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    01 March 2024, Volume 45 Issue 2
    Special Topic “The Spirit of Educators”
    The Historical Origin,Theoretical Basis,and Practical Direction of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on the Spirit of Educator 
    ZHOU Hongyu, QI Yanlei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  1-7. 
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    General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the spirit of educator has realized the tempering of history,the condensation of theory and the leap of experience,which provides a guiding framework for strengthening the teacher team and building a nation strong on education.From the historical perspective,General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the spirit of educator draws on the historical wisdom of China's excellent traditional teacher-student ethics,inherits the historical context of the Party's century-long construction of the teacher team,and stems from the historical mission of solidifying the foundation of a nation strong on education.In terms of theoretical adherence,it is rooted in the educational theories of Marxist classical writers,based on the achievements with the adaption of Marxist educational theories to China's context,and built upon General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on education.In terms of practical direction,it emphasizes accelerating the construction of a nation strong on education,establishing a high-quality teacher education system,and nurturing "great teachers" for the new era.
    Returning to the Origin,Opening up New Paths and Fulfilling the Mission:An Interpretation of the Connotation of the Spirit of Educator
    LIU Tiefang, SUN Lu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  8-17. 
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    The spirit of educator put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping is rooted in China's fine traditional culture.Facing the requirement of building a nation strong on education,science and technology and outstanding talents in the new era,it highlights the basic mission of cultivating people and is the unity of returning to the origin,opening up new paths,and fulfilling the mission."Returning to the origin" means returning to the excellent educational tradition of ancient China,which analyzes the connotation of the spirit of educator from the perspectives of value mission,practical principle,and emotional motivation."Opening up new paths" focuses on the modern value of the spirit of educator,which can be interpreted from the three perspectives of integrity,time,and the humanity of education."Fulfilling the mission" emphasizes the mission and responsibility of the spirit of educator,which returns to the original mission of teachers' teaching and educating people.First,with sincere and lofty national ideals,we should strive to fulfill the mission of the rejuvenation of the nation;second,with professional qualities of loving and good teaching,we should return to the essential mission of teaching and educating people;and thirdly,with a high vision of the world,we should achieve the sublimation of teachers' personalities.The proposal of the spirit of educator not only directly concerns education in China,but also that in the world,aiming to seek basic answers to today's human education in Chinese way.
    The Contemporary Implication and Cultivation of the Spirit of Educator
    LONG Baoxin, YANG Fei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  18-25. 
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    The spirit of educator refers to a kind of spiritual temperament presented in the expert of education,the outstanding practical talents of education and the advanced educational reformers.It is the historical mission of contemporary Chinese teacher education reform to cultivate teachers' spirit of educator and accelerate the growth of people's educators.The development of the spirit of educator experiences a "double leap",including the leaps from "educational thought" to "educational spirit" and "educational spirit" to "spirit of educator",whose essence is both the spiritualizing of idea and personification of spirit.The three-dimensional structure of the "spirit of people's educator" is the step-by-step synthesis of the self-cultivation spirit at the bottom,the governance spirit at the middle level and the spirit of the world at the top.The personality of Chinese educators is as follows:the matrix of personality is the education model of self-cultivation masters,the core of personality is the education expert with benevolence,wisdom and beauty,and the high level of personality is the education spirit of home and country.The cultivation of the spirit of educator of contemporary Chinese teachers requires the start of systematic construction project,that is,the construction of a positive teacher ethics education system with integrity,kindness,dedication and responsibility as the core,the construction of a teacher professional development system with truth,beauty and creativity as the core,and the construction of an educator growth environment with democracy,freedom and harmony as the core.
    Special articles
    A Dual Perspective on the Study of Tea History and Tea Industry:From Historical and Contemporary Standpoints
    ZHONG Weimin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  26-34. 
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    China,as a major tea-producing country,possesses a rich tradition of tea culture.Following the opening of new maritime routes,Chinese tea began to spread worldwide,transforming tea trade into a pivotal factor in globalization.This phenomenon led the foremost global power of the time,Britain,to adopt tea as a national beverage,giving rise to the distinctive British tea culture.However,the flourishing tea trade did not propel China towards becoming a dominant power;instead,it found itself subjugated as a semi-colonial entity by foreign powers.The Chinese tea industry experienced a decline from the late Qing dynasty until the late 20th century,only beginning to recover thereafter,but still falling short of achieving dominance in the global tea industry.A comprehensive study of tea history can unveil the roots of China's sluggish tea industry,while a reflection on the current state of the tea industry can stimulate further exploration into tea history.Therefore,it is imperative to give due attention to the study of tea history and culture,approaching the issue of revitalizing the tea industry from both historical and contemporary perspectives.
    "Yangtze River Scholars" Forum
    The Four Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience Technology in the Field of Sports
    ZHOU Chenglin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  35-43. 
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    The application of cognitive neuroscience technology in the field of sports includes revealing the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive functions involved in sports and enhancing human motor abilities,as well as the use of various hardware technology devices and their specific effects.Focusing on four core themes of exploring the perception-action advantages of high-level athletes,improving psychological services for major competitions,enhancing learning outcomes for children and adolescents,and promoting cognitive rehabilitation for addictive populations,the practical application and functional performance of technologies such as electroencephalography (EEG),functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI),near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS),and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) provide scientific evidence for understanding the brain's plasticity and cognitive mechanisms during sports,enhancing the effectiveness of sports training and learning,and facilitating psychological rehabilitation.The demands for high technology in sports unlock more scenarios,and cognitive neuroscience technology brings new development opportunities to sports.It is foreseeable that algorithm improvement will be an effective means to solve individual differences and commonalities among groups.The innovation of wearable devices has great potential in meeting the technological needs of various sports scenarios.
    Dynamic Effects of Juggling Learning on Gray Matter Volume in Football Players
    CHEN Aiguo, DONG Xiaoxiao, SHI Yifan, CHEN Dandan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  44-53. 
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    Objective To provide new evidence to explain the neural mechanism of motor skill learning through investigating the characteristics of gray matter volume changes in football juggling learning from both spatial and temporal perspectives.Method To select 111 college students as the research objects.According to the principle of voluntary training,they are divided into experimental group and control group.Among them,the experimental group carried out 70 sessions of football juggling learning,and the control group was engaged in their regular academic and personal activities over the same timeframe.Structural magnetic resonance imaging was used to collect brain imaging data at three time points:baseline,35 sessions,and 70 sessions.Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was used to analyze the changes of gray matter volume.Results (1) The volume of gray matter in the relevant brain area changed after 70 sessions of football juggling learning.The specific spatial characteristics were as follows:the gray matter volume of the left cerebellum 6,the left lingual gyrus and the right calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex area increased significantly.(2) There were differences in the change of gray matter volume during 70 sessions of football juggling learning.The specific temporal characteristics were as follows:in the early stage (the first 35 sessions),the gray matter volume decreased in the regions of the right postcentral gyrus,the right middle frontal gyrus,the right superior frontal gyrus (medial),the bilateral inferior occipital gyrus,the bilateral middle occipital gyrus,the bilateral gyrus rectus and the right cerebellum,while the gray matter volume of the vermis increased.In the later stage (the last 35 sessions),the volume of gray matter decreased in the left inferior occipital gyrus,the left parahippocamal gyrus and the left olfactory cortex.Conclusion The acquisition of football juggling is associated with an increase in the volume of gray matter in brain regions associated with visual information and physical coordination.The gray matter volume of the related brain areas such as visual information,limb coordination and motor control can be changed by football juggling learning,and it shows the temporal characteristic of the transfer from the front to the back of the brain.
    The Process and Value of China-assisted Foreign Sports Venues
    CHEN Yuanxin, LIU Heng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  54-62. 
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    The process of China-assisted foreign sports venues has experienced three stages from government coordination to enterprise-led participants,from free assistance to market cooperation,and from labor and technology export to design and concept export.As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era,China's construction of foreign venues has always adhered to the concepts of mutual benefit,win-win cooperation and pluralistic mutual learning,which takes concrete actions to promote the Belt and Road Initiative for shared benefits,implements the people-centered global development initiative,promotes fair and reasonable global sports governance,and helps build a regional community.Under the guidance of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind,China's construction of foreign venues should be optimized and promoted from the aspects of promoting the integration of Chinese standards with world standards,implementing the construction and operation of Chinese plans for sustainable development,building a community of interests for win-win cooperation,and actively participating in international market competition,so as to contribute more Chinese strength to the development of world sports.
    Special Topic “ In Commemoration of Mr. Huang Yongyu”
    A Widely-involved Person with Unique Artistic Style and Unrestrained Personality—On Huang Yongyu's Artistic Life
    ZHANG Gan, LIU Chang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  63-71. 
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    In 2023,Mr. Huang Yongyu passed away,finishing his legendary life.Huang Yongyu is not only talented and widely involved in different fields,but also loved by people from all walks of life because of his open-minded,optimistic and unrestrained personality.In his preface to Huang Yongyu's collection of essays,"Along the Seine to Florence",Huang Shang,a famous writer,called him "a person who is widely-involved".Indeed,in the Chinese art world in the 20th century,there are few artists as talented and widely involved as Huang Yongyu.He did not attend any academy of fine arts,but his woodcuts,Chinese painting and design are renowned in the domestic art circles;nor did he receive any systematic education,but his prose,new poems and essays give a sense of simplicity and wisdom.In art,Huang Yongyu is a diligent and inquisitive explorer,forming his general,concise,and highly decorative artistic style after years of sharpening his skills and abilities.More importantly,no matter what difficulties he has encountered,he expresses the bright and beautiful side of the world with a philosophical and humorous attitude,and this is his unique personality.Today,it is very enlightening for us to review Huang Yongyu's artistic life.
    Equality of All Things and Historical Presentation:"Redundancy" in the Narration of Huang Yongyu's Novels—Centering on Zhuque Town in The Vagabond on the Wuchou River
    LIU Tairan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  72-85. 
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    The Vagabond on the Wuchou River by Huang Yongyu is not the work of an old man in his eighties on a whim,but the product of decades of continuous enthusiasm,repeated thinking and deliberation,which embodies the conscious stylistic consciousness and creative idea.Huang Yongyu continues Shen Congwen's thinking on the relationship between literature and history.By "paying attention to the secondary things",Huang Yongyu explores the obscure nameless things with an amazing sensibility and makes them appear in a new form in a new line of sight.It is a large number of material redundancies excluded by the dominant narrative,and those seemingly superfluous people,things and things with no definite meaning that constitute the "history" moved by Huang Yongyu.He extends the tentacles of feeling to all subtle aspects of daily life,equates those things at the low end of the value sequence with those at the high end,and regards them as the same level.It not only touches the ordinary sad music that is not concerned by the grand narrative,but also touches the material sound and shadow in the folds of nature and history,so that the river of history unfolds slowly and deeply in the text.
    The Path of Building a Country Strong on Agriculture with Digital Economy
    WEN Feng'an
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  86-94. 
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    A country strong on agriculture,characterized by safe and reliable agricultural supply,self-relied agricultural scientific and technological innovation,perfect facilities and equipment,sound agricultural industrial chain,intensive and efficient utilization of high-end agricultural resources,and obvious international competitive agricultural advantages,is the inevitable requirement of promoting agricultural modernization and realizing high-quality development.The development of digital economy has profoundly changed people's production and life style,and it is an important starting point to promote technological innovation and industrial reform.The construction of a country strong on agriculture with digital economy has become an objective need to improve the comprehensive efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture.China pays great attention to agricultural construction,and has made considerable achievements such as stable agricultural economy,stable basic position,further transformation of agricultural management mode,stronger vitality of modern agriculture and so on.However,it is also faced with some problems in the construction of agricultural digital infrastructure,the supply of digital resources,the homogenization of agricultural related products,the transformation of agricultural digitization,the flow of data elements,the international competitiveness,the degree of integration of digital technology and rural industrial chain,etc.In the process of Chinese-style modernization,it is necessary to strengthen the construction of agricultural digital infrastructure,improve the quality of supply,promote the accurate supply of digital resources,improve the innovation ability of agricultural science and technology,strengthen the industrialization of agricultural characteristics and build the brand of characteristic industries.Also,we need to improve the international competitiveness of agricultural products and ensure appropriate and reliable imports and exports,extend the industrial chain,speed up the integration of digital technology and primary,secondary and tertiary industries to achieve high-quality agricultural development,and promote the early realization of a country strong on agriculture.
    The Dilemma of Income Distribution in the Marketization of Rural Collective Land Designated for Business-related Construction—A Case Study Based on S City,Hunan Province
    LI Zhongren, CAI Qingming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  95-103. 
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    The imperfect income distribution mechanism and unreasonable distribution proportion within the village are the outstanding problems facing the pilot of the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction in our country at present.The case study shows that the difficulty of withholding the collective income of the village and the distribution contradiction among the villagers are the main manifestations of the distribution dilemma.With the help of the dual logical analysis framework of "land property right pattern-elite governance capacity",this paper proves that the collective land property right pattern is the structural condition for formulating the income distribution rules of entering the market within the village,the governancecapacity of the village elite in the process of income distribution is the active factor that affects the income distribution rules,and the interaction between the two determines the final income distribution pattern.When the villages entering the market belong to the pattern of individual land property rights and the governance capacity of the village elites is weak,the collective economic organizations are easy to fall into the dilemma of collective action when distributing the income from entering the market.In order to deepen the reform of marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction in the future,we should pay attention to the role of rural elites and strengthen the government's guidance and supervision of income distribution within the village.
    The Judgment Model of the Limit of Ecologicalization of Tort Law and Its Application:Focusing on the Chinese Civil Code
    HU Jing, DONG Yijun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  104-117. 
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    The ecologicalization of tort law is necessary to meet the needs of the times,but it should be properly restricted.The binary model of function and degree can be used to judge the limit of the ecologicalization of positive law.If the function of positive law is judged to protect public welfare,it can be considered to exceed the ecological limit,because the function of tort law as private law is to protect personal interests;if it is to protect personal interests,it will be decided whether this law satisfies the ask of degree then.According to the binary judgment model,the legislative evaluation of the imputation principle,causality,liability and exemption reasons stipulated in the Civil Code is that the overall ecologicalization exceeds the limit.Considering the nature of interests and the logic that environmental torts can be divided into indirect and direct modes,the existing rules should be improved correctly by means of judicial interpretation.Firstly,the principle of fault liability should be applied to the direct environmental torts and the indirect environmental torts are subject to the principle of presumption of fault when the property rights are damaged.Secondly,the presumption of causality shall not be applied to the direct environmental infringement,and when the right to health or the right to life is impaired,the requirements for certification standards shall be reduced appropriately.Thirdly,the rules of the punitive damage should be explained strictly.Finally,the provisions on the exemption of liability of gross negligence and others shall be added to the victim's fault rules,and the tortfeasor should be exempted from the middle liability when the third party causes the harm completely.
    The Realistic Possibilities of the Social Co-governance of Law and Folk Customs—from the Perspective of Structural Functionalism
    CHEN Wenhua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  118-129. 
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    The pluralistic co-governance of law and folk customs should be a necessary option for the governance of social rules.In the view of structural functionalism,the premise of functional coupling between law or folk customs and other subsystems (political or economic subsystems) is that the conditions for its existence are provided by itself or other subsystems of social structure (political or economic subsystems).The law changes from the one-dimensional value law to the contractual positivist law,and the national coercive force is not the constituent element but the implementation guarantee.The law is mainly characterized by formal rationalization and universal application,and is inherent in the contractual society,while folk customs are original,special and harmonious,embedded in the narrow cooperative society,and guaranteed by the recognition of value and the pressure of public opinion.Contemporary Chinese society is neither a contractual society nor a cooperative society,but a mixture of contractual and cooperative factors.The governance of social rules in China should turn to the dual co-governance of law and folk customs.
    The Theoretical Implications and Discourse Strategies of International Human Rights Struggle—Based on the Proposition of the Universality of Human Rights
    HONG Lewei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  130-139. 
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    The main field of international human rights struggle is human rights discourse,which is closely related to the theoretical proposition of"universality of human rights",a proposition containing profound struggle itself.The deconstruction of the legitimacy of "universal human rights",the main tactics of human rights intervention in the West,is an important part of the struggle of human rights discourse.The key to deconstruction of it lies in the separation of long-term binding relationship between "universal human rights" and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principle of universality of human rights,so as to fundamentally shake the legitimate foundation of its "universality".The normative expression of the principle of universality of human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at least contains the dual universal requirements of "human rights subject" and "right content".The presentation and comparison of the meaning of this norm shows that the West has seriously deviated from the principle of universality of human rights both in concept and practice.The so-called "universal human rights" is undoubtedly hypocritical and limited,and it absolutely cannot represent the universal principle of human rights.Comparatively speaking,the achievements,concepts and practice of human rights in the development of China's human rights are the models that truly fit and demonstrate this principle.Therefore,in order to carry out the struggle of human rights discourse nowadays,especially in the expression of the proposition of universality of human rights,we should actively compete for the representative and discourse right of the principle of universality of human rights,and construct the "universality" position of Chinese human rights discourse,so that the principle of universality of human rights is no longer monopolized and controlled by Western discourse,and China can further enhance international influence and discourse right of human rights.
    Cultural Studies
    The Friendship of Literati of the Qing Dynasty in the Network of Culture and Power—An Investigation Centering on Yang Shoujing
    ZHANG Ning, CUI Wutong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  140-149. 
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    Yang Shoujing had four great opportunities in his life,all of which revealed the important role of literati friendship in the academic and cultural activities of the Qing Dynasty.Its essence was the blending relationship between cultural and power network.In traditional Chinese literati culture,literati elegance and learning are important cultural capital and the core content of friendship.The "ancient-loving" academic atmosphere in the Qing Dynasty promoted the inheritance and innovation of excellent Chinese traditional culture to a certain extent,but reduced the literati's attention and thinking about realistic social problems and weakened the spirit that "articles are written for times" and that "(literati) should be the first to worry about the affairs of the state" in the scholar-official culture.Driven by the needs of culture and power,the study of epigraphy,which has a variety of functions such as collection,scholarship,literati communication media and elegant bribery,shows a trend of abnormal prosperity,epigraphy has become a cultural capital for Yang et al to enter the mainstream cultural circle and expand his social contact.In this regard,dialectically paying attention to the circle of literati travel is an important way to deepen the study of academic social history and artistic social history.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    Social Mourning from "Strangers":Digital Mourning and Continuous Bonds with Chinese Characteristics
    GAO Jialu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 45(2):  150-160. 
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    Nowadays,digital mourning has become a unique way of media memory.When some individual lives are gone,tens of thousands of "strangers" mourn on social media,forming a special bond.This study takes the deceased of “celebrities” and “ordinary celebrities” as cases,and explores the generation mechanism,significance and contemporary value of strangers' digital mourning of the deceased public figures from the perspective of the theory of Continuing Bonds,focusing on the characteristics of the continuing bonds in the Chinese context.The study finds that mourners establish bonds based on five motives:information compensation,spiritual imagination,emotional tree-hole,fixed rituals,and memory writing,through which they renegotiate the deceased's identity in order to extend the deceased's personality and obtain guidance for their lives;the public and social nature of connections strengthens the group experience,allowing mourners to enjoy the sense of intimacy and trust brought by the community,and to fight against forgetfulness through rituals,which in turn facilitates the discussion of public issues.The continuing bonds in the Chinese context are characterized by a particular temporal rhythm,and its expression of mourning has a tendency towards pragmatism.The bonds with Chinese characteristics originate from the post life world belief model of "death is like life",as well as the "eternal" imagination provided by digital technology.These bonds are beneficial for individuals to cope with the sense of loss and confusion caused by the phenomenon of death.It is a way of emotional resonance in the digital age and also provides a possibility for social trust reconstruction.
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