Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 25-37.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2020.06.004

• Education • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Several Aspects on the Promoting Modernization of China's Rural Education in the New Era (Conversation)

YU Fayou,REN Shenghong, LIN Zhihui,MA Huanling,LI Chunling   

  1. (Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences,beiing 100088,China)
  • Online:2020-11-01 Published:2020-12-25

Abstract: Taking modernization as the value guide,striving to do a good job of high-quality,balanced and characteristic rural education in the new era has become the mission of the times to comprehensively promote the modernization of rural education and deeply implement the strategy of rural revitalization of the CPC Central Committee.Stepping into the "post-poverty alleviation era",the modernization of rural education should take the local,comprehensive and inclusive values as the logical starting point,and adhere to the practical logic of watching the local culture,building a life community and shaping the governance ecosystem.Making great efforts to create a team of high-quality rural teachers who can be attracted,stay,do a good job and develop rapidly is the key to the high-quality development of rural education.In order to realize the modernization of rural education,we should coordinate the modern layout of rural education governance,combining the construction of rural teachers with the integrated development of urban and rural education.By means of cultivating the local feelings of rural teachers,inheriting local culture and so on,we may achieve a harmonious coexistence of rural schools and rural society,so as to solve the dilemma of "separation,alienation and suspension" in the development of rural schools.Establishing the governance goal of local training,strengthening the governance content of practical training and deepening the governance mode of cooperative training are conducive to the modernization of rural teachers' governance.

Key words: new era, rural education, modernization, rural revitalization strategy

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