Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

• Ethnology and Anthropology: A Special Topic of Business Anthropology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Evolution of Families and Rethinking of Chinese Family Businesses:A Case Study of Wan's Enterprise,Zhejiang Province

ZHAO Jianhua   

  1. (University of Louisville,Louisville,KY 40292,USA)
  • Online:2018-09-01 Published:2018-07-29

Abstract: Family businesses have regained momentum in China since the late 1970s.In general,the Chinese family businesses are treatedby social scientists as a combination of cultural and economic phenomena.However,in their studies,Chinese culture and family are widely regarded as independent variables.Family is actually a social construct whose boundaries are formed and changed by the constant consultation amongits members.Based on the ethnographic study of a family business in Zhejiang province,China,I think that a new type of family business is emerging in China as the the family and clan system has so far evolved.

Key words: family, clan, Chinese family businesses, new-type family businesses, incorporated families

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