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    15 March 2015, Volume 36 Issue 2
    Political science
    On the Governance of Socialist Ideology in Our Country
    HU Kai, YANG Jing-Xiong, MA Jun-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  1-7. 
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    “Ideological governance”is a dynamic process,in which the governance body that belongs to or is attached to a certain ruling class of society integrates the resources inside and outside ideological field by using formal and informal system and diverse governance-manners to achieve a common goal.Types of theChinese socialist ideology has experienced from the revolutionary type,the constructive type to the governance type.Basic strategies of the Chinese socialist ideological governance include realizing the strategic transformation of socialist ideological governance thinking,promoting socialist ideology to keep pace with times,perfecting the socialist ideological governance mode under the leadership of the party,and accelerating modernization of socialist ideological governance ability.
    The Practice of Grassroots Consultative Democracy in China: Value,Problems and Ways
    LI You-Guo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  8-13. 
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    Grassroots consultative democracy opens up a new path for democracy at the local level,creates a new pattern for grassroots social governance,and enhances political legitimacy of grassroots Party and government.However,it is also confronted with such problems as position,motive force of development,way of subject participation,and representative relationship.Should it be a transient policy or an essential procedure? Individual or systematic? To get everyone involved or only the representatives? Cooperative or confronting? To solve these problems,it is necessary to make clear its position both in theory and law,build up healthy working mechanism,deepen political reforms,and set up new channels for better communication between the NPC members and public representatives.
    Analysis on the System of Social Beauty:Part II ofthe Series Research of Realistic Beauty
    QI Zhi-Xiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  14-20. 
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    Realisticbeauty includes natural beauty and social beauty.Social beauty refers to the beauty created through material social practice and other social activities,which presents the beauty of fruit of labor,mind and body,and life environment,each having different forms of beauty.Now the argument of “aesthetic everyday life” has switched from abroad to home,showing its own logic and gains and losses,deserving our summary and reflection.
    On the Leisure Interest of Literati’s Life Aesthetics in Late Ming Dynasty
    ZENG Ting-Ting
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  21-26. 
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    “Interest” is an important life aesthetic conception in late Ming dynasty.“Leisure” and “interest” are closely interwoven.The change of literati’s “body leisure” makes “interest” link with sensibility life in late Ming dynasty.It forms an individual interest which integrates into desire,emotion and morality.Literati’s “leisure interest” of life aesthetics is not only to prefer worldly pleasure and indulge themselves as much as they can,but also to free from vulgarity and to seek a peaceful mind.The two aspects are interpenetrative,which presents both elegance and vulgarity of aesthetic interest in the late Ming dynasty.And the essence of two interests points to “ truth”,being loyal to the true feeling of body and emotion,which is a revolution of traditional aesthetic conception for late Ming dynasty literati.It also reflects literati’s addiction and introspection inthe abundant material and cultural life.
    Research on Social Governance
    Construction of the Collaborative Governance Mechanism in Dealing with  Network Rumors:Basis,Procedure and Implementation
    TAN Jiu-Sheng, YANG Jian-Wu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  27-33. 
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    Collaborative governance mechanism is essential in dealing with network rumors.System theory,social conflict theory,and governance theory provide a theoretical basis for the construction.The cooperative governance mechanism should focus on the main part constitution,dynamic mechanism,cooperation mechanism and supporting mechanism.To implement the construction,interaction and internal intact management among culture,organization,system and other rules are needed.
    Mega Data Governance:An Essential Approach to the  Modernization of State Governance
    LIANG Zhi-Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  34-41. 
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    Mega data,mega data governance,and modernization of state governance capacity are closely linked with the development of times.In the context of mega data governance,the state governance capacity also changes.With the help of data mining,data integration,data analysis,data sharing and data pushing,subject of state governance can be diversified and intelligentized,and state governance could be scientific and collaborative with precise target.
    Research on the Effective Prevention and Disposition of Emergencies  Related to Ethnic and Religious Factors
    ZHANG Long
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  42-47. 
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    In recent years,religious minorities together against the government’s emergency,for political or economic reasons,have been increasing.It cause antagonism,destructive,harm is also increased.Prevention and treatment of this kind of incident,need analysis events form factors.Among them may be due to their maladjustment caused by social transformation,or their offended religious believes,as well as the inner divergence of the religion and the provocation from the hostile forces.Therefore,solutions need to plan early.Prior to solve more than solve what happened.It’s need to the government pay more attention to the events at the grass-roots level,to enhance their governance ability,and to set up effective preventive measures and disposition procedures.Only by doing these,it can emergencies be effectively prevented and properly disposed.
    Study on the three rural problems
    Games and Conflicts in Rural Housing Expropriation
    ZHANG Wei-Dong, TAN Jia-Qiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  48-54. 
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    Conflicts in housing expropriation is a severe problem in Chinese society.In the games of rural housing expropriation,local governments and the expropriated peasants both have their own behavioral logic as well as the according strategies for rational behaviors.Thus,in the course of housing expropriation,there are suppression and fights from both rights.The non-market-driven compensation causes the values conflict between the peasants’“endowment effect” and the government’s “fair compensation”.Afterward,the expropriation logic from coercive transaction makes conflicts happen and intensify,leading to the game of “collaborators loss”.Therefore,the system should be adjusted towards market-oriented direction,and appropriate restraint mechanisms should be established in order to regulate the parties in the collection game.
    Policy Aid under the Conditions of Macro-control and Employment  Difficulties of New Generation of Migrant Workers
    CHENG Yun-Lei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  55-60. 
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    Conflicts between theemployers and the new generation of migrant workers in employment need and payment expectation have been increasing nowadays,leading to an employment dilemma in market economy.To solve this dilemma,the Party and governments at different levels should reform the employment system and strengthen macro-control.Policy aid should be given,including regulating employment order,improving qualities of the new generation of migrant workers,intensifying employment guidance,and better safeguarding their rights and interests to put the orderly development of the society.
    Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum
    On the Construction of Ecological Livelihood from the  Perspective of Social Capital Theory
    LI Yong-Mei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  61-66. 
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    Aiming at solving the dilemma of collective action,social capital theory provides a new analysis perspective for the construction of ecological livelihood.There is a close link between social capital and the construction of ecological livelihood.Social capital is the essential resource of construction of ecological livelihood.However,in the period of social transition,ecological livelihood construction is faced with a series of difficulties due to lack of social capital.To overcome these difficulties and promote ecological livelihood construction,the government should give full play to ecological livelihood construction,strengthening ecological education,enhancing people’s ecological awareness and responsibility,strengthening environmental protection,legislation and law enforcement,and promoting the development of the non-governmental environmental organization.Only by doing so can social capital be cultivated.
    On the View of Ecological Civilization in Transcendentalist Literature
    JIAN Gong-You
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  67-71. 
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    Based on the correct understanding of the relationship among God,Nature and Human beings and the scientific positioning of human beings in the cosmos,the transcendentalist view of ecological civilization is the crystallization of collective wisdom of all the transcendentalists and transcendentalism-influenced writers,who advocate that we should return to nature and conform to the natural laws.The core of the transcendentalist view of ecological civilization is their knowledge outlook of imitating nature,which means the recognition of the natural wisdom,the deconstruction of science and technology civilization,the criticism of developmentalism and the confidence in the natural civilization.The foothold of the transcendentalist view of ecological civilization is their natural ethics which means our human beings’ duties to take good care of Nature.
    Management science
    Research on the Mechanism of Event Marketing in Building Tourism Destination Brand Personality:A Case Study in Zhangjiajie City
    CHEN Yue, SHE Gao-Bo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  72-80. 
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    Event marketing is one of the effective means to build tourism destination brand personality,which follows the basic path of unique resources→event marketing→abstracting the personality→matching resources→brand experience,in a way of intensified circulation and continuous development.The attention degree to the tourism destination brand is depended on the event innovation,internationality,persistence,and the involvement of the public,the theme,plot,compatibility,and amalgamation being the focus of the public.All these features are the preconditions of event marketing in building tourism destination brand personality.
    Corporate Social Responsibility:Barriers and Countermeasures
    LIU Ke-Fei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  81-86. 
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    Corporate social responsibility is concerned with its sustainable development.Under the trend of globalization,more and more attention is given to it.Nowadays there are still many barriers for the corporate to share its social responsibility,which may come from government belief,corporate tenet,decision-making error,and unmatched corporate resource and its social responsibility.To overcome these barriers,the corporate should construct external environment of social responsibility,set up internal supervision department,build mechanism of information disclosure,create corporate culture,and strengthen publicity and training.
    On the Legal Protection of Personal Medical Information
    LI Dan-Dan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  87-93. 
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    In the information and internet society,personal medical information has a high commercial value and it should be protected strictly under the law of personal information protection.However,we also should be cautious about the extent of the protection for such sensitive information.On the one hand,the patients’ personal medical information should be protected properly;on the other hand,the protection system of personal information should ensure the smooth development of the public health services and advances in medical research.It is a better choice to refer to the principles of the OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data to determine their boundary.
    On the Penalty Limit for Internet Defamation:Comment on Some Articles of the Judicial Interpretation on the Punishment for Internet Defamation
    CHEN Xiao-Biao, TIAN Wen-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  94-100. 
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    Althoughjudicial interpretation from the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate has provided certain bases for the punishment of Internet defamation,there still exist some legal obstacles in execution,leading to great conflicts with the theory of criminal law.For example,article 2(1) exceeds the area of jurisdiction;article 3(1) makes crimes applicable to the group events,which contributes to the localization of justice;and article 5(2) lowers the threshold of the crime of affray.From the perspective of judicial interpretation theory,holds that proper conclusion of judicial interpretation should be made so that the steady and justice of law could be realized.
    The Living Logic of Bachelors in Patriarchal Villages:Based on the Study of Bachelors in a Village Named S,F County,Guangxi
    LI Yong-Ping, CI Qin-Ying
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  101-109. 
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    The bachelors in patriarchal villages have its unique living logic. The living logic of bachelors is built on top of the family which is incomplete,as well as bachelor reality of the situation in the village. That is:on the one hand,due to the structural strength of ascription of blood,the bachelors make positive performance in human exchanges in the “insiders” circle;on the other hand,with the absence of independent family,the bachelors didn’t have long-term expectations of village life,so they did’t need to get a good reputation by participating in the village public utilities,thus making bachelors have negative performance in public obligations. The living logic of bachelors confirms and sustains its character as a bachelor.
    Identity Concealment,Ethnicity Differentiation,and Homosexual Movement
    WANG Qing-Feng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  110-115. 
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    Due to social discrimination,culturalprejudice,systematic suppression,lack of channels to express their benefit as well as many other factors,there is no collective identity recognition in the homosexual ethnic groups.Instead,self-differentiation and fragmentation is getting more and more serious,leading to invisibility of the subject and weak identity recognition of the ethnic group,unable to share unified collective identity and culture.There are two forms of gay social movement under the concealed identity and differentiated ethnic group:one is the non-resistant homosexual movement,the other is the gay consumerism,the so-called “pink economy” which shows the transformed fields from politics to economy.The homosexual ethnic groups’ social movement is determined by their eco-environment and self-characteristics,and the non-resistant signal,cultural interference,manifestation mode,and homosexual consumerism may all be regarded as local recognition and movement mode.
    Time Totem in British Desert Island Novels
    KONG Jian-Ping, YOU Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  116-121. 
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    The sense of time of modernity is the core connotation of modernity.The totem of time has been appearing more frequently in various forms in theBritish Desert Island novels.The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe expresses an optimistic attitude toward the sense of time of modernity while Gulliver’s Travels questions the blind belief in it.Since the 19th century,British Desert Island novels have begun to alienate,oppose,and deconstruct the optimistic attitude toward it.The Beach manifests the futility of the contemporary men in releasing the bondage of simultaneity and pursuing the new sense of time.The “negation of negation” transformation throws light on the intensification of the paradox of modernity.
    Xiangxi Image in the Divergent Aesthetic Appreciation of Self and the Other
    ZHOU Hui-Ling
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2015, 36(2):  122-128. 
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    In Chinese literature,Xiangxi image is a unique cultural and literature phenomenon with multiple aesthetic modalities manifested,among which Xiangxi image in folk legends,however it is displayed,is a binary opposition situation,deeply embodying the divergent aesthetic appreciation between self and the other.Shen Congwen’ s poetic demonstration about local features and survival situation of people in Xiangxi have realized the most successful self-molding of Xiangxi.The romantic and poetic Xiangxi images in his works contain profound value core,referring to the insights and reveal of humanity.However,Xiangxi image in online literature is displayed from the perspective of the other which is curiosity deduction and mysterious cultural interest as to folk secret news and mysterious customs in Xiangxi,with numerous texts to mould phantoms of Xiangxi image full of ghosts and goblins,undoubtedly becoming a kind of one-dimensional writing and aesthetic appreciation as to western Hunan image.
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