Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Cultural Differences and Cross - cultural Management Strategies of Agriculture Going Global

YU Yongda,HAN Zhenguo   

  1. (China Institute for Rural Studies,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
  • Online:2018-03-01 Published:2018-01-29

Abstract: Under the"Belt and Road Initiative",agriculture "going global" has become an inevitable choice for promoting agricultural development and ensuring food security in China.However,cultural differences affect the choice of varieties and technologies in agricultural "going global",as well as the management of labor relations,the handling of land issues,the response to risks and the resolution of international public opinion pressures.To this end,China's agricultural enterprises need cross-cultural management.Firstly,cultural differences should be correctly identified.Secondly,cross-cultural management personnel should be recruited to carry out intercultural training and talent localization.Thirdly,a new team culture should be formed through intercultural communication and cultural integration.Finally,the enterprises' other strategies should be collaborative with cross-cultural management.The government can also escort cross-cultural management of agriculture "going global" in various ways,mainly by improving the information service system,establishing risk assessment agencies and insurance systems,fostering trade associations,and conducting cultural cooperation.

Key words: Belt and Road Initiative, agriculture, business anthropology, cultural differences, cross-cultural management

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