Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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From EGP to ESP:the Tendency of the Reform of College English Teaching

BAI Lan   

  1. (Literature Department,Hunan Women's University,Changsha 410004,China)
  • Online:2019-09-01 Published:2019-07-29

Abstract: The traditional EGP teaching in universities has become more and more difficult to meet the needs of the training of applied talents. As ESP teaching is characterized by professionalism,openness,practicability and interactivity,it is more consistent with the needs and objectives of the training of applied talents. In this condition,the transformation of college English teaching from EGP to ESP will become a tendency. The applied talents who have specific professional knowledge and can complete the work in the professional field in English should be identified as the training objectives of college English teaching. For this purpose,the reform and innovation should be carried out in the aspects of teaching modes,teaching methods,curriculum systems,textbook compilation,and teacher allocation and so on.

Key words: EGP, ESP, college English, teaching reform

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