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    01 March 2020, Volume 41 Issue 2
    Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era
    The Compound Mode of the Rule of Law of the Party's Leadership and Its Implementation Path
    OU Aimin,XIANG Jiachen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  1-9. 
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    The rule of law of the part's leadership is the inevitable requirement of building a socialist country ruled by law with Chinese characteristics.However,the single mode of national law or part rules is not in line with China's national conditions,so it is difficult to provide scientific and effective institutional guarantee for the part's leadership.Because of this,it is necessary to construct a new mode of the rule of law of the part's leadership,that is,a compound mode of abstract confirmation of national law and concrete refinement of inner-party regulations,which provides the judgment standard of political complexion of abstract confirmation of national law and clarifies the specific and detailed path of pure part rules and mixed part rules.It is hoped that this compound mode will promoting the Institutionalization and legalization of the part's leadership.
    On the "New Era" from the Perspective of Philosophy
    ZHAO Zhihong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  10-17. 
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    XiJinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is the latest theoretical achievement of the Sinicization of Marxism."New era" implies rich and innovative philosophical thoughts,which is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.It shows the essence of the spirit of the times,which means that based on the new situation,we have adhered to and innovated the philosophical principles in Marxist theory,such as the view of matter,the theory of practice,the law of contradiction,the law of mutual change of quality,the law of negation of negation,and the humanistic thought of human freedom and all-round development.The philosophical implication of new era has promoted the process of Sinicization of Marxist philosophy and fully expressed the new development of Marxist philosophy in China,showing a fresh new realm of Marxist theory.
    Extraterritorial extraction
    The Next Economic Crisis:Digital Capitalism and Global Police State
    Written by William I. Robinson,Translated by ZHAO Kaikai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  18-25. 
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    Transnational capitalists and global elites are confident that the world economy has recovered from the 2008 financial collapse,but there is good reason to believe that another crisis of major proportions looms on the horizon. Digitalisation and fourth industrial revolution technologies are driving a new round of global capitalist restructuring,yet they are also aggravating the underlying structural conditions that generate crisis;in particular,overaccumulation. Transnational investors have been pouring billions of dollars into the rapid digitalisation of global capitalism as the latest outlet for its surplus accumulated capital and hedging their bets on new investment opportunities in global police state. The concept of global police state allows us to identify how the economic dimensions of global capitalist transformation intersect in new ways with political,ideological and military dimensions of this transformation. There is a convergence around global capitalism's political need for social control and repression and its economic need to perpetuate accumulation in the face of stagnation. When the next crisis hits,the Left and resistance forces from below must be in a position to seize the initiative and to push back at global police state.
    Semiotic Justice in Public Administration:Justice Perspective Based on Language Games
    Written by Charles F. Abel,Arthur J. Sementelli,Translated by LI Zhao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  26-32. 
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    Public administration is an important area of justice research.The traditional theory mainly adopts the objective criterion provided by Rawls,Nozick and Walzer for justice.However,these standards not only conflict with each other in theory,but also often lead to ambiguous judgments in the practice of public administration.The purpose of this study is to propose a concept of justice in semiotics to guide the theory and practice of contemporary public administration.This concept holds that justice does not have a neutral and objective standard,but is constructed by the beliefs and practices shared by the group.Researchers can understand the occurrence and operation of justice only by placing this concept in the context of a specific language game.Because there are only family similarities between different types of language games related to justice,public administration must face complex and conflicting environments.The concept of justice in semiotics not only provides an essential analytical framework for this complexity,but also reshapes the nature of work in the field of public administration.
    Special topic of
    The Basic Thinking of the Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era
    XIAO Guiqing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  34-41. 
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    Strengthening the construction of ideological and political theory courses in schools in the new era is of great significance for cultivating socialist builders and successors and realizing the Two Centenary Goals (to complete building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the Communist Party of China's centenary in 2021,and to turn China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous,strong,democratic,culturally advanced,harmonious and beautiful by the time of the centenary of the People's Republic of China in 2049 ) and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.In the new era,the construction of ideological and political theory courses in schools should be planned as a whole;the organic connection and integration of the teaching material system and teaching contents of universities,primary and secondary schools should be realized;and the teachers of ideological and political theory should take a firm political standpoint with a solid theoretical foundation,and strengthen one's own moral cultivation.
    Properly Running Ideological and Political Theory Course and Strengthening Marxist Theory Discipline
    ZHANG Leisheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  42-49. 
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    Properly running ideological and political theory courses and strengthening Marxist theory discipline is not only a major event that the CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to,but also a major event in the development of ideological and political theory courses and Marxist theory discipline.The key to the proper running of ideological and political theory courses is to improve the teaching effectiveness,so the teachers must have a high political position,strengthening the construction of curriculum content and improving their comprehensive quality.The key to strengthening Marxist theory discipline is to strengthen the quality,for this reason we need to strengthen the study of the basic Marxist theory,its development history,the history of the Party and of the country,Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,and other major theoretical and practical issues in reality.In running ideological and political theory courses well and building a strong Marxist theoretical discipline,we are by no means fighting alone,but we need to integrate the two to form a strong force,so as to achieve the close combination of the two.
    Integrity of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
    JIANG Dawei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  50-56. 
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    Some Opinions on Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Schools in the New Era issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council clearly put forward the requirements of overall planning and promotion of the content construction of ideological and political courses.The study of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities from a holistic perspective is of great significance for the complete grasp of teaching objectives,the rational construction of teaching system and the systematic education of Marxist theory.In order to grasp the integrity of the ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities in the new era,we should focus on establishing the integrated teaching concept of undergraduate,master and doctoral political courses,grasping the teaching system of the four undergraduate ideological and political courses as a whole.Efforts should be made to deeply understand the theoretical logic of the four ideological and political courses.
    Issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers
    The Way to Integrate the Strategy of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization in the Western Regions:Based on the Micro-survey Data of 1 143 Households in 85 Villages of 10 Provinces
    WANG Zhizhang,YANG Zhihong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  71-81. 
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    Poverty alleviation and rural revitalization are strategic tasks in different historical stages.The two are different in historical origin,starting logic,scientific connotation and promotion ideas,but they are both institutional arrangements for building a modern socialist power,thus they have identity in strategic vision,service demand,participation subject and practice path,and jointly serve Chinese Dream,the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and the realization of the goal of "two centenary years".On the one hand,poverty alleviation provides policy basis,material basis,and public opinion basis and reference model for rural revitalization;on the other hand,rural revitalization provides a long-term guarantee for consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation,preventing the risk of returning to poverty and solving the problem of poverty after 2020.At present,China is in the policy intersection period of the war to get rid of poverty and the steady implementation of rural rejuvenation.Exploring the way to promote the integration of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization has strategic urgency and historical inevitability.The research shows that there has been a preliminary interaction between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in the western regions.However,in order to realize the benign interaction between the two strategies,we still need to optimize the linkage mechanism,build a solid foundation for industrial development,improve the level of rural governance and ecological civilization,lead the cultural trend,and promote common prosperity,so as to make greater achievements in the new round of development in the new era.
    Five Problems Should be Clarified in Implementing the Strategy of Rural Revitalization
    WANG Wenlong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  82-90. 
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    The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy has effectively alleviated China's "three rural issues" and narrowed the urban-rural gap.However,due to the lack of top-level design for the practice of rural revitalization in some areas,and the lack of clear-cut awareness of the conditions,targets,goals and motivations for rural revitalization,the targets of the practice of rural revitalization in these areas are inaccurate,the goals are mismatched,the motivation is insufficient,the policies lack systematicness,and the planning is lagging behind,resulting in serious waste and inefficient use of rural revitalization resources.Those lead to poor effect.Only by further clarifying the conditions,objectives,goals and motivations of rural revitalization,making a reasonable top-level design of rural revitalization,planning ahead,and advancing gradually,can we create good internal and external conditions for rural revitalization,and improve the accuracy of rural revitalization.Therefore,we should suit the goals of rural revitalization to the local conditions in different time,consolidate the dynamic foundation of rural revitalization,and smoothly realize the rural revitalization strategy.
    Management science
    Construction of Land Space Use Control System in the New Era
    CHEN Meiqiu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  91-97. 
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    The establishment of a scientific control system of land space use is the inherent demand of the modernization of land space governance in the new era.It is our major task to construct a unified land space use control system,which should fully cover the control objects and content.On the basis of comprehensively promoting the construction of the use control system of urban space,agricultural space and ecological space,we should attach importance to the functional integration of different spaces,and leave room for local management and innovation activities.It is necessary to strengthen the evaluation of the carrying capacity of resources and environment,consolidate the foundation of the construction of the control system of land space use,strengthen the construction of supporting systems such as ecological protection and compensation,and embody the fair principle of the control system of land space use.
    The Innovation of Collaborative Supply of Community Public Goods under the Model of Value Chain Network Structure
    HE Jixin,CHEN Zhenzhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  98-105. 
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    The governance of community public goods supply is essentially a complex network system with open evolution,interest relevance,coupling self-consistency and situational adaptation.Due to the intelligence of supply means,the complexity of supply process,the failure of individual ability and the uncertainty of subject relationship,the traditional discrete,single and linear supply models dominated by a single center cannot effectively explain and respond to the overall network supply problem,so it is necessary to introduce a new paradigm of value chain network structure governance.Based on the value chain theory,the supply of community public goods is a value chain network structure system adapted to collaborative supply,and there is an inherent agreement between the theory of value chain network system and the collaborative supply of community public goods.Under the paradigm of value chain network structure,the inherent requirements of collaborative supply of community public goods are reflected in the logic of practical problems,the demand of supply value and the game of subject relationship.The value system is characterized by overcoming the fragmentation of supply,providing "three-change" supply path and embedded support of technical means,and the foundation of construction is reflected in good community culture,solid network foundation and standardized political environment.To construct a multi-center value chain network collaborative supply model,it is necessary to exert control from three aspects:management coordination,operation coordination and consumption feedbackcoordination.
    Theory of literature and art
    The Spirituality of Border Town and Shen Congwen's Childlike Innocence
    CHEN Guoen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  106-111. 
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    Spirituality is found in Border Town.This is because Shen Congwen looked at the world with childlike innocence,integrated his own experience with Cuicui's perspective,and wrote about its purity.Shen Congwen regards childlike innocence as a yardstick of faith and value,which is emphasized through the group characters with Cuicui as the core in the book,showing a miracle created by childlike innocence.However,the beauty of "Border Town" implies the impermanence of life.Shen Congwen feels that the pace of modernity is entering the ancient Xiangxi and that the existence of God should depend on the environment of pastoral songs,which is difficult to be guaranteed in modern society.Therefore,he cannot help but sigh that "beauty always makes people sad"."Border Town" is not only a love song sung to Cuicui by the two brothers,but also a vivid teaching material for people to explore human nature and think about society.
    The Auditory Sense in the Art Space:the Aesthetic Image of Chinese Classical "Listening to Spring" and Its Landscape Construction
    WANG Shuyan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  112-118. 
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    The ancient Chinese literati's aesthetic experience of spring evolves from shape,color to sound,and "listening to spring" has increasingly become a way of leisure experience in daily life.Listening is related to the soul.In the emotional projection and constant chanting of the ancient literati,"listening to spring" has been transformed into an aesthetic image rich in leisure,and two aesthetic paradigms have been formed:"listening to spring at night" and "listening to spring across objects"."Listening to spring" spreads from poetry to painting and gardens and constantly flows back and forth in art space,completing the aesthetic construction of poetic landscape and becoming the aesthetic symbol of literati's pursuit of leisure and poetic life.The formation of the image of "listening to spring" and its leisure aesthetic connotation not only show the literati's auditory aesthetic taste,but also enrich the Chinese traditional auditory aesthetic culture.
    Artificial intelligence and big data
    The Risks of Artificial Intelligence:A Typological Division
    MEI Lirun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  119-127. 
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    At present,human society is carrying out the fourth industrial revolutionwith artificial intelligence technology as the core symbol.Artificial intelligence has a bright prospect in enabling human beings to achieve a better life,but there are also many risks that may counteract its enabling effect.Different from the early optimistic imagination of artificial intelligence,the risk discourse of artificial intelligence has gradually appeared,spread and even become out of order in recent years.Typing is an effective attempt to solve the problem of disorder of artificial intelligence risk discourse.Based on the dimension of subject and time limit,the risk of artificial intelligence can be divided into four types:the risk of unemployment faced by the national subject in the short-term time limit,the risk of elimination of rights faced by the national subject in the long-term time limit,the privacy risk faced by the social subject in the short-term time limit,and the meaning risk faced by the social subject in the long-term time limit.
    Blockchain Technology and National Financial Governance
    HU Yang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  128-136. 
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    Clear boundaries of government powers and responsibilities,open information and efficient performance supervision are the key points of the development of a modern financial governance system in line with the law of the market economy.In the process of development around the key points,China's financial governance is faced with the problems of "governance collapse",such as low efficiency in the use of financial funds,imperfect fiscal collection and management mechanism,imperfect budget management system,low financial transparency and so on.The blockchain technology,which is characterized by transparent and traceable information,non-modifiable data and distributed bookkeeping,is intrinsically coupled with the requirements of data disclosure,security and accuracy in financial governance.Blockchain technology helps to improve the ability of financial governance and optimize the financial governance system,but there are still few mature applications in the field of finance and finance,limited data processing capacity,hidden dangers of data security and lack of flexibility,and differences with the government's financial governance concept.In order to cope with these challenges,we should strengthen the attempt of blockchain in the financial governance scene,give priority to the development of inter-institutional alliance chain,strengthen the mixed mode development of centralized core application and non-centralized blockchain application,and promote the innovation of government financial government concept.
    Judicial Big Data and the Realization of Judicial Justice
    WANG Jiayun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  137-143. 
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    Judicial big data is the combination of judicial activities and big data technology and its active.Judicial big data,taking the result of the judgment as its carrier,integrating a variety of information and data resources of legislation and cases,provides reliable data support for the judges to form their cognition and judgment of cases.In spite of its positive impact on judicial justice,it also produces negative effect on judicial justice due to the limit of data technology.Therefore,we should attach importance to the construction of data standards and norms,improve the rationality and security in the use of judicial data,and eliminate data traps so that big data helps realize judicial justice.
    The famous interview
    Digitization of Ancient Books,Digital Humanities,and Ancient Chinese Literary Research:An Interview with Professor Zheng Yongxiao from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    ZHENG Yongxiao,DUAN Hairong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  144-151. 
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    Since the 1980s,the digital construction of ancient books in China has experienced a history of more than 30 years.On one hand,with the progress of science and technology,such as OCR,artificial intelligence,big data and other technologies,and the construction of classical literature database has made great progress.On the other hand,the research trend of digital humanities from a global perspective is rising.Technology-driven research and data-driven research have become the direction of the development of humanities.Under this academic background,making full use of the achievements of the digitization of ancient books,adaptively adjusting research ideas and changing research methods are the issues that we must face and solve in the further study of ancient Chinese literature.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    The Origin of Mao Zedong' Cursive Scrip and a Comparative Study between Mao's Cursive Scrip and others' Cursive
    ZHONG Quanchang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(2):  152-160. 
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    Mao Zedong is recognized as one of the outstanding modern calligraphers.His cursive script represents the highest achievement of his calligraphy art.His profound knowledge and uniqueness are widely praised by the world.Mao Zedong's cursive script is widely sourced,and its origins can be traced back to Zhang Cao in the Eastern Han Dynasty,which can be accompanied by famous masters at the same time.It is closely related to the masters of Chinese cursive and their classic masterpieces.The analysis of the origin of Mao Zedong's cursive script and the comparative analysis of Mao Zedong's cursive art style and characteristics can better explain the characteristics of Mao Zedong's cursive "inheritance" and innovation,and "classics" and "era sensation".The analysis and comparison have a positive significance in showing Mao Zedong's outstanding achievements in the history of the development of Chinese cursive scripts,enriching Mao Zedong's researches and enhancing the confidence of socialist culture.
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