Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Interpreting the Hegelian Method of Capital with Grundrisse——Rosdolsky's Interpretation of the Method of Capital

DONG Jianming   

  1. (School of Philosophy and Sociology,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
  • Online:2017-11-01 Published:2017-10-30

Abstract: Rosdolsky thinks that many Marx's critics,even some Marxists,do not understand Marx's method and its relation to Hegel,thereby misunderstanding Marx with an economic method.Grundrisse constitutes the bridge between Hegel and Capital,so we should rely on Grundrisse in order to reveal the method of Capital.The core method of Capital is shown in two aspects,one is the abstract rise,i.e.from the abstract concepts to concrete concepts,and the other is the unity of the dialectical movement of concrete concepts and the realistic movement of the capitalist society,which characterizes the unity of logic and history.This method,closely related to Hegel and essentially different from economics,defines the core theoretical nature of Capital.

Key words: Capital, Marx, Hegel, Rosdolsky

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