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    01 January 2020, Volume 41 Issue 1
    Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era
    Self-confidence of Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics:Its Basis,Value Implication and Realization Path
    HUANG Hai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  1-7. 
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    The socialist system with Chinese characteristics is a system based on the conditions of the world,the national conditions,the people and the Party.The historical choice and institutional practice constitute the basis for us to consolidate institutional self-confidence in the new era,and the unique value implication of institutional self-confidence is demonstrated from common prosperity to people's all-round development.Standing in the new stage of development,we not only need to boldly learn from the useful achievements of system construction at home and abroad,but also to adhere to theoretical innovation on the basis of practice to promote institutional innovation,and further strengthen institutional self-confidence with institutional reference,institutional practice and institutional innovation.
    A Philosophical Analysis of the Great Change Unseen in a Hundred Years
    ZHANG Yantao,WU Meichuan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  8-14. 
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    Today's world is in a "great changeunseen in a century".This is a new,scientific and accurate study of the characteristics of the new era of the world by the Communist Party of China.The major judgement of "a great change unseen in a century" has profound ontological,epistemological,contradictory and historical base of Marxist philosophy.As a scientific world outlook and methodology,dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxist philosophy provide important cognitive guidance,methodological basis and practical wisdom for us to deeply understand and accurately grasp the deep essence and philosophical basis of the "great changes unseen in a century".
    The famous interview
    China and the World:from Comparative Literature to World Literature:An Interview with Mr. Zhang Longxi
    ZHANG Longxi,LIU Tairan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  15-27. 
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    There are already good conditions and opportunities for the comparison between the East and the West,and whether we can grasp these conditions and opportunities requires us to make great efforts.Being open,independent and characterized by literature comparison of different languages,the study of comparative literature should take specific texts as evidence,starting from details instead of from concept to concept.The commonness of the comparison between China and the West is objective,but what exists objectively also needs to be elucidated;in the process of elucidation,such commonalities or differences should not be absolute,and the argument should be comprehensive and objective.Once a reasonable argument is pushed to the extreme,the reason for it will not exist."World literature" is not a purely foreign concept.Chinese modern literature itself is integrated into world literature and becomes a part of world literature,and world literature now provides us with a good opportunity.The classics of Chinese literature can also become part of the classics of world literature.Staring from the standpoint of Chinese scholars and taking China's own academic tradition as the foundation,we should try to find some theoretical problems from the facts of Chinese literature and have an equal dialogue with the West,avoiding looking up to the West and the simple nationalist tendencies as well.
    Improving Students' Physical and Mental Health:the Fundament and Direction of the Development of School Physical Education in China:Study and Implementation of President Xi's Important Speech at the National Education Conference
    JI Liu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  28-37. 
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    Septermber 10,2018,President Xi Jinping made a clear request at the national education conference that we should establish the education concept of putting health first,open full physical education classes to help students enjoy fun in physical exercise,strengthen their physique,improve their personality and temper their will.It points out the direction for the future development of school physical education in our country.School physical education should be conscientiously implemented in accordance with the requirements of President Xi,taking the promotion of students' physical and mental health as the starting point and the foothold of school physical education work,effectively improving the students' physical and mental health and promote the all ̄round development of students.This paper first studies and understands the President Xi's important speech spirit and its profound meaning,and explains that the President Xi's important speech fully embodies the people ̄oriented thinking,attaches great importance to putting students' health first,and pays great attention to the coordinated development of students' body and mind.Second,it puts forward some measures and suggestions on how to implement the spirit of President Xi's important speech,i.e. we must open full physical education classes to ensure the time of exercise inside and outside the school,improve the education and teaching quality of physical education and extra ̄curricular sports activities to ensure students' exercise effect,attach equal importance to "five educations" and integrate school physical education into the evaluation of school education quality,and physical education teachers should establish a strong sense of social responsibility and mission.
    The Penalty Rules of Carbon Emissions Trading and the Path of Performance Risk Regulation in China
    SHI Xueying,YANG Bowen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  39-47. 
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    After unifying the national carbon emissions trading market,China has formulated theInterim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (Draft for Soliciting Opinions).The provisions of punishment rules and legal liability are to prevent and regulate the risk of emission control enterprises refusing to comply with the agreed carbon emission reduction targets due to their subjective will.However,the current penalty design is too general in the provisions of the penalty limit,and there is still room for improvement in weighing the relationship among the legal punishment standard,the cost of breach of contract and the prevention level of performance risk.At the same time,in the initial stage of the operation of the national carbon market,the effective incentive mechanism can form a synergistic effect with the appropriate penalty rules,but it is not reflected in the existing system.In the regulation path of the performance risk,the punishment for the corporate responsibility of controlling the platoon should make clear the exercise scale of the discretion of the law enforcement subject,and theoretically prove the limit of the amount of the double fine as the recovery of the illegal benefits.In the design of the implementation rules,the ladder penalty standard and the overdue penalty rule are introduced to effectively regulate the performance risk of the key emission enterprises in the process of carbon emissions trading.We will speed up the promulgation of the Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emissions Trading in China.
    Logic of the Change of Carbon Emission Trading System in China:Comments on the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)
    YOU Mingqing,WANG Haijing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  48-58. 
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    Carbon emissions trading system is an important part in the construction of China's ecological civilization system,and it is also an important measure for China to take a lead in the global greenhouse gas emission reduction and build a community with a shared future for mankind in the new era.The process of carbon emissions trading system from scratch,from local decentralized pilot to national centralized legislation constitutes a process of institutional change,to which the theory of institutional change is applicable,explanatory and instructive.The global carbon emission control system is the international institutional background of the domestic carbon emissions trading system,and China's climate diplomacy is the bridge to transform the international carbon emission control system into the domestic system.The domestic carbon emissions trading system includes three aspects:formal rules,informal rules and implementation characteristics.The driving force of China'scarbon emissions trading system comes from the relative price changes with objective basis and subjective influence,and the change process accords with the behavior assumption of the subject,and is affected by lock-in effect and path dependence.When formulating the national carbon emissions trading system,we need to consider the international system to control carbon emissions,the ability to pay in climate diplomacy and the willingness to pay in climate diplomacy.On this basis,we also need to consider the domestic relative price changes,behavior assumptions,lock-in effect,and path dependence and so on.
    The Rules of Initial Quota Allocation of Carbon Emission Rights from the Perspective of Social Justice
    HU Zhonghua,WU Shuaishuai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  59-71. 
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    Justice is the primary virtue of the initial quota allocation rules of carbon emission rights.Therefore,the initial quota allocation rules of carbon emission rights must be tested for legitimacy to make them meet the requirements of social justice.China is promoting the construction of a unified market for carbon emissions trading,and the rule of initial quota allocation of carbon emissions is one of the key elements.In this context,we should combine the ecological-social-economic and other multiple objectives,make a comprehensive balance,fully take into account the needs of the survival and development of underdeveloped areas and poor people,and choose diversified initial quota allocation rules for carbon emissions trading.Based on this,an effective carbon emission rights initial quota deduction mechanism should be built to reduce the cost of basic livelihood products production enterprises.
    Carbon Emission Environmental Risk in the Context of Carbon Market:Generating Logic and Administrative Regulation
    WANG Guofei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  72-84. 
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    Modern risk can be divided into external risk and man-made risk.The environmental risk of carbon emissions is the result of both exogenous and endogenous factors,but human behavior is the dominant source of the risk.The increase of carbon emission concentration caused by human factors,the accumulation of carbon emissions or carbon emissions out of control may lead to the aggravation of air pollution,the threat to ecological security and the threat to public health.To prevent the risk,the state has successively launched the pilot carbon market and the national carbon market in order to achieve the purpose of preventing the environmental risk of carbon emissions by regulating the behavior of enterprises controlling carbon emissions in the carbon market.This paper analyzes its inherent logic,and the behavior logic of emission control enterprises and the formation mechanism of carbon emission environmental risk in the context of carbon market.It is concluded that the carbon emission environmental risk caused by the behavior of emission control enterprises in the carbon market has the characteristics of the diversity of harmful consequences,the indirectness of causality,the particularity of the subject and its behavior,and the complexity of interest relationship.However,the regulation concept and legal system of the current environmental law cannot effectively respond to this special risk,which is manifested in the current risk regulation concept's ignorance of the role of value,and the problem of fragmentation in system design.In view of this,the concept of regulation should be updated to effectively regulate the environmental risk of carbon emissions,taking into account the scientific and cultural aspects,fact and value,objective and subjective aspects of risk generation,and scientifically and reasonably construct the corresponding risk assessment,management and communication system.
    An Analysis of the Three Interpretation Paradigms of the History of Chinese Philosophy
    WANG Xiangqing,CUI Zhizhong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  85-93. 
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    Since the discipline of the history of Chinese philosophy was gradually established in the 1920s,scholars have constructed three basic paradigms to interpret the history of Chinese philosophy.The first is the interpretation paradigm of "pair structure" constructed by scholars represented by Zhao Jibin and Yang Rongguo.It interprets the history of Chinese philosophy as the history of the struggle between materialism and idealism,dialectics and metaphysics.The second is the interpretation paradigm of "plate structure" constructed by scholars represented by Ren Jiyu,Xiao Jifu and Li Jinquan.It interprets the history of Chinese philosophy as a system composed of ontology,epistemology,dialectics,and view of history and so on.The third isof "spiral circle structure" constructed by scholars represented by Feng Qi,which interprets the history of Chinese philosophy as a three spiral circle structure based on debates and answers to different philosophical problems in history.The spiral circle structure paradigm reveals the categories,propositions and arguments that constitute the development link of philosophy in the process of Chinese philosophy,so it has become a relatively recognized interpretation paradigm in academic circles.
    The Yin-Yang and Immortal Ideas in the T-shaped Silk Paintings of Mawangdui No.1 Han Tomb
    DENG Hui,CHEN Huali
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  94-101. 
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    It is generally believed that Mawangdui Han Tomb (in Changsha of Hunan Province) is a Han Dynasty (202 BC-220) tomb influenced by Huang-Lao thought (Taoism highly praising Huangdi and Lao Tzu) and Chu (in today's Hubei and Hunan provinces) culture.In fact,the Taoist theory of Yin and Yang (the most antagonistic relation in ancient Chinese philosophy) and the immortal idea also had a great influence on the burial ceremony and system in the early Han Dynasty.In the Taoist logic of universe formation,Qi (spirit) gathers into essence and gives birth to all things.If strangers want to interfere with the fate of the tomb owner after death,what they can do is to try to gather the spirit of the deceased,so the T-shaped silk paintings depict a large number of scenes of Yin and Yang,in the hope that the tomb owner can "get out of death into life".At the same time,the combination of jade and dragon in the silk painting contributed to the transformation of the dead from physical existence to eternal soul,from this world to that world.The idea of immortals,which was popular from the end of the Warring States period(475 BC-221 BC) to the beginning of the Han Dynasty,believed that human beings could become immortals under the guidance of God,breaking away from the constraints of time and space like God,but they were not completely isolated from earth like God.Starting from the immortal thought,we can clearly see the third use of silk painting to recall the soul from the underworld and guide the soul of the deceased to enter the immortal world through the hole of the jade,rather than leading the soul to heaven or earth.
    Political science
    The "Wedge Strategy" of the United States to China and the Soviet Union:From Pre-hindrance to Differentiation
    ZHU Lumin,JIAN Dan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  102-112. 
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    The "wedge strategy" is a strategic tool used by the United States during the Cold War to prevent and divide the alliance between China and the Soviet Union,and weaken the strength of the Soviet camp.Throughits understanding and judgment of Sino-Soviet relations and their changes,the United States timely adjusted its "wedge strategy" from the initial strategy of "one pull,one pressure" to "common suppression" and finally to "one pressure,one peace".The "wedge strategy" of the United States had a significant and far-reaching impact on Sino-Soviet relations during the Cold War.To a certain extent,it not only strengthened the cohesion of the two countries and thus promoted the alliance between China and the Soviet Union,but also provoked differences and disputes between the two countries and finally accelerated the split of the alliance between China and the Soviet Union.
    The Influence of Cultural Values of Power Distance on China's Tax Morality:Test of Intermediary Effect Based on Corruption Tolerance
    HUANG Fengyu,WANG Chen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  113-122. 
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    Based on the microcosmic data of World Values Survey in China,this paper makes an empirical analysis on the relationship between individual power distance cultural values and tax morality.The results show that the cultural values of high power distance have a significant negative impact on tax morality.After using the two-stage least square method to solve the endogenous problem,the above conclusion is still valid.Further study finds that the cultural values of power distance have an impact on tax morality mainly through corruption tolerance,which means that the underlying motivation of corruption tolerance affecting tax morality is individual power distance cultural values.The study holds that to improve the tax morality of Chinese residents,we should start with ragulating the tax discretion,standardizing the operation of power,promoting tax co-governance,and giving full play to the dominant role of blockchain technology in the construction of tax credit system,in order to drive individual willingness to pay taxes.
    Management science
    Analysis of Homogenization of Small Towns with Tourism Characteristics and the Solution to the Dilemma:A Case Study in Yunnan,Guizhou and Sichuan Provinces
    XIONG Zhengxian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  123-130. 
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    Such factors asthe dependence on resource endowment and planning team,the excessive administrative intervention,and the intervention of social capital,etc.,have led to the homogenization of small towns with tourism characteristics.With obvious homogenization,the proportion of small towns with tourism characteristics in Yunnan,Guizhou and Sichuan provinces is large;however,the homogenization competition may not cause inefficiency.Xizhou in Dali is eye-catching in architecture and culture;Thousand-Miao Village is famous for its integrated industry and scale;and Luodai Ancient Town wins favor for its profound history and originality.Based on this,three suggestions are put forward that the "appropriate distance" should be scientifically designed to optimize the spatial layout of characteristic towns,a mechanism of "inter-provincial dialogue" should be established to prevent possible homogeneous competition,and the design of "threshold conditions" should be standardized to make the level of characteristic town match the endowment level.
    Simulation Analysis of the Response Dynamic of Tourism Urbanization in Zhangjiajie
    MA Xuefeng,HUANG Tiantian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  131-141. 
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    In the response dynamic system of tourism urbanization,dynamic factors such as tourism resource endowment,economic development level,tourism demand and traffic accessibility promote the response of urbanization to the growth of tourism industry through causal feedback.Based on the relevant statistical data of Zhangjiajie from 2005 to 2018,a system simulation analysis model is constructed,the simulation interval being 2005-2030.The structure of the model system is divided into three subsystems,namely,population subsystem,economic subsystem and tourism subsystem.During the simulation period,each subsystem and its elements show a growth trend,but the growth rate and development trend are different.Under different scenario models,there are differences in economic level and the growth rate of tourism development.Through the comparison of the three scenario models,it is suggested that in order to promote the development of tourism,we need to strengthen infrastructure construction,increase tourism investment,and enhance tourism publicity at the same time.
    A Study on the Difference of Supply Performance of Rural Public Cultural Goods in Wuling Mountainous Area
    LI Changyou,LI Hao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  142-152. 
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    Taking 71 counties in Wuling Mountainous area as the research object and comprehensively evaluated by TOPSIS and AHP,a performance evaluation index system of rural public cultural goods supply is constructed according to the performance principles of efficiency and effect.It is concluded that the performance level of rural public cultural goods supply in Wuling Mountainous area,characterized by spatial correlation,is not high.The horizontal spatial distribution of the supply performance of rural public cultural goods in this area is high in the middle,low in the periphery,high in the west and low in the east.On the basis of this,this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to increase the supply input of public cultural products,improve the supply mechanism,strengthen regional coordination,and establish cultural growth poles or growth belts.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    Gérard Genette's Paratext Theory and Its Effects
    GUO Jianfei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2020, 41(1):  153-160. 
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    Since its appearance,Gérard Genette's paratext theory has triggered greatconcern and attention from the Chinese and western critics.There are some scholars who have made some supplements and amendments to it,and also many of them apply it into literary criticism.From the perspective of paratext theory,the object of literary research is the paratexts surrounding the edge of the text,such as the author's name,preface,dedication,epigraph,copyright page,etc.Re-incorporating the author into criticism,paratext theory effectively corrects the improper practice of separating the text from the author;introducing publishers into the framework of literary criticism,paratext theory not only expands the traditional literary criticism system,but also serves to limit readers' interpretation.At the same time,paratext theory promotes further development of narratology,makes literary research move from the center of text to edge,and combines the internal and external studies of literature,thus promoting the development of literary theory.In view of the interdependence between paratext and text,the boundaries between some paratexts and texts are blurred.While they possess the paratexts' attributes,they also have the texts' attributes,which proves the importance of the existence of paratext to text.
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