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    01 March 2023, Volume 44 Issue 2
    Deeply Study,Publicize and Implement the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress
    On Xi Jinping's Exposition on the Four Themes of Adhering to Self-revolution
    QI Weiping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  1-10. 
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    In the report of the 20th CPC National Congress,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward that "the Party's self-revolution is always on the way",requiring that social revolution should always be led by the Party's self-revolution.The Party's self-revolution is an original concept in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,and it is also a major theoretical achievement of the new great project of Party construction in the new era.General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the Party's self-revolution is extremely rich,and the distinct words and profound thoughts have formed a systematic theory.With the historical theme of "taking the examination",General Secretary Xi Jinping reveals the profound thought of overcoming the spiritual slackness of the ruling Party,preventing the danger of failure in taking the examination,and jumping out of the historical cycle.With the political theme of giving full play to the advantages of Marxist political Parties,General Secretary Xi Jinping reveals the profound thought of tempering the political character of the Chinese Communists.With the practical theme of carrying out the great struggle,General Secretary Xi Jinping reveals the principle of promoting the comprehensive and strict administration of the Party in the new era.With the mission theme of "two revolutions",General Secretary Xi Jinping reveals the internal mechanism of being brave in self-revolution to lead the great social revolution.An in-depth study of the General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the Party's self-revolution is of great practical significance to the struggle in a new era and a in new journey.
    A Risk World in the Period of Upheaval and Change:the Origin,Presentation,and China's Response
    ZHANG Yantao, CHEN Huilian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  11-18. 
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    At present,the changes unseen in a century have interacted with global epidemic,and the world has entered a period of upheaval and change.There has been a marked increase in the number of sources and risk points,pushing us into an overall risk world whose origin should be explored from a panoramic survey of multiple dimensions,such as practice,system,civilization and reality.The risks during this period are mainly represented in the forms of scientific and technological risks,ecological risks,economic risks and political risks,and the various risks are intertwined to form a risk complex.The Chinese Communists have put it in a prominent position to prevent and defusing risks,coordinate the overall situation at home and abroad,persist in running their own affairs independently at home,adhere to the road of Chinese-style modernization,abandon dualistic thinking abroad,and advocate the common values of all mankind,which will promote a community with a shared future for mankind.
    Collection Efficiency of Basic Endowment Insurance Funds for Urban Employees:A Study Based on Dynamic Panel Threshold Model
    LONG Zhaoyang, LIANG Yangyang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  19-30. 
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    Using the statistical data of the collection of basic endowment insurance funds for urban employees in 31 provinces in China from 2010 to 2015,this paper empirically investigates the impact of regional institutional alimony rate on the collection  efficiency of endowment insurance funds by using the dynamic panel threshold model.It is found that there is an inverted "U" curve relationship between the regional institutional alimony rate and the collection  efficiency of endowment insurance funds,and that there is a single threshold value.When the institutional alimony rate is lower than this value,the local government will take the initiative to bear the main responsibility for making up the gap of the endowment insurance fund,and when the institutional alimony rate exceeds this value,the local government will transfer the main responsibility for making up the gap of the endowment insurance fund to the central government,thus weakening the collection efficiency of the endowment insurance fund.After the robustness tests such as replacing the explained variable and using instrumental variable method,this conclusion is still valid.The study offers a new explanation for the inefficient collection  to the basic endowment insurance funds for urban employees in China,emphasizing the important role of local governments in collaborative collection and supervision.
    The Problem in the Execution of Punishment against Liberty in Our Country and Its Solution:on Digital Governance of Recidivism Based on Intelligent Risk Assessment of Recidivism
    DI Xiaohua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  31-43. 
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    The execution of punishment against liberty adheres to the combination of punishment and reform,with the purpose of transforming people.However,the traditional free execution punishment against liberty,characterized by the equal distribution of limited execution resources,not only intensifies the inherent contradiction between the punishment that deprives or restricts freedom and the reform that promotes the criminals to integrate into the society,but also causes the deviation between the means and the purpose of the reform,bringing the negative impact of unfair and inefficient execution of sentences.With the acceleration of the process of national rule of law,especially the continuous improvement of artificial intelligence in criminal justice,the unification of penalty execution reform must promote the integration of punishment against liberty with the assistance of artificial intelligence technology.To this end,in response to the mismatch between supply and demand that exists in traditional execution,it is essential to rely on the development of intelligent risk assessment of recidivism,to achieve dynamic matching of criminal causes and responses through accurate assessment,immediate warning,precise recommendation,evidence-based supervision and reform,and in this way to achieve the integration goals such as unified standards,subject coordination,relationship harmonization,procedural standardization,and backward and forward convergence in the execution of punishment against liberty.
    A Study on the Obligation of Safe Keeping in the Civil Code:System Origin,Reconstruction,and the Application of Law
    JIANG Junzhou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  44-58. 
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    Absorbing the institution of the obligation of safe keeping burdened by custodian in Roman Law,the Civil Code of China stipulates that the custodian is obligated to provide custody with due care,and should be diligent to fulfill it.However,after the systematic transformation of the Civil Code,this obligation of "safekeeping" objectively requires the custodian to keep the article,rather than that he should diligently keep it.It has no textual basis and contradicts the principle of no-fault contractual liability to reduce "safekeeping" to "safekeeping attention".If the custody is free,the Civil Code actually continues Lex quod Nerva,allowing the unpaid custodian to manage his own affairs;and if he fails to pay due attention,he will commit a "gross negligence".However,this kind of gross negligence is a kind of specific negligence of its own,which belongs to the attention of the free custodian,different from both abstract gross negligence and concrete minor negligence.As for the safekeeping of the Civil Code which is expressly stipulated in the non-contractual relationship,as well as other implied safekeeping,it should be systematically interpreted as that the custodian should pay attention to the abstract without committing the abstract fault at the corresponding level.
    Social governance
    Modernization of Ecological Governance in China:Advantages,Contradictions and Countermeasures
    CHEN Cuifang, ZHOU Bei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  59-69. 
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    The modernization of ecological governance in China is a collaborative co-governance of multiple subjects under the leadership of the Party and the government,which not only meets the basic requirements of modern ecological governance,but also highlights the leadership of the Party and the government.With great advantages,it adheres to the socialist direction,provides the institutional guarantee of pluralistic co-governance,adheres to the purpose of the interests of the people,and gathers the forces of all parties of pluralistic co-governance.And with a new national system,it improves the degree of coordination of pluralistic co-governance.At the same time,the modernization of ecological governance in China is also faced with many practical contradictions:the contradiction between the long-term nature of ecological governance task and the continuity of ecological governance mission,between the overall situation of ecological governance concept and governance responsibility,between the lag of ecological governance effectiveness and the timeliness of governance assessment,and between the modernity of ecological governance and the complexity of governance practice.In order to solve these contradictions,we can combine the long-term plan of ecological governance with the short-term plan,the overall vision of ecological governance with the regional goal,the long-term goal of ecological governance with the current reality,and the innovation of ecological governance with scientific governance.Reasonable resolution of these contradictions can not only promote the modernization of ecological governance in China,but also cultivate and improve the modern quality and ecological governance ability of cadres,citizens,enterprises and other subjects.
    Disaster Governance Reform in the New Era:Framework,Trend and Optimization Path
    XING Zhenjiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  70-81. 
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    Disaster governance is a comprehensive activity for the government,non-governmental organizations and citizens to effectively deal with various disastrous events with the help of science,technology,and comprehensive planning,in order to ensure social harmony and maintain national security.The basic trend of disaster governance reform in the new era is the transformation from single disaster governance to one under the overall national security concept,from a fragmented emergency disaster relief system to a gradually improved disaster governance system.The reform of disastergovernance in the new era is faced with four problems:the lack of popularization and content of disaster governance,the deficiency of the governance subject in coordination and mobilization,the defects in the design and operation of disaster governance system,and the difficulties in the popularization and application of disaster governance technology.Flexible governance is the path choice for the reform in the new era.For this end,it needs to be optimized from four aspects:the promotion and cultivation of disaster governance,the coordination and linkage of disaster governance subjects,the control and guidance of disaster governance system,and the rational application of disaster governance technology.
    Mao Zedong's Five Cycles of the Cognitive Movement and Their Internal Relations
    WANG Xiangqing, HUANG Qianliu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  82-89. 
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    One of Mao Zedong's contributions to Marxist epistemology is to take the lead in discussing the five cycles of the cognitive movement,known as the cycle of practice-cognition-practice,of material-spirit-material,of special-general-special,of mass-leadership-mass,and of democracy-centralization-democracy.The cycle of practice-cognition-practice reveals the essence and general law of the cognitive movement,which contains the dialectical materialism principle of matter-spirit-material,the materialist dialectical concept of special-general-special,themass line working method of mass-leadership-mass,and the leadership principle of democracy-centralization-democracy.The five cycles of the cognitive movement embody the characteristics of the cognitive process,such as openness,subjectivity,methodology,isomorphism,ascension and so on,unifying epistemology and methodology and creating a new realm of Marxist epistemology.
    Marx's Philosophical Reform and the Creation of "New Body"
    ZHANG Jing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  90-96. 
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    As a complete reality of human beings,"body" includes both physical and psychological aspects.The hypothetical separation of body and soul is the product of the old philosophy,which fundamentally distorts and violates the authenticity of the body and the richness of real life.Because activity (labor,practice) is naturally the unity of thinking and being,and body and soul,Marx's philosophy,which takes "perceptual activity" as its ontology,eliminates the opposition of thought and bridges the division of body and soul.On the basis of the new "activity ontology",the totality,naturalness,sociality and practicality of the body appear gradually,and all existence is explained in a self-consistent and unified manner.Therefore,Marx's new philosophy can be called "perceptual activity" ontology or "practice" ontology.
    Management science
    Industrial Cooperation between the East and the West:Type,Logic,and Future
    XIE Zhiju, LI Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  97-106. 
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    The industrial cooperation between the east and the west is an effective exploration and important way for the country to solve the problem of insufficient and unbalanced regional development and finally realize common prosperity in the new development stage,and it is also a concrete practical achievement of the country constantly adjusting and optimizing the relationship between the government and the market.The industrial cooperation between the eastern and western regions has formed many types,such as asset income type,production and marketing cooperation type and order production type,and the logic and mechanism of its sustained and effective operation are mainly conscious recognition,scientific assessment and balance of interests.In order to improve the quality and efficiency of the industrial cooperation between the eastern and western regions,we should correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market,efficiency and fairness,and make beneficial explorations from the aspectsof strengthening the government's macro-guidance,encouraging enterprise innovation and forming social independent participation.
    A Study on the Spatial Heterogeneity of County Tourism Economy in Wuling Mountain Area
    CAI Jiangang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  107-119. 
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    It is found that the overall level of county tourism economic development in Wuling Mountain area is low and its spatial distribution shows strong spatial dependence.From the perspective of the whole Wuling Mountain area,the endowment of tourism resources and the level of local economic development have an obvious positive effect on the development of tourism economy,but the role of transportation infrastructure is not significant.From a local point of view,county tourism has significant spatial heterogeneity:Hubei is the least sensitive to the influence of natural tourism resources;Chongqing,Guizhou and some counties (cities) of Shaoyang are less affected by human tourism resources;the impact of highway density on local tourism economic development is not obvious;the role of local economic development is quite different,and the economic driving role of Hunan is obviously weak.In order to promote the high-quality development of county tourism,Wuling Mountain area should take Zhangjiajie as the leader to build a regional tourism hierarchy,promote the deep integration and development of cultural tourism,accelerate the interconnection of transportation infrastructure,and effectively improve the spatial competitiveness of regional tourism.
    A Study on the Communication Practice of Village-stationed Cadres under the Background of Rural Revitalization
    LU Xiaoxuan, JI Aimin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  120-128. 
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    The subjects of rural social communication,including the cadres stationed in the village,through reasonable communication behavior,have realized common language understanding,united common consciousness andbuilt common norms,thus established a reasonable "life world" and achieved the integration of the government and the rural society.The practical experience of poverty alleviation of cadres stationed in villages shows that eliminating disharmonious factors in rural society and establishing a reasonable basis for effective communication play an important role in consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation in ethnic minority areas and effectively connecting rural revitalization.However,at present,there are still some problems in the communication practice of the cadres stationed in the village,such as mistrust,misunderstanding,lack of support,flexible embedment into the rigid system,and the behavior alienation of the object of communication,which have become obstacles to their leadership and participation in rural revitalization.Therefore,it is required to optimize the communication mode of the cadres stationed in the village,improve the work quality and efficiency,promote the positive interaction among the subjects of communication in the rural society,gather the rural consensus and standardize the social order in the countryside,and reshape the benign relationship between the subjects of rural social communication in order to speed up the efficient connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.
    History and Culture
    Chinese Communists' Thought of the Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation during the Period of New Democratic Revolution:the Logic,Development,and Connotation
    LIU Xiaomin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  129-141. 
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    Chinese Communists formed a systematic,complete and scientific thought of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the period of the new democratic revolution.As for the formation,the thought of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation of the Chinese Communists was constructed from their commitment to the mission.It is the fundamental adherence to the Marxist theory on ethnic issues by taking the glorious history of ancient China as the reference for rejuvenation,inheriting the gene of the excellent traditional culture,absorbing and surpassing the ideas and thoughts of the Chinese national rejuvenation since modern times.In terms of development,the thought of Chinese national rejuvenation of Chinese Communists is essentially the process of combining Marxist theory with the concrete practice of the movement of Chinese national rejuvenation.It has passed through several major stages of development from germination to rudiment,development,maturity and further development.From the perspective of connotation and implication,during the period of new democratic revolution,the "rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" of Chinese Communists took the overall identity as the logical premise,the "establishment of New China" under the guidance of the communist ideal as the goal and vision,the people as the main body with the essential requirement,accompanying the fundamental basis as self-reliance and hard work.The thought on national rejuvenation of the Chinese Communists during the new-democratic revolution has consolidated the ideological foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,whose essence has been passed on,developed and innovated in the continuous struggle of the Party and the people.
    Soundscape Construction of Urban Folk Belief Rituals:the Case of the "Deities Parade" in Fuzhou
    YUAN Yelu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  142-149. 
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    Folk belief is the reflection of traditional social life pattern,city is the stage for the modern way of life,and the soundscape construction of urban folk belief rituals is the embodiment of the contradiction and symbiosis between urban residents' daily lifestyle and traditional cultural concepts.Taking the "Deities Parade" ritual in Fuzhou as an example,this paper discusses the construction and change of the soundscape of traditional folk belief ritual under the urbanization environment.On the one hand,the sound space of folk belief rituals has been reshaped in a fast-moving modern society,making noise a new tone of sound,so the tradition of folk art in belief rituals has been gradually weakened.On the other hand,new sounds and new "traditions" have come into being constantly,which enriches diverse urban soundscapes and makes folk belief and traditional music culture it bears the indispensable foundations in shaping local soundscape and cultural memory.
    New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum
    On the Criminal Witness' Obligation to Testify in Court and the Defendant's Right of Cross-Examination:An Analysis Based on Hohfeld's Right Theory
    HUANG Xue
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition), 2023, 44(2):  150-160. 
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    Through normative interpretation of the law,we can see the clue of "witness' testimony in court as the principle and absence as the exception" in the Constitution and Criminal procedure Law of China.Due to the lack of legislation on the certainty of the right of cross-examination,there is no "closed loop" in the legal relationship between the witness,the defendant and the court,leaving no institutional space for the linkage of legal relations.There is a "symbiotic relationship" between the obligation of criminal witness to testify incourt and the defendant's right of cross-examination,and the meta-form of the legal relationship between them in Hohfeld's right theory is "right" and "obligation".The obligation of criminal witness to testify in court must take the right of cross-examination as a reference,and it is meaningful to discuss the two in the context of "right" and "obligation" under the primary norm of criminal procedure and "power" and "responsibility" under the secondary norm of criminal procedure.We should construct the criminal witness testimony system in the context of the return of the right of cross-examination from the four aspects of legislative density,supporting measures,system reform and public consciousness,so as to realize the materialization of the trial and the transformation of the fact-finding mode.
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