Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Mission Interpretation of the Higher Education Innovation-driven Development in the New Era

CHEN Enlun,YI Lan   

  1. (Southwest Ethnic Education and Psychological Research Center,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
  • Online:2019-03-01 Published:2019-03-12

Abstract: The era has endowed higher education with a new mission and a sense of responsibility for innovation-driven development.Under the background of the new era,the implication of higher education innovation-driven development is manifested in three aspects:focusing on science and technology innovation education,on innovative social culture,and on serving the transformation of principal social contradictions.Its content covers the cultivation of independent innovative ability,of innovative university culture,of innovative teaching staff and of innovative talents,etc.To ensure the realization of the mission of innovation-driven development of higher education in the new era,we should not only rely on the innovation of science and technology to promote the cultivation of higher education's independent innovative ability,but also emphasize the cultural innovation of higher education,guided by the task standard in the new era.At the same time,attention should be paid to the construction of teaching staff lead by innovative drive,cultivating innovative talents in higher education based on the idea of intellectual creation.

Key words: the new era, higher education innovation-driven development, independent innovative ability, innovative university culture

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