Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 108-115.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.04.012

• Journalism and Communication • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Articulation of Entertainment Discourse and Mainstream Discourse:The Ideographic Practice of Hunan TV's New Variety Shows under the Context of "Youth China"

WU Guozhong,LONG Qinglin   

  1. (School of Journalism and Communication,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
  • Online:2022-07-01 Published:2022-08-04

Abstract: The cultural transformation of Hunan TV's new variety shows,based on the context of "youth China" around the discourse of "culturalTV variety show",is a use of visual symbol and meaning production.This is a typical articulation practice.In order to avoid the market cultural crisis caused by carnival "pan-entertainment",Hunan TV's new variety shows are good at activating and requisitioning a series of links between Chinese traditional culture,public welfare,rural revitalization symbols and "new variety shows" discourse,constructing a "discourse domain" of "less entertainment,more value" and interactively articulating "entertainment discourse" and "mainstream discourse".This ideographic practice reinforces the value empowerment of the "new mainstream" cultural discourse of new variety shows,rebuilds the collective memories of nation community,excites people's emotion identity and culture resonance on the profound level,deepens the common faith of social power,and reshapes the "imagined communities".In addition,through visual rhetoric strategy combined with mainstream values,this practice has strengthened the variety shows' righteousness,which gives the reform of new TV variety shows a legitimate interpretation.

Key words: Hunan TV, new variety shows, "Youth China", entertainment discourse, mainstream discourse, articulation practice

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