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    01 July 2020, Volume 41 Issue 4
    Special articles
    The Tension and Dilemma of Digital Humanities—Also on the Connotation of "Digital"
    ZHANG Yaoming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  1-11. 
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    Digital humanities have become a hot spot and a trend of academic research in China.Therefore,it is necessary to have an in-depth discussion on the "digital" components of digital humanities.First,"digital" is software,algorithm,technology,tool,infrastructure and research paradigm.While "digital" brings opportunities for humanistic academic research,its technical and ethical dilemmas have also emerged.Second,from digital survival to digital discovery,it not only brings a new mode of thinking and research perspective,but also transforms the carrier and leads to the change of meaning.Third,it has realized the "computational turn" of humanistic academic research from speculative research method to data-driven research paradigm.However,the problem is that "digital" is dominant,which cannot well reflect the humanistic concept,thus it affects the original academic achievements in China.How to break through the "digital dilemma" of digital humanities? It is particularly important to strengthen problem orientation,improve compound literacy,cross-border cooperation and innovation,and promote cultural criticism.
    On the Construction of Cooperative Culture in Risk Society
    ZHANG Kangzhi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  12-20. 
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    1980s saw the process of globalization and post-industrialization.This is a historic social transformation movement in the development of human society,signifying the opening of a new stage.However,the culture,which is generated in the historical stage of industrial society and classified into the category of modernism,is so deeply rooted in people's hearts that it rejects to change,causing human beings to fall into a risk society.The emergence of the risk society is the consequence of the development of the industrial society,i.e.the capitalist society,but the conflict between the requirements of change and the continuation of culture in the process of social change is also one of the reasons for the emergence of the risk society.When we are in the risk society,it is an urgent task to reflect on the individual culture of the industrial society and the competitive culture as its form of expression,and to establish the construction goal of the cooperative culture.Risk society means that mankind passively becomes a community with a shared future.In order to change it into a positive community with a shared future,we can only take cooperative action,and the cultural requirements of cooperative action should be based on the construction of cooperative culture.
    The famous interview
    From "Poetics of Form and Culture" to Generalized Semiotics—An Interview with Professor Zhao Yiheng
    ZOU Zan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  21-29. 
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    The Environmental Law Connotation of the Idea That "Man and Nature Is a Community of Life"
    CAI Shouqiu,WANG Meng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  30-37. 
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    The idea that "man and nature is a community of life" has rich connotation in the environmental law.In terms of the adjustment scope of environmental law,it reinterprets the relationship between man and nature under the life community;in terms of the values of environmental law,it advocates the ecological values of holism;in terms of the environmental subjectivity,it recognizes the subject status of nature;the idea that "man and nature is a community of life" should be raised as the concept,and even the legislative principle of environmental law in our country.This idea extends human moral concern to the whole nature,and regards the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature as the highest value goal.It requires people to establish a concept of ecological civilization,respecting,conforming to and protecting nature,which alsoprovides theoretical support for the development of environmental law in our country.
    Eco Environmental Forum:
    Explanatory Power,Classification Practice and Institutional Response of the "Two Mountains" Theory
    TANG Shaojun,WEI Yu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  38-45. 
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    The "Two Mountains" theory,put forward by President Xi Jinping,means that good environment is the mostvaluable asset.Essentially it is to reveal the relationship between economic development and environmental protection,which can be used to effectively explain the choice,abandonment and persistence of human beings in the development of China’s economy and even the world economy.At present,China can practice the "Two Mountains" theory by taking "ecological priority" path in the forbidden development zones,"green development" path in the key development zones,and "ecological priority,green development" path in the restricted and optimized development zones.In the practice of classification,there is an urgent need to carry out policy guidance through measures such as implementing differentiated financial investment policies,innovating indirect financial input methods,increasing the considerations for determining environmental taxes,and perfecting the green credit incentive mechanism.Measures should be taken to guarantee the rule of law,such as the construction of the model of "collaborative procedure" of regional collaborative legislation,the checks and balances of the "functions and responsibilities" of the river head,the aggregate creation of the "cross-line responsibility" of the ecological protection red line,the clear procedure of inspectors' "intensified accountability" of environmental protection,the index setting of "characteristic evaluation" of environmental credit,and so on.
    Governance Practice and Framework Construction of NIMBY Conflict from the Perspective of Functionalism:Based on Typical Cases
    TAN Shuang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  46-54. 
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    A correct understanding and scientific management of NIMBY conflicts is of great significance to promote the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity and prevent major risks.Based on the perspective of "functional theory",it is not difficult to find that there are negative functions caused by improper strategies such as negligent governance and extensive governance of NIMBY conflict in our country.At the same time,the positive functions,inspired bythe long-term and diversified governance,etc.,are also presented.In view of this,we should further reflect on and optimize the governance concepts and specific measures at various stages of NIMBY conflict,such as the incubation period,outbreak period,extension period and recovery period,so as to rid the negative functions and stimulate the positive functions,turning "governance difficulties" into "governance inflection points" and reversing "threats" to "opportunities".
    Public Behavior Evolution and Resolution Strategy of NIMBY Conflict from the Perspective of Risk Perception—A Case Study of Waste Incineration Project inYuhang,Zhejiang Province
    SUN Zhuangzhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  55-64. 
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    In recent years,the Chinese public have developed a strong perception of environmental risk brought by harmful NIMBY facilities (waste incineration,chemical plants,etc.),which have caused frequent mass incidents.From the perspective of risk perception,the municipal solid waste incineration project inYuhang,Zhejiang Province has experienced such steps as strong risk perception,firm opposition,declination of risk perception,attempt in understanding,change of attitude,and acceptance.In sequence,the evolution mechanism of public behavior in NIMBY projects follows a logic of physical risk,amplification of the risk perception,generation of the crisis,transformation of the intervention factors,declination of the risk perception,and resolution of the crisis.In order to get rid of the emergency treatment of NIMBY projects,a normal decision-making procedure embedded with public risk perception should be constructed,whose core is the public risk perception,with the close link of risk communication,scientific technical assessment and reasonable interest compensation,the concept of deliberative democracy running through the whole procedure.
    Poverty control
    Livelihood of Pendulum Mobility:the Choice of Survival Strategies from the Perspective of Livelihood Capacity—A Case Study of the Relocation Site of Poverty Alleviation in M Town of Chongqing
    LI Xueping,WEI Aichun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  65-74. 
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    In the context of poverty alleviation and relocation,livelihood capacity plays a significant role in the choice of livelihood strategies.As an analytical paradigm that integrates initiative and resistance,livelihood capacity originates from the discussion of adaptive capacity in the study of vulnerability and sustainable livelihood,and is a combination of endogenous capacity and the capacity given byexternal resources.It is a capacity structure formed by the combination of capacity and process.In the follow-up development of poverty alleviation and relocation in different places,livelihood capacity has become an important mechanism affecting the relocation of households to shake off poverty and become rich.Although the relocation families are faced with the survival challenges of landless resettlement and low mobility,the relocation of poverty alleviation in the easy place has enhanced their ability of independent choice.In the process of selection and adjustment,due to the lack of life capacity,the relocation households choose a survival strategy of pendulum mobility.In this way,they deal with the livelihood dilemma with the "replication" and "transformation" of productive elements,so they have better adapted themselves to the new environment,and formed a kind of swinging livelihood.
    Maintenance Families and Poverty Reproduction—Based on the Empirical Investigation in the Contiguous Areas of Extreme Poverty ofShiqian County,Guizhou Province
    LI Yongping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  75-84. 
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    Extreme poverty in the contiguous areas is fundamentally a cultural problem.In the process of market-oriented transformation,family and village are the important media of farmers’ marketization,and family,village and market together define the logic of farmers’ life in the transition period.The relationship between farmers and families and that between farmers and villages in Guizhou reduces local farmers’ motivation to enter the market,thus giving birth to the formation of maintenance families.Specifically,the formation of maintenance families mainly stems from the weak accumulation of family resources of "half-work" and "half-farming" and the allocation of family resources dominated by immediate consumption.On the whole,the farmers’ families show a state of "low income,high consumption and low accumulation",leading to insufficient family accumulation and weak ability for family development.Maintenance family is the structural basis of poverty culture.The maintenance concept of family and the pressure-free village society block the marketization of farmers' labor force,which not only dispels the motivation of farmers to enter the labor market,but also dilutes the pressure of marketization.Based on this,the fundamental way to alleviate poverty is to reshape the goal of family reproduction,activate and release the ability of family development,and break the family model of poverty reproduction.
    Political science
    Constructing International Norms for the Governance of Cyber Terrorism—An Analytical Framework of Neo-liberal Institutionalism
    ZHAO Ruiqi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  85-96. 
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    In the era of rapid globalization and information technology,the Internet has objectively become an amplifier for breeding terrorism.Like cyber conflict,cyber espionage and cyber crime,cyber terrorism has become a threat source and risk factor of cyberspace security,making it one of the newest and most intractable problems in the field of international security.To this end,it is necessary to reduce the capacity of the Internet to extremism through the construction and diffusion of international norms.Based on the theory of international cooperation of neo-liberal institutionalism,through the path of "organization,mechanism and habitus",that is,"common cooperation" at the level of cyberspace governance,"deterrence and prevention" at the daily level and "joint strike" at the disciplinary level,we can build a human community with shared interests and destiny in the governance of cyber terrorism.In reality,due to the differences of legal framework and security measures in different countries,cyber tracing cannot be conducted accurately;and many problems and challenges still exist in cracking down and punishing cyber terrorism because of the value conflicts between enterprises and governments in cutting off the transmission.However,the international community has reached a consensus on the rules,mechanisms,institutions and order in fighting against cyber terrorism,and strengthened the coordination of policies and practices and the sharing of threat information and best practices,which provides a feasible path for the formation of habitus and the establishment of a global institutional framework.
    Management science
    The Behavior of "Leaving-trace Formalism" in Grass-roots Government:an Explanatory Framework
    JI Naili,WANG Yanze
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  97-106. 
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    This paper attempts to put forward an explanatory framework from the Central Government and local levels to investigate the causes of the excessive formalism.At the local level,under the principal-agent pattern of asymmetric information,the lower-level government should send signals to the higher-level government to indicate that it has completed the task,so as to provide evidence for the higher-level government to recognize the effectiveness of the work and avoid political risks,thus this logic induces officials’ "superficial coping" behavior.At the Central Government level,after the 18th CPC National Congress,the authority of Central Government was sharply strengthened,and governments at all levels tried to ensure the completion of the policy through layers of supervision and inspection and thetransmission of pressure.However,subject to the constraints of transaction costs,grass-roots governments can only be assessed by means of technological governance,and because of its limits,the macro-restraint mechanism can only acquiesce in or even encourage the emergence of "leaving-trace formalism".Formalism cannot be regarded as a stubborn disease in our huge system,but as a natural manifestation of the political system in the process of dealing with the contradiction between the Central Government and the grass-roots governance logic,reflecting the debugging process carried out by the government around technological governance,indicating that the government is attempting to explore a path that can be realized by the modernization of the national governance capacity and governance system.
    Craftsmanship from the Perspective of an Integrative Framework
    LI Pengbo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  107-115. 
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    At present,craftsmanship has been promoted to the national level,gradually becoming an important driving force to carry out the quality revolution.The existingresearch mainly defines craftsmanship from four basic perspectives:professional quality,ethics,organizational culture,and value orientation,lacking comprehensive and hierarchical analysis.In order to better promote the research of craftsmanship and its related practice,an integrated conceptual framework is constructed,which includes the six dimensions of quality pursuit,performance belief,professional commitment,ability literacy,continuous innovation and inheritance care.They systematically annotate the rich connotation of craftsmanship in the ultimate goal,business skill,professional attitude and social responsibility.Future research on craftsmanship can develop corresponding measurement tools on the basis of the integrated framework,and then explore the antecedents,results and boundary conditions.
    Theory of literature and art
    The Dialectics of the Theory of "History of Poetry" and the Construction of the Poetics of "History of Heart"
    LI Guikui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  116-123. 
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    In the traditional cognition,"poetry" and "history",which are good at lyricism and narration respectively,have their own play and complement each other.Since Du Fu,a poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) who was good at narrative and whose poets were praised as the "history of poetry",later generations have constantly matched various poetic styles with chronicles,biographies,records and other historical biographies,so as to enhance the documentary and narrative nature of poetry.It makes the theory of "history of poetry",with documentary and narrative nature,brilliant again since the Song Dynasty (960-1279).During the reign of Jiajing (1522-1566) in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644),Kong Tianyin summarized this style as "taking history as poetry" and "the unity of emotion and affairs".In particular,the poets who experienced social unrest and great chaos in the Ming and Qing (1636-1912) dynasties promoted narrative poetry in the process of inheriting the tradition of "taking history as poetry".The theory of "history of poetry" was also accompanied by questions and arguments about until the emergence of the theory of "history of heart" in the Qing Dynasty.On the one hand,"history of heart" not only emphasizes the lyric nature of poetry,but also takes into account the narrative performance,thus it combines "poetry" with "history";on the other hand,it regards "heart" and "emotion" as ways of special narration,emphasizing the function of poetry in narrating "heart",making it a kind of mental history in a certain sense and essentially emphasizing "the unity of emotion and affairs".Therefore,the theories of "history of heart" and "history of poetry" go hand in hand,and they influence the construction of historiography.Based on this,it’s easy to understand why Qian Zhongshu has proposed that "poetry contains history" and "history contains poetry".
    The Modern Construction of Art:from Berlin School to Vienna School
    LIU Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  124-131. 
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    The period from the 19th century to the early 20th century was important for the construction of western modern art.During this period,the academic groups of German-speaking countries represented by the Berlin School,the Leipzig School and the Vienna School were born,as well as a series of critical,original and constructive ideas.Reflecting on traditional research paradigm,a discipline of art with modern significance has been gradually built,with the concept of art science as the core and historical and theoretical studies as the domain,forming a new research paradigm based on the methodology of formalist analysis and iconology.This historical process is an important chapter in the academic and ideological history of the West,and the modern academic system of art studies constructed by it and its theoretical basis and genealogy of knowledge have also become an important reference for the theoretical discipline construction of contemporary Chinese art studies.
    From Spirit Writing to Spiritualism:Knowledge and Rationality in the Contemporary Debate between Science and Metaphysics
    ZHANG Jia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 41(4):  132-139. 
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    While accepting the formal science,some modern intellectual elites were stimulated and inspired by the western popular spiritualism and pushed the traditional spiritual belief to a new dimension of the study of spiritualism.They tried to use rationality and science to understand spiritual knowledge beyond scientific knowledge,so as to revere the unknown world to promote the transformation of the known world at the spiritual and moral level thereby saving the nation by spiritualism.While the opponents of spiritualism,represented by the New Youth,insisted on thorough scientism and rational attitude,regarding spiritualism as a backward superstition that hindered the development of science.These two opposite positions revealed the intellectual elites' common reflection on modern western knowledge and the traditional Chinese scholarship under the impact of western culture.They brought in beneficial discussions on the concepts of science,religion and superstition and modern enlightenment spirit,which became theoretical materials for the later debate between science and metaphysics.Under the guidance of the Enlightenment culture,Chinese society has gradually become dominated by rationalization and secularization,and spiritualism can no longer meet the requirements of the development of the society.From the debate of spiritualism to the debate of science and metaphysics,it not only reflects the complexity and tortuousness of the modernization and secularization of China,but also constitutes the historical basis for the scientific study of religious phenomena.
    The Evolution of Immigration Policy in the Military Strugglesfor Hanzhong—Taking the Periods of Warring States,Qin,Han,and Three Kingdoms as an Example
    YU Tianyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  140-145. 
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    The periods of Warring States (475 BC-221 BC),Qin (221 BC-207 BC),Han (202 BC-220) and Three Kingdom (220-280) saw frequent wars in Hanzhong,a strategic hub.In the struggles for Hanzhong,military groups often took mandatory immigration policy as the main means to win the strategic initiative.The widespread use of this policy was closely related to the continuous expansions of the scale of the war,the continuous extensions of the combat areas,and the overall growth of the population,significantly impacting the trends of war.As an integral part of themilitary strategy during these periods,the precise implementation of the immigration policy played a positive role in enhancing the fighting capacity of various military groups,consolidating defense,ensuring the supply of war logistics,and weakening the strength of the other side.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    Life Community:a Practical Solution to the Symbiosis of Man and Nature
    LI Anjun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  146-153. 
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    Eco-centrism regards the interests of the ecological community as the highest value and puts nature into the scope of human moral concern.Although it makes a vivid interpretation of the symbiosis between man and nature,it breaks away from human practice and dispels human subjectivity.Ignoring the demands of human survival and development,it places hopes on individual moral behavior in order to reach the utopia of the wilderness.In contrast,the idea of "life community" is the latest theoretical achievement of applying Marx's practical view of nature to the relationship between man and nature,which integrates the practical experience of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the construction of ecological civilization.Based on production practice,it reveals that man and nature are life communities,confirming man's subjective responsibility,and clarifying "the law of beauty".From the dimension of practice,the idea of "life community" provides a Chinese plan for how to realize the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature:it adheres to the systematic ecological methodology,and is the ecological governance theory of implementing subject responsibility with the co-governance of virtue and law and the ecological value theory from beautiful China to the realization of human sustainable development.
    The Invisible City:the Wartime Capital as a Conceptual Construction
    YANG Kaixin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(4):  154-160. 
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    The visible and invisible cities are the two dimensions of urban research.As the spiritual core of the city,the invisible city still needs to be excavated.Urban consciousness,values and social order can be the three dimensions in studyingthe invisible cities.As a wartime capital,Chongqing should not only have a modern urban landscape,but also generate a complete capital culture.However,due to the lack of cultural identity of the capital and the unstable social order,the capital culture of Chongqing has always been in a state of immaturity.Therefore,Chongqing is a gray social space in wartime,which is full of intermediateness.By excavating the psychological and spiritual dimensions contained in literary imagination,the wartime capital,as a conceptual construction,will show its richness and complexity.
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