Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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The Model Reform of Higher Vocational Education in New Era

MA Luting,SONG Xiaoxin   

  1. (Research Institute of Higher Education,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
  • Online:2019-03-01 Published:2019-03-12

Abstract: It is difficult to establish a development model of higher vocational education in China.The main problems are that the separation between production and education is prominent,enterprises lack the consciousness of subject,and the interest mechanism of integration of production and education has not been formed yet.The "double subjects" of school-enterprise is the fundamental way to promote the reform of higher vocational education model and realize the integration of production and education,which requires the school to take the initiative,the government to promote the implementation,the industry to actively fulfill its responsibilities,and the enterprise to enhance awareness and so on.It is suggested that the implementation of modern apprenticeship should be taken as a breakthrough in the reform of teaching mode,and the combination of scientific research and social service function should be taken as the main point of the reform of school running.Thus,we can jointly promote the realization of the "double subjects" model of schools and enterprises.

Key words: higher vocational education, model, running schools by "double subjects" of school-enterprise, modern apprenticeship, social services

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