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    01 July 2018, Volume 39 Issue 4
    Viewpoints on Cultural Soft Power and Cultural Confidence
    The Hard Core of Cultural Soft Power
    YI Xiaoming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  1-3. 
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    On Cultural Confidence from the Perspective of Soft Power
    TANG Daixing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  3-7. 
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    Reconsideration on Cultural Confidence
    SHEN Xiangping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  7-9. 
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    Research on Tusi culture (the construction of Study of Tusi)
    On the Extensiveness of Tusi Study
    QU Zhoulian,QU Hongzhou
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  10-18. 
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    Tusi Study,a specialized study focusing on Tusi system and relevant Tusi issues,has come into existence due to the peculiarity,extensiveness and reality of its research object.The extensiveness of Tusi Study is presented in the longevity of Tusi system,the wideness of implement territory,the breadth of research fields,the richness of materials and the diversity of disciplines and methods,which makes it a hot point in academic research and a new starting point as well.
    Tusi Terms and the Conceptual System of Tusi Study
    YU Aihua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  19-25. 
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    An enormous and specialized conceptual system of Tusi Study has been formed in the historical development of Tusi system.These conceptual terms are the discipline frames of Tusi Study,laying foundation for the establishment of it.They may include system,Tusi group and Tusi figures,relevant events during Tusi period,Tusi geography,social life in Tusi areas,Tusi documents,and Tusi cultural relics and sites.
    Tusi Study:Occurrence Logic,Research Direction and Construction Path
    GE Tianbo
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  26-33. 
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    Tusi Study has emerged with the gradual integration and deepening of research on it.As a specialized study,it should be systematically constructed,focusing on the three aspects of occurrence logic,research direction and construction path based on the existent research result.While attention is paid to the systematic theory,the fragmented and over-generalized research should be avoided.Since the construction of Tusi Study is still at an exploring stage,the discussion has not come to a conclusion.Luckily,great efforts have been paid to the construction of Tusi Study,which is seen in the integration of researchers,resources and institutions.The publication of Introduction to Tusi Study in China undoubtedly is a pioneering step in constructing Tusi Study.Presently,the research direction should be concentrated on the outline of Tusi Study,compilation of Tusi dictionaries,etc.
    On the Construction of Theoretic Systemof Baopuzi Neipian and Its Integration with Taoism and Confucianism
    DENG Hui,LONG Ze'an
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  34-42. 
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    "Dao","Xuan" and "Yi" are all core concepts in Baopuzi Neipian.Bridged with "Yi",Ge Hong has unified the theoretical framework of "Dao" and "Xuan",integrated Taoism and Confucianism,and formed a philosophical system.Based on this,Ge Hong further proposed a new relationship between Taoism and Confucianism.
    Is Hume's Ethics Virtue Ethics? ——Also on the Contemporary Value of Hume's Ethics
    ZHAO Yonggang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  43-47. 
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    To answer the question whether Hume's ethics is virtue ethics,we need to investigate the definition of virtue ethics,the coincidence between Hume's ethics and these definitions,and the general characteristics of Hume's ethics.Based on virtue ethics,Hume's ethics does not claim that virtuous person is the source of virtue knowledge;based on the relationship between justice and virtue,Hume's ethics is an ethical system in which virtue ethics and rule ethics coexist.It is inappropriate to regard Hume's ethics as virtue ethics or any other single type of normative ethics.The value of Hume's ethics mainly lies in its moral psychology and practice-based naturalism and realistic ethical methods.
    Management science
    The Failure of Ecological Performance Evaluation and Environmental Supervision——Institutional Reform Logic of Regulating the "Collusion" Relationship among Local Governments
    SHENG Mingke,LI Daiming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  48-56. 
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    Ecological environment protection and governance is an important part of national governance.Conventional governance and movement governance are the two most common mechanisms to solve the problems of ecological environment governance.Due to the failure of the conventional governance mechanism,movement governance mechanism starts and realizes the organizational goals through embedded control.Ecological performance evaluation attempts to guide and regulate the administrative behavior of local governments and officials through the routine appraisal mechanism.This kind of mechanism has the problems of principal-agent risk,conflict of central and local targets,and small incentive intensity of performance results,which easily leads to the emergence of the "collusion behavior" of the ecological environment governance among local governments,so it requires an alternative governance mechanism to achieve viable and effective governance.Therefore,environmental inspectors have emerged as the dominant mechanism to regulate the rhythm of ecological environment governance.Through embedded control,the failure of ecological performance evaluation can be effectively curbed,and the "collusion behavior"among local governments can be regulated to realize the effective control of the local government's environmental governance behavior.
    Think Tank Study:Discipline Basis,Practical Difficulties,and Possible Path
    HE Shaohui
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  57-62. 
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    To strengthen the construction of new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics and promote modernization of national governance system and governance capacity,we need to build think tank as a discipline to promote research on its characteristics,nature,law of development and operating mechanism.As a new discipline,think tank is weak in subject consciousness,vague in subject position and incomplete in disciplinary knowledge.Although it has basically been qualified with subject standard as an independent discipline,it is still in the stage of pre-discipline.To promote construction of the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics,it is necessary to promote the study of think tank as a discipline,and strengthen the research on the meta theory of it,such as subject category,basic law and discipline structure.
    The New Trend of Urban Public Crisis Governance in the Big Data Era
    ZHOU Fangjian,HE Zhen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  63-69. 
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    At present,China's urbanization is advancing rapidly,causing frequent public crisis,disaster events,mass incidents and public opinion events,showing new characteristics of urban public crisis.With the arrival of big data era,new data acquisition,data storage,data analysis and data sharing mode based on big data technology have provided new ways for urban public crisis governance.A new trend of urban public crisis governance is becoming increasingly obvious from decentralized governance to holistic governance,from simultaneous response to prior prevention,from authoritative governance to data governance,from experience decision-making to data decision-making,and from system construction to capacity improvement.
    Researchon Ecological Poverty Alleviation
    LENG Zhiming,DING Jianjun,YIN Qiang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  70-75. 
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    Ecological poverty alleviation is a major measure of poverty alleviation promoted in our country in tackling poverty in the new era of targeted poverty alleviation.Based on the dynamic and multi-faceted relationship between poverty and ecological environment,this paper explores the existence of ecological poverty from the perspective of man-land relationship areal system,defining ecological poverty as the deprivation of "land" dimension of man-land relationship areal system,and also the process and status of inharmonious and unsustainable development restricted by the dimensions of "man" and "industry".Further,the ecological poverty alleviation mechanism and path are put forward.
    Influence of Housework Time Allocation on the Purchase Intention of Products to Improve Housework Efficiency
    JIANG Haina,FU Guoqun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  76-84. 
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    Just like economic resources allocation,the allocation of time resources will restrict the consumer utility level and affect consumer behavior.Housework time allocation is a concrete manifestation of consumer time allocation.Faced with the decision making of purchase of products to improve housework efficiency,family members who play different roles will make different considerations,andthe imbalance of housework time allocation will affect household consumption decision.Analysis results show that based on value mechanism and compensation mechanism,the more imbalanced the housework time collocation is between family members,the more likely the family is to purchase products to improve housework efficiency.
    Political science
    A Century of Sino-U. S. Relations:Review and Enlightenment
    ZHOU Xiaomao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  85-91. 
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    Sino-U. S. relations have been complicated and fluctuating over the past century,showing the basic logic of friendship,aggression and normalization.Sino-US relations are influenced by many factors such as international pattern,social system,ideology and historical tradition,in which national strength and national interests play a decisive role.Analyzing from the various appearances of Sino-US relations,we can see that the coexistence of friendship and aggression,the interlacing of the both sides and the third parties,the coexistence of cooperation and conflict,and the confrontation between radicalization and the bottom line are regular manifestations.Sino-US relations are extremely complex and uncertain.Judging,evaluating and predicting Sino-US relations should have a historical perspective,dialectical thinking and strategic height,and should not be simplistic or absolute.
    The Dilemma of Shaping China's National Image and Its Countermeasures
    LI Qunshan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  92-98. 
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    In fact,national image is the result of the game between "self-shaping" and "other-shaping",depending on their respective direction and strength.In the process of shaping its national image,China tries to "self-shape" a national image of "peaceful development,full of activities,and courageous to bear",embodying socialist nature and reflecting the traditional characteristics of Chinese culture.However,due to the continuous denigration of China by the western countries,China has been repeatedly "shaped" by western media,politicians and scholars as a "threatening,collapsing and evil" stereotype.Smearing China has greatly damaged the national image of China,obscuring and distorting the real China and creating numerous obstacles to the shaping of China's national image.To get rid of this dilemma,we must deconstruct the negative image that western countries have portrayed.At the same time,we must actively build up a firewall to prevent western countries from smearing China,constantly enhancing the "self-shaping" capability of the national image.
    Four-dimensional Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence in the New Era
    LIU Lile,LUO Chengyi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  99-106. 
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    Facing the international relations and nuclear security situation in the new era,the complexity of nuclear deterrence is manifested in the definitions of motivation,responsibility and the judgment of good and evil.Nuclear deterrence itself possesses reasonable value of low cost and good effect,providing security guarantees for maintaining world peace and building a human community with shared destiny.However,nuclear deterrence is essentially an intentionality to use huge material force,which may suppress free will and cause technical,political,and moral risks.In considering the value of nuclear deterrence,we should clarify its source,content and standpoint.It is a nuclear power's international obligation to dialectically recognize the rationality and risk of nuclear deterrence,uphold the value standpoint of a human community with shared destiny,and play a positive value of nuclear deterrence so as to avoid negative consequences.
    On the Validity of Contracts in Cases Involving Illegal Collection of Deposits from the Public
    XIAO Weizhi,GONG Hengyu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  107-118. 
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    Civil cases involving the illegal collection of public deposits are mainly those involving private lending.It has become a difficult problem in civil trial that the validity determination of loan contract and guarantee contract goes beyond the threshold of civil law and touches upon the relationship between criminal law evaluation and civil law evaluation.In this regard,there are two opposing methodological standpoints in theory and practice,one holding criminal law first and civil law incidental,another thinking the separation of the two.However,both standpoints are biased.Only by eliminating the bias on the standpoints can the validity of the contracts be put on the correct track.The money that has been collected is not illegal acquisition so that the criminal measures for recovering or restituting should not be applied to the cases of illegal collection of public deposits.The crime of illegal collection of public deposits is not a"malum in se",but a "malum prohibitum".The validity of contracts involved should be judged on the base of the regulations in the Law of Commercial Bank (LCB).The Article 11 of the LCB is not intended to regulate the conduct of contract and approving the validity of related contract will not impede its progress.The Article 11 of the LCB is not a mandatory regulation in the sense of the Section 5 of the Article 52 of Contract Law,and the violation of it should not make the contracts void.
    On the Construction of Macro-Arbitration Jurisprudence
    LU Yang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  119-128. 
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    Macro-Arbitration Jurisprudence (MAJ) studies all legal phenomena of arbitration and emphasizes the thinking and methods of macroscopic research.It is a whole discipline including all branches of arbitration law.It is necessary to construct MAJ,because it can avoid the localization and fragmentation of arbitration studies,ensure comprehensive and scientific arbitration classifications,realize the analogy and transformation of academic outcomes of different branches,and conform to the arbitration practical trends like the assimilation of branches,macroscopic legislation,diversification of cases and the new-type categories.Additionally,it is also possible to construct MAJ in the external legal environment and the internal basic elements.The discipline system of MAJ should be focused on discipline orientation,category framework,and discipline structure,oriented by practical problems,aiming at academic inheritance and innovation,assisted by scientific academic evaluation.The discourse system of it can be constructed through enhancing discourse ideas and discourse content internally and promoting transmission routes and transmission capacity externally.
    From the Alienated Man to the Return of Human Nature——Study Centered on Private Property and Communism
    LAN Qiaozhi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  129-135. 
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    Private Property and Communism is an important content of Marx's Economics Philosophy Manuscript in 1844,the reversion from the alienated man to the return of human nature being the theme of it.The material and emotional expression of alienated human life is the core nature of private property.The essence of communism is to return to human nature.The "socialism" in this article should be interpreted as "a positive self consciousness for the possession of human nature",which consciously guides the liberation and restoration of human beings to the ultimate development.The above views are of great significance for the in-depth understanding of Marx's communist ideology.
    Ideological Discourse Right in the Era of Big Data:Challenges and Countermeasures
    LI Li
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2018, 39(4):  136-144. 
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    As a profound social revolution,big data is bringing about tremendous changes with its prominent features of correlation and sophistication,mass information and diversified ways of exchange.It replaces causality,weakens accuracy,objectivity and the oneness of truth,reshaping people's cognitive and interaction patterns and breaking the consensus on mainstream ideologies.Not only that,the application of big data promotes the openness of the Internet and the development of all kinds of we-media,and provides more space for the development and competition of multi-ideological trends,multi-cultures and multi-ideologies,bringing great challenges to the mainstream ideology and its security in our country.In this context,it is urgent for us to seriously study the impact of big data,strengthen ideological concepts,using big data and various emerging media and the Internet to strengthen the construction of mainstream ideology in our country.It is a task that we integrate and guide pluralistic trends of thought,multiculturalism and pluralistic ideologies with Marxist ideology and the socialist core values,enhance the guiding role of mainstream ideologies,and provide a strong ideological basis and political guarantee for the socialist cause in the new era of Xi Jinping.
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