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    15 July 2013, Volume 34 Issue 4
    Special articles
    Preaching Self-Responsibility:The Chinese Style of Global Governance
    SHI Zhi-Yu, HUANG Qiong-Zhi, LI Qiao-Li, YANG Zhi-Jun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  1-8. 
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    The present study traces the cultural and political contexts within which Beijing considers global governance.They include:(1) Confucian dispositions toward non-interventionism and self-governance;(2) the socialist collectivist ethics that stress persuasion instead of unilateralism;(3) a lingering sense of inferiority arising from underdevelopment that harms self-confidence;and (4) the repugnant experiences with the United Nations (UN) and the United States that have dominated most international organizations since World War II.The consequential Chinese style of global governance is reactive rather than proactive,problemsolving rather than goal-driven,and attentive to obligation and reform more in other major countries than in failing states.That said,China could still assert global leadership by acting as a model of self-governance for other major countries and by intervening in failing states only through closed-door persuasion and exemplification as opposed to open sanctioning.
    On Marxism and Existentialism
    QIAO Zhi-·Nuo-Wa-Ke, HONG Yan-Ni, SUN Liang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  9-18. 
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    To what extent can Existentialism and Marxism be conjoined and synthesized and whether their syntheses are viable? Their theoretical standpoint needs to be sorted out respectively.From the existentialists’ point of view,there are mainly seven basic principles they adhere to:That science and the Absurdity of Reality,ambiguity presides over existence itself,the conscious of subject over everything,explaining and defending the individual freedom,the destiny of humanity,alienation in modern society and questioning the meaning of life and death.Marxism holds the opposite views of objective truth,inevitable uncertainty,human dependence on society,morality upon historical,optimism of historical progress,materialist and historical analysis of alienation and survival practice.Therefore,we can certainly point out that any attempt to synthesize Existentialism and Marxism are invalid,because there are unbreakable theoretical barriers between them.
    Political science
    Of Constitutional Order:Now and Future
    ZHANG Yi-Qing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  19-27. 
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    Constitutional government is an inevitable trend and advanced mode of the development of human political civilization.The constitutional order represents people’s rational knowledge of the constitutional rules,and reflects the harmonious status between societies and countries.It is a value form and also a realistic status.From a practical point of view,constitutional order is a rational order that is diverse,tolerant,realistic,non-conservative,dynamic,and stable.Undoubtedly,it is the just demand of modern countries to advance their constitutional reform steadily.Constitutional construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a historical process of continuous advance with the unity of universality and particularity,the agreement between stability and adaptability,the combination of long-term and phased process.Only by basing upon the actual situation,learning from experience,developing in practice,and making steady progress,can we reach the ideal goal of constitutional order.
    The Historical Reflections on the Development of Chinese Constitutional Government
    ZHANG Fu-Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  28-34. 
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    China’s design of constitution system has accumulated rich experience after a century of hard work and frustration,and has achieved a relative sense of progress.It has required the principles of basic constitutional system standard.That China lacks the constitutional tradition and lacks of social foundation which did not produce social stratification led to a long period of constitutional government which is regarded as national construction tools,and it intensely conflicted with Western jurisprudence.The author traces the reason why China today has not realized the Western sense of the constitutional government.
    On Sun Yat-sen’s  Three-stage Strategy and Its Enlightenment
    PENG Xian-Bing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  35-40. 
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    Sun Yat-sen’s  three-stage strategy to practice military politics,political tutelage,and constitutional politics is a revolutionary plan in carrying out “Three Principles of the People” and the theory of “the separation of five powers”.It is a strongly operant pattern of constitutional construction that combines incrementalism (quantitative change) and radicalism (qualitative change) according to the actual conditions of modern Chinese history.It has enlightenment in today’s democratic and political construction.Great importance should be given to constitutional democracy,and the world trend should be combined with Chinese characteristics.In this way,we may become rational in constructing constitutional democracy.
    Some Thoughts on Metaphysics
    YAN Shun-Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  41-47. 
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    Rejected by modern western philosophy,metaphysics was marked as a dying philosophy.However,it is eager to play an increasingly important role in influencing people’s spirit.The reason why metaphysics has been rebelled is that only in the field of transcendental ideas is it valid.Metaphysics has essential value,which shows pure spirit of freedom,criticism and transcendence.Thought is the nature of metaphysics,and the thinking mode which is in accordance with the nature of thinking is dialectics.In a material world which lacks thinking,a pure theoretic attitude and solid metaphysics are needed.
    Freedom,Equality and Community——On Will Kymlicka’s Question about Mark’s Critical Theory of Justice
    LIU Hai-Jiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  48-53. 
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    Canadian scholar Will Kymlicka misunderstands Mark’s points of view of transcending justice at three aspects in the book of Liberalism,Community and Culture.From the point of view of freedom,Kymlicka does not distinguish negative freedom and positive freedom,and he regards Marx's concept of freedom as empty form.From the point of view of equality,Kymlicka does not recognize the difference between the abstract equality based on the wealth and the concrete equality based on the individual’s specific needs.And from the point of view of community,Kymlicka does not recognize the thought of community which contains in Marx material production theory,and he considers the basis in reality of transcending justice lying in the material abundance.
    Modern Personality and Moral Cultivation
    LI Mao-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  54-57. 
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    Every era has its specific ideal personality.Subjective personality,responsible personality and creative personality,and harmonious personality are the basic features of modern ideal personality.Moral cultivation and the modern ideal personality are closely connected,and moral cultivation is important to shape personality of the moral individual,and deepen moral cognition,moral norms,moral identity and moral development.
    he Dilemma of Moral Model and the Countermeasures
    HU Jian, HUAI Xu-Wei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  58-62. 
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    Setting moral models is an important means in moral construction,which mainly has three functions:of modeling,motivating and inheriting.However,moral models are now in dilemma,and the reasons are listed below:(1)Value pluralism has eroded the ideological basis of the moral models,(2)Inappropriate measures in publicizing process has weakened the nobility and infectivity of moral models,and (3)Deficiency of social insurance system for related rights and interests has made the function of moral models unable to sustain.To rid this dilemma,we need to establish and perfect a modern moral system,improve the process of setting and publicizing of the moral models,and strengthen social insurance system for related rights and interests.
    Management science
    The Government’s Executive Capability:Retardant Factors and Policy Options
    CHU De-Jiang, HUANG Xin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  63-67. 
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    The manifestations of the government’s low executive capability include blocked policies,distortions of execution and high administrative costs.The reasons for these phenomena are not only from the policies themselves and their executive mechanism,but also from the executive subjects and the common people as well.To promote the government’s executive capability in our country,we should promote the degree of government’s scientific and democratic decision-making,establish and perfect the executive mechanism,of the execution,the performance management mechanism and the government accountability commitment mechanism,strengthen the civil services’ training and cultivate the culture of the government’s executive capability.
    On the Influence of Acknowledgement of Houses with Limited Property Right on China’s Urbanization
    WANG Wen-Long
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  68-72. 
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    High price of house has become the bottleneck in China’s urbanization,which not only influences the healthy economic development,but also intensifies social conflicts and even threatens social stability.However,due to the strong resistance of interest groups,systematic reform is hard to start,making price regulation of real estate a deadlock.Only with gradual systematic reform,starting with the acknowledgement of houses with limited property right,can we break the deadlock of price regulation of real estate.Further,we can gradually lower house price in a stable society,break the bottleneck in China’s urbanization and pave the way for the sustainable development of China’s modernization.
    Governance on Environmental Regulatory Failure——Based on the System Analysis of Governance Structure,Administrative Performance,and Arrangement of Property Rights
    ZENG Li-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  73-78. 
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    The imperfection of system is responsible for environmental regulatory failure.The dual and decentralized management structure has weakened the execution of environmental regulation;lack of citizen participation and feedback has worsened the situation;and lack of supervision of public property rights arrangement has led to low efficiency in using public resources.To improve environmental regulation,we must strengthen the authority,independence,and coordination of environmental regulation agency,establish a scientific and democracy performance evaluation system,and increase the competitiveness and transparency of state-owned enterprises.
    The Justification of Integrity as a Basic Principle of Administrative Law
    LIANG Cheng-Yi, TANG Lei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  79-84. 
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    As the empire provision of civil law,integrity principle contains the three meanings of objective goodwill,restriction of rights,and balance of interests.Along with continuous the overlapping of public law and private law,the administrative law of all countries reflects the principle of integrity in different degrees.It not only has the guidance function to the subjects of administrative law,but also meets the standards of basic principles of administrative law.Therefore,integrity should be promoted as the basic principle of administrative law.And as a basic principle,the principle of integrity puts “the legal person” as “the moral person”,promotes the equal status of the subjects of administrative law,and makes administrative counterpart the object of the basic principle of administrative law.
    Comment on the Improvement of the Citizen’s Rights of State-Oowned Property
    ZHOU Shi-Wei, HAN Zhi-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  85-90. 
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    The research of the citizen’s rights of state-owned property is the important topic of Economic Law.At present,not only does the Chinese Economic Law concern few about citizen’s rights of state-owned,but also too general and lack of coercive power.The mandatory legal relations between citizens and state-owned property should be established and Citizen’s rights of state-owned property should be improved.Citizen’s rights of state-owned property should be divided into direct rights and indirect rights,according to the different exercise style;Citizen’s rights of state-owned property should be divided into the rights of the state-owned assets management and the right of the state-owned assets user,according to the different compulsory subject;Citizen’s rights of state-owned property should be divided into “in advance”,”matter”and”afterwards”rights,according to the different time.The realization of the Citizen’s rights of state-owned property not only need the necessary legal system,such as the the establishment of the public welfare lawsuit system,but also need the basis of constitutionalism system.
    On the Value of Legal Culture of “Gulaohua”(Ancient Ethic Poems)of the Miao People
    SHI Ling-Ya, SHI Wei-Hai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  91-96. 
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    “Gulaohua”(ancient ethic poems)is an encyclopedia to study the convention of the Miao people.It contains the application of the legal subject of the Miao convention in fairness and justice,representing the legal creation of an ancient nation on the aspects of content,form,consciousness,and effect.In consistency with the leading value orientation of traditional Chinese legal culture,it also creates a folk way to conscious legal culture in the forms of poems and laws and spreads the information of legal ecology.The contribution of “Gulaohua” to Chinese legal culture lies in the following aspects:firstly,it is the text carrier and the means of succeeding the ancient convention of the Miao people in Wuling Mountain areas;secondly,it is the most authoritative legal basis and criterion to solve problems in land system,marriage system,and internal conflicts of the Miao people;thirdly,it contains simple philosophical idea,reflecting the existence philosophy of the Miao people that everything is derived from the same origin and making an important part of the complete and independent simple Materialism of the Miao people.
    On the Popularity of Network Catchwords and Its Enlightenment
    Liu-Wen-Hui, WAN Miao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  97-102. 
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    Network catchwords,as a way of expressing thoughts and feelings,not only changed the communication mode of cyber world and real world,but also eliminated social conflicts and intension to some extent in a transitional period.The popularity of network catchwords may be due to their functions of “use”,“contentment”,“spiral of silence”,and entertainment,and is also due to their own style.Enlightenment of the popularity of network catchwords can be found in the arrangement of media,report framework,and the form of media communication.
    On Derrida’s Communication Philosophy and Its Enlightenment in Methodology
    CHEN Xu-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  103-107. 
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    Derrida’s deconstructionism rethinks “meaning” in a way of liberating it and reliving its infinite possibilities.In a word,deconstructionism liberates meaning which has been sealed off by metaphysics of presence for a long time.While construction and communication of meaning is just the right core of the science of communication,Derrida’s deconstructionism actually builds an emancipation philosophy of communication.This philosophy of communication emphasizing decentralization and variation can enlighten us to revert meaning’s freedom in human communicating activities,attach importance to individuality and spirituality of meaning in communication research,and construct diversification in communication circumstances.In the course of promoting the free reconstruction of human culture,the science of communication is hopeful to advance itself to an emancipation humanities subject.
    On the Compilation of Taoism History in the Sui,Tang,and Song Dynasties
    LIN Guo-Ni
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  108-113. 
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    The compilation of Taoism history began from the Wei and Jin dynasties.However,the climax appeared in the Sui,Tang,and Song Dynasties.During this period,except Taoists,many literati-officials participated in this work with a substantial increase in the number of Taoism history works.At the same time,Taoism historians broke the private single history compilation mode,and the compilation was characterized by multiple participants.The aims of compiling Taoism history were to propagate Taoism,maintain the order of domination,record the fusion and conflicts among Confucian,Buddhism and Taoism,and push forward Taoism history compilation forward.This academic maturity also marked the prosperity of Taoism historiography.
    Compromise Reached by State Intervention:A Study on the Benefit Game in the Pei-tong Shoaly Land Case during the Reigns of Emperors Xianfeng and Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty
    ZHONG Ya-Dong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  114-118. 
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    During the reigns of Emperors Xianfeng and Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty,a certain number of immigrants from Juye and Yuncheng of Shandong Province moved into Pei-tong areas in the northern part of Jiangsu Province.They reclaimed and cultivated a tract of lakeside wasteland abandoned by people who moved to other places when the land was submerged.They built a new society over this land and even formed paramilitary for self-defense purpose.This claim of wasteland by external immigrants was welcomed and encouraged by the local government.However,conflicts ensued when the former owners of these lands returned from vagabonding.With the escalation of crisis,the local government was in danger of losing control of the situation.This case was brought to and ended only under the intervention of the Imperial Commissioner,Zeng Guofan.This case shows two conspicuous characteristics of the grassroots political life in traditional China:it was quite common for the local government to enter certain kind of cooperation with the rural society,but the solution for great crisis could only come through the intervention from the top of the government.
    On the New and the Old of the New Novel Publishing by Press in Early 20th
    PAN Gui-Lin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  119-123. 
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    In comparison with the Chinese classical novels,there are some new natures in New Novel publishing by press in Early 20th century:the location shifting from the edge to the centre in the literary structure,advocating of stylistic innovations and to write in common saying,the value pursuing from leisure or aesthetics to the grand narrative to enlighten and save society,narrative appearing the modernity spirits of seeking of being,overreaching selfish,and designing for the future.While in the literature field inclining to politics,the New Novel has many limits,such as the blood consciousness hided by collective fancy,the over displaying of narrative voice and the stripping of modernity,thus making it can not achieve the ranks of modern novels.
    Readers’ Shifts,Imaginations and Selections of the Late Qing and the Early Republic Period
    ZHOU Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(4):  124-128. 
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    In the modern turn of the late Qing and the early Republic period’s Chinese society,literary audience,especially readers’ group made two major shifts of direction——one is the polarization of literati readers,and the other is the expansion of urban readers.These shifts enabled or to say led to the germination of unprecedented reader’s imaginations and selections,and in turn,indirectly or directly influenced the appeal and direction of Late Qing and early Republic period’s literary development. Traces of the influence of readers’ shifts,imaginations and selections on late Qing and early Republic period’s literary atmosphere,production and even system and development could also be found in the advocation of Literary Reformation and the rise of Popular Fiction.
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