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    15 March 2014, Volume 35 Issue 2
    Kant’s Notion of Nature and Its Relationship with the Transcendental Deduction of Category
    YUAN Jian-Xin, YIN Zhi-Yu
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  1-6. 
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    InLectures on Metaphysics,Kant explicated the dual implications of the natural object and the essence in the word “nature”.Though the “heterogeneous puzzle” had not been solved,Kant,in the second edition of  Critique of Pure Reason(1787),proved that the law of cognition is derived from human nature;hence,he overcame the dual opposition between natural science and humanity,and between fact and value.
    Alienation of Social System and Occurrence Mechanism of Spiritual Distress
    WANG Yan-Hua, LIU Ju
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  7-12. 
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    Modern mental distress stems from thesplit of self-consciousness and its opposition to the consciousness of the Other.The externalized self-consciousness,in the form of materialized and rationalized ones,separates it from human beings.Social system is the product of self-consciousness seeking external identity.However,as an external material force,it dominates the spiritual life of modern people and the relationship between human beings.The lopsided social development has boosted modern illnesses such as crisis of belief,crisis of faith,emotional indifference,and nihilism,causing entire alienation of human spirit life.To develop the self-consciousness from the internal spiritual world,it is necessary to abandon the materialized and confronted thinking mode,so that a harmonious relationship could be achieved between material and spirit,and self-consciousness and the consciousness of the Other while realizing the unification of internal and external identities.
    On Mao Zedong’s View of the Essence of Freedom
    PENG Ding-Guang, LI Lei
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  13-19. 
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    From the perspectives of subject orientation and domain orientation of the essence of freedom,Mao Zedong had deeply thought about the core issue of the view of freedom,that is,the essence of freedom,and had put forward his unique view that “freedom is the recognition of inevitability and the transformation of the object world”.Logically,Mao’s view of the essence of freedom is represented in three aspects:freedom is the combination of recognition of inevitability and the transformation of the object world;the transformation of the world overweighs the recognition of inevitability;and the effect of transforming the world overweighs transforming the world.Back to Mao’s era,the major content of freedom was just what he had stressed:national independence,national autonomy and the people's liberation.
    On Moral Metaphysics of Phronesis——Critique of Eudaimonia Dualism in Nicomachean Ethics
    LUO Qiu-Li, ZHUANG Yi-Lian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  20-26. 
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    The division ofempirical notion and intellectual notion has confused people’s understanding on Aristotle’s eudaemonism.The dilemma actually comes from methodological empiricism.The key note in Nicomachean Ethics is to discuss how eudaimonia life we live in empirical world can reach the metaphysical area by our phronesis.It is phronesis notion that provides Aristotle’s eudaemonism the metaphysical foundation.Modern moral philosophers highly value the ability of phronesis which connects the empiric and priori.Kant repeated Aristotle’s phronesis notion in argument of moral judgment,which offered a firm support for his devotion to the foundation of moral metaphysics.
    Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum
    Theoretical Reconstruction of Ecological Rural Development and the Subject Integration——Reflections Based on Karl Polany’s Ecological Politics
    YAO Mao-Hua, HUANG Bin-Huan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  27-32. 
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    There exist three theoretical orientations in ecological rural development,namely,state guidance,market guidance,and socialguidance.While guiding the ecological rural development,these three orientations have shown certain deficiency of interpreting the whole system with a fragmented thinking.Starting from political,economic and social system to interpret eco-problems and emphasizing state and social regulation on market,Polany’s ecological politics provides a new vision for us to understand the existing eco-problems.Based on the characteristics of rural ecological development,attention should be paid to the balance among state,society,and market,promoting state regulation,market pushing and social standard to integrate subject of ecological rural development.
    Moral Conflictsin Environmental Risk Distribution,Propagation and Recognition
    YU Le
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  33-37. 
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    There are many imbalanced relations existing in the produce of environmental risk,such as social economical statues,social risk positions,the imbalance of knowledge and power in explaining environmental risk to determine responsibility,and so on.They produce tremendous mental influences on the propagation,reception and recognition,causing doubt,anxiety,resentment and moral conflicts and potential threats to society.So,the mental and moral effects in the propagation,acceptance and recognition of environmental risk and their relation with the social stability and harmony are demanding more attention and management of the whole society.
    The Game between Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection——An Analysis on the Rationality of Environmental NGOS as Amicus Curiae
    ZOU Guo-Yong, YANG Ling-Yi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  38-45. 
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    Because of the environmental protection rules in the WTO agreements,nonstandard environmental criteria in the world as well as the disadvantageous position of the developing countries in international trade,such rules,in fact,did not reach the expectations of Environmental Non-governmental Organizations(NGOS).Therefore,the NGOS turned to participate in the WTO dispute settlement procedure as amicus curiae.In the three famous judicial cases,namely “United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products”,“European Communities-measures affecting asbestos and products containing asbestos” and “ Brazil-Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres”,WTO dispute settlement body gradually accepted amicus curiae briefs submitted by Environmental NGOS.In order to achieve the purpose of WTO concerning sustainable development,to improve the judicial transparency in environmental trade disputes,to solve cases fairly and to make the international community pay more attention to environmental issues,WTO dispute settlement body should not only take amicus curiae briefs into consideration in its practice,but also formulate the rules on amicus curiae briefs in the light of substantive rules and judicial practice of WTO.
    Political science
    Growing Logic and Prospects of Grassroots Democracy in Rural Areas
    LU Zheng-Tao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  46-51. 
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    The growth of grassroots democracy in rural areas isan important part of the political development in contemporary China,which has significant influence on China’s democratic development.Adapting to the maintenance of rural reform of land use rights and related rights of farmers,the current rural grassroots democracy protects the normal order of family farms.The development of market economy in rural areas and appearance agricultural companies have constantly compressed the production and development space of family farm,and they have gradually become the dominant organizational forms of agricultural production.All the changes will upgrade rural grassroots democracy to the township level,and villagers’ autonomy will turn into township autonomy as well.By that time,the connotation of democracy will also have been changed,with grassroots democracy in rural areas no longer a mass democracy,but an elite one in essence.
    Philosophical Reflection on the Principle of Distribution According to the Contribution of Production Factors——The Historical Connotation of Giving Consideration Both to Efficiency and Fairness in the Primary Distribution
    QIU Wei-Dong
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  52-57. 
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    With the deepening of the reform of socialist market economy,capital power,which can legally dominate production factors,will hold a dominant position in the primary distribution.The gap between the rich and the poor,caused by primary distribution,will prompt us to classify production factors and reflect how to perfect the principle of distribution according to production factors.Specifically,if such production factors as technology and management are measured by complex labor,the earnings may be brought into distribution category of labor factors.However,capital should not be embodied in labor,however large the connotation and extension of labor are.So,it is necessary to perfect the distribution principle according to contribution of labor factors.As for the capital,it should be viewed alone according to contribution of capital in distribution.And this is the connotation to give consideration both to efficiency and fairness in the primary distribution in China with socialist characteristics.
    Political science
    Revelation of Mao Zedong’s Mass Line to Chinese Dream
    ZHAO Xiao-Ping
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  58-62. 
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    The Party's first generation of collective leadership,headed by Mao Zedong,created mass line and put it long into practice.The rich experience and profound lessons during the practice have deep revelation to Chinese Dream,that is,we should strengthen the Party's leadership role as the core,give play to the role of the people’s subject,completes the mass work carefully and thoroughly,sum up the experiences in the construction,and bring forth theoretical innovation.
    Components in“Seeking Benefits for Others” in Bribery Crime
    ZENG Yue-Xing, ZHOU Zhao-Jin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  63-67. 
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    Either as subjective or objective components,“seeking interests for others” is not suitable to form bribery crime.The object of bribery crime is the integrity of state functionaries,and in legal practice,their public behavior should not be bought.When a state functionary demands or accepts bribes with his duty behavior,a bribery crime is formed.“Seeking benefits for others” should not be a constitutive requirement for bribery crime,but it may be taken into consideration in sentencing.
    Study on the Ranks of Right Protection of the Accused
    MA Ke, 吕Sheng-Yun
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  68-73. 
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    The litigious right protection of the accused consists of the three ranks of constitutional assurance,litigious right assurance,and procedural defense right assurance,which are interrelated to each other.Among them,constitutional prescription of litigious right is the legal basis,and criminal litigious right is the right basis,with procedural defense being developed finally.On the one hand,the constitutional assurance of litigious right requires that the basic right be included in the Constitution,on the other hand,it requires that the basic right possess litigable quality.Through procedural litigation,the accused may claim his right;and through judicial review,the procedural unlawful act might be declared as void.The procedural defense,which obviously strengthens defense in the pre-trial stage,may reinforce the right protection of the accused.
    On the Perfection of Legislation of Regional Equalization of Basic Public Service——From the Perspective of Shortening Regional Income Gap
    TAN Zheng-Hang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  74-79. 
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    Regional equalization of basic public service may shorten regional income gap by shortening regional economic growth gap,promoting regional cooperation,promoting regional benefit level,and improving self-development ability.Presently,the non-equalization of basic public service in different regions in our country has greatly influenced the income gap,and the imperfect legislation should be responsible for it.We should possess legislation idea of equal development,and perfect the legislation system and the supporting laws as well.
    Management science
    SeveralKey Issues in Regional Development and Poverty-alleviation Program in Contiguous Extremely Poverty-stricken Areas
    YANG An-Hua
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  80-87. 
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    Regional development and poverty-alleviation program in the contiguous extremely poverty-stricken areas is a decisive strategy when China has stepped into a stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way.The goal is to realize a synchronous well-off society keeping pace with national level by 2020.It is a tremendous project in the large cross-administrative areas,because it is difficult to achieve the goal only by means of normal economic growth and normal poverty-alleviation program.The successful implement of the strategy depends on theoretical innovation based on practice,the proper relationship between regional development and poverty-alleviation program,creative social management,and a perfect system to overall assess risks in constructing major projects.
    The Choice of Path to Realize Secured Circulation of the Right to Use Rural Homestead——Based on Investigation of 190 Peasant Households in Xinxiang
    LV Jun-Shu , DOU Fang-Fang
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  88-92. 
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    The secured circulation of the right to use ruralhomestead is strictly limited by Chinese policy.According to random sampling and key sample investigations in 190 peasant households in Xinxiang,a rural reform pilot city in Hennan Province,the  farmers’ willingness to use the secured circulation right of rural homestead is very strong.In fact,invisible trade is getting more frequent,obviously embodying economic necessity.Faced with this situation,the government should dredge,but not block the invisible trade,actively promote pilot work of the secured circulation of the right to use rural homestead,innovate institutional management,alert and guard against risks of circulation of the right to use rural homestead.
    Application of Real Options Binary Tree Model in Accounting Eco-compensation in Mineral Exploitation——A Case Studyof Manganese Factory in Huayuan County of Hunan Province
    PENG Xiu-Li, LI Zong-Li, LIU Ling-Xiao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  93-98. 
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    Determing compensation standard is the key in setting eco-compensation mechanism in mineral exploitation.In this paper,real options binary tree model is applied to calculate the total project value which is regarded as the amount of development opportunity cost of eco-compensation.Moreover,based on a case study of a manganese factory in Huayuan County of Hunan province,the annual amount of development opportunity cost is determined,and the policy recommendations of strengthening the collection of taxes and fees and making environmental protection advertisement are put forward,which will make a significant difference in the deep research of mineral eco-compensation and sustainable development.
    The Transition of “Writing Carrying doctrine”,“Poems Expressing Wills” and “Poems Endowed with Feeling”:Investigation of Modern Literature Concept under the Framework of Classical Literary Criticism
    ZHANG Jian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  99-106. 
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    “Writing carrying doctrine”,“poems expressing wills” and “poems endowed with feeling” were key concepts in Chinese classical literary criticism.“Writing carrying doctrine” emphasized unconditional subsidiary to doctrine,“poems expressing wills” emphasized the expression of subjective feelings,while “poems endowed with feeling” was an inclusive concept.The writers during the May 4th movement chose the concept of “poems expressing wills” historically under the dual consideration of social enlightenment and establishment of modern literature.They carried on a two-way criticism on the concept of “Writing carrying doctrine” and “poems endowed with feeling”,while paradoxically hovering in between them.The writers began differentiation in two directions after the May 4th movement,one was the personalized color of “will” faded to “doctrine”;one was the social responsibility of “will” subsided gradually to “feeling”.The differentiation was inevitable when the concept of modern literature gradually diversified and the discipline of modern literature developed.
    Authenticity of The River of No Worry and Others——Reply to Friends’ Questions
    LIU Yi-You
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  107-116. 
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    In the first volume of The Wild Man on the River of No Worry,Mr. Huang Yongyu,with his exceptional perception and memory,vividly reproduces a group of affectionate and optimistic people in the small town of Fenghuang in the 1930s.From this autobiographic novel,readers can touch the author’s profound love for his hometown,which is said to be the most beautiful town in China.
    From Forts to Frontier Walls:Evolution of Strategies to Govern the Miao People in the Ming Dynasty——Also on the Relationship between the Governing Strategies and the Tusi System
    ZHANG Zhen-Xing
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  117-124. 
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    Building frontier walls in the Miao regions in Xiangxi in the Ming Dynasty was design to be a military engineering.In fact,it had also shouldered many social functions.These walls had undergone several processes by different hands.The strategies to govern the Miao people had changed obviously,but essentially they came down in a continuous line,which was to offer amnesty and enlistment to the Miao People,with the purpose of defending being secondary.The social functions of the frontier walls also relied on the perfect Tusi and Tuguan system(system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen),so the forts,and the walls as well,all depended on the Tusi and Tuguan system,with the military defenses mainly located in the Tusi manors.The adjustment of the strategies to govern the Miao people in the Ming Dynasty was not because of the rebellious Miao people,but because of the governors’ strategies to govern according to local features and cultural differences.
    Tributary Trade between China and Japan in the Ming Dynasty
    WANG Lei, HUANG Bo-Chen
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), 2014, 35(2):  125-128. 
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    China and Japan have begun to contact since the Qin and Han Dynasties.According to historical evidence,the exchange is mainly about political system during the Sui and Tang Dynasties,and during the Song and Yuan Dynasties,the exchange is mainly about religion and culture.Economy and trade are the major forms of exchange in the Ming Dynasty,mainly with Japan paying tribute to the Ming Dynasty.Although this tributary trade has promoted cultural exchange between the two countries,Japan has gained more from it.With this trade,threat from Japan to China’s southeast coast is somewhat lessened,and the vanity of the Ming Imperial Court is satisfied.However,the reward,regardless economic effect,has weakened Ming’s national power,and aroused domestic contradictions.
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