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    01 November 2023, Volume 44 Issue 6
    Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
    The Cultural Dimensions of Chinese Modernization
    DAI Yuqi, LIU Yan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  1-8. 
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    Chinese modernization has multiple value dimensions,and culture is its due meaning and important foundation.For Chinese modernization,culture provides basic spiritual support,source of value choice and significant yardstick.Inheriting the civilization factors of China's fine traditional culture,Chinese modernization demonstrates the Party's unremitting pursuit for a hundred years,and gathers the civilized achievements of the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The sustainable development of Chinese modernization depends on the promotion and guarantee of cultural transformation,cultural blending,cultural self-confidence,cultural self-consciousness and cultural self-improvement as an endogenous driving force,so it provides solid support for the free and all-round development of human beings,the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and a new form of human civilization.
    Party History and Party Construction

    The Transcendence of the Party’s Fundamental Purpose to the Traditional “People-oriented” Thought and Its Significance in the New Era

    SONG Yingui, ZHANG Manyi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  9-16. 
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    The “people-oriented” thought is an integral part of China’s fine traditional culture, in which there are core values such as attaching importance to the power of people, the interests and demands of people, people’s support and public opinion, and so on. However, it has the historical limitations of upholding class rule. The Communist Party of China (CPC) practices the “two integrations” (integrations of the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s specific realities and fine traditional culture), adheres to the basic viewpoint that “the masses are the creators of history”, attaches importance to the historical role of the masses, relies on the people, protects civil rights, and tries every effort to improve people’s livelihood. Thus, it establishes the fundamental purpose of “serving the people wholeheartedly” and makes a new Marxist interpretation of the traditional “people-oriented” thought. While inheriting the rational core values of the “people-oriented” thought, it has realized its innovative development and creative transformation: the traditional thought of “people-orientation” is an expedient tool of the ruling class, yet the fundamental purpose of the CPC is based on the highly unified interests and will of the Party and the people; the “people-oriented” thought depends on the moral self-discipline of the ruling class, yet the implementation of CPC’s fundamental purpose is determined by its class attribute; the “people-oriented” thought is pragmatic as a tool, yet the fundamental purpose of CPC is the truth proved by the new democratic revolution. Comparing the two, the fundamental purpose of CPC is to transcend the thought of “people-orientation”, from a “boat-water” relationship to “fish-water” relationship. Putting the people above all else, practicing the “two integrations”, CPC’s fundamental purpose has got new connotation in the new era, with “serving the people wholeheartedly” at a new height.
    Multi-dimensional Reflection on the High-quality Development of Teacher Education in the New Era (Forum)
    HE Yunfeng, WANG Zhojing, MA Jingjing, TIAN Tiejie, WU Hong, LUAN Peizhong, LIU Ping, XIANG Yingchun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  17-45. 
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    Will the Re-designation of Counties (Cities of County-level) as City Districts Lead to Industrial Isomorphism? —An Empirical Study Based on the Data from Hangzhou,Ningbo,Nanjing and Suzhou
    WU Jinqun, MAO Jianan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  46-60. 
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    Administrative division and industrial structure are important factors affecting the sustainable development of cities.As changes in industrial structure are influenced by multiple factors,including the political and economic ones,there-designation of counties (cities of county-level) as city districts may lead to industrial isomorphism,or deepen the industrial division in the administrative districts.This paper,selecting Hangzhou,Ningbo,Nanjing,and Suzhou as the research object,using the panel data of their districts (counties and cities of county-level) from 1999 to 2019,and adopting the difference-in-differences (DID) method,explores the impact of the re-designation of counties (cities of county-level) as city districts on industrial structure and its mechanism.The results show that it has no significant effect on the industrial isomorphism in both tertiary industry and sub-industries,and according to the test results of time effect,there is a lag period of 8 years on industrial isomorphism.This effect is heterogeneous,and the significant positive effect on industrial isomorphism is found only in Hangzhou.Upon close examination of the cases,the heterogeneity analysis aligns with the industrial layout of the cities.Mechanism analysis suggests that government actions and market mechanisms jointly affect the degree of industrial isomorphism.If the municipal government focuses on the development of secondary industry and industrial transfer occurs,the industrial structure of the main urban area and the newly established districts will tend to move towards industrial division,and if the municipal government focuses on the development of tertiary industry and industrial diffusion occurs,it will tend to move towards industrial isomorphism.This research enriches the empirical evidence concerning the relationship between administrative divisions and industrial structures,hoping to provide fresh perspectives and practical insights for the re-designation of counties (cities of county-level) as city districts,as well as new theoretical perceptions and policy options for urban industrial layouts.
    Measurement and Influencing Factors of Production Efficiency in China's E-commerce Industry—DEA and Panel Regression Models Based on the Provincial Data from 2016 to 2021
    PENG Xiaojia
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  61-71. 
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    Taking the e-commerce industry in 31 provinces,regions,and cities in China from 2016 to 2021 as a sample,this paper calculates and identifies the production efficiency and influencing factors of the e-commerce industry by establishing a directional distance function DEA model and a regression model.The results show that,firstly,the comprehensive efficiency and pure technical efficiency of the provincial e-commerce industry in China are relatively low,leading to problems of redundant input,waste,and serious insufficient output;secondly,the overall level of production scale efficiency in the e-commerce production is relatively high,and enterprises can reasonably control their production scale;and thirdly,at present,large-scale production can basically meet the profit expectations of e-commerce enterprises,but in most regions,e-commerce enterprises have entered the stage of diminishing returns to scale and need to control production scale in the next stage.Only by strengthening the support of government policies,reinforcing innovation-driven leadership,and optimizing provincial supply chains and logistics warehousing,can we steadily improve the production efficiency of the e-commerce industry and promote high-quality economic development.
    Management science

    The Development of China’s Digital Government Service Industry and the Solution to Its Problems –An Investigation Centered on Administrative Intelligent Decision-making

    HUANG Xin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  72-81. 
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    With the acceleration of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, the information technology of a new generation and administrative governance are deeply integrated, forming a new development pattern of digital government service industry. Administrative intelligent decision-making is characterized by intelligent concentration, decision-making initiative, self-adaptation and distribution, which can make proactive decisions and respond to complex decisions rapidly. Highly adaptive and able to expand decision-making scenarios continuously, it is an important part of building a collaborative and efficient digital government system. The system of digital government service industry in China, centered on administrative intelligent decision-making, can be divided into core industry, supporting industry, ancillary industry and derivative industry, all of which have entered a growing period of industrial development, forming an intelligent technology ecosystem and further evolving a new model of administrative intelligent decision-making. However, problems are also obvious in the development, such as insufficient investment in basic innovation, prominent structural contradiction between supply and demand, incomplete industrial chain, insufficient policy implementation, strict data collection, lack of high-end technical personnel, and so on. In order to promote the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of digital government service industry in China, we need to solve the problems from the aspects of top-level design, guidance mechanism, industrial environment, regulatory system and legal constraints, and so on.
    The Impact of Frustration Experience on the Public Sense of Security—Analysis Based on Survey Data from 10 Megacities
    WANG Xiaonan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  82-93. 
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    Public sense of security is an important index to measure urban public security and evaluate the effect of government on urban public security governance.Based on the "frustration-aggression" theory and the differentiated trust mechanismmodel,this paper constructs a path of the impact of frustration experience on the public sense of security,and adopts the data of "2019 New Era Living Conditions Survey of Megacities" to conduct an empirical study.It is found that the public sense of security presents two dimensions of individual sense of security and social sense of security.The public frustration experience directly reduces the social sense of security,and both the individual sense of security and social sense of security are reduced by reducing government trust,policy identification and sense of social justice.Government trust,policy identification and social justice have differentiated effects on the influence path of public sense of security.Among them,there are "symmetry principle" of government trust and "asymmetry principle" of policy identification in the influence path of social security.The sense of social justice has become an important bridge for frustration experience to reduce individual sense of security and social sense of security.Therefore,it is of great practical significance to cultivate a risk communication mechanism,expand access to policy information,enhance the public's ability to perceive policies,and build a risk sharing and benefit distribution mechanism to ensure the public sense of security.
    New Approaches on the Innovation-driven Development and the Construction of Intellectual Property Law
    QI Jiangang, ZHANG Shaohu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  94-102. 
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    The legal system of intellectual property is a basic tool to speed up the implementation of innovation-driven development,because the core content of implementing innovation-driven development is to enhance the independent innovation of science and technology and transform scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces.As the system of intellectual property contains a new property right mechanism,an effective market transaction mechanism and a mechanism to protect the exclusive rights of innovation subjects and market subjects from destruction and infringement,it can provide a guarantee mechanism in the sense of "original power" for innovation-driven development.Speeding up the implementation of innovation-driven development at a higher level has put forward new requirements for scientific and technological innovation.However,the current intellectual property legal system is faced with a series of challenges:the ability of the intellectual property examination and approval system represented by invention patents needs to be improved;the ability of grass-roots administrative law enforcement of intellectual property rights needs to be strengthened;the efficiency of the use of intellectual property rights needs to be improved;and the administrative management and service capacity of intellectual property rights need to be strengthened urgently.In order to give full play to its mission as a basic tool for speeding up the implementation of innovation-driven development,new approaches are needed in the construction of the legal system of intellectual property,that is,we should look at the attribute of intellectual property as "a strategic resource for national development".It is necessary to optimize the intellectual property legal system from the organic integration of promising government,effective market and useful society,and formulate more intellectual property laws and regulations that express national and social public interests.
    Fighting back the Boycott:The Legal Application of the Law against Foreign Sanctions to Overseas Entities—Taking the Legal Breakthrough of the "Xinjiang Cotton Incident" as an Example
    LIU Junmei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  103-112. 
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    As an overseas entity,the Swiss Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) contains many subjective factors in its certification procedures and standards for good cotton,and the composition of the so-called "investigation working group" is sufficient to prove that its conclusion on "Xinjiang cotton" has obvious political interference.BCI's boycott of "Xinjiang cotton" has constituted a discriminatory restriction measure,which aims to supplement US sanctions against China,and so it essentially is a special form of "trade war" against China.BCI is an international non-governmental organization and does not have the qualification of the subject of international law,so it dissociates from the control of the rules of international law.However,its boycott has constituted a violation of articles 4 and 15 of the Law against Foreign Sanctions,which is applicable to foreign acts regulated by the law.Based on this,the relevant departments may include BCI in the counter-list and the list of unreliable entities in accordance with the law and relevant laws,and take corresponding legal sanctions.The damaged enterprises or individuals in China can also bring a lawsuit to the people's court in accordance with the law,requesting to stop the infringement and compensate for the losses.
    The Regional Differences and Formation Mechanism of Bachelors in China's Rural Areas:Analysis Based on the Village Social Structure
    LI Yongping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  113-123. 
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    According to the differences between consanguineous and geographical structures,China's rural society can be divided into three ideal types:the united village in the south,the divided village in the north andthe dispersed village in the middle.The social structure of the village mainly shapes the formation logic of bachelors from two dimensions:the degree of family support for marriage and the degree of village rejection.To be specific,in the northern divided villages,the parents' support for their children's marriage is the strongest,and the social rejection to bachelors is the strongest in the villages,so the probability of being bachelors is the least.In the united villages in the south,the parents' support for their children's marriage is general,and the bachelors are mainly structurally protected by village society,so the probability of being bachelors is the second.In the dispersed villages in the middle,the parents' support for the marriage of their children is the weakest,and the village society has less rejection to bachelors,so both the probability of being bachelors and the number of bachelors are the largest.The sociological analysis of the regional differences of rural bachelors constructs a middle-level theoretical framework for the study of bachelors,which is of great significance to the social policy intervention of bachelors' crisis.

    The Influence of Media Use Behavior on Youth Depression - the Chain Mediation Effect of Family Health and Self-efficacy

    GONG Fangmin, Yi Pei, WU Yibo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  124-136. 
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    Young people are characterized by uncertainty, plasticity and volatility in their psychological development, and the use of media has a great influence on their psychological development and mental health, whose mechanism is complex. The academic circle has mainly discussed the influence of media on youth’s social cognition and mental health from the perspective of media types, with more direct path analysis. However, less research has been made on the internal mechanism from the perspectives of the purpose-oriented media use behavior. Based on the large sample survey data of national youth and using the two social cognitive variables of family health and self-efficacy, this paper constructs a chain mediating model of the influence mechanism of media use behavior on depression. After corresponding verification, it is found that media use behavior can positively predict youth depression. Family health and self-efficacy play an intermediary role between youth media use behavior and depression, with a significant masking effect. At the same time, the chain mediating effect of the two also presents a masking effect. Besides, through multi-group analysis, it is found that media use behavior of the youth between the age of 15 and 18 has a more significant impact on their depression, while those between 19 and 24 has a more significant impact on family health and self-efficacy. Under the guidance of the theories of ecosystem and social cognition, this paper reveals the particularity of the influencing factors and paths of youth depression, and provides targeted evidence for the prevention and intervention of youth depression. It is hoped that the study could provide reference to improve the prevention and intervention strategies for youth depression.
    The Construction of "Great Ideological and Political Course":Value Implication,Basic Principles and Innovation Path
    ZOU Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  137-143. 
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    Making good use of the "great ideological and political courses" is a new proposition and major topic put forward by general secretary Xi Jinping focusing on the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education.The Marxist theories on the all-round development of man,the criterion of truth tested by practice,and the essence of man is the sum of all social relations,etc.,have laid a profound philosophical and academic foundation for the construction of the "great ideological and political courses".The concept and practice of the "ideological and political courses" follow the law of ideological and political education and the growth of talents,which is the inherent requirement of promoting the high-quality development of ideological and political education and the objective requirement of consolidating the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology.In order to build and make good use of the "great ideological and political courses" in the new era,we should adhere to the basic principles such as the combination of science and politics,of knowledge transfer and ideological guidance,of theoretical teaching and social practice,and of inheritance of fine tradition and improvement and innovation,trying to innovate the construction path from multiple dimensions and give full play to the value of the "great ideological and political courses".
    On the Methodological Basis of the "Great Ideological and Political Courses"
    ZHANG Xia, WU Hongzheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  144-150. 
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    To build high-quality "great ideological and political courses",it is necessary not only to expand and enrich the educational content,educational means,educational resources and educational forms of the ideological and political courses,but also to reform and innovate the ideological and political courses in the sense of methodology.As the expansion of the traditional ideological and political education with "small classroom of school" and "ideological and political course" as the main channel,the "great ideological and political courses" need the theoretical consciousness of the methodological basis in order to realize the innovation at the level of methodology.That is to say,we should have the theoretical consciousness of insisting on the unity of perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge,historical facts and rational exposition,recessive education and explicit education.Adhering to the theoretical consciousness based on these three methodologies is of vital importance for constantly improving the ideological,theoretical,affinitive and pertinent characters of ideological and political courses,ensuring the correct direction in their construction,and promoting the work of carrying out Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast soul and educate people.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum

    The Theoretical Guidance and Realization Path of Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization at a High Level in the New Era-- from the Perspective of Chinese-style Modernization

    WANG Mingyue
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(6):  151-160. 
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    The construction of ecological civilization is a vital task for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and is of great significance to meet the people’s growing needs for a better life. Xi Jinping Thought on ecological civilization scientifically reveals the inherent law of harmony between man and nature, profoundly expounds the dialectical relationship between the replacement of civilization and the rise and fall of ecology. This indicates that the Party and the government have reached a new height in their understanding of the regularity of the construction of ecological civilization and provides a fundamental basis for the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. In the journey of Chinese-style modernization, to promote the construction of ecological civilization at a high level, we should take Xi Jinping Thought on ecological civilization as the guide to theory and action. In the realization path, it is necessary to put the people first and promote green urbanization and the construction of beautiful villages in a coordinated manner. With the implementation of the “dual carbon” strategy, we should build a new pattern of green cycle and low-carbon development; and with mechanism construction as the core, we should promote the modernization of eco-environmental governance system and governance capacity.
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