Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 145-151.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.01.015

• New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Rhetorical Logic and Aesthetic Value Paradox of "Better Life" of Tik Tok—A Cultural Semiotic Analysis

GE Ruiying   

  1. (School of Literature,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)
  • Online:2022-01-01 Published:2022-03-09

Abstract: Short videos are popular for their flexible forms."Better" in Tik Tok's advertising slogan can long stay in the aesthetic safety zone,because it is neither too serious nor too jocular.Also,it can dilute taste.The infinitely extended aesthetic framework of "better" makes its content very flexible,causing difficulty for the audience to characterize Tik Tok in terms of elegance and vulgarity,thus Tik Tok has obtained both social,cultural and economic benefits through this strategy.On the text level,Tik Tok combines the extremely pleasant sounds of humanvoice and rhythm with the corresponding scenes,images,texts and comments to form a synesthetic tone-setting medium,quietly changing the way we know and understand reality.Tik Tok,which belongs to the economic field,under the guidance of the pleasure principle of "beautiful surprise",avoids the high aesthetic investment and keeps the mental operation of the audience in a state of minimum energy.With "curious eyes",it completes the instant digestion of "better life".

Key words: Tik Tok, better, better life, short video, visual music, media, audiences

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