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    15 September 2013, Volume 34 Issue 5
    Special articles
    On the Debate between the Name and Truth of Constitutionalism
    MO Ji-Hong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  1-7. 
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    Recently the debate on the concept connotation of constitutionalism has been increasing in the academic circles.Actually,the focus of the debate should be on distinguishing the name and truth of it.The concept of constitutionalism has been over generalized in nearly a hundred years,thus has deviated from its original meaning and has caused misunderstanding.In order not to disturb the present constitutional practice,the concept of constitutionalism may be put aside in the academic circles.Based on the value concept of rule by constitution,measurements should be adopted to strengthen the constitution and promote rule by law.
    Freedom,Education,and Life——What Education do We Need?
    GAO Zhao-Ming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  8-14. 
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    Education dream is part of Chinese dream.Education is a re-production process to carry on culture,and an art to mould human nature,whose fundamental task is to cultivate citizens with free life ability and scientific spirit and humanistic spirit as well.Life community is actually education community,and school is a special life community.
    Ethnology and Anthropology Study
    Economic Anthropology and Social Development
    LUO Kang-Long, TIAN Guang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  15-22. 
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    All societies are closely connected with the development issues,which usually are inseparable from the problem of inequality.Development is not only related to the gap between the rich and the poor of the world,but also has a significant impact on the economic prospects of a country or a region,such as the impact on game rules of formal economy and informal economy in the social life of the citizens.For future development,scholars have proposed new concepts that are beyond development idea and sustainable development strategies.The sustainable development idea seems to be more in line with the law of social development.This article,taking the perspective of economic anthropology,explores the development of human society and related key issues.
    On the Research of Nuo (Exorcism) Culture in China since the 20th Century
    LIU Xing-Lu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  23-29. 
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    Since the 20th century,many scholars have devoted themselves to the research of Chinese Nuo (exorcism) culture,and the focus has changed along with the social and political development.Lots of problems and disputes have appeared though considerable achievements have been made.With the introduction of new research theories and methods,the research has changed from ontology into anthropology,folklore,sociology,etc.Nowadays,more attention is paid to the relationship between Nuo culture and the daily life of mass people,focusing on holistic approach.
    Urbanization: Path Explore In Comparison
    WU Xiao-Yan, ZHAO Pu-Bing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  30-39. 
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    After more than 60 years of development, china’s urbanization level has reached to 52.6% in 2012,which is in the rapid period.However, “easy to be in the city, difficult to settle in the city”, “the speed of unbalancing development ”and so on ,these series of problems have been the obstacles of carrying out the process of urbanization smoothly.The government intervenes broadly and deeply, which is the main factor of china’s urbanization and benign development.In other factors of influencing urbanization also sees the “shadow” of government, such as, urban and rural household registration management system, economic level of development, agricultural modernization level.These factors interlace and impact, which is pinning down china’s urbanization process comprehensively.In the new developing stage, government should relocate roles, transform government functions and realize the interaction of government and market in the process of urbanization.At the same time, it should also reform the urban and rural household registration management system, accelerate the development  of agricultural modernization ,expedite the process of china’s urbanization “sound and rapid”.
    A Study on the Cause of Currency Devaluation
    XIE Sheng-yuan,LI Ya-lian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  40-45. 
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    Currency devaluation refers to the decline of purchasing power.Traditionally,it is regarded as the same the phenomenon that money supply exceeds money demand,which is influenced by economic and political factors home and abroad.Or it can be summed up as the mismatching between money demand and money supply.From the view of monetary functions,currency devaluation stems from the fact that the currency issue exceeds the growth rate of social wealth.
    On the Three-dimensional Integration of Cultural Values
    WANG Zheng-Guo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  46-58. 
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    The three-dimensional integration of cultural values is set against their three-dimensional characteristics.The three-dimensional characteristics are in fact three contradictions that occur in the cultural development.Diachronically,it is a contradiction between continuity and transformation.Synchronically,it is a contradiction between localization and internalization;and realistically,it is a contradiction between reality and ideals.Only in the process of coordinating these three contradictions can we realize the integration of the cultural values.The choice of cultural modes and the integration of cultural values are actually a creative process of cultural application.It is necessary to discuss its general principles and methods,including the method to integrate values,to integrate dialectically and socially so as to provide a methodological guidance for the choice of cultural modes.If the three-dimensional integration is applied,it will be found that the choice of Chinese cultural modes is actually a three-dimensional application with the core value as its applied aim,the integration of multi cultures as its applied means,and the reconstruction of cultural systems as its applied achievements.
    Kant’s Copernican Revolution and Its Dilemma from the Perspective of Ontology
    NIE Hai-Jie
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  59-63. 
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    On the basis of observing the difficulty of metaphysical ontology of philosophy,Kant’s Copernican revolution is transcendentally trying to endow the perceptual world with reality which was already abandoned and rejected by Platonism through subverting the old ontological framework.In the process of implementing the “transcendental turn”,its internal contradictions and dilemma are concentrated on the section of “subjective interpretation”,which ultimately can’t really break through the barrier of traditional philosophical metaphysics.
    On the True Meaning of “Beauty Is Life” and the Criticism of Spiritual Phenomenon in a Materialistic Age
    LI Yong-Yin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  64-70. 
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    There is a pretty strong polarity of views as to the aesthetic idea that “beauty is life” nowadays.The over-materialistic aesthetic interpretation has prevented us from imagining free life.According to Marxist idea,since beauty is life,people should be fully developed,and only those all-round people can create really beautiful life.
    The Ontology Turn and Expansion of Aesthetic Connotation in Early Folk Taoism Aesthetics——Compilation and Study of the Unearthed Portraits and Inscriptions about Immortals Stories in the Han Dynasty
    LIU Ke
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  71-79. 
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    The early folk Taoism worships aesthetics,and being immortal is an important resource in ancient China’s life aesthetics and body aesthetics.And the early folk Taoism also cherishes pleasant life and peaceful and harmonious environment,extending the value of body and significance of life.Freedom and pleasure represent the aesthetic idea of the early Taoism way of life,and the portraits in the Han Dynasty have shown the life attitude to transcend time and space to obtain eternal happiness.The description of peaceful and harmonious paradise presented in the Han portraits has transcended the traditional form aesthetics and epistemological aesthetics,and has brought about new thought and new space in interpreting life culture.
    Views of Appreciation of Imagery in Modern Chinese Poetics
    ZHANG Wen-Gang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  80-84. 
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    In the construction of imagery in modern Chinese poetics,the critics mainly made theoretical interpretations of the appreciation of imagery from the following two aspects:standards of appreciation of imagery and requirements for the readers.Appreciation of imagery should conform to the standards of originality,richness and harmony;and the readers should be equipped with the ability of imagination,analysis,and comprehension.
    Study on the Relationship between Literature and Politics from the Perspective of Political Consumption——Taking Literary Phenomena of the 30 Years after the Founding of PRC
    MAO Guo-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  85-90. 
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    There are closed relationships between literary production,consumption and political consumption under the precondition of political priority in the history of Chinese literary criticism.In literary creation,political consumption is mainly reflected in the authors’ interpretation and deduction of politics,that is,whether literature is to express politics directly or to hide it.In literary consumption,political consumption is mainly reflected in the readers’ excavating and sharing of political factors,that is,whether they interpret the political factors as far-fetched or through rational reading.As the starting point to study the relationship between literature and politics,political consumption determines the direction of this relationship.According to Marxist theory of esthetics,politics in literature should be the sensibility representation of human nature instead of power arena.
    Political science
    Research Overview on the Local Governance in Regions Inhabited by Ethnic Groups
    GUO Chun-Xia, PAN Zhong-Yu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  91-98. 
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    The rise of the governance theory provides many references for local governance in regions inhabited by ethnic groups in China.Now the research is mainly focused on theoretical foundation,governance subject,governance of grassroots community,governance model and type as well.However,the objects and fields of study are too scattered,lacking a whole and systematic view.So researchers should break through the traditional theories from the perspective of local governance in regions inhabited by ethnic groups,actively seek for new ways,summarize new experience in practice and explore new models for local governance.
    The Optimized Analysis on Chinese Peripheral Security  from the Perspective of “Three-dimensional Security” Theory
    XU Xiao-Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  99-104. 
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    The “three-dimensional security” refers to the security of objectivity,subjectivity and discourse,which is based on the paradigm of empirical and normative research,and is defined with the nation being the behavioral agent.To assess China’s peripheral security with the “three-dimensional security” theory,we should try to improve the comprehensive power of our country,create a peaceful surrounding environments,and adopt flexible diplomatic maneuvers to optimize peripheral security.
    Cultural Studies
    Connotation Interpretation and Value Choice of Cultural Imperialism——On Tomlinson’s Thought of Cultural Communication (Part Ⅰ)
    LIU Han, Shi-Yi-Bin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  105-109. 
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    With etymology as the core and pragmatics as the framework,Tomlinson discusses culture and imperialism,regarding that culture is a kind of lifestyle and a practice of ideographical expression,which should be interpreted from the perspective of non-elitism,democratic anthropological value,while imperialism should be treated in a systematic,complicated way of thinking which transcends previous interpretation of political and economical framework.With a historical examination of the discourse of cultural imperialism,Tomlinson holds that the core connotation of cultural imperialism is expressed in the form of cultural communication which is unequal and controllable among different countries.Based on his interpretation of cultural imperialism,Tomlinson has formed his own theory in the field of cultural communication.
    On “Cultural Controversy” and “Paradigm Transition” in Early British Cultural Research——Focused on E. P. Thompson
    ZOU Zan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  110-116. 
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     Combing the formation of British working class,E.P.Thompson criticized the definition of “culture” by Raymond Williams,thus enriched the multiple aspects of the definition of “culture”.The new left wing of the second generation,represented by Perry Anderson,actively sought theoretical resources from the continent,so it caused a series of significant debates with cultural Marxism in Britain.The “cultural controversy” in early British Cultural Studies not only deviated from the narrow and conservative “cultural” concept of Leavisism,enlarged the connotation of “culture” to cover daily experience,but also regarded “culture” as a resistant potential of drastic political carrier.Likely,the debate between humanistic Marxism and constructive Marxism,and that between “experience” and “theory”,not only led to the internal paradigm transition,but also opened a window to clarify the theoretical systems in British Cultural Studies.
    The Strike of Shanghai American Tobacco Factory in 1927:A Political Game and Labor Disputes
    PENG Gui-Zhen, ZHANG Zai-Xing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  117-122. 
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    In 1927,when the Nanjing national government was striving for tariff autonomy,a strike broke out in Shanghai American Tobacco Factory.During the strike,which lasted for 110 days,different departments of the Party and government not only played a role of mediator but also started a gigantic civil boycotting movement by offering the strikers financial support and bargaining with the capital.In the course of the strike,objecting Shanghai American Tobacco Factory who defied the national tax was the loudest slogan,yet the interest of the workers was put at a secondary position.Obviously,the government’ intention was to put pressure on the company by strike and boycotting,which might force the company to compromise over their tax on tobacco.The strike was actually an instrument for political game between China government and the American Tobacco Factory.
    A New Interpretation of Idle Talk of Vanity in the Period between the Han and Wei Dynasties
    HUANG Qian-Cheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2013, 34(5):  123-128. 
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    Idle talk of vanity in the period between the Han and Wei Dynasties may be discussed in a context of “Wen and Zhi (referring to the relationship between literary accomplishment and human nature)”.The political administration in this period shows an alternative change between “Wen” and “Zhi”,which is accompanied by eunuch  domination and dishonest election.With the turn from “Zhi” to “Wen” in the middle of this period,idle talk of vanity regains emphasis to develop,though it is more of an academic issue and is influenced by metaphysics.From then on,idle talk of vanity has reached a new stage in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.
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