the process of promotion.At the same time,it is necessary to fully grasp its basic principles,that is,theoretical innovation is the forerunner,guiding people to correctly grasp common prosperity;practical innovation is the source,encouraging people to seek truth from facts and development;scientific and technological innovation is the core,helping people to get rich,increase their income and improve their living standards;institutional innovation is the guarantee,ensuring that the people jointly build and share the fruits of development;and cultural innovation is the accumulation,promoting the common prosperity of people's spiritual life.On the new journey,we should persist in carrying out innovative development throughout the whole process of realizing the common prosperity for all,unswervingly adhering to the new concept of development,to the idea of people as the center,to the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology,and to the reform of the system and mechanism.We should persist in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation,and constantly promote the common prosperity for all to make substantial progress.
    The High-quality Development of Ideological-political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
    XIAO Guiqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  13-19. 
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    The ideological-political theory courses in colleges and universities are the key courses to fully implement the Party's educational policy and foster virtue through education.In the new journey of building a socialist country in an all-round way, the high-quality development of ideological-political courses in colleges and universities is an inevitable requirement to implement the strategy for invigorating China through science and education and accelerate building a leading country in education.To promote the high-quality development of ideological-political courses in colleges and universities in the new era, we should first cultivate teachers who fully grasp the basic tenets of Marxism and China's specific realities,and who take fostering virtue through education as their fundamental mission,constantly improving the guarantee system of the teacher team.Second,we should deepen the reform and innovation in the teaching of ideological-political courses,establishing the concept and the teaching system of high-quality development and gradually constructing the cooperative education pattern of "big ideological-political courses".Finally,we should enhance our scientific research,strengthening the research on relevant theoretical issues and classic works and confidently opening ideological and political courses in the transformation of the teaching system.
    Social governance
    Modernity and Locality:Rural Development in Ethnic Minority Areas from the Perspective of Culture—Based on the Field Investigation of the Governance of "Poverty Culture" in K Autonomous Prefecture of Y Province
    LI Haijin, JIAO Fangyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  20-29. 
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    Aiming at poverty alleviation and development in ethnic minority areas,there are mainly two interpretation modes:the economic and social structure perspective and the cultural perspective.In the process of poverty alleviation and development,some cultural factors in ethnic areas are often regarded as "poverty culture" and become the object of modernity transformation.However,while the ethnic minority areas and their people recognize the value of modernity,they also respond to or even resist the measures taken for the transformation of modernity,which has caused a dilemma in carrying out poverty alleviation and development policy.From the dual perspectives of modernity and locality,the internal connection between modernity and state power,and the integral operation of state power have become the basic tension between the value of modernity and local culture.Entering the stage of al-round rural revitalization,ethnic minority areas should maintain the dual consciousness of modernity and locality,re-recognize and strengthen national cultural values and cultural identity in rural revitalization,and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent culture,so as to accelerate the rural revitalization in ethnic minority areas.
    The Vacancy of Rural Cultural Activity Center and Its Governance—A Case Study Based on Embeddedness Theory
    HAN Yi, XU Tong, SHI Kehan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  30-41. 
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    At present,some local rural cultural activity centers are faced withthe site,building,and function vacancy without real embeddedness into real rural life,which needs urgent governance.From the perspective of embeddedness theory,this paper constructs an interpretation framework of "embedded environment-embedded process-embedded result",and analyzes the evolution process of L village cultural activity center in D county from the initial vacancy to "suspended embedding" and then to "substantial embedding" rural life.The governance logic of the vacancy of rural cultural activity center is found in the embedded environment which is the root of the vacancy;the optimization of embedded process and the improvement of embedded environment which is the governance path;the key factor of supervision which causes the change of embedded process and the embedded environment;and the internal embedded forces which drive rural industry,improve living standards and satisfy local culture and entertainment.The key to the governance of rural cultural activity center lies in the supervision and political pressure to force the grass-roots level to optimize the embedded process,and the multiple measures to strengthen the embeddedness in the dimensions of structure,relationship,cognition and so on.At the same time,it is supplemented by industrial revitalization and promotion of cultural demand to stimulate the internal driving force,and finally achieve substantive embeddedness.
    Special Topic on "Reform of Homestead System"
    The Practical Logic of Efficient Promotion of the Rural Homestead Pilot Reform—Research Based on Ambidextrous Learning Perspective
    GUO Zhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  42-51. 
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    Pressure,problems,and interests synergistically drive pilot areas to efficiently promote rural homestead system reform through "exploratory-exploitative" ambidextrous learning.On the one hand,the pilot areas carry out exploratory learning to improve the scientific and accurate design of rural homestead system by collecting information through multiple channels,accelerating the construction of new institutional knowledge system,and "institutional feedback-institutional adaptation".On the other hand,under the constraints of performance,resources,time and other conditions,the pilot areas use effective governance tools proved in other fields,such as political incentives,resource patchwork to integrate all stakeholders and resources within the organization into a unified rural homestead system reform action.By using diverse mobilization methods,the pilot areas creatively construct the rural homestead governance picture of "government-society" effective cooperation,so as to promote the smooth implementation of the new rural homestead arrangement.Exploratory learning and exploitative learning are carried out simultaneously,which can not only produce breakthrough system innovation results,but also reduce the cost of system implementation,so as to realize the efficient promotion of rural homestead system reform.The "exploratory-exploitative" ambidextrous learning motivation can be stimulated by increasing attention allocation,promoting incentives and improving fault tolerance,and the ambidextrous learning ability can be enhanced by integrating resources and institution in the pilot areas,so we can promote the efficient reform of rural homestead in more pilot areas.
    The Mechanism and Path of the Reform of Homestead to Promote County Urbanization—A Case Study of Haiyan County,Zhejiang Province
    LIU Fawei, TAN Xiaoyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  52-62. 
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    Promoting county urbanization is an objective choice to comply with the trend of nearby transfer of local farmers and the return of migrant workers,which helps to grant permanent urban residency to people who move to cities from rural areas,pursue a new,people-centered urbanization and provide support for the integrated urban-rural development.The key to county urbanization is to break the space barriers and realize the transfer of "people,land and money" between urban and rural areas.On the one hand,the reform of homestead helps to realize the property value of farmers' homestead and provide financial support to break through the threshold of urban residency;on the other hand,it helps to promote the spatial replacement of rural stock construction land,promote the reallocation of land and population in the county space,optimize the urbanization spatial structure with the county seat as the center and the small town as the node,and promote the development of county urbanization.We should make full use of the county industry to undertake development and urban expansion land demand,improve the property value manifestation mechanism of farmers' homestead,enhance the work in granting permanent urban residency to people who move to cities from rural areas,and make better policy to link the paid withdrawal of homestead and the increase or decrease of urban and rural construction land.We should give full play to the policy agglomeration effect,establish and strengthen the relationship between population and land elements between urban and rural hinterland,and provide essential guarantee for county urbanization.In conclusion,it is a path for the reform of homestead to promote county urbanization.
    Management science
    Responsive Regulation:Practical Strategies for Effective Regulation of Network Social Organizations
    WANG Yusheng, ZHAO Yaqi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  63-71. 
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    Network social organizations are new means and carriers for people to express their interests,carry out voluntary activities,and participate in social supervision.The existing regulatory approaches to network social organizations adopt a bottom-line regulatory model,which leads to a series of problems such as the insufficient cohesion of regulatory subjects,lack of overall regulatory concepts,obvious coarseness of regulatory methods,and vague regulatory targets,seriously restricting the effective functioning of network social organizations in public services.Responsive regulation,as a new regulatory paradigm,has unique characteristics in response,shaping,coordination,and relational aspects,which are suitable for regulating network social organizations and can break through the efficacy dilemma of traditional regulatory models.Based on this,regulatory authorities should focus on four dimensions:smart regulation,differentiated treatment,collaborative regulation,and negotiated response,to construct a multi-subject coordination mechanism,reconstruct responsiveness regulatory concepts,reduce technical constraints on regulatory methods,effectively identify the needs of regulatory targets,and continuously promote effective regulation of network social organizations to better adapt to the needs of modern society and achieve modernization of the governance system and capacity of network social organizations.
    Exploration and Empirical Test of the Mechanism of Human-machine Collaboration Impact on Employment Quality
    ZHAO Hengchun, ZHANG Wenbo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  72-83. 
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    The human-machine collaboration mode is a new working mode that combines human intelligence and artificial intelligence.It is an effective integration of technological progress and human capital,and has a profound impact on labor employment.This study, focusing on workers' subjective evaluation of employment quality,taking 271 employees who have implemented artificial intelligence technology or equipment as samples,using human-machine collaboration degree as independent variable,builds a regulated chain intermediary model,and examines workers' emotional experience and cognitive attitude towards artificial intelligence application from a micro level.It is found that the degree of human-machine collaboration helps to improve worker job satisfaction,which is mainly achieved through the indirect effect of self-efficacy and career adaptability,and work autonomy significantly moderates the above pathways.This indicates that in intelligent work environment, factors with different attributes have different impact mechanisms and transmission pathways for workers' subjective evaluation of employment quality,and that work autonomy,as a work characteristic,has a variable impact on it.Therefore, by improving the legal system to introduce relevant policies to standardize the employment structure,weaving dense social security networks to secure the bottom line of people's livelihood,and increasing publicity and popularization to guide workers to establish correct cognition,we can form a harmonious and complementary human-machine relationship, prevent and resolve potential unemployment risks,improve workers' sense of gain and satisfaction,and achieve a benign coupling between the progress of artificial intelligence technology and the scale and structure of employment.
    Lenin's Thought on the Reform of Agricultural Production and Management System and Its Enlightenment
    LIU Xianli, HU Jiani
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  84-93. 
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    After Lenin succeeded in leading the Russian revolution,he made an arduous exploration on the transformation of agricultural production and management system.In the course of the evolution from the wartime communist system to the new economic policy,combining the economic development of Soviet Russian farmers and the characteristics of agricultural production,Lenin actively explored the agricultural production and management system adapted to the socialized large-scale production,forming his thought on the transformation of agricultural production and management system.The connotation of this thought is mainly reflected in the direct transition to communist agriculture through co-farming,the use of cooperative system to make a circuitous transition to the socialized large-scale production,and the supporting conditions of culture,education and science and technology to promote the transformation of agricultural production and management system.Lenin's thought on the transformation of agricultural production and management system gives us profound enlightenment,that is,the construction of modernization of Chinese agriculture and rural areas must consolidate and improve the basic management system in rural areas,continuously explore effective forms of collective economy,effectively safeguard the material interests of farmers,enhance their scientific and cultural quality,and adhere to the development of intensive agriculture driven by science and technology.
    Digital-enabled Green Development:Carbon Emission Reduction Effect of Enterprise Digitalization—An Empirical Study Based on A-share Listed Companies in China
    ZENG Huixiang, RAN Hangxin, ZHOU Qiong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  94-107. 
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    Focusing on the two strategic needs of digital China and the dual carbon goals,integrating enterprise digitization and enterprise carbon emission reduction into the same theoretical framework,and taking A-share listed companies in China from 2012 to 2019 as the research sample,this paper deeply explores the effect and transmission mechanism of enterprise digitization on carbon emissions,and further discusses the regulation of regional digital economic development and the nature of enterprise property rights.The results show that,first,enterprise digitization can significantly reduce corporate carbon emissions,but the emission reduction effect has a lag of about two years,which means that enterprises must continue to promote the digitization process in order to give full play to its carbon reduction efficiency;second,based on the analysis framework of Cobb-Douglas production function model,the transmission mechanism of carbon emission reduction effect of enterprise digitalization mainly includes promoting green technology innovation,improving the efficiency of resource allocation,optimizing human capital structure and promoting enterprise specialization;third,the development of regional digital economy can effectively strengthen the carbon reduction effect of enterprise digitization,and the two will form a greater joint force to promote enterprises to achieve faster carbon reduction;and fourth,from the perspective of the nature of property rights,enterprise digitization plays a more efficient role in reducing carbon in non-state-owned enterprises.This study reveals the internal mechanism and situational factors of enterprise digitization to reduce carbon emissions,which not only enriches and expands the research on the environmental effects of enterprise digitalization,but also provides micro-evidence for the digital-enabled real economy and green development.
    The Realistic Demand and Realization Path of the Collaborative Legislation within the Yellow River Cultural Protection Area
    WANG Binhui, ZHOU Rui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  108-116. 
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    The collaborative legislation within the Yellow River cultural protection area is the key to the protection and inheritance of the distinctive regional cultural characteristics,and it is also the need to implement the Yellow River Conservation Law,promote regional economic growth and ensure the local jurisdiction in cultural protection.However,the existing decentralized collaborative legislation has intensified the imbalance of the Yellow River cultural protection,resulting in insufficient legal protection of cross-regional cooperation.To carry out collaborative regional legislation,first,those who are responsible for implementing collaborative legislation should delicately balance the demarcation between national legislation and regional collaborative efforts,as well as between regional collaborative legislation and individual local legislation;second, in response to the specific needs of cultural protection,a tightly integrated legislative model should be adopted for collaborative efforts.This involves selecting an appropriate collaborative legislative framework through mutual consultation,building consensus on the content of regional collaboration,and standardizing and unifying the regional coordination mechanism.And finally, in terms of the specific collaborative legislation operation mechanism,we should construct collaborative legislation joint committee,share collaborative legislation information,carry out collaborative assessment and identify the "pseudo-collaboration".
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    Strengthening Commonality:The Key Direction for Ethnic Affairs in Big Cities—Based on the Surveys in Beijing,Shanghai,and Shenzhen
    CHEN Ji, ZHANG Yangzihan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  117-128. 
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    According to the important spirit of the Central Conference on Work Relating to Ethnic Affairs,strengthening commonality should be an important direction for ethnic affairs in big cities.The surveys in Beijing,Shanghai and Shenzhen show that the interviewees have a high awareness of co-governance of public affairs,but less practice of jointly participating in the governance of public affairs;although the big cities have a high level of sharing the achievements of economic and social development,they have weak foundation for promoting common prosperity and development;in spite of multiple cultural activities with rich contents for ethnic minorities,conditions for jointly building a common spiritual home areinsufficient.And although there are many interactive carriers,the multi-directional embedding needs to be strengthened.All these reflect the basic situation of the construction of commonality of all ethnic groups in big cities.At the same time,factors influencing the enhancement of commonality of ethnic groups in these cities are still seen in the insufficient supply of public resources,the unbalanced allocation of production factors,the weak construction of shared culture,and the lack of integration methods of mutual embedded structure.At the present stage,taking details into consideration,we should enhance the commonality of all ethnic groups from the aspects of political,economic and cultural life,continuously forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.
    Road and Temple:The Cultural Logic of Spatial Disorder and Order Reconstruction—Based on a Case Study of Villages along National Highway 319 in Jishou
    PENG Xiuzhu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  129-137. 
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    The road is not static and fixed;it contains a complex network of action.The risk of spatial disorder is hidden in the modernity constructed by road infrastructure,and temples and related ceremonial activities have become a local strategy to eliminate this risk.The rapid flow of the national highway and other factors lead to the frequent traffic accidents,which gives an "evil" flavor to thepaces with frequent accidents.As a tool to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages,culture is skillfully used to modify the spatial order of villages,and is fully reflected in the relationship between "road" and "temple".The construction of Menggong Temple (Menggong being a god related to road) on the evil places reflects that people are trying to put the uncontrollable contents of modern society into their own familiar cultural context for understanding,presenting a process of interweaving traditional and modern culture.In essence,evil is the feeling experience of coincidence,fear and disorder,and it has ominous,filthy and dangerous cultural meaning;people's control of the behavior of evil places is a manifestation of order reconstruction,and the "road-temple" system contains the cultural logic of the transformation between good and evil,and constructs a set of cultural landscape on the road.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    Optimizing the External Communication of the Image of the Communist Party of China in the Era of Intelligent Media
    LI Wen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  138-146. 
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    While the intelligent media is deeply embedded in human life,it continues to reshape the basic environment of party operation,promote the media of party politics,reconfigure attention resources and construct a new field for the external communication of the image of the Communist Party of China (CPC).As a new digital tool,intelligent media has broken the media ecology of the traditional media era,where strong image construction coexists with weak audience deconstruction.However,the "cocoon effect" has induced an isolated dilemma of external communication,and algorithm manipulation has triggered the risk of external image deconstruction.With the "implosion" of diversified evaluation subjects,the essential image of the CPC may even be obscured.In its external image communication,the CPC must face the practical challenges brought by technological innovation,strengthen the basic compliance of its image and give an effective response.However,due to the differences in politics,culture and many other factors,applying the western party image theory will inevitably not be agreeing.Based on this,the external communication of the image of the CPC needs to be adjusted at the conceptual and technical levels:in the symbol of the subject,it should create its "big-appearance" multi-element system;in the supply innovation,optimize its external display form of image;in the construction of the scene,use intelligent technology to monitor the trend of public opinion,taking "official" and "folk" discourse fields into account;and in the construction of the environment,get rid of the algorithmic bias and form a communication pattern that integrates China and foreign countries.In this way,intelligent media can better endow the image of the CPC with external communication,and then comprehensively improve the efficiency of external communication.
    The Theoretical Development,Qualitative Composition and Practical Value of New Quality Productive Forces
    MI Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(3):  147-160. 
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    The concept of "new quality productive forces" is a major innovation in the theory of productive forces,which profoundly reveals the new needs,new trends and new ideas of the economic development of China and even the world.The theory of new quality productive forces deepens the understanding of the law of the development of productive forces,enriches the connotation of Xi Jinping Thought on economy,and is an innovation and development of Marxist productivity theory in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.This concept is a subversive breakthrough and fundamental jump to the traditional productive forces,and its core lies in the formation of advanced productive forces with the characteristics of high technology,high efficiency and high quality through technological revolutionary breakthroughs,innovative allocation of production factors and in-depth industrial transformation and upgrading.The new quality productive forces represent an advanced productivity quality state which accord with the new development concept,with the innovative quality state to realize a new leap,the developing quality state to cultivate a new kinetic energy,the scientific and technological quality state to reshapes the form,and the green quality state to promote the sustainable development of the productivity.New quality productive forces emphasize the expansion,infiltration and optimal combination of innovation in various factors of production,and promote the evolution of productive forces to a higher and more advanced quality,bringing a far-reaching impact on the economy,society,culture and so on.The development of new-quality productive forces can effectively solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development in China,promote high-quality sustainable development,and help to realize Chinese modernization.The theory of new quality productive forces provides scientific guidance and fundamental compliance for comprehensively promoting the construction of Chinese modernization.In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform,we should closely focus on the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces,form a new driving force for transformation and new momentum for development,and constantly accumulate energy for economic and social prosperity and development.
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