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    Can the Re-designation of Counties as City Districts Improve Regional Total Factor Productivity?—Empirical Evidence of Municipal Scale from 2000 to 2018
    DING Jianjun, WANG Diankun, LIU Xian
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2023, 44 (5): 75-89.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2023.05.009
    Abstract524)      PDF(pc) (1144KB)(249)       Save
    The re-designation of counties as city districts is an important measure to expand the space of urban development and promote regional integration.Based on the national dataof municipal scale from 2000 to 2018,a difference-in-difference model is used to identify the impact of the re-designation of counties as city districts on the municipal total factor productivity.The results show that it increases the average municipal total factor productivity by 1.27%.Through further analysis,it is found that the promoting effect on the municipal total factor productivity is significant in the eastern regions,but not significant in the central and western regions.At the same time,the effect of it is more obvious in the cities with low fiscal dependence,high population urbanization rate and high economic correlation.Mechanism analysis finds that with the re-designation of counties as city districts,the total factor productivity is improved by expanding the municipal scale to attract enterprises,improving the regional innovation level,and promoting the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure.
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    The Double-track Operation System of Crisis Learning:Perspective,Framework and Function
    WEN Hong, LI Fengshan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2023, 44 (5): 90-109.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2023.05.010
    Abstract428)      PDF(pc) (1041KB)(245)       Save
    Crisis learning is an important tool to enhance organizational resilience and improve emergency management system.In its original sense,the crisis learning mechanism includes drawing lessons from the crisis and summing up experience.However,the existing research relatively emphasizes the lesson-oriented "thinking and punishment learning",and little attention is paid to the other side of crisis learning- "experience diffusion learning".This paper regards thought punishment and experience diffusion as the "one body and two wings" of the crisis learning mechanism,and puts forward the double-track operation system of crisis learning,aiming to provide a new perspective and overall framework for understanding the crisis learning mechanism with Chinese characteristics in a broad sense.From a functional perspective of view,crisis learning under the double-track operation system plays a triple compound role,namely,consolidating the legitimacy of governance at the macro-national level,strengthening process control at the meso-organizational level and achieving action compatibility at the micro-actor level.Re-examining the compound function of crisis learning from the double-track dimension can expand the boundary of crisis learning research,and help to improve knowledge in the field of crisis learning.
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    Research on the Realization Mechanism of Political Risk Prevention of Environmental Conflict—Based on the Analysis of the Project Construction of Waste Incineration Plant in X County
    LIU Chao, CHEN Lin
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2023, 44 (5): 100-110.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2023.05.011
    Abstract490)      PDF(pc) (958KB)(151)       Save
    Environmental conflict islikely to induce the risk of social stability,and easily transmitted to political field,forming the political risk of environmental conflict.In order to effectively prevent the political risk of environmental conflict,a triple mechanism of blocking,isolation and resolution is formed according to the evolution process and characteristics of risk.Combined with the operation of the triple mechanism presented in the project construction case of the municipal solid waste incineration plant in X County,the applicability and effect of these three mechanisms are proved.The research shows that the political risk blocking mechanism of environmental conflict effectively controls the objective project risk and public perceived risk,and controls the "transformation point" of sudden risk;the isolating mechanism realizes the "in-situ delineation" of administrative risk,grass-roots risk and regional risk;and the resolution mechanism breaks the continued transmission of the "risk chain" by means of emotion,administration and the rule of law.These measures block the transformation of risks,isolate the cross-infection among risks,and realize the effective resolution of the political risks of environmental conflicts.
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    On the Construction of "National Character" of National Cultural Parks
    LENG Zhiming
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2022, 43 (5): 85-92.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.05.010
    Abstract913)      PDF(pc) (742KB)(285)       Save
    The construction of national cultural parks is a major policy decision made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,and a major cultural project to promote cultural prosperity and development,construct a cultural power,and achieve both material and spiritual prosperity in the new era.The process of constructing national cultural parks is essentially a process of constructing national cultural identity and producing cultural space."National character",being distinctive and fundamental,should be consistent in the overall orientation,constructive significance and realization path,guiding the whole process of construction.Therefore,it should be an important focus in the construction of national cultural parks.
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    The Impact of Goal Setting on Public Project Performance:The Mediate Effect of Self-efficacy and the Moderate Effect of Organizational Communication
    ZHANG Qiang, SHI Wandi
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2022, 43 (5): 93-109.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.05.011
    Abstract803)      PDF(pc) (937KB)(378)       Save
    China is in a critical period of promoting the reform of comprehensive budget performance management,and goal setting is the basic part of it.Based on the survey data of the questionnaire of budget officials in Guangdong Province,this paper uses structural equation model to test the impact of goal setting on public project performance and its mechanism.It is found that goal clarity and goal participation have a significant positive impact on public project performance;self-efficacy plays an intermediary role in the impact of goal clarity and goal participation on public project performance;and organizational communication plays a significant positive role in regulating the impact of goal clarity on public project performance.In the path of the impact of goal clarity and self-efficacy on the performance of public projects,the economically developed areas are significantly larger than the economically underdeveloped areas.These findings have a certain decision-making reference value for the financial department to improve the setting of performance goals and improve the performance of public projects.
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    Decomposition and Evolution of the Driving Factors for Profit Growth of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises from 2001 to 2020
    LIU Xianfeng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2022, 43 (5): 110-119.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.05.012
    Abstract719)      PDF(pc) (793KB)(330)       Save
    Research on the main profit indicators of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises using the LMDI numerical decomposition method shows that from 2001 to 2020,market size was the most important factor driving profit growth,followed by the operating efficiency factor,and changes in the industry structure had little impact.Looking from the four periods of 2006/2001,2011/2006,2016/2012 and 2020/2016,the market size effect continued to decline after reaching the maximum positive effect in the second period,and showed a negative effect in the fourth period.The operating benefit factor showed a stable positive effect in the first two periods,and became the only positive effect factor in the fourth period after turning into a negative effect in the third period.The industry structure factors showed positive effects in the first three periods and negative in the 4th period,but the effects were small.Therefore,to promote the sustained and high-quality growth of the main profits of industrial enterprises,we should pay attention to stabilizing and expanding market demand,especially the scale of domestic demand.We should encourage industrial enterprises to make profits by taking advantage of scientific and technological progress,and speed up the transformation of the industry structure to the structure with advanced manufacturing as the main body.
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    Research on Strategic Supply Behavior of Public Goods in Villages with Co-ownership of Collective Property Right
    LI Qing, LIU Chunxiang, GUO Ziyan
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2022, 43 (5): 120-130.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.05.013
    Abstract686)      PDF(pc) (888KB)(145)       Save
    Village is an important subject of the supply of public goods,and its supply efficiency is generally closely related to the supply capacity.However,the increase of the supply capacity of the village may not necessarily be transformed into the enhancement of supply willingness.Based on a field investigation in a village in the Pearl River Delta,through the construction of the three-dimensional analysis framework of villager-village-government,combined with a case analysis,this paper discusses the generating logic of the strategic supply behavior of public goods in villages with co-ownership of collective property rights.It is found that villages with developed collective economy have the supply capacity of public goods,but they shift the supply responsibility to the government,showing strategic supply behavior such as dependent strategic supply,shirking responsibility strategic supply,balanced strategic supply and coping strategic supply.This is the result of interweaving multiple factors,such as the villagers' protection of collective property rights,the "private property" of share ownership,the formal democracy of the village,and the ability of the government to dissolve and mobilize the weak embedded structure.The key to the turn lies in defining the boundary of the supply of government public goods,perfecting the independent supply system and reshaping the social capital of the village.
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    The Motivation and Realization Path of Resource Reorganization of New Enterprises in Underdeveloped Areas:from the Perspective of Dynamic Capability
    OUYANG Sheng
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2021, 42 (4): 123-132.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2021.04.015
    Abstract843)      PDF(pc) (1561KB)(406)       Save
    Six start-ups in underdeveloped areas are selected as the research object,and the rooted theoretical analysis method is adopted to explore the motivation and realization path of resource network reorganization of start-ups.The function mechanism of dynamic capability in the process of enterprise resource reorganization is analyzed from the three dimensions of perception,integration and utilization,and reconstruction.It is found that the initial resources established in the early stage of entrepreneurship cannot cope with the dynamic market environment,and enterprises are faced with entrepreneurial bottlenecks.The dynamic capability of the enterprise perceives this threat,and integrates and optimizes the initial resources by means of organizational fission,policy response,resource construction and expansion,and finally realizes the reorganization of the resource structure and the transformation of the resource path,forming secondary resources to enable enterprises to gain sustainable competitive advantage.The research helps to enrich the theory of resource constraints and dynamic capabilities,and provides some reference and inspiration for start-up enterprises on how to cultivate and use dynamic capabilities to solve the problem of resource constraints.
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    The Influence of Board Secretary's Shareholding on the Transparency of Accounting Information:An Empirical Study Based on Shanghai and Shenzhen A-Share Listed Companies
    YANG Xianglin, WANG Yonghai
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2021, 42 (4): 133-144.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2021.04.016
    Abstract848)      PDF(pc) (744KB)(333)       Save
    Based on the sample of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2017,this paper studies the influence of board secretary's shareholding on the transparency of accounting information of listed companies,and further discusses the influence differences under different nature of ownership and theconcurrent appointment of board secretary.It is found that,compared with the listed companies in which the board secretary does not hold shares,the accounting information held by the board secretary is more transparent.This role mainly exists in non-state-owned enterprises,yet is not significant in state-owned enterprises.When the board secretary holds other senior positions,the shareholding of the board secretary plays a more significant role in improving the transparency of accounting information in listed companies.The above conclusion is still true after controlling the endogenesis.The research conclusion not only expands the relevant research on the shareholding incentive effect of the board secretary,but also has a certain reference value and practical significance for listed companies to improve the transparency of accounting information.
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    The Construction of Moral Subject in Management Ethics
    SU Chan, LI Peichao
    Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)    2021, 42 (4): 145-150.   DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2021.04.017
    Abstract1008)      PDF(pc) (623KB)(433)       Save
    The logical center of management ethics lies in the formation and construction of moral subject.Moral subject is the hub of moral internalization and externalization in management activities,and the embodiment of the essence of "goodness".There are three ways to construct moral subject in management ethics.Firstly,the formation of moral cognition,that is,the study,recognition and understanding of moral connotation and rules,a self-perception and understanding of moral good and evil,and the understanding and application of moral goals,responsibilities and obligations.Secondly,moral emotional construction,that is,the subject's emotional intuition and experience of the management situation,and the emotional imagination and understanding of the management role.Thirdly,the realization of moral goal,that is,the realization of management goal.Its significance lies in reconstructing the moral and spiritual origin of managers,strengthening the adaptive function to the moral situation of management,and realizing the moral role in the process of management.
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