Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 18-28.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.05.003

• Marxism • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Three Dimensions and Value of Frankfurt School's Critical Theory of Ideology

WANG Yuchen   

  1. (School of Philosophy, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China)
  • Online:2022-09-01 Published:2022-09-27

Abstract: The critical theory of ideology of Frankfurt School includes three dimensions:critique of cultural psychology,critique of technological rationality and critique of mass culture.Its critical dimension of cultural psychology is mainly on the basis of adhering to the principle that economic basis determines superstructure of historical materialism,citing Freud's psychoanalysis to analyze the cultural psychology root of totalitarian personality and fascism and explore the intermediary mechanism of superstructure's reaction to economic basis.The critical dimension of technological rationality mainly reveals the essence and defects of enlightenment rationality and instrumental rationality,probes into the basis of philosophical world view and realistic root of the alienated use of science and technology in contemporary western society,and emphasizes that science and technology has become an ideological tool to control and dominate human beings.The critical dimension of mass culture mainly reveals the "cultural industry" based on scientific and technological progress and the ideological function of mass culture.The critical theory ideology of Frankfurt School not only reveals the changes in the ruling mode of contemporary western society,but also refutes the bourgeois scholars' claim that western society is an ideal society with abundant material and no contradictions,holding that the basic contradictions of contemporary western society still exist.However,the manifestation of the crisis has changed from the economic crisis in the period of classical capitalism to the contradiction between the increasing integration of social development and the requirement of individual freedom development,or to the crisis of legitimacy.There is still the possibility of revolution in western society.The school also advocates that the premise of revolution is to adopt the revolutionary strategy of "great refusal" to the contemporary western society and awaken people's inner political and revolutionary consciousness through the critique of cultural ideology.The value of the critical theory of ideology of Frankfurt School lies in the organic combination of macro and micro studies of historical materialism,revealing the possible ways of new changes and revolution in the ruling mode of contemporary western society.The weakness of the theory lies in the fact that it cannot organically combine economic critique,political critique and cultural ideological critique,and it is embodied in romanticism and utopia in seeking the realistic way of western freedom and liberation.

Key words: Frankfurt School, critique of cultural psychology, critique of technological rationality, critique of mass culture

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