Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 22-28.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2023.04.003

• Special Topic on Social Governance and Governance Standardization • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Standardization of Rural Governance:Theoretical Logic,System Framework and Realization Approaches

HENG Xia,ZHAI Boling   

  1. (School of Public Administration,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China)
  • Online:2023-07-01 Published:2023-08-17

Abstract: As a kind of institutional supply,the standardization of rural governance contributes to the clear expression of the intention of national governance and the maximization of social welfare.The rural governance standards issued by governments at all levels and third-party institutions are rapidly increasing,giving full play to the "soft law" function of standards.However,the dispersion and fragmentation of the standards have led to the decline of modern functions of governance technology.Although the academic circles have studied the value,connotation and approaches of rural governance standardization,there is no systematic thinking on why it is possible and why it can be done at the theoretical level.With this regard,it is necessary to build an institutional framework for the standardization of rural governance based on the incentive and constraint mechanism of regulation theory,aiming at the path driven by system,subject and technology,and conduct a rational test with the help of governance practice.In order to realize and promote the dynamic application of the framework of rural governance standardization,we should ensure the coordination between the Party and the government,the coexistence between tradition and modernity,and the unification of norms and flexibility.

Key words: rural governance, standardization, theoretical logic, system framework, realization approaches

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