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    01 July 2022, Volume 43 Issue 4
    Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era
    The Significance of XiJinping's Overall National Security Concept
    GAO Xianglian, YANG Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  1-7. 
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    XiJinping's overall national security concept is a series of fundamental views with careful logic structure on building and maintaining the national security with Chinese characteristics.Served as a guideline,it has realized the leap of our Party in the theory of national security.It upholds the principle of integrating comprehensive security with systemic security,national security with the security of the people,and China's security with the security of the rest of the world,and ensures that all aspects of security are managed and consolidated in a coordinated manner.A thorough study of the Xi Jinping's overall national security concept will enable us to keep to the right direction of our national security work,advance the building of a safer China at a higher level,and better balance security and development.Xi Jinping's overall national security concept is a theoretical guideline for realizing the overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,coping with the changing situation unseen in the world in a century,and creating a new situation of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
    Excellent Traditional Culture and Its Innovation Transformation in the Practice of Governance in the New Era
    LIU Lian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  8-15. 
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    The construction and formation of the philosophy of governance of any country in the world cannot be separated from its traditional culture.Deeply nurtured by China's excellent traditional culture,Xi Jinping's new philosophy of governance is characterized by people-orientation,self-cultivation,harmony,integrity,dialectical unity,and reform and innovation.In the new era which is full of opportunities and challenges,we should make the excellent traditional Chinese culture serve the present and bring forth the new,so that it can promote the governance of the ruling party,state governance and global governance,realizing creative transformation and innovative development.
    Special topic of "Ideological and political course"
    The "Five Only Ways" of China in the New Era:An Essential Part in Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities
    XIAO Guiqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  16-23. 
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    Based on the progress of the Party and the people in the new era,General Secretaryof the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping put forward the important conclusion of the "Five Only Ways",i.e.,adhering to the Party's all-round leadership is the only way to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics;socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only way to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;unity and struggle is the only way for the Chinese people to create a great historical cause;implementing the concept of new development is the only way for our country to develop and grow in the new era,and strengthening Party self-discipline strictly in an all-round way is the only way for the Party to maintain its vitality and take the new road.The "Five Only Ways" reveals profoundly why China has succeeded in the new era,and scientifically points out how we can continue to succeed in the future.In response to the challenges and problems in the new era,the "Five Only Ways" has led China to make major achievements,reflecting the Party's deepening understanding of the laws governing the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Ideological and political courses in colleges and universities should expound the theoretical connotation of the "Five Only Ways",grasp the inner connection of it,and deeply understand the significance of it.Combined with the rich practice in the new era,ideological and political courses in colleges and universities should not only tell the Chinese story of the "Five Only Ways",but also strengthen the theoretical interpretation and explain the inner logic of it to solve the doubts and confusions.
    The Discourse Identity of the Ideological and Political Teachers in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
    LI Yunfeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  24-30. 
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    Discourse identity is the concentrated embodiment of the subject discourse and identity of ideological and political teachers in colleges and universities,and it is an important issue in the construction of ideological and political teachers in colleges and universities in the new era.The internal stipulation and external interpretation of the subject of discourse identity,the macro-dominance and micro-participation of the structure,and the positioning of individual independence and group ownership provide a theoretical basis for the formation of the discourse identity.The construction of the discourse identity depends on the collective power of the functions of knowledge dissemination and value orientation,resource regulation and inspiration education,code of conduct and ethical evaluation,etc.It also needs to be supported by the presupposition strategy of "vanguard",the prominence strategy of "magnifying glass",the empathy strategy of "insider" and the evaluation strategy of "microscope".
    Ecological environment forum · ecological environment damage (II)
    The Optimization of the Judicial Relief System for Ecological Environment Damage
    YU Wenxuan, SUN Zhaoyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  31-40. 
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    In view of eco-environmental damage,China has gradually formed a judicial relief system of environmental civil public interest litigation,environmental administrative public interest litigation and eco-environmental damage compensation litigation,aiming to provide multi-directional protection and supervision for the ecological and environmental public interests.In the development of the judicial relief system for damage to ecological environment,the debate on the nature of different litigation systems,the expansion and infiltration of the scope of application,the dislocation of functions between administrative and judicial organs,and the ambiguity of thecontent of procuratorial organs' right of public interest litigation have gradually exposed their endogenous dilemma,so there is an urgent need to make a refined and systematic normative design.For this reason,based on the measurement of rights (power) and obligations,we should re-examine the role function and the distribution of rights and responsibilities of the subject,and reasonably set up the applicable order of different litigation systems.Based on the investigation of the function of the system,according to different functions such as "risk prevention","damage filling" and "legal supervision",the respective application scope of "three claims" should be delineated.At the same time,we should strengthen the interactive relationship between different litigation systems to ensure systematic coordination,so as to build layers of progressive judicial relief system for ecological damage.
    The Cooperation of Public and Private Laws in the Relief of Ecological Environment Damage from the Perspective of Damage Types
    XU Yixiang, LIU Jichen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  41-52. 
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    The public and private laws of eco-environmental damage relief fail to achieve orderly and efficient cooperation in the identification of damage and the application of damage liability.The reason lies in the lack of typed analysis of eco-environmental damage,ignoring the important differences between different types of damage in the economic principles of regulation and the needs of legal system.By combing the judicial practice experience of eco-environmental damage relief and the environmental economic explanation of pollution control,we can find that the reason why eco-environmental damage cannot be effectively controlled through the market lies in its high transaction cost.For different types of eco-environmental damage,the supply of economic methods and legal systems needed to reduce transaction costs are not the same.The local eco-environmental damage can be effectively remedied by defining and encouraging the private law path of the claimant.The administrative order relief system can only provide more timely and rapid relief for local ecological environment damage within the limited scope clearly stipulated by relevant laws and regulations,so the relief of local eco-environmental damage needs the cooperation mode of public and private law which is coexisting,complementary and coordinated.The main methods of regional eco-environmental damage relief are command-controlled regulation and economic incentive methods,so the relief of regional eco-environmental damage should only be dominated by public law norms.
    Rural Commune, Oriental Path, and Chinese Characteristics:Re-exploration of Marx's Theory of "Rural Commune"
    SUN Meitang, ZHANG Xiaoqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  53-62. 
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    The theoretical self-consciousness of socialism with Chinese characteristics needs to go deep into Marx's manuscripts in his later years and clarify the inherent logic of "rural commune, oriental path,and Chinese characteristics".Marx tried to regard the rural commune as the foundation and essence of the oriental society,and raised it to the overall category,just like the function of commodities in the capitalist economic relations. Rural commune is not another problem outside the capitalist system, but a necessary part of it. Marx's study of rural communes is to establish the oriental dimension in the complete world system of "western capitalism-oriental society" and to find a key to unlock the mysteries of oriental society,so as to explain the overall capitalist crisis caused by the interaction between the East and the West.As for the specific situation that the commodity economy deconstructs the rural commune and affects the development of the oriental society,Marx conceived two models:the"leapfrogging"modelofRussiansocietyandthe "shock-disintegration-reconstruction" model of other oriental countries.Due to some special historical reasons,China has eliminated the rural communes and established a strong patriarchal imperial power system,so our modern historical path is quite unique.
    The Thought of Labor Ethics in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and Its Contemporary Significance
    FENG Bing, ZHAO Xin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  63-71. 
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    Labor thought is an important thought that runs through Marxist philosophy,and labor ethics is the core of it.The thought of Marxist labor ethics has gone through three stages: foundation,development and maturity. Economic and philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 is the beginning of the foundation stage,and the core ideas of labor ethics include that labor itself should be the inherent needs of workers,free and conscious activities, and the embodiment of free life;the labor process should be the harmonious unity of man and nature,man and man,and man and self;the result of labor should reflect fairness and the dignity and value of labor and workers.We should deeply excavate the thought of labor ethics contained in Marx's Economic and philosophic Manuscripts of 1844,so as to realize the modern turn of labor ethics of "being a human being".It is of great significance to clarify the subject status of workers,reflect on the anomie phenomenon of labor morality and build socialist harmonious labor relations.
    Forum:Multi-dimensional Reflections on the Revitalization of Higher Education in the Central and Western Regions
    ZHOU Haitao, WANG Yixin/WANG Zhaojing, HE Jingfei/TIAN Tiejie/LIU Wenjie, YE Mingyu/WU Kangni, YAN Fen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  72-89. 
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    The Construction of Responsibility Ethics of College Students' Life Education in the New Era
    WANG Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  90-95. 
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    Life education for college students is a lasting topic of the times,and it is an important part of mental health education in colleges and universities.From the  analysis of perspective of responsibility ethics,the problems in college students' life education in the new era are mainly reflected in the lack of responsibility thinking of educational subjects,the lack of coordination of multiple responsibility subjects,the weak awareness of individual responsibility ethics,and the poor operation system of responsibility ethics and so on.At present,to strengthen the construction of responsibility ethics of college students' life education,we should fully follow the operational logic of life education,which takes cognitive understanding as the premise,internalization of identity as the core,and externalization of practice as the end-result.
    Journalism and Communication
    The Risk Evolution Law and Prevention and Control Strategy of Emergency Network Public Opinion
    WANG Linping, GAO Yu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  96-107. 
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    Emergency network public opinion is not only the self-expression of public perception of social risk,but also an important reference for public risk response.After the occurrence of emergencies,the risk evolution of network public opinion shows different rules in different stages:the sudden change and regular evolution of public opinion risk in the germination period,the ripple effect in the diffusion period,and the resonance in the high rising period,and dissipation in the recession period.The generation motivation of risk evolution of emergency network public opinion is the result of multiple factors,such as inherent factors,human factors,environmental factors and management factors,including the superposition of social hidden risk and public opinion risk.Public perception risk increases public opinion transformation risk,network environment imbalance accelerates public opinion risk diffusion,and public management risk leads to public opinion risk repetition.In order to promote the prevention and control work,we should strengthen the concept of public opinion risk communication and awareness of prevention and control,improve the legal protection system of public opinion risk prevention and control,build a normal long-term mechanism for public opinion risk prevention and control,and improve the technological innovation level.
    The Articulation of Entertainment Discourse and Mainstream Discourse:The Ideographic Practice of Hunan TV's New Variety Shows under the Context of "Youth China"
    WU Guozhong, LONG Qinglin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  108-115. 
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    The cultural transformation of Hunan TV's new variety shows,based on the context of "youth China" around the discourse of "culturalTV variety show",is a use of visual symbol and meaning production.This is a typical articulation practice.In order to avoid the market cultural crisis caused by carnival "pan-entertainment",Hunan TV's new variety shows are good at activating and requisitioning a series of links between Chinese traditional culture,public welfare,rural revitalization symbols and "new variety shows" discourse,constructing a "discourse domain" of "less entertainment,more value" and interactively articulating "entertainment discourse" and "mainstream discourse".This ideographic practice reinforces the value empowerment of the "new mainstream" cultural discourse of new variety shows,rebuilds the collective memories of nation community,excites people's emotion identity and culture resonance on the profound level,deepens the common faith of social power,and reshapes the "imagined communities".In addition,through visual rhetoric strategy combined with mainstream values,this practice has strengthened the variety shows' righteousness,which gives the reform of new TV variety shows a legitimate interpretation.
    Review and Introspection on the Development of Postclassical Narratology in China
    SUN Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  116-125. 
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    Postclassical narratology originated in the West.In recent years,however,under the introduction of a number of scholars,it has set off a research boom in China.The research in this field is mainly divided into five categories:analyzing the relationship between classical narratology and postclassical narratology,clarifying the characteristics and research hotspots of postclassical narratology,researching on representative theories of narratology and on typical texts,and predicting the development trend of postclassical narratology.Although the research of postclassical narratology in China has achieved many gratifying fruitful results,there are still many demerits.At present,the primary task of domestic research on postclassical narratology is to realize the dialogue between Chinese and western postclassical narratology by combining various research situations of postclassical narratology.
    The Adjustment between Public Welfare Sacrifice and Social Obligation in Policy Change:Taking the Transfer Policy of the Matching Kindergartens in Urban Communities as an Example
    DUAN Zexiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  126-136. 
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    The change of public policy is often difficult to realize because it is restricted by the property rights of private subjects,which affects the realization of policy objectives.This problem is reflected in the transfer policy of the matching kindergartens in urban communities.Because the original owners of matching kindergartens in urban communities have a long-term policy background to obtain property rights,and the transfer of property rights involves the impairment of their rights,it is difficult to implement the policy.The reason is that there is a conflict between the special sacrifice based on the needs of public interests and the social obligations of property rights.The boundary between the two is fuzzy.The application of the concept of regulation and promotion helps to adjust the relationship between them,making interest regulation one of the basic tasks of administrative law and then constructing the adjustment standard,with the principle of proportion,the principle of administration according to law,and the standard of retroactivity as the main content.In this way,the maintenance of public interests and the protection of private interests would be balanced as much as possible to achieve public policy objectives.
    The Legal Norms and Mechanism Construction of Personal Information Protection in the Era of Digital Economy
    LIU Xueting
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  137-147. 
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    In the era of digital economy,the comprehensive digitization of personal information has become an increasingly obvious phenomenon,and the data value of personal information,especially the proportion of commercial value,has increased sharply.How to coordinate and deal with the conflict of rights and obligations among relevant legal subjects and the expansion of data power,and how to protect the data security of personal information have become important issues.Although the laws and regulations of personal information have basically taken shape,the national economic and social development still requires the strengthening of relevant legal protection and relief,and the construction of relevant mechanisms as well.These mechanisms should include strengthening the technical guidance of data traceability through the extension and expansion of the concept of data traceability,using the western data trust model for reference to establish a static and dynamic personal information data trust "firewall",and standardizing the power boundary to break the monopoly of data power.At the same time,we should build a strong "security barrier" of personal information data chain with the comprehensive coverage of norms and mechanisms.That is to say,our country should provide comprehensive legal norms for personal information from multiple levels,fields and stages,and achieve the purpose of coordinating,protecting and promoting personal information through legislation,judicature and law enforcement.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    The Differentiation of Culture and Tourism Industry in Ethnic Villages from the Perspective of Cultural Capital:Based on the Investigation in Xiangxi
    PU Yuxi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2022, 43(4):  148-160. 
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    Ethnic villages are an important part of rural society in ethnic areas and the basic carrier of minority agricultural culture.With the promotion of rural revitalization strategy,cultural and tourism industry has become the main way to develop economy and promote rural cultural and industrial revitalization.Starting with Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital,taking some ethnic villages in Xiangxi (western Hunan) as samples,combined with field analysis,this paper constructs the logical framework of capital differentiation,including field,cultural,economic and social capital.From the cultural resources,the development of cultural and tourism industry and its social organizational relationship,the ability of village elites,social network and so on,this paper makes a general analysis on the differentiation field of cultural and tourism industry in two different types of ethnic villages,and discusses the corresponding differentiation and governance strategies.This paper lies in the introduction of cultural capital theory,which expands the path and perspective of village research in ethnic minority areas,and deepens the understanding and interpretation of the issues of village cultural and tourism industry differentiation.
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