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    01 March 2016, Volume 37 Issue 2
    On the Safeguard of Criminal Law to the Development of Internet Finance in China
    PI Yong,ZHANG Qifei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  1-8. 
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    As a new financial activityin the internet era,internet finance plays a crucial role in the economical and social modernization in China.However it also faces the risks of internet financial crimes,law,and supervision.Legal safeguard should be provided and the standard of criminal law should be established to distinguish innovation of internet finance and relative crimes.Hazard to society,criminal illegality,excluding of crimes,and convicting of crimes should be taken into consideration in establishing the safeguard standard of criminal law.While excluding of crimes is beneficial to substantial economy and the economic and social development,convicting of crimes is of serious social harmfulness and criminal illegality,therefore it should be severely punished.Civil,commercial and administrative laws should be first applied in the supervision of internet finance,and criminal law should only be applied when they fail to safeguard internet finance.

    On the Legal Response to the Invasion of Alien Wild Animals of China——Reflection on the Theory of Adjustment of Environmental Law
    YANG Zhaoxia,CHENG Xia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  9-22. 
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    To effectively cope with the invasion of alien wild animals,China should learn useful experiences from countries like United States and Japan,timely modifying wild animal conservation law and other laws and regulations,perfecting the legal regimes concerning sort management,risk assessment,permission of releasing captive animals,monitoring and early warning,and emergency reaction.At the same time,tort liability law and criminal law should also be revised,bringing ecological tort into unified environmental tort and creating the new accusation of destroying ecology.Besides,administrative supervision system should be reformed to set up an Ecological Department in charge of ecological protection,which has a Biodiversity Administration to conduct unified supervision over the invasion of alien wild species.Theoretically,the research on the mechanism of legal adjustment to deal with invasion of alien species not only helps to understand the value of the theory of adjusting relationship between human being and nature,but also helps to reveal the fallacy of natural right theory and non-anthropocentrism.

    Political science
    Election and Consultation:the Two Engines forVillagers’ Self-governance
    YUAN Fangcheng,LUO Jiawei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  23-29. 
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    Election and consultation are the two practical forms of democracy at the grassroots level.Villagers’ self-governance brings the value of democracy deep into people’s hearts,and democratic consultation has gradually become an indispensable part of villagers’ politic life.However,due to lack of institutional guarantee and technical support,democratic consultation has made less progress.Democratic practice which attaches much importance to the election rather than consultation has caused solo dash in the democratic election of villagers’ self-governance,leading to slow progress in democratic management,democratic decision-making,and democratic supervision,and the disconnection between election and governance performance.While democratic election is discontinuous,periodical,homogeneous and normative,democratic consultation is normal,full-course,flexible and diverse.Based on democratic election,we should accelerate institutional development in consultation,explore the consultation forms and program design,foster the subject of consultation,speed up the development of the consultation support system,promote the development of democracy at the grassroots level,and realize the positive operation of villagers’ self-governance.

    On the Construction of Political Identity:between Subject and Object
    WANG Maomei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  30-37. 
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    Political identity is the precondition of any functioning political system,and national identity is the highest manifestation of it.The construction and formation of political identity is the interactive process of identity subject,identity object,and other relevant factors.The subject of political identity,with social feature being its basic feature,is a social complex of multiple features,having certain pursuit of interest and significance,being both rational and irrational.The object of political identity is a four-in-one constitution of the concept of political value,political norm,political organization,and political behavior.From the two dimensionalities of psychology (political cognition,political emotion,political evaluation,and political attitude) and practice (political participation),subject of political identity embodies its identification state of political system.

    Management science
    Research on the Compound Cooperative Mechanism of the Compound Subject of Public Goods Supply from the Perspective of Value Chain Theory
    HE Jixin,CHEN Zhenzhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  38-45. 
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    The compound subject of public goods supply,which is composed of the three main bodies of state,market and society,plays a key role in realizing  multi-agent cooperation,interoperability and improving supply efficiency.The “compound” participation in the supply of public goods is an important breach to reconstruct the supply structure of public goods and to seek the “supply change”.The introduction of the concept of compound governance and the value chain theory provides theoretical support and model reference for the construction of governance logic and governance structure of administrative supply,market supply and social organization supply.To improve the supply efficiency of public goods,it depends on the innovation of cooperative mechanism and institutional arrangement.By promoting the interaction,mutual support and mutual share among the different supply structures inside the compound subject of public goods supply,social needs can be found and the diverse demands of the citizens can be timely responded.

    The Mechanism Framework and Connotation of Public-Private Partnerships:from the Perspective of the Compatibility between Limited Competition and Effective Competition
    FU Jincun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  46-52. 
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    Due to their natural monopoly,urban public utilities should practice public-private partnerships in the background of rapid urbanization,transcending the dual paradigm governance of monopoly and competition.Under the framework of public-private partnerships,contract governance mechanism,risk sharing mechanism and profit distribution mechanism being its center,should be established to realize the economic target of private sector involvement.At the same time,the regulation policies should be made correspondingly so that the public interests should not be damaged by private capital as it chases profit blindly.Thus,the connotation of public-private partnerships should include setting up government’s behavior boundary,establishing a positive motivation capital regulation mode,and stimulating the regulated enterprises to voluntarily improve their efficiency.

    The Construction of China-ASEAN FTA under TPP and RCEP:Challenges and Response
    ZOU Guoyong,WU Linling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  53-61. 
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    As a whole,there are two paths for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region:One is the “US FTA Map’,represented by Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement dominated by the USA,the other is the “Asian FTA Map”,represented by Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership carried out by 16 countries including ASEAN.During the development of China-ASEAN FTA,a series of fruitful achievements have been made in terms of trade in goods,services and mutual investments.Since the signing of TPP and RCEP negotiations make the pattern of the Asia-Pacific regional economic cooperation becoming more and more complicated and subtle,China-ASEAN FTA is faced with the impact and possibility of being diluted because of export competition between China and ASEAN countries.Under these circumstances,China should treat the ‘New Generation’ high-standard rules of TPP with an open attitude,make clear the defensive and positive interests in RCEP negotiations,and should build a China-focused FTA system under the background of ‘One Belt And One Road’,which is the only way to construct the China-ASEAN FTA more calmly and quietly under TPP and RCEP.

    On TRNs’ Promotion of Global Financial Regulatory System
    WANG Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  62-67. 
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    It is an effective way for many countries to construct financial regulatory systems to deal with subprime crisis.Transnational Regulatory Networks (TRNs),as an important force in global financial governancetogether with international treaties and international organizations,is playing an increasingly active role in promoting politics of deformalization of international law,optimizing financial regulatory systems,and enhancing global cooperation to deal with financial crisis.Based on negotiation and characterized by flexibility,expertise and promptness,rules of TRNs usually are well obeyed for the sake of political factors and state interests,though distributive and enforcement problems still exist.

    Study on the three rural problems
    On the Logic and Power for the Change of Rural Land Property Right System in China
    WANG Lei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  68-73. 
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    The change of rural land property right system is the core content in the reform of rural land system.The internal logic of the change of rural land property right system in China is mainly reflected as a process in which  the structure of rural land property right has experienced from “the overall power”,to “separation of two rights”,and then “separation of three rights”.The internal power of the change comes from several aspects:in the macro level,the original rural land property right system no longer met the requirements of the development of productive forces;and in the micro level,the contradiction between farmers and land,the farmers’ subjective creativity and the unreasonable distribution of power have cost high transaction cost.The external power of the change of rural land property right system comes from motivation of the subject and environment.To improve the dynamic mechanism of the change of rural land property right system in China,we need to regulate the role of government forces in the institutional change,and promote the driving force of economic factors in the institutional change,fully making use of the farmers’ leading role in the institutional change.

    Intergenerational Transformation Crisis of Agricultural Labor Force in China:Effect Analysis and Logical Judgment
    HAN Zhanbing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  74-80. 
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    Intergenerational transformation crisis of agricultural labor force mainly refers to the lack of new generation of agricultural labor,who cannot meet the needs of agricultural production. From the negative aspect,the influence of the intergenerational transformation crisis of agricultural labor force is mainly reflected in the following five aspects:Firstly,it is a severe challenge to the modern agricultural development;Secondly,it reduces the effective supply of agricultural products and threatens national food security;Thirdly,it threatens the main body of the new rural construction;Fourthly,it incorrectly configures the formation of rural land resources and therefore needs the urgent system innovation;Fifthly,it attacks the traditional rural social operating system.On the positive side,the intergenerational transformation crisis of agricultural labor force also provides the historical opportunity for China to realize the scale,industrialization and modernization of agriculture.The country should encourage weak agriculture labor to quit agriculture production,build urban and rural labor flow mechanism in both directions,cultivate new generations of agricultural labor,and promote the transition from by-business to  professionalization.

    Research on Social Governance
    Governance of NIMBY Conflict:Right Dilemma and Transcendence——from the Perspective of Environmental Civic Right
    SUN Xuyou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  81-86. 
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    NIMBY conflict is community members’ practice and environmental movement to strive for rights and benefits concerning their living environment.The ethical dilemma between protecting environmental right and shirking civic responsibility,the difficulty caused by more attention to interest demand rather than environmental protection,and the priority between living environment and social development,constitute the three-dimensional right dilemma in NIMBY conflict,and they also make it possible to govern NIMBY conflict.To avoid NIMBY conflict and get out of right dilemma,transcendence in three directions should be realized,namely,in the balance between environmental protection and civic responsibilities,in the co-construction of interest demand and the concept of environmental protection,and in the co-advancement of social development and living environment.

    Social Risk Governance in China from the Perspective of Social Quality
    WANG Xiaonan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  87-94. 
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    The highlight of the social risk inthe transition period of China and the serious consequences indicates that China has entered into a risk society,which calls different perspectives to make it more suitable for the current problems.As a new theory and research paradigm,social quality not only interprets the social welfare in the traditional sense,but also has the intrinsic connection and the value coupling with the social risk theory.The social quality framework integrates the various concepts of social risk into one framework,from the macro to the micro,from the institution to culture,and from the organization to individual,presenting the interweaving and mutual influence of the four types of social risks,exploring the deep space order of the social risk,and giving social risk governace a unique content,from the perspective of social quality.It contains not only the traditional sense of security,but also regards the social relations adjustment as a security,so that it builds a broad sense of risk governance,which is also the theoretical appeal of social quality -- to seek the balance between the institution world and life world,between the objective world and the subjective world.

    Governance Mechanism and the LogicShift of State Governance——from the Perspective of the China’s Transition of State Governance
    WU Ruicai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  95-102. 
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    The state governance since China’s reform has undergone a deep transition in system,structure,and operating mechanism,which deserves careful observation and analysis.The logic shift of state governance provides a new perspective to observe the twice transitions of China’s state governance since the reform,each time the system and structure of state governance being molded according to the logic.In the first transition from a revolutionary state to a developing state,a series of administrative and institutional reforms basically met the demands of a developing state.State governance since the middle and late of the 1990s has being undergoing a second transition from a developing state to a regulatory one.On the one hand,the disadvantages of a developing state have become increasingly obvious,and on the other hand,the reform power is not strong enough to bring a through transition.Therefore,there is a game relationship between the two logic lines in state governance,which deeply influences the present practice of state governance,and will influence the future reforms of the system of state governance and the innovation in governance tools and governance mechanism as well.

    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    The Political Control of the Central Government over the Xiangxi Frontier in the Early Northern Song Dynasty:Centered on Peng Shixi's Revolt
    HANG Yijun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  103-109. 
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    In the early Northern Song,there were frequent bilateral negotiations between the central government and the Peng's family clan,the most powerful barbaric ethnic group living in the You River Valley,Xiangxi (the west of Hunan Province).On one hand,the barbaric group acted as guardians in the Xinagxi Frontier and helped the central government to maintain order so that they would be economically rewarded and maintain their dominance in the local society as well.On the other hand,whenever their interests were damaged by the Song government or its officials,they  chose to revolt.Despite its dominant position in economy and forces,the Song government tended to adopt a moderate policy in dealing with the problems in the Xiangxi frontier.Once conflict happened,the Song government always managed to harmonize via negotiation while military means was the last and extreme choice. The pacification of Peng Shixi's revolt raised the curtain on the establishment of formal administrative regions in the Xiangxi frontier and provided sufficient preparation for the inland frontier to integrate into the united China.

    Study onIdentity Choice and the Construction of Citizenship for Members of the Cross-border Ethnic Groups in the Border Areas from the Perspective of Border Administration——A Case Study in Yunnan Province
    LIU Yonggang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  110-115. 
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    Cross-border ethnic groups,living across borders within the national territory yet outside the administrative center,are a special subject in national border administration.In the national construction of citizenship for these cross-border ethnic groups by means of political measures,cultural psychology and civic culture,the backward society,weak link between culture and psychology,and lack of modern political civilization in the border areas often lead to the mismatch between the political and legal citizenship of these cross-border ethnic groups and their legitimate rights,causing problems in their identity choice and national identity.Therefore,the national administration in the border areas should be based on the correct match between the political and legal citizenship of the cross-border ethnic groups and their factual citizenship.

    What Else Can Literary Theories Do Besides“Interpretation”?
    CHEN Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  116-121. 
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    As an important research method of literary theory,“interpretation” is the explanation to existing literary phenomena and theories.The essence of “cultural poetics” and “criticism to of literary theories” is the interpretation to the writers,works and literary phenomena.It is generally acknowledged in the field of literary theory that dialogical interpretation and moderate interpretation should be adapted,avoiding previous standpoints and modes to give forceful interpretation.Though containing theoretical perspectives and theoretical attitudes,the emphasis of interpretation is not on proposing new theoretical topics and constructing new theories.The crisis in the research of Chinese literary theories lies not in the forceful interpretation,but in interpretation itself.Too much attention to interpretation,rather than to new theoretical construction,is an important reason for the lack of individuality and innovation in the research of literary theories.

    Visual Cultural Context and the Image Turn of New Century Literature
    CHEN Xue
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2016, 37(2):  122-128. 
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    New century literature has a close connection with visual cultural context,causing a subtle image turn of literature which is neither a simple extension of traditional literature forms,nor a development of materials and themes for literature writing,but a paradigm shift of the whole existing forms of literature.This shift may occur in such layersas mediated literature experience,visualized perception mode of literature,and virtualized space of literature narration.Description to this image turn may be explorative,and it may be a bit earlier to judge its value,because it is still underway.

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