Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Consumerism and "World Literature"

CHEN Zhongyi,GAO Zhaocheng   

  1. (Research Institute of Foreign Literature,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
  • Online:2018-01-01 Published:2018-01-06

Abstract: Consumerism is the result of the combination between capital logic and technical rationality.But what is consumerism? Who determines world trend? Why does consumer consciousness become popular consciousness? And how do writers and theorists realize or resist the so-called "modernity" or "postmodernism" in their writing or thinking? To the large extent,the world is often the minority of so-called major powers and powers;to the smallest extent,"world literature" is also mainly the literature of a handful of Western powers and countries with comprehensive national strength.This is more or less reflected in the writing of almost all the history of world literature.Therefore,the reverse result of the world being equal to the people actually exists all along,but it has never been as clear and unquestionable as it is today,because the benefits are above all else in the globalization of transnational capital.In other words,nothing is out of capital.The profits pursued,the logic practiced,the values observed,and the groups represented by the chief dominants of global capital,and their de-nationalization and de-localization are irreconcilable with the traditional culture and beliefs of the weak or developing countries,forming a contradiction.

Key words: consumerism, capital logic, technical rationality, mass culture, world literature

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