Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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The "Wedge Strategy" of the United States to China and the Soviet Union:From Pre-hindrance to Differentiation

ZHU Lumin,JIAN Dan   

  1. (1.Biquan Academy of Classic Learning and College of Philosophy,History and Culture,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,Hunan China;2.College of Marxism,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,Hunan China)
  • Online:2020-01-01 Published:2020-01-12

Abstract: The "wedge strategy" is a strategic tool used by the United States during the Cold War to prevent and divide the alliance between China and the Soviet Union,and weaken the strength of the Soviet camp.Throughits understanding and judgment of Sino-Soviet relations and their changes,the United States timely adjusted its "wedge strategy" from the initial strategy of "one pull,one pressure" to "common suppression" and finally to "one pressure,one peace".The "wedge strategy" of the United States had a significant and far-reaching impact on Sino-Soviet relations during the Cold War.To a certain extent,it not only strengthened the cohesion of the two countries and thus promoted the alliance between China and the Soviet Union,but also provoked differences and disputes between the two countries and finally accelerated the split of the alliance between China and the Soviet Union.

Key words: Sino-Soviet relations, alliance, United States, "wedge strategy"

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